Chapter 81
The black energy was like an endless darkness, wrapped around the huge body of the red dragon, and the red dragon's huge wings flapped, carrying Su Ming into the sky, leaving only a little black energy on the spot.

The fierce wind cut Su Ming's face, but he didn't care at all, he just couldn't help sighing, he couldn't stay any longer, that guy's speed was too fast, if he got entangled, he wouldn't have a chance to take off , looking back nervously.

Zhang Chulan seemed to realize that her toy was about to run away the moment her wings flapped, but after all, she lost the opportunity the moment she was pushed away, no matter how fast she was, she was always one step slower.

Even after Su Ming soared into the sky, he tripped and fell to the ground, unable to grab his favorite toy, and did not rush into the black energy.

After seeing this scene, Su Ming finally felt relieved.

The old Tianshi's method is still so simple and clear. In the comics, he hooked his fingers and Zhang Lingyu fell in the finals. Now he hooked his fingers and Zhang Chulan fell in front of Hei Qi.

As early as the moment he saw Lu Jin coming, his heart raised his throat. This old guy had a hard time with the gods, but when he saw that he was still joking with his granddaughter, he didn't go straight into it as he imagined. He knew when he was on the verge of rampage that the old guy didn't recognize Zhang Chulan's tricks.

He may have seen a god spirit, but that is a rootless god spirit. Now Zhang Chulan even needs to be in a state of suspended animation to activate. The speed of the body has been greatly improved, which can be achieved by many secret methods. As for the most rogue of the gods and spirits, the Qi is transformed into the initial state.
Su Ming didn't even dare to give him a chance!

So much so that when he was beaten in the back, he directly put away the knife, and he didn't even dare to use half a point of Qi, for fear of exposing the characteristics of the gods and spirits.

Once exposed, it would be completely impossible to kill Zhang Chulan today. After all, it touched Lu Jin's biggest knot in his heart, and it was impossible for this matter to end like this.

"Cough cough!" Lu Jin coughed lightly, pretending to glance at the old master's fingers inadvertently, and then loosened the tie around his neck, with a hint of complacency on his face, "I just said that this kid still has tricks." Bar!"

But he still couldn't help but whispered, "It's just that the big western lizard turned into a bit too real, I almost thought it was real."

The old Tianshi smiled helplessly, and withdrew his finger in embarrassment. If there were other ten guys by his side, he might not do this little trick.

Lu Jin will always be like this in front of him, with no airs, no senility, no doubts, and only a heart that has not conceded until now.

"I hope you don't find out." He sighed softly in his heart.

It's just that after thinking about it carefully, I can't help but feel a little bit puzzled. This Su Ming seems to have seen the gods and spirits before, but a little bit of red qi has been broken down. If you don't observe carefully, you can't see it.
Just such a small loss made him directly choose to put away his powerful knife, and even gave up using Qi, only to cover it.

It stands to reason that if he didn't know the special effects of the gods and spirits, the putting away of his knife could even be regarded as a self-defeating arm. If he knew it, where did he see it?

"There are too many surprising things about this kid."

Thinking of the move to push Zhang Chulan away just now, he couldn't help but sighed, raised his head, and looked at the red dragon soaring into the sky.

But these wings drive far more than the red dragon.

Halfway up Longhu Mountain, a short old man with his hair loose behind him walked up to Tianzhu step by step, and fell silent as he watched the collapsed cliff and the distant shore in front of him.

"Principal Isaac, does the Heavenly Master not welcome us?" The student in black robe behind him asked, with blond hair, blue eyes and fair skin, he was obviously a foreigner.

Dean Isaac's beard is knotted in a small ball on his chin, and the white robe on his body is somewhat similar to the cloak. His face is full of kindness, and people can't feel much hostility just by looking at this outfit. .

He was just about to speak, but his eyes suddenly froze, and the student also raised his head to look at the sky with a feeling.


The two old and mature voices sounded at the same time. Although the voices were different, the shock contained in them was almost exactly the same!
Especially Isaac, the originally kind face was full of disbelief, he has been looking for something all his life, and now
He put his hands on his chest, although he was trembling, he still wiped what he wanted through his clothes, and then a tear fell from the corner of his eyes unconsciously, "Zhang, this is the gift you want to make up for me."

No longer caring about being entangled in front of this moat, he swiped his finger lightly in front of him, and then uttered a few strange spells from his mouth, and then walked over in the air step by step, but the steps were a little eager.

The student behind him took out a magic wand from his pocket, did the same thing, and followed quickly.

As a person who has practiced with the teacher for decades, he is too aware of how shocking the scene just now is, and how urgent the teacher is now.

The dragon is a legendary creature that symbolizes greed, destruction, evil... and unparalleled power!

But that is just a legend after all, and even the records in the history books are not the same, let alone now, the dragon has almost become a joke.

But I don't know why the teacher has always believed in the existence of dragons, so he did not hesitate to travel to every corner of the world, but he heard that he met a strange person from the East when he was young.

Su Ming who was in the air didn't know anything about it, what he had to do now was to cover the entire field with firepower.

The dragon's breath has nothing to do with Qi, it's all stomach acid hidden in their stomachs, but the stomach acid is different according to the type, for example, there is only such an amount of life fire in the red dragon's body now, spit it out It needs to be re-accumulated.

Of course, they are all dead now, so of course the corpses cannot be accumulated. This time, the red dragon didn't spit it out when the dragon was slaying the dragon before. It is also considered cheap for Su Ming.

The dragon's head was raised slightly, and the terrifying aura began to gather slowly. A small dark red flame had just risen between the dragon's teeth, and everything around it seemed to have calmed down. This thing seemed to be the purest thing in the world. Then accumulate little by little until it fills the entire huge dragon head.

Su Ming knew exactly how terrifying the power of this thing was. Sissy's dragon breath was so powerful before, but this is a red dragon that is one level higher than it!

Lu Jin hasn't found any traces of the gods yet. If the old heavenly master doesn't stop him, this trick will become Zhang Chulan's swan song.

Thinking that this dragon's breath has also completed his final accumulation, it is only a one-time effect, and there is no way to accumulate it later, so Su Ming drained all the power of the red dragon based on the principle of not wasting, and was very satisfied.

The next moment!
The power of the fire of life seemed to ignite the entire sky, and it seemed that only this piece of dark red was left in the world!
The terrifying giant dragon roars like the thunder of the nine heavens, descending with endless dragon wrath!
This is no longer just a battle, no one in the eight arenas can ignore this sudden change in the sky, like a meteorite falling, like the end of the world.

The great sun became dim, only the endless dark red occupied the entire sky.

"Then what is that?"

Feng Xingtong's voice was trembling, and his legs and feet were unstoppably weak. This was a reaction he had never had before. The fear came from the bottom of his heart, as if he was born to surrender to that force.

Although he can deal with all parties smoothly, he is a businessman after all, and he doesn't see many battle scenes, let alone such an apocalypse.

"What kind of terrifying existence is Su Ming?"

When Feng Zhenghao asked him to come over to meet Su Ming, he was still vaguely unwilling. After all, the people he usually meets are dragons and phoenixes, either business and political elites or masters of famous schools. Although this evil cultivator is not weak, he can After all, he is an evil cultivator, and it is absolutely impossible for him to get in the same circle.

But now he feels that it is too one-sided to describe Su Ming with the word evil cultivator. He seems to be omnipotent and has no scruples
Zhuge Qing closed his eyes and looked at the sky, with a calm smile still on the corners of his mouth, and if he opened his eyes, you would find that his eyes were full of enthusiasm, "This time, it's the right time!"

He doesn't care about cultivating evil or not. He came out this time to broaden his horizons. His own bottleneck is not something that can be achieved through hard work.

Although before coming here, I only thought that only Zhang Lingyu could be regarded as my opponent, but after coming here, I found that this surprise was a bit unusually big!

Leaving other surprises aside, this Su Ming
Wang couldn't help covering his eyes with his hands, and a line of blood and tears overflowed from his palm
He found that he couldn't understand this world anymore. He almost died when he did a fortune telling for Zhang Chulan before, but now he wanted to make a fortune for Su Ming, but he was frightened by the scene in the interior scene before he even started.
The past is irreversible, but the future can be changed. The so-called divination is to predict everything about people, and the warlock bears certain consequences.

But if the weight of this person's fate is too high, then the sorcerer will be doomed. Zhang Chulan is such a person, and Su Ming...he doesn't even dare to think about it now!
Suddenly, a figure appeared strangely beside them, like a gust of wind, and it appeared without any warning. None of them were mediocre, but they were able to get in front of them in this way without being noticed by them. But it's not easy at all!
The man's hair and beard were all connected together, but he didn't pay attention to it at all, and he was in no mood to pay attention to the astonished eyes next to him. Although the smoke and dust in the sky that was disturbed by the giant dragon flying into the sky before had not dissipated, it didn't affect him at all. The old Tianshi who was sitting on the opposite side of the field could hardly control his excitement and agitation!

He felt the fire of life that seemed to burn the soul!The fire of life that has been chasing for a lifetime!
"Master! I love you!"

This cry uttered all his heartfelt thoughts, and pulled almost everyone out of the fear of the dragon's breath, looking at the two of them strangely.

He seemed to feel that the smoke and dust in front of him was in the way, and he flicked his fingers in the air, followed the silent mantra, and a breeze from his body rolled up all the smoke and dust, and then slowly landed, only then did he finally see the old man clearly. The figure of the celestial master.

"I like the meeting gift that you made up for me so much!"

The old Tianshi touched the pack of Tieguanyin that hadn't been taken out in his arms, and his expression was somewhat puzzled, but it was only for a moment that he seemed to think of something, and he sighed, "Hey, it's all fate."

Isaac's Wind Curse is not very powerful, but it's too much, and it penetrates everywhere. When the smoke and dust in all places are appeased, only every bit of qi around Zhang Chulan is left as if it has been melted.

The presence on the field was as dazzling as the sun in the dark night, how could Lu Jin not notice it?

"Like, really like."

At this time, Lu Jin was panting heavily, and his breath was seriously unstable, giving people a feeling of being dazed.

There may be many techniques to strengthen oneself in this world, but they can dispel them silently like Zhang Chulan just now.
He finally remembered, where had he seen that familiar feeling before!

However, in order to verify, he still drew a talisman tremblingly in the air with his fingertips, and then gently sent it forward.

The talisman turned into a tiny bolt of lightning, which directly attacked Zhang Chulan with lightning speed.

Zhang Chulan had no toys before, and wanted to jump up to the stands to find other toys several times, but was stopped by the old master's eyes in the end. Now it is a time of boredom, and seeing this bolt of lightning is like seeing a treasure.

He didn't even wait for the bolt of lightning to reach his eyes, he rushed out, stretched out his hand to grab it, but he didn't even touch it, the second the lightning touched him, it directly turned into a cloud in the air. A wisp of thin smoke dissipated between heaven and earth.

Lu Jin closed his eyes, but the clenched fists and the bulging veins on his forehead already showed that he was not at peace.

"Master, the fireball is about to come down, it's so scary~"

How could Lu Linglong fail to notice the abnormality of the grandfather, and wanted to call back some of his sanity by acting like a baby, but no matter how much she shook his arm, it didn't have half the effect.

"Old Master."

"Hmm" seemed to know what he was going to say, and the old Tianshi just hummed lightly and closed his eyes.

He knew Lu Jin's violent temper, and he couldn't tolerate a little sand in his eyes.

He once broke into the Trinity School without root, causing his teacher's school to be destroyed, and his master was furious to death. He remembered this hatred for a lifetime!

Now that he has met the heir of that guy, how can he calm down?
Lu Jin took a step slowly, looked at the fireball in the sky, and shouted loudly, "A white tiger, Su Ming wins!"

His words were like thunder on the ground. When everyone reacted, he had already appeared in front of Zhang Chulan. No matter how powerful and outrageous Zhang Chulan was before, he was just like a man with little strength in front of him. The child fell asleep with a light tap.

Then he looked at the mighty dragon's breath in the air.

But he didn't know that Isaac had already taken a step, and then he shot up into the sky and rushed straight towards the dragon's breath.

(End of this chapter)

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