As a programmer, I also want to make games in a different world

Chapter 102 Letting the sage marry the princess is the top priority at the moment.

Chapter 102 Letting the sage marry the princess is the top priority at the moment.

Wales City,

Hugging left and right to enjoy life, the Lemon Emperor stared,
I couldn't believe it when I read the news sent back by the Demon King.

"As long as I reach level [-], can I be promoted to Demon General?!"

hear this,

The many succubi beside him all said charmingly: "The general is a great talent, it is normal to be promoted to the devil general."

"That is, who is General Lemon? Looking at the entire demon clan, only you can suppress the brave."

Lemon King snorted when he heard this,
Enjoyed the flattery.

But upgrading is really a problem for him,

Today, the level of a T0 player is only around 20. At this time, let him rise to level [-], and he still can't kill monsters, so where should he get experience?

"In this different world, can't there be something like Yin-Yang cultivation method?"

"It's great to upgrade the level happily."

The Lemon Emperor whispered a few words,
Then he stretched out his arms to embrace the succubus sister beside him.

"So soft, so soft!"

With his current status, he can only gain experience by killing clans, but once he kills ordinary people, it will definitely reduce the sage's favor for him.

After thinking about it,

Lemon King finally came up with an idea,
That is to buy experience!

Thinking about this,
He immediately posted on the forum asking for experience,
[[-]% price, a lot of acquisition experience! 】

[I, Lemon King, purchase experience points with integrity. Those who are killed by me can ask me for the full resurrection fee, and pay an additional [-]% of the resurrection fee as profit! 】

As soon as this post comes out,
Once again attracted the stares of the players,

"Emperor Lemon, we are all thinking how to kill you, but you are lucky, you dare to come out to trade?"

"What? Just cheated us of the toll, and now you want to spend our money and kill us?!"

"Come, come! Trade in Qijia City!"

Seeing the resistance of all players,
The Lemon King replied earnestly: "Everyone, when I climb to a high position in the Demon Race, am I afraid that I will lose your benefits?"

"Our welfare? Male succubus? Thank you!"

"The past is unbearable, so don't bring it up again. I will never waver in killing King Lemon!"

Good guy,
Although King Lemon had expected it long ago, he did not expect his reputation to be so stinky now~
This group of players didn't cooperate at all.

At this moment,

His lieutenant hurried into the barracks,

Reported excitedly: "City Master! Black Spider reinforcements have arrived!"

"Huh?!" The Lemon King stared immediately: "The lady with eight black silk legs is here? Please come in quickly!"

when you say

The Lemon King also pushed the succubus beside him,

"Let's go first, don't come here again, I'm afraid that Sister Spider will see and misunderstand."

All the succubus sisters are stunned when they see this, they are succubus!

The charm is actually no match for those black spiders? !

So love goes away, right?

And King Lemon rolled his eyes, and said to the succubus sisters: "I have a good job for you, go to the A3 area of ​​​​the defense line and wait."

Under the urging of King Lemon, they had no choice but to leave quickly and head to the so-called A3 area.

in turn,

Lemon King sent a letter to the players on the forum,
[Everyone, don't say that I am not kind, Lemon King, I have already sent Sister Succubus to the defense line of A3 area, everyone can figure it out! 】

That is to say, the succubus cannot see the background panel of Lemon King,
If all the succubi know about this, they will definitely squeeze him dry in anger!
"If the transaction is established, it will need a lot of gold coins, and we have to find a way to make money~"

Lemon King rubbed his temples and thought,

Or betray a demon general to Lord Sage?

Now that he is in command of the entire front, there will inevitably be dissatisfied demon generals, it is better to eradicate them and exchange them for money by the way!

But the exact plan has not yet been decided, so he heard the sound of footsteps outside the tent,

This voice made King Lemon startled: "Is it the spider lady? Please come in!"

Waiting for the camp tent to be opened by the spider lady,

She was seen wearing a long black dress with a protruding front and back, six legs swinging back and forth under the skirt, making the secret garden looming.

Her cute big eyes are full of ignorance and kindness,
She didn't know why a monster girl like herself, who was weak in combat power, was summoned by the famous Lemon City Lord.

But Lemon King was stunned when he saw this,

'Two hands, six legs?But it's all black! '

san mar city,

Su Mu is contacting players in the Dwarf Mountains,
When Roberts fled,
And bring all the dwarf players with them,
It can be seen how precious he is to these dwarf warriors.

See the dwarven players who are learning forging,

Su Mu whispered, "Is the Dwarf King here?"

Hearing Su Mu's movements,
These players were taken aback for a moment, and then quickly shouted in unison: "Brothers, quickly invite the dwarf king!"

I saw Roberts rushing over,
Looking at Su Mu in surprise through the gap in space,
"Sage? You are still alive! How is the city of Saint Mar? Is my dwarf workshop still there?"

Su Mu heard that there was a black line on his forehead,

"It was His Majesty the Dwarf King who ran the fastest back then, and the giant dragon has been subdued by us."

"At this time it lives in Budkalo City."

Roberts immediately stared,
"You subdued the dragon? How is this possible!"

"That's the Dragon Clan! A natural disaster that is powerful enough to destroy the world!"

Ha ha--


Maybe a stronger dragon can do it?

But Brittany's reverse scale has been pulled out, and her strength has been greatly reduced. It is a bit difficult for her to kill Nelson now.

And the dwarf player next to Robles also testified,
"My lord, the giant dragon was indeed subdued. We have all heard the news."

"That's right, the giant dragon can still issue tasks for us now!"

These words of the brave men,
Once again, Roberts stared in surprise,

"How do you know?!"

But Su Mu waved his hand: "Speaking of business, Dwarf King, I would like to ask you to inlay a demon heart crystal for me."

After all,

Then Su Mu handed over Nelson's heart crystal and the single branch of the World Tree.

See these two items,
Roberts widened his eyes even more.

"Artifact staff! SSS-level monster material?!"

"Except for me, no one in this continent can have this skill."

This is not Roberts boasting,

If an ordinary blacksmith takes over this job, maybe when the heart crystal is inlaid on the wand, it will turn the artifact into a legend instead,
Not worth the candle.

After getting the items, Robles hooked his hands to the players: "You brave men come with me. When I forge, you all stand aside and learn!"

"Can I learn forging skills again?"

"Hey, this is an artifact of forging, I have to record it properly!"

"Whoever has recorded the magic stone, hurry up and follow the whole process, and then we will study it carefully!"

"Thank you, Lord Sage! For bringing us such a good learning opportunity!"

Hearing these words,
Immediately let Roberts blow his beard and stare,
"What are you doing to thank the sage? Shouldn't you be thanking me!"

"The sage should also thank me!"

When Robles looked at the space window, he found that Su Mu had already closed the window and cut off the connection.

"Ah? Run away after explaining the work! Do you treat me as a tool man!"

Little did he know that Su Mu didn't do it on purpose,
But Afia and Asis arrived in Santa Mar,
He had to hurry to check the situation.

As a result, just arrived at the scene,

Su Mu stared and asked, "Where is Princess Afia?"

as predicted,

The princess is gone!
As soon as I arrived in the city of Santa Mar, I ran away like a jerk!

Kevin standing beside him was also very helpless,
"Princess, she ran to the south, Xilu chased after her, and some paladins went to Qijia City to intercept her."

After all, Kevin frowned, looked at Prince Ashis and asked in a low voice, "Prince, shall I take you to the embassy first?"

But Ashes didn't respond,

He kept muttering incessantly: "The newly developed MK2 grenade irrigates the farmland, mixes pasta with No. 42 concrete..."

"He, what's wrong with him?" Su Mu stared at this.

But how did Kevin know?
They all looked at the countless official documents held in Axis' hands,
Where does this look like a prince?
It's clearly a ruthless machine that handles official documents!

"Where's the manager?" Su Mu quickly looked at the teleportation array: "Shouldn't he assist the prince! Why didn't he come over?"

But when Ahsis finally spoke,
"Father said he wanted to train me and let me handle the official documents alone, leaving the manager in the capital."

"Sage, what is the structure of the brains of these brave men, and why do they come up with so many new terms?"

Apparently, Assis's mind was bombarded by these new knowledge, and he was almost delirious.

Seeing this, Su Mu was speechless,

With Axis in this state, can he really handle official documents for him?

But even in this case, Su Mu still had no idea of ​​handling official documents by himself.

Instead, he looked at Kevin: "Legion Commander, I will leave it to you to assist the prince!"

"Huh?" Kevin froze immediately.

As a result, Axis spoke again: "The most important thing at the moment is to let the sage marry my sister Wang, legion commander, follow me to prepare for the wedding."

"Ah?" This time it was Su Mu's turn to be stunned: "Is that so anxious?"

But Axis nodded dully: "Father said, this is the top priority."

After all, he also took out a pendant,
"This is a positioning magic tool. The closer it is to Sister Wang, the brighter it will be. It was specially given to me by my father."

Good guy!
They even guessed that Afia would run,
Even made a positioning magic tool to sanction Afia early!
Cough cough--

Su Mu coughed lightly, and then took the pendant without a trace: "Leave this to me."

"Kevin, take the prince to the embassy to rest."

"Well - just take a break for 3 minutes, and then assist him with the official documents."


Kevin gasped,
Then he saw Su Mu kicking the pendant away, but he did not look for Afeya at all.

"Master Sage, he doesn't want to marry the princess, does he?"

But think about it,

The princess is too noisy, if you marry her back, big things will definitely happen every day.

"Prince, please follow me to the embassy."

As a result, when Kevin looked at Axis and made a gesture of please.

I saw Axis take out a pendant again and hand it to Kevin.

"Father said that a sage would definitely not want to marry Sister Wang, so he asked me to bring a lot of pendants."

"Go and bring Sister Wang back and hold the wedding as soon as possible."

Good guy!
Kevin called it a good guy!
These people are all plotting against each other!

the other side,
Su Mu, who left calmly, destroyed the pendant with a flip of his hand.

Then he opened the official website of [Dumfries] and got busy with business.

"Now that the Blood Wolf Guild has captured the White Flag Fortress, the human frontline is expanding, and there is a slight shortage of players."

"It's time to summon the seventh batch of players."

Su Mu raised his eyebrows in thought,

After the Heavenly Demon Heart Crystal is inlaid on the single branch of the World Tree,

With this wand, he can also support more players in Dumfries.

Instead of adjusting the time flow of the two worlds,
It's better to summon more players, pursue diversification, and expand the scientific research direction of San Marr.

Thinking about this,
He makes an announcement as 'to A',
[Dumfries has entered version 2.1, the Terrans have sounded the counterattack horn, and the seventh batch of internal test quotas will be released soon! 】

[The quota for this distribution will be as high as [-]! 】

As soon as this news came out,
Immediately provoked those cloud players to boil again.

But not excited, but cursed all over,
"Internal beta peat! Hurry up for public beta! Did you hear me!"

"Even if you start selling games in the public beta, open the recharge channel, and cheat me out of krypton gold, I will admit it, hurry up to the public beta!"

"My friends have lost contact with each other, but I can only use the forum. Do you know how I survived these days? Idol!"

"There are also those virtual anchors of monster girls, I stand up after watching it! When can I get started myself!"

"Made, let's raise money to buy a server for you!"

Seeing these replies, Su Mu was speechless.

A hundred quotas have already been issued, and they are still not satisfied?

How can Su Mu have enough magic power to support the public beta?
If it weren't for two magic wands, plus the natural and friendly buff added, ten places would be the sky's the limit!
But Bai He actually contacted 'Due A' the first time,

Bai He: "Brother, how do you see the performance of our blood wolf mercenary group? This time we will issue a [-]-person internal test quota, can you...?"

Su Mu was very satisfied with him,

Immediately replied: "No problem, send the list, and I will get the Blood Wolf members together."

After receiving the reply, Bai He was instantly overjoyed!
But he not only wanted to gather members of the blood wolf mercenary group, but also took this opportunity to admit newcomers into the blood wolf guild.

Make the Blood Wolf Mercenary Group the strongest organization in Dumfries!
 Thanks to the reader: 10500 starting coins from the pure man!Thank you!Thanks to Yu Jiankong for the 100 starting coins.Thanks to the readers: Chunjienan, 20220929025515566, Tianjuan Douluo, and Youran Jiannanchun for the monthly tickets.Thank you for your votes.

(End of this chapter)

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