As a programmer, I also want to make games in a different world

Chapter 106 The cat girl 77 calls for help online! [3 in 1 ask for a monthly pass! 】

Chapter 106 The cat girl Qi Qi calls for help online! [Three-in-one monthly ticket! 】

Ape Warrior,

The main body is a group of monkey-faced baboons,
And their faces are as red as their asses.

While walking through the bushes,

He even grabbed the vines and swung around, moving very quickly.

But as they gallop,
But the steel-skinned magic rhinoceros that led the way for them suddenly spoke,
"Demon Ape, the white flag is dead in front of you, you have to be careful."

The white flag dies,

is their new name for the trap,

After all, none of the monsters that entered this bush were spared, and all died here.

"Hmph, you idiots, you will fall for such a simple trap!"

Before stepping into the bushes ahead,

The demon ape stared and found a trap,
There is no other reason,

This trap is so poorly made!

Not even laying too many grass blades to cover,
It has almost nothing to do with intelligence, but whenever they have a heart, they can be seen at a glance.

"It's such an easy trap to dismantle for our Demon Ape Troops to come all the way."

"It's a humiliation to me!"

How can you kill a chicken with a sledgehammer?

They are all top professionals in terms of intelligence and combat!

To end up facing such a childish, pediatric trap?
Although the demon ape warrior was not angry, he still started to operate, dismantling the traps in front of him one after another.

If it is a hanging net, tear the rope,

If it's a pothole, throw a rock down to reveal the trap,
If the ejection stake, then remove the ejection mechanism.

Although some traps have never been seen before, the principle is not difficult, and they can find the way to break it with a little research.

See how easy it is to dismantle a trap,
The group of demon ape warriors immediately scoffed,

"Primitive trap, I never thought that the brave would use this kind of thing."

"You wait to summon the surrounding monsters, and when we remove the trap, we will immediately attack the White Flag Fortress!"

heard the order,

The steel-skinned magic rhinoceros who was leading the way turned his head resolutely,

Angrily leave here.

Seeing it so scared, all the demon ape warriors expressed their disdain.

"They can also be called monsters? Cowardly as a mouse!"

"Brothers! Dismantle the trap quickly, let us capture the White Flag Fortress, and win glory for King Dantalin!"

Now Dantalin is the Four Heavenly Kings,

The status of the Demon Ape Warrior has also risen with the tide,

And at this moment,
It is the best time for them to make a name for themselves!
But as they deepened deeper into the bushes,
Strange things gradually happened,

First, the wind blows into the jungle, rustling the leaves of the bushes, and then the surroundings feel more and more quiet.

The Demon Ape Captain was concentrating on dismantling the ejection trap,
It was hard to remove the ejection device,
There was a smile on the corner of his mouth: "I removed another one. Although it is simple, there are so many traps around here."

After muttering,

But he didn't listen to his lieutenant's joking response.

'Could it be that the lieutenant general is also busy dismantling the trap and has no time to talk to me? '
'Okay, that ape doesn't talk to me, it embarrasses me, doesn't it! '
While he muttered,

Hear the rustling of leaves again.And when he looked around, he saw that the number of demon ape fighters around him was decreasing.

"Where's the ape? All scattered?"

"Report to the general, I don't know, they should have dispersed, right?"

The surrounding demon apes responded,
So far,
General Demon Ape has not noticed the abnormality yet,
It wasn't until he dismantled another trap and raised his head again that he saw that the number of demon apes around him was even smaller!
"It's not right, the number of troops I brought shouldn't be so scattered in this forest."

But at this moment,
A demonic ape screamed suddenly!
"What's going on?!" General Demon Ape asked immediately.

But the source of the sound suddenly fell into dead silence, so that he couldn't get any response!
"Hey! Who is screaming?!" He asked again,

However, all the nearby demon apes looked puzzled, and they all looked around in bewilderment and surprise.


tree shadows whirling,

A black shadow flashed from the corner of the demon ape's eyes,


Before the Demon Ape General saw the shadow clearly, he found that the number of Demon Ape warriors on the right had decreased again!

"Enemy attack!" General Demon Ape shouted immediately: "There are brave men in the bushes! There are brave men!!!"

But he cried out,
But there was no response from the Demon Ape Warrior!
When he looks to the left again,

The last three demon apes that were standing had all disappeared at this moment!
He panicked!
Seeing this situation,

General Demon Ape panicked completely!

"Lieutenant! Third brother? Six apes!" He began to shout the names of the demon apes in the army,
But got no response at all,

The entire shrub forest is quiet, only the breeze blows the leaves, and the rustling of the shadows of the trees.

this scene,
It's just too weird!
In the end, the spirit of the Demon Ape General gradually collapsed, and he even started shouting indiscriminately,
"Brave? Is there a brave man?"

"If you really need it, please come out quickly!"

General Demon Ape felt extremely uncomfortable,

Even if he called the brave man, he didn't get the slightest response!

Isn't the dirty thing lurking in the bushes brave?
In a strange scene,
It made him start thinking wildly.

It is said that the factor most likely to trigger biological fear is [unknown]!
And for the wise demon ape, the word [unknown] is even more lethal to him!

in his mind,
I have already imagined that [unknown] thing is extremely powerful!

On the brink of mental breakdown,

The Demon Ape General started running around indiscriminately,

Soon there will be a 'click',
The bear trap closed and clamped his right foot violently!

General Demon Ape gritted his teeth in pain, not daring to yell out loud at all.

And when his forehead was dripping with sweat, he looked up at the sky, and saw the corpses of countless demon ape warriors being hung on the tree!

such scenes,

Suddenly became the last straw that crushed him,
His heart stopped suddenly, and the body temperature of the whole ape gradually dropped, like falling into an ice cave!
With the steaming liquid flowing out,
Then Bai He pinched his nose and led the blood wolf members out of the bushes.

"Damn it? Isn't this devil ape a general? Why is he scared to pee?"

"It's not scared to pee, but scared to death, which led to incontinence..."

"Scared to death? Gan, it's even more outrageous."

"Isn't it all your fault? You all made some noise when you attacked, and this ape was frightened."

"Hey—it's said that I'm a professional when it comes to being the sixth child."

With a smack of tongue,

The members of the Blood Wolf began to show off in a different direction,

Then he began to thank the group of demon apes again,
"This can be regarded as a group of people who can play. It's so cool to hit the sap while they are dismantling the trap."

"Come on, is it better to hit the sap? Or to scare the devil general?"

"Hey! Everyone was very tacit and didn't make a move just now, no wonder some people!"

no way,
Being the sixth child is so much fun,
It's a pity that these monsters will not be resurrected,
I can't see their expressions of regret that they didn't search carefully.

don't wait long,

Seeing that the steel-skinned demon rhinoceros who had just rushed to summon the monsters rushed back,

A group of monsters stood dumbfounded outside the bushes.

where they stood,

It happened to be able to see the magic ape hanging on the tree in the distance!

As the breeze blows the leaves, all the magic apes hang on the tree and sway gently, looming!
That scene was as weird as it could be!
"Are my eyes blinded? The magic ape troops are all wiped out?!"

"Did you hear the sound of troops fighting just now?"

"It's not just the sound of fighting? I haven't even heard the screams..."

"How long did it take us to gather the troops? The magic ape troops are gone? All gone?!"

"They died so quietly, it's terrible!"


The group of monsters swallowed their saliva one after another,

Then they raised the soles of their feet unconsciously, turned their heads and fled from here quickly!

The title of [White Flag Death] in this bush is completely confirmed.


san mar city,

Su Mu checked the player background,

You can clearly see the blood wolf members fighting for a long time on the battlefield,
Has already broken through the 25th level mark.

"Today's paladins don't have any skills to teach them."

Su Mu tapped his fingers on the table,
Thinking: "If you are the commander of the Imperial Magic Corps, maybe you can teach them some advanced magic."

Then Su Mu cast magic,

Immediately tear apart the space to find the emperor,

But the emperor was lying on the bed in the bedroom, while Lamer was stepping on the emperor's back with bare bird claws.


Su Mu clicked his tongue,
Both the emperor and Lamer looked back at him in surprise.

"Rebel!" The emperor was furious when he saw this, "This is the emperor's bedroom, how dare you tear up the space to get here!"

Facing the emperor's scolding,

Su Mu took out the recording magic stone indifferently,

Calmly videotape the Emperor and Lamer.

Lamer screamed, covered his face with his wings and ran away quickly.

The emperor, who was even more angry at this scene, blushed,

"Rebellious minister! Rebellious minister!!!"

"You boy, be careful that Afia murders her husband on the night of the wedding!"

On the other hand, Su Mu smiled and waved his hands, signaling the emperor to relax: "Hey~ Your Majesty the Emperor, what are you talking about?"

"I just want to ask you to borrow some Imperial Magic Corps."

"You also know that the level of those brave men is getting higher and higher, and the instructors who teach skills also need to improve their quality~"

The emperor stared at the words,

"The matter of being in place? You still record a bad image about being in place!"

Su Mu now has a lot of soldiers in his hands, and he is about to marry Afeya, the emperor still cares about what? !
"A mere Imperial Magic Corps, at your disposal!"

"Don't disturb the Emperor's entertainment!"

Having been stimulated by Su Mu many times, and experiencing the colorful life of the faint king, the emperor was completely awakened early.

Life is short, enjoy yourself in time!

Whoever disturbs my carpe diem is my number one enemy!

Even Su Mu can't do it this time!


After getting the military power, Su Mu turned to the general manager again and asked him to dispatch troops.

And after cutting off the communication,
Su Mu couldn't help but shook his head and sighed: "Whenever I can enjoy myself in time~"

"Eh? It seems that it will be fine tomorrow or the day after tomorrow..."

Then the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and he smiled inexplicably, feeling a little embarrassed.

Change your mood,
Su Mu opened the [Dumfries] official website to see if there was any new news on the forum.
In the end, I really saw that the driver of C photo posted a new post!
【Bros!I found a strange teleportation array on the plains of Istanbul, it is really near a city! 】

Found a strange teleportation array near a city?

This news made Su Mu tremble all over,
"C according to the driver, he must have been lucky to find the teleportation array leading to the orc tribe?"

If you can successfully get in touch with the orcs,

Wouldn't it be possible to see the beast ear girl?
Cat Girl, Dog Girl, Bunny Girl,

Not to mention this group of Lsp players, Su Mu also likes it!
Far away in the Demon King's City,

Yulia received the news of the defeat of the Demon Ape Army,

I even heard that the title of [White Flag Death] was spread among the Demon King's army!
"But the demon ape warriors in Talin died quietly?" Yulia slapped the table angrily, "Can't those bastards even shout when they are killed?!"

She sent the Demon Ape Troops to the White Flag Fortress,
It is to give Dan Talin a chance to perform, to let them take back the fortress!
Rather than the ambition of the brave, the majesty of the demon clan!
What's more, the brave man killed the demon ape effortlessly. What does this mean?
It shows that this group of braves is stronger!

Today they can silently kill the demon ape, and tomorrow they can silently throw her to the ground!
Yulia even suspects that the brave men have sneaked into the Demon King's Castle!

Seeing that Lord Demon King is so furious,
Balko, who was prostrate on the ground, had a livid face, and he didn't expect Dantalin's magic ape troops to be such a waste.

I knew it earlier,

Nor would he nominate the Demon Ape Force to do it.

Barr dared not speak,
Then he listened to Bieler speak for him,
"Lord Demon King calm down, to be honest, I, the Flying Bee Warriors, are still attacking the orc tribe."

"And we are going to wipe out the orc race in one fell swoop, and get rid of a big disaster for our demon race!"

The flying bee fighters did not withdraw their troops,

The fact that they are still secretly attacking the orc tribe was discovered by Yulia last time.

When she attacked Birel, it was Balco's proposal to send out the magic ape troops to solve the siege.


The two of them are playing tricks here, right?
Yulia glared at Birel angrily: "Okay! I will write down what you said today!"

"Immediately! Immediately! I want to hear the news of the destruction of the orc clan!"

Just as Yulia was attacking the two generals,
But I saw a herald monster coming,
Hastily reported to Yulia: "Master Demon King, there is news from the front line of Welsh City!"

"General Amon was besieged by the temple knights of the human race because he disobeyed the command of the Lemon City Lord, causing General Amon to... die in battle."

"What are you talking about!" Yulia stood up in a rage, glaring at the messenger monster.

"The White Flag Fortress has not been taken back yet, yet another demon general has died?"

Before Yulia calmed down,
Then I heard the monster report again: "The owner of Lemon City heard the news of the general's death and was extremely sad. He is going to go to Qijia City alone to avenge the general."

"What?!" Yulia, who had just stood up, immediately sat back on the throne.

Emperor Lemon wants to kill Qi Jiacheng alone?

How can that be? !
Lemon is the only talent among the demons who can fight against the brave.

What if he dies in Qijia City?
That would be a huge loss for the Demon Race!

"Immediately, the Lemon Emperor is never allowed to act without authorization!"

Hearing the order, the messenger monster showed embarrassment, and said humbly: "If the message from the subordinate is the lieutenant general of Welsh City, the owner of Lemon City seems to have set off early."

Yulia slapped the table angrily, and immediately shouted: "Then hurry up and order the frontline troops, and all the monsters will immediately go to support the Lemon King!"

"No matter who dies today, the Lemon King will not die!"


In Wales,
In fact, the Lemon King hasn't set off yet.
He holds a recording magic stone,
He handed it to the lieutenant beside him earnestly,
"When I enter Qijia City, you must use this recording magic stone to record all my heroic appearance!"

The lieutenant nodded with a half understanding,

But I don't understand anything in my heart,

"City Master, General Amon's death was entirely his own fault, so you don't have to do this for him."

Who said it was for him?

Lemon King stared at the words, but didn't explain it plainly.

Instead, he reminded the lieutenant: "Don't worry about the rest, just record my fighting spirit!"

"If Lord Demon King can't see this video, then who will I show it to? Then you will be the only one to ask!"

If you want to be promoted and promoted, hard work alone is not enough, you must also let the leaders see it!
So Lemon King specially prepared this record magic stone.

After making all the preparations,

The Lemon King and the extra player meet in the outskirts of Qijia City.

Seeing the lieutenant hiding in the woods behind him,

After aiming the recording magic stone at him, the Lemon Emperor also raised his finger to Qijia City,

"Heroes of the human race, you youngsters! The Lemon Emperor is here! Hurry up and die!"

After all,

Lemon King rushed straight to Qijia City,

Not even a weapon in hand!
"Damn it, just rushed over here? It's too straightforward!"

"Hey, we don't even have a director, so we have no choice but to make bad movies?"

"Brothers, pay attention when shooting, don't hit the boss, and be careful of getting chicken legs!"

After the group of players communicated,
Immediately aim and shoot at the feet of the Lemon King,
Countless ballistic lines of fire immediately covered the entire battlefield!
Let Lemon King's heart is bleeding,

'Crack, you bastards, don't you know how to use ammunition sparingly? '
'This special effect (bullet) fee is all paid by me! '
Not even a rifle,
Even Mk2 grenades and artillery are all used,

But they either exploded tens of meters in front of King Lemon, or raised dust behind him, and they would never blow up him!

Instead, it filled the atmosphere of the battlefield in place!
At this time this scene,
Not only to the lieutenant of the Lemon King,

Even the group of demon generals who rushed to support them just after receiving the order from the demon king were stunned!
"Is that the Lemon City Lord?"

"He actually intends to enter Qijia City alone?!"

"Damn, the most outrageous thing is that he is about to do it!"

Under the eyes of the demon generals,
The Lemon King successfully broke through the ridiculously strong firepower blockade, and went straight to the brave man!
Seeing that he was not standing still, he directly grabbed the brave man's shoulders with his hands, and tore the brave man alive!

"Tear the brave with your hands! It's fierce! It's too fierce!"

"That's a brave man, and he was torn apart by the owner of Lemon City!"

"Which of you has the ability to be the owner of Lemon City? Not even me!"

The current scene,
Or Lemon King plagiarized the fragments of Shred Devils,
But for the group of demon generals who have never seen the world, the effect is simply outstanding.
Look at all their group of monsters as stupid!

Later, I saw that group of brave men 'without the strength to restrain a chicken', being killed by the Lemon King!
It even really let the Lemon King enter Qi Jia City!
Wait for the Lemon Emperor to climb over the city wall and enter the blind spot of the group of monsters.

I saw a group of brave men rushing to the Lemon King,
"Director! Drink water, please!"

"Director! I don't care about the posture I just died. If you have any requirements, just ask!"

"Director! I can also increase the difficulty of death moves, please add a chicken leg, director!"

this scene,
Bane, who was patrolling the city, looked dumbfounded.

"Brave, what are you doing?!"

"Why is there a fallen man here! How did he enter the city?!"

Don't wait for Bane to delve into it,
Then several tall and burly players surrounded Baine,
"Legion Commander, don't inquire about some things, Lord Sage will be unhappy."

Sir Sage?
Is this matter related to Su Mu?
Bain glanced sideways at the Lemon Emperor, then curled his lips and said, "You can't let him into the city, except for other things, you can do whatever you want."

into town?

King Lemon doesn't want to go to town,
Because the deputy general couldn't take pictures of the scene in the city at all, he didn't even have a camera, so what was he doing in the city?
have a rest,

I saw King Lemon holding a brave head,

He jumped up the city wall suddenly, and came to fight outside Qijia city again!

this scene,
The peripheral monsters that I saw immediately were extremely exciting!

"It's the owner of Lemon City, he's come out again!"

"Those brave men have nothing to do with Lemon City Lord!"

"Lemon City Lord is too fierce, he is the most fierce leader in my Demon King's army!"

And this in-and-out bridge section,

I was stunned to be played seven times by the Lemon King!

During the period, countless brave players were killed, and the level was even raised to level 23 in one breath!
"Hey, that's not right, why haven't you reached level [-] yet?"

The Lemon King muttered in a low voice,

But listen to the players in front of you whispering reminders,
"Boss, the balance is insufficient. If you want to continue this show, you have to pay more!"

But Lemon King is not happy,
"Hey! You idiots, my money was enough to get to level 32! You've shot too many bullets!"

"Eh? Boss, you made the atmosphere full!" The players stared: "Boss, are you going to turn your face?"

After all,

Then I saw the players click on the load,

If they come for real, they will definitely kill the Lemon King to the point of retreat.


The Lemon Emperor smacked his tongue, seeing this, he had no choice but to give up.
"You bastard, I'm going in and out seven times today, you can't stop me, it's really disappointing, disappointing!"

After talking about the Lemon King, he turned his head and ran away.
But in any case, the effect of this performance is still very successful.

His active scene in Qijia City was not only recorded by the deputy general in the recording magic stone, but even the magic generals who came over were dumbfounded.

The lieutenant general saw the Lemon King come back,
He took the lead in swarming forward: "City Lord, you are simply too fierce! You are so fierce!"

"That's a brave man, and he can be killed by you without leaving a single piece!"

Lemon King waved his hand upon hearing this,

Now is not the time to listen to rainbow farts,
The most important thing is to quickly pass the record magic crystal to Lord Demon King.

Devil City,
Yulia, who received the recorded magic crystal, played the video in the meeting hall in public.


King Lemon tore up the figure of the brave man, and immediately made the monsters present burst into exclamation!
"What kind of magic is that explosion? Why can't I see the slightest fluctuation of magic power?"

"Is it the new weapon of the brave?"

"It's a rifle! It's the rifle from the front-line battle report! There are also cannons and grenades!"

According to the battle report sent back by the Lemon King,
Only then did this group of monsters learn their names,
In addition to being shocked by the power of these weapons, they were even more shocked that King Lemon could pass through the blockade unscathed!

And the group of brave men who can still fight have no power to fight back!
this image,
Let Yulia look extremely excited,

He even blushed because of his blood boiling.

"With Emperor Lemon stationed at the frontier, why should I worry about not being safe in my dreams!"

Julia believed,
If the hero comes to attack again in the dream tonight, the Lemon King will definitely turn into the fiercest demon god to save her in danger!

"From now on, the Lemon King is appointed as the magic general of our department, who has any objection?!"

Although the Lemon Emperor's level is only 23, Yulia can't wait to appoint him.

And the other magic generals present,

Together with the three heavenly kings kneeling at the forefront,
All bowed their heads in favor of this move,

"Master Demon King is wise, we have no objection."

Shortly after,
Black flames surged in front of King Lemon,
A ghost face medal quietly appeared in the black flame.

"This is the certificate of the demon general? I have been appointed as a demon general?!"

"Great! Finally, we can form the spider lady's private army!"

The Lemon King is full of peach blossoms with a smile,

Immediately send a letter to Su Mu:
[Thank you, Lord Sage, for your support, I have successfully assumed the position of Demon General!If there is a need, I will definitely cooperate, and I will not hesitate to die! 】

And in Santa Mar,

Su Mu sat at the table and rubbed his brows,

After reading the letter, he casually threw it to the candle and burned it.

After doing this,

He looked back at the [Dumfries] official forum,

I can't wait to tap my fingers on the table,

"This C is the driver, why hasn't he updated the post, where does the teleportation array lead to, and did he get in?"

Just when Su Mu was in a hurry,

Driver C posted another post asking for help on the forum.

[Brothers, this teleportation array needs a lot of magic power, I can't activate it, but a cat girl appeared from the teleportation array! 】

Su Mu immediately clicked on this post,

I saw that the driver C was making a statement in the tone of a cat girl,

[Hi everyone, I am Qiqi the cat girl. In fact, the orc tribe is on the verge of catastrophe. I need your help now. Come and support the orc tribe. I will take you back to the tribe tomorrow and let you marry the orc lady! 】

of course,

There is indeed a girl named Qi Qi, the cat girl, and she is standing next to the driver of C photo for help.

But these words definitely did not come from Qi Qi's mouth,

Instead, C according to the driver's "I am Qin Shihuang" fraudulent SMS adaptation,
At the same time, he touched Qi Qi's silky shoulder to comfort her,

"Don't worry! It won't be long before my brothers will come here to help your orc clan survive this catastrophe!"

 Thank you, Master Reader: You are too young to do it, Yang Xi_Eb, Hei~b Bai voted for the monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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