As a programmer, I also want to make games in a different world

Chapter 129 Mengcha: This Demon King, please don't be shy, everyone is a woman. 【3 in 1】

Chapter 129 Mengcha: Please don’t be shy, this devil, we are all women. 【triple】

found himself in a Terran town,
Yulia quickly examined her own situation.

Of the seven devil heart crystals, four were lost at this time,
And for Yulia, the function of the heart crystal is almost the same as that of the heart.
lose heart,

It will cause her to seriously lack magic power supply.
The strength is also greatly reduced.

"Can we still use about [-]% of our strength?" Yulia frowned slightly: "This is a human city, and there will probably be brave men stationed there."

Thinking of the fact that there are hundreds of heroes in the human race,
Julia shuddered.

The key point is that her strength has been greatly reduced at this time, and she has no sense of security at all.

Thinking of the time when humans and demons fought in the past,
Those monster girls captured by the brave,
Thinking of the torture they suffered in the human race,
What torture I have experienced.

Just imagining this made Yulia quickly pull her clothes to cover her head and face, trying to find a way to sneak out of the city.

It was precisely at this time that
The Lemon King appeared in the resurrection circle of St. Marr,

He immediately sent a letter to Su Mu.

[Master Sage, the demon clan suddenly changed, and the demon king Yulia was betrayed by her subordinates. I took the opportunity to abduct her to Saint-Mar. 】

ah?ah? ! !
Su Mu's eyes widened immediately after receiving the news,

"what did he say?"

"He abducted the Demon King to Saint-Mar?"


Su Mu almost passed out with his eyes darkened,

What is going on in the mind of this lemon king?
Who would invite the final boss back to his hometown as a guest?

"With the defense of Saint-Mar City, I'm not afraid of the devil even if he hits him head-on."

"But you can't directly teleport people into the city!"

Su Mu really vomited.

He quickly got up and walked out of the mansion, while stretching his neck and looking around,
"If there is an explosion somewhere, the devil should be there."

"Hey, why is it so quiet everywhere?"

Cause an explosion?

Yulia really didn't have that kind of thought at the moment,
she stares,

Looking at the chariots shuttled back and forth in disbelief,
I heard a muffled sound above my head again,

I saw a fighter plane flying through the sky,
When she looked up,
Even saw two empty islands floating in the sky.

There are not only people in the city,
There are even members of dwarves, elves, and orcs.
And there are heroes among them!
its quantity,
It has already surpassed the hundreds of heroes judged at the beginning!

'Sure enough, it's just my psychological comfort that I no longer use secret techniques to lock the brave. '
'Could this group of brave men be Xiaoqiang? They are as crazy as they are crazy. '
'I'm sick, I feel like I'm going to pass out. '
Yulia is really uncomfortable,

Not just sad,
Most of them were drowsy due to serious injuries.

When she was weary,

A super fragrant dish caught her attention,
Pulling her back from the brink of drowsiness.

"It smells delicious. There are only a few scattered cities in the human race, and the food is still enough?"

"Can you still cook such delicious food?"

Yulia was puzzled,
But when she saw the source of the fragrance,
Her eyes widened in shock,

'Monster, what was served on the table turned out to be a monster! '
'This group of humans, they all started eating monsters? ! '
These unintelligent low-level monsters,

Can eat it?

Especially their colorful and strangely textured flesh,

Even Yulia would feel sick when she saw it.

Humans can actually eat it? !
"The monster girl here must be very miserable. In addition to being tortured, she is also forced to eat monsters..."
'When I have a chance in the future, I must rescue all the monster girls here! '
Just when Yulia felt emotional upon seeing this and made such an oath,
She heard a loud 'pop' sound coming from her ear,
Yulia turned around in surprise,
Then I saw a dryad waving a branch, making the air explode.

"You bitch,

Saying that, the dryad waved the branch,

slapped violently on the kneeling brave man,
At the same time she kicked again,
Stepping on the brave man's right cheek with his foot, with a little force: "Sing to my old lady Conquer!"

And the brave man,
Then use the right cheek to block the foot fiercely,
And struggling to turn his head and turn, trying to see something clearly from below.


There is also the tree demon and monster girl who eats tea,

Yu Liya really looked silly.

'what's the situation? !As expected of my demon warrior, even in the enemy's belly city, he can trample the brave under his feet? ! '
'Should I go to her and let her protect me? '
'No, I'm the devil king. If I go to her for protection, I will definitely cause her to be attacked by a group of brave men. '
'Well done, Dryad Warrior, please continue to fight hard! ~'
Yulia felt a lot of emotion in her heart,
Then he covered his face slightly, and left the place quickly,

"The dryad fighters can resist in this city, and as the devil king, I must not lose!" '
'What's more, the Lemon Demon Generals are still in the Demon Realm, waiting for me to rescue them! '
Just when Yulia was filled with emotion,

She successfully walked out of the city gate,

When she left the city gate, she still looked around with her head poking around,

At the same time, he was quite surprised: "There are no patrolling Paladins in a town as big as the human race?"

"So free to enter and leave the city?"

Just as Yulia looked around wondering,

She stepped on the ground suddenly and fell to the ground suddenly.

Yulia spat out the green soil she had just gnawed into her mouth, and supported herself with both hands to stand up from the trench.

"Is this human race still laying traps at the gate of its own city?"

"What are these? Cave stingers?"

Yulia looked at the shells neatly arranged in the trench,
I have no idea what kind of weapon that is.

And when she crawled out of the trench,

I also saw a monster waving steel arms in the distance "opening its teeth and claws"!

"Large magic tool?"

Yulia stared slightly,
I saw the magic tool use its huge claws,
Constantly digging up dirt from the ground.

"No wonder there are no paladins patrolling. It turns out that there are magic props guarding this place."

"Hmph!" Yulia smiled triumphantly, "Look at it, it's not fulfilling its duty of patrol at all!"

After all,

She no longer manages the excavators on the construction site,
Dogs move furtively along the trenches,

My heart still keeps feeling,
'The trap dug by this human race is so idiotic, it can be used as my escape route! '
Just Yulia walking along the trench to the end,
They have never been able to get even half a step away from the city of Saint-Mar.

After she clicked her tongue,

He slowly climbed out of the trench and started walking around the excavator into the distance.
When I left, I was still listening to the conversation between the brave men.
"People moving bricks, hurry up, everyone has to work overtime if they can't keep up with the progress!"

"Don't fart, how can we pour it all with cement, we need steel bars, we must get steel bars!"

"New players are constantly entering the game, and this building is just waiting to open, so work harder!"

listen to these words,

Yulia, whose brain is not enough, frowned slightly,
"What exactly do they mean?"

"Is it an altar for some ceremony?"

"Forget it, get out of here as soon as possible."

They're all out of the gate,

How could Yulia care about these brave men?

I still remember that a young general named Matic is still nearby.
I don't know if he rebelled with Balko,
Yulia planned to find him first to see the situation.

But soon,
The second city wall suddenly blocked Yulia.

"Ah?" Yulia was immediately dumbfounded: "Why is there a second city wall?"

And unlike the previous city walls that were full of defensive towers,
This second wall,
There are patrolling Paladins everywhere.

And where Julia was,
It is the outer city recently opened up by San Mar!
"I'm still in that city now?!"

"How is it possible? The scale of this city is even bigger than the Demon King's City!"

"What kind of place is this? Could it be the royal capital of the human race?"

"Damn it, if the Human Sovereign comes forward, with my current strength, I may not be able to beat him."

At this moment,

Su Mu, who uses space magic to shuttle constantly,
Suddenly appeared in the open space a hundred meters away from Yulia.

As soon as Su Mu flashed here,
He and Yulia sensed each other at the same time.

"Devil King?" Su Mu gently opened his mouth to test, and at the same time released the identification technique.

[Name: Yulia]

[Race: Demon Race]

【Job introduction: Demon King】

Yulia also released identification,
Then he immediately recognized Su Mu as the level 18 sage.

It was exactly as Katis reported originally,
If she breaks through the disguise by force,
You will get [Riemann Hypothesis] as a firm barrier,
It is impossible to break through with brute force.

Yulia looked at Su Mu and frowned, "The feeling you give me is not at all the sense of crisis that a level 18 human should have."

That's right,

She sensed the crisis of death from Su Mu,

Once the two sides meet,
She might even die at the hands of Su Mu.

But Su Mu just smiled and waved.

"I'm afraid your feeling is not accurate. I heard that all your subordinates have betrayed?"

"If you feel accurate enough, you must have known that they would rebel, right?"

Yulia blushed angrily,
But definitely not because of shyness, but because of anger.

Really good things don't go out, bad things spread thousands of miles,

The news of her subordinate's rebellion actually reached the ears of the sage!

"No matter who it is, it is inevitable to be betrayed by villains." Yulia said with a dark face, "There are treacherous ministers, and naturally there are loyal loyal ministers."

"I advise you not to take action. I am also anxious to return to the Demon Realm to save my Lemon Demon General."

"Both of us are safe and sound, so as not to destroy your city."

save who?

King Lemon?

Well, now in Yulia's eyes, King Lemon has become the only loyal subordinate?

Just when Su Mu was hesitating "Should I tell Yulia the truth",
The Lemon King arrived at the scene by coincidence,
He also waved his hands high in the air and kept shouting: "Sir, Sage! Sage! Please show mercy!~"

Hearing this cry,
With black lines on Su Mu's face, he raised his hand to his forehead,

Yulia was shocked from ear to ear.

'Lemon General?He also escaped? '
'Wait, what is he shouting?Why is he called Lord Sage? ! '
Not just the King of Lemons,
Behind him, surprisingly, there were several people who had lost contact with him.

Yulia's planner, agent, dance coach, and soundtrack artist all shouted 'Master Sage'!

'ah?Are there all traitors around me? ! '
Yulia couldn't hold it anymore.

"Emperor Lemon, are you the undercover agent you planted in my demon clan?"

"But why? He has fallen into a devil!"

"The devil's fall is irreversible. How can you human race accommodate the demon race?"

"It's impossible for this King Lemon to live like a normal person!"

Julia did not understand,

So what if King Lemon helps the human race win the war?

When the world is at peace,
Instead, the human race will not have the living space of the Lemon King!
But for this,
Lemon Emperor just shrugged and smiled,
"It doesn't matter, anyway, I really like the spider lady!"


Hearing this, Yulia's eyes completely darkened.
No wonder, no wonder this kid summoned the spider lady's troops everywhere, so it turned out that he was plotting evil!
Could it be that the Lemon King is also a perverted hero?
Can the brave man fall undercover as an undercover agent?

This kind of thing is too outrageous!
On the other hand, Lemon King put his hands on his hips and murmured suspiciously,
"I really don't understand. Isn't the Demon King just a little fatuous? Why did Balco rebel?"

"The idol empire I built with great difficulty, if I say no, it will be gone!"

Isn't the devil just a little fatuous?
Yulia almost vomited blood on the spot when she said this.

But Su Mu also frowned when he heard the words,
"That's right, the Demon King is the core leader of the Demon Race, how could Barco rebel?"

when you say

Both of them looked at Yulia together,

Seems to want to find the answer from Yulia,
But Yulia's angry head started to smoke at this time,

How can there be any thought of cooperating with the two of them?

I saw Yulia dodge her hands,
Immediately, he will take the life of King Lemon.

But only for a moment,

Su Mu gently pushed forward with a single branch of the World Tree.
Impressively fixed Yulia who was dodging and stabbing!
[Ancient Magic - Imprisonment Art]

Through Su Mu's transformation,
This magic has significantly reduced mana consumption,
And can instantly control all the body movements of the opponent,
If Su Mu wanted to, he could even stop Yulia from thinking.

To be settled Yulia,

Su Mu shook his head and smacked his tongue as he walked over: "This demon king is indeed so weak that he can't even stop such a small magic."

Little magic?
He actually called ancient magic little magic?

If Yulia hadn't been fixed, otherwise she would have complained a lot!
"Emperor Lemon, I'm taking this devil into custody for now."

Su Mu casually informed,
In his opinion,

Now that even the Demon King has been captured, what fear is there for the Demon Race?

The situation in Dumfries is getting clearer!
Now just dispatch the player,

Recapture the rest of the cities,
The mission of the brave is about to end.

If players still want to play games at that time, they can play this place as a leisure health-preserving game.

think of this,
A different smile appeared on Su Mu's face,

Yulia shuddered when she saw that smile,

'What the hell is this bastard trying to do to me? '
'Rather than being insulted by him, I would rather bite my tongue and kill myself, wait, if I die, he won't touch my body, will he? '
And Lemon Emperor is also thinking about it.

'No, the idol I cultivated with great difficulty must find a way to get Yulia back! '
'She's my cash cow! '
Three people, each with their own ideas.

It's just that everyone present didn't know that Lixia's prophecy that the human race would perish was about to come true.

Yulia, a demon king was captured,
But it will soon turn into a situation where countless demon kings are overgrown,
At that time, it will be the real end of the human race!

at the same time,

The news of Julia's captivity at Saint-Marre spread like wildfire,

Players fighting everywhere,
They all returned to Santa Mar for the first time, just to see Yulia's face with their own eyes.

Even Moecha on the empty island,
They all hurriedly asked the pure man to apply: "Patriarch, send me to San Mar to guard the devil?"

"My gameplay is limited, without your approval, I can't leave Sky Island!"

'Is this cute tea willing to leave Sky Island and go to Saint-Mar? '
The pure man immediately agreed to take action, personally assigned him a task, and quickly sent away this cute tea who was causing trouble in his heavenly palace.

This brother does not leave for a day,
Then stick to the Valkyrie all day long.

Even opened the door to a new world for many Valkyries,
It made many lilies bloom in his hanging garden.

And when Mengcha arrived in Santa Mar,

He even approached Su Mu immediately: "My lord, I am the deputy head of the white-winged Valkyrie, Mengcha!"

"I heard that you have captured the Demon King, so I came here to help!"

"Let me monitor the daily life of the Demon King, leave it to me, absolutely no problem!"

When talking, Mengcha also rolled up his sleeves to show off his small arms, completely forgetting that the muscles of this body are not strong.

"Leave it to you?" Su Mu stared at the words.

Isn't this guy a man?

Shouldn't it be a problem to leave it to him?

In the end, Mengcha nodded and added: "That's right, leave it to me, I'm a white-winged Valkyrie, and my strength is guaranteed."

"And everyone is female, so it's very convenient to check!"

"It's okay even if we go to the bathroom together!"

Mengcha patted her chest to promise,

I couldn't help but pinch it while taking the photo.

Seeing this situation, Su Mu was absolutely sure that this cute tea would definitely cause trouble.

"Okay!" Su Mu replied straight away: "I will leave this matter to you."

Since Mengcha can make troubles, let him do it, which just makes Yulia tired of dealing with it, and saves Yulia from making trouble secretly.

next moment,
A prompt window popped up in front of Mengcha.

[Special task: Take care of the supervisor Yulia! 】

"Wuhu——! Tie Tie!" Mengcha shouted excitedly, jumping and jumping out of the mansion of the sage.

When I came to the embassy where the demon king was detained,
I saw Yulia, who was unkempt and covered in blood, pinned there.

And waiting for Mengcha to approach Yulia,
As if there was an induction, Su Mu's God-Bounding Art was instantly lifted.

"White Wing Clan? Why are there still White Wing Clan here?" Yulia stared at Mengcha and asked,

But Mengcha has a smirk on her face,
Who cares about Yulia?

He dragged Yulia and ran to the bathhouse: "Come on, my uncle will take you to take a bath."

"Look at your unkempt appearance, you must wash it well!"

When talking, Mengcha also helped Yulia take off her clothes, which made Yulia stunned instantly.
She quickly grabbed the collar and tightly protected the long skirt.

"You White Wing Clan, what do you want to do?"

This resistance made Mengcha tilt her head and akimbo: "Everyone is a woman, you are shy, take it off for me!"

"Post it! I want to post it!"

At this time, Mengcha is completely a ruthless sticking machine.

Until there were exclamations, screams, and splashing sounds from the bathhouse, and another door to a new world opened.

That afternoon,

Yulia, who finished her bath, was dragged by Mengcha to the courtyard of the mansion again.

Mengcha wiped her hair with a towel while blowing the evening breeze.

And when Yulia sensed her surroundings with magic power,
I saw that the courtyard here was surrounded by holy knights, and there were even countless brave men lying on the nearby wall.

Everyone is staring at her!
'Damn it, the human race is so guarded against me. '
'As long as I make an unusual move, they will swarm in instantly and take me...take me...'
Yulia couldn't imagine what happened next,

Because once she imagined it, she couldn't help but think of the bath just now.

Here Mengcha is wiping her hair,

I saw two monster girls coming from behind,

In order to make Yulia feel at home here,

Su Mu specially sent two Dawn Birds.

See the dawn bird,
Yulia was really worried.
The two of them helped Yulia put on new shoes and combed her hair.

And when Mengcha walked away to wipe her hair,
Yulia still spoke quietly,
"You two birds have suffered a lot, haven't you?"

"But don't worry, when I think of a way to escape, I will take you all with me."

"There are too many brave men out there now, and they monitor me too much."

hear this,

The two dawn birds laughed dumbly.

"Master Demon King, those brave men are not here to spy on you."

"They all came to see your beauty!"

"Besides, in this city of Santa Mar, the living conditions are much better and the life is very comfortable. We don't want to leave."

"Master Demon King, you can also stay here with peace of mind."

The brave outside?
They all looked at Yulia like a giant panda.

What surveillance?
Obviously came to visit the zoo!
What about these two dawn birds?

Their life is very comfortable,

Even better than some low-level farmers in San Mar!

without working all day,

There are also brave men who occasionally come to curry favor with them,

Santa Mar also has magical magic furniture such as refrigerators, ovens, and air conditioners.
Plus the delicious food at Laoliu restaurant.

Was this Saint-Marie like heaven to them?
Demon domain?

Where the birds don't shit, they can't go to the bathroom in the Demon Realm, so don't go back~
Hear this,
Yulia, who was already shocked enough today,

His eyes widened again.

'Do they know what they are talking about? '
'The life here is more comfortable than that of the demons?Don't want to go back to the Demon Race? '
'Listen!Is this the bird language that the dawn bird can speak! '
And when everything is peaceful here,
In the prison of San Mar,
Fox Luobo was pacing back and forth in front of Lisha.

"You've been mumbling for two days. Is what you want to say really that important?" Fox Carrot asked.

Lisha nodded frantically upon hearing this.

"It's about the life and death of your White Wing Clan?"

Lisha shook her head.

"It has nothing to do with your White Wing Clan? Could it be related to me?"

Lisha suddenly nodded again.

"Hey!" Fox Luobo stared at the words: "How can it have anything to do with me?"

"Could it be related to the human race?"

Li Xia nodded again, almost terrified her to death.

"I'll take the ball out for you. If you chant a spell, even if you chant only half a character, I'll gag your mouth again!"

After all, Fox Luobo stepped forward slowly, reaching out to try to dunk the ball.

He'll be out of jail soon,

Before he was released from prison, he couldn't help but want to satisfy his curiosity.

"what are you doing?!"

Just when Fox Carrot was about to take action, Xilu's voice came from behind Fox Carrot,
"Don't act rashly. Didn't I tell you that she will brainwash you?"

Then Shilu walked into the cell,
She first glanced at Lixia who was bound, and then signaled Fox Luobo to leave quickly: "Let's go, you should be released from prison."


After all, I still couldn't satisfy my curiosity.
Hu Luobo spread his hands and had no choice but to leave the prison with his lips curled up.

Even if something big happens to Lixia, it's not as important as him being released from prison.

see this situation,

Lisha became even more frantic and impatient,
As the Patriarch of the White Wings, even if she is bound, she can still obtain the oracle through dreams.


She also received the latest order from the Goddess of Light,
【A new Demon King is about to be born in the Demon Realm, go to stop it immediately, and never let the number of Demon Kings increase. 】

(End of this chapter)

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