As a programmer, I also want to make games in a different world

Chapter 131 Celia: Are you my master?I knew it was rotten in the flowers. 【3 in 1】

Chapter 131 Celia: Are you my master?I knew it was rotten in the flowers. 【triple】

Demon Realm, Demon King City.

Barco, who has obtained three Demon King Heart Crystals,

At the moment, she is sitting on Yulia's throne.


Several demon generals headed by Nelson bowed and knelt down.

As for Yulia’s old department?

Those who fled, those who killed, they were no longer in the Demon King City.

Even the last Heavenly King, Dan Talin, fled to the north immediately after the incident.

Balco at this moment,

He took out the three demon king's heart crystals that he snatched during the war, stuffed them into his mouth, and devoured them.

For humans, this thing is probably an SSS-level monster material.

But for Barco,
That is the supreme tonic!
"Master Demon God, have you seen it?!"

"That stupid and cowardly Yulia has already been defeated by me. If I devour her Demon King Heart Crystal, my strength will rise to another level!"

When Balko cried out,

His body also shimmered, and the pressure of magic power became more and more terrifying.
Nelson, who was unwilling to bow down below, began to be surprised.

'Is he really going to be the new Demon King? '
'There will really be multiple demon kings now. Is this true? '
'If he becomes the new Demon King, it might be a good choice to unify the world under his leadership. '
'At least Baal is a male undead, after all, he won't be timid about the brave, right? '
many thoughts,

It sprouted in the heart of the demon general below.

And after about 3 minutes,

A black mist suddenly fell from the sky, and the black mist seemed to hit Balco,
When the dark fog dissipates,
Seeing that Balco completely changed his appearance,

The body is covered with black stripes, and the pattern formed by the stripes is like some kind of magic circle!

And in the minds of the monsters looking at Balko,
The voice of the demon god sounded.

[Undead Demon King: Balco! 】

Or because there are more demon kings,
Today’s Demon King,
Even began to have a special title,
Balco, the undead clan, naturally inherited the title of undead.

"Hahahaha!" Barco looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, "Thank you Lord Demon God for your appreciation!"

Balco has successfully advanced to Demon King,
He can even feel the changes in his body after the advanced stage.

All attributes have doubled, the mana value is extremely strong, and most importantly, he has been approved by the demon god!

"Don't worry, Lord Demon God. I will definitely revive the glory of the Demon Clan and completely exterminate the human race. The world will eventually belong to the Demon Clan!"

"Let that trash Yulia see what a real devil should do!"

Julia, far away in Santa Mar, sneezed,
At the same time, she frowned slightly,
"I'm the devil king, how could I catch a cold?"

At this time, she is practicing the latest dance arranged by Lang Dao Lost Contact,
have to say,

The fabric of this clothes is too little, and the weather is really cold.

Right at this time,

The demon god's reminder also sounded in Yulia's mind,

[The Singing and Dancing Demon King: Yulia]

"Huh?" Yulia was immediately shocked when she heard the sound: "Have I been recognized by the Demon God as being good at singing and dancing?"

"Why? So suddenly?!"

"My efforts must have moved the devil!"

"It turns out that singing and dancing are really powerful. Even the devil can fall in love with me. It's really great!"

She even turned her head to look at Mengcha and Lemon King,
He said in a showy tone: "Look, I have been recognized by the Demon God!"

At this time Julia,

It was so exciting and elated,
I don't know that this title comes from the ridicule and contempt of the demon god.

And the reaction of Mengcha and Lemon King?
When they saw it, they stared even more happily.

Mengcha: "6! Yulia, why don't I reward you for this?"

Lemon Emperor: "As expected of the Lord Demon King, this time we must let that fourth blood ancestor lose face!"

They took it for granted that it was a title Yulia had received,

Titles are too commonplace in the eyes of players.

I didn't realize what it meant to have the title of a Demon Lord,
If you let them know,

At this time, the demon king has become plural, so what kind of expression should he have?
【Saint Mare Double Concert Event】

Now that preparations are in full swing,
Players who have taken risks and leveled up all over the world have rushed back to Santa Mar.
I can see two beauties competing on the same stage,
What level is this practicing?

What adventure?

It's not as important as seeing beautiful women prolonging life!

Even the pilot of the plane, who just went out to explore, flew back to Santa Mar with his family.

Only the driver with a C license and the croquettes are left wandering around.
He also looked helplessly at the dragon cub,
Stretch out your hand on the foot, motioning for it to lower its head and let him pet it,

Then he spoke to comfort him: "Baby, don't blame dad. Dad really doesn't dare to go back and see your dragon mother."

"I'm crying. If I can go back to watch the concert, then Dad, I also want to go back to see beautiful women."

But Santa Mar is too close to Budkalo,

For Brittany,
It's just a matter of flapping his wings a few times. He must be looking for death when he returns to Saint-Mar.

Though he may rise after death,
But Brittany will definitely demolish the city of Santa Mar, by the way,
In case Su Mu is killed again,
Or let Su Mu's favorability towards him drop to a negative number,

Then it will completely explode!

He has no idea,
In fact, Brittany had already sensed that the ancestral grave had been dug up, and she thought it was an accident with the dragon cub,
At this time, he even found the door.

Because there is a precedent of not being able to detect dragon cubs before,

So she secretly set up a tracking technique for the dragon cub,

This time it was easier to trace to the territory of the Demon Realm,

But in order to prevent the driver C from being aware of the existence of the tracking technique, she specially flew to a distance, and then slowly approached after transforming into the form of a woman.

Just as the driver C was stroking the dragon cub's head and complaining to it,
Brittany also loomed behind him.

Gawu -!
The dragon cub called out,
Ask C to look back as the driver seems to have noticed something,
Then he stared in amazement: "Madam, why are you here?"

'Wow!I just said I wanted to see a beautiful woman, and she came to my door? ! '
'But madam, shouldn't she be near the North Sea? '
'This is the territory of the Demon Realm, separated by hundreds of thousands of miles from the North Sea!Why is she here? '
Faced with doubts,

Brittany just smiled and tilted her head: "I'll take the risk?"

She vaguely remembered that humans called long-distance travel an adventure.

And C listened to the driver,
His eyes widened even more: "Madam, so you are also an adventurer?!"

"This is such a coincidence, why don't we form a group adventure together?!"

hehe hehe-

What can Brittany do?
She just nodded: "OK."

"The dragon cub you brought seems to have successfully advanced. Have you gone to report its mother's safety?"

When she said this, Brittany tried her best to keep the corners of her mouth from twitching.

And the driver according to C is to open the magic bag,
Take out a bag of keel powder.

"Here, look, it's difficult to take care of children." C Zhao said with emotion to the driver: "I am taking dragon cubs to find advanced materials."

"I didn't expect that I accidentally dug into his ancestral grave, dug out his grandfather, and accidentally cremated his grandfather."

"It makes me afraid to go back to see its mother."

when speaking,
According to C, the driver also used a spoon to dig out two spoonfuls of keel,
I made three cups of bone milk on the spot.

A glass each for himself, the cub, and Brittany.

"This is a good thing that came out of the keel. I would not be willing to give it to ordinary people."

"Come on, ma'am, let's drink together!"

Saying C, according to the driver, he raised his glass high,

Then drink the bone milk.

The croquettes also drank the bone milk in a similar manner. This thing has the same effect as the advanced material.

Recently, he drinks whenever he has nothing to do.

It also made his mana value increase rapidly.

But after hearing what the driver of the C-car driver just said, Brittany was completely stunned.

He stared blankly at the cup in his hand.

'You burned my old father to ashes? '
'Are you going to buy me a drink? ! '
How could Brittany drink it? !
She originally thought that the incident at the ancestral grave was an accident,

Unexpectedly, it was the driver with a C license who did the good deed? !

"Come on! Croquettes, drink more, I don't know if this bone meal has a shelf life, so don't spoil it."


The driver of C photo gave Long Zai another large drink.

Serve it extremely thoughtfully.

This made Brittany take a deep breath,

'My ancestors, I'm sorry. '
'It's not that I forgive him, it's that this guy will really come back to life, it's useless to kill him. '
'And he was really kind to Elias, after all, he didn't let the cub get hurt. '
Brittany what can she do?
She can only choose to forgive!
"I think you should take the dragon cub back, at least to report its mother's safety."

"I believe that incident must have been an accident, and its mother must understand."

Brittany persuaded C to take care of the driver,
But seeing the other party shaking his head leisurely,

"It was indeed an accident. When I arrived, the tomb had already been dug up by others, but it was indeed us who killed the bone dragon."

"It is said that the hatred of killing one's father is irreconcilable, so Brittany will definitely not forgive her."

"Ma'am, don't say any more, you haven't met Brittany, and you must know her better than me."

Ha ha--

Brittany has blue veins,

'you know me?You know what a fart!Hurry up and go back to my wife! '
Brittany could clearly sense,

Another powerful magic power appeared in the Demon Realm,

The opponent seems to be a bit stronger than Yulia,
She didn't want the dragon cubs wandering around in this place.

If there is a real confrontation with the opponent, the driver of C photo will definitely not be able to protect the dragon cub.

The result is that C unfolds the map according to the driver,

Looking at the map and thinking,
"Madam, the reason why I'm wandering around here is because I found another giant lair nearby."

"I suspect there are dragons living there, too."

"If you don't dislike it, why don't you come with me?"

Other dragon lairs?

According to C, what is the driver going to do there?
Before Brittany could ask any questions, she heard the driver with the C-photo again speaking to the dragon cub,
"Good boy, Fried Ball. Although I can't take you back to find Dragon Mother, dad has other ways!"

"Let's travel all over the country, Dad will definitely find you a stepmother!"

"Don't worry, since you were born, Brittany has been unable to sense you, and she will definitely not catch up!"

ah?ah? ! !
He actually wanted to find a stepmother for Zai'er?
And he said that Brittany would definitely not be able to find them? !

hearing these words,
Brittany, who had chosen to forgive just now, hardened her fist again.

the other side,
Julia and Rias in Santa Mar,

Both of them are preparing to sing and dance,

And when they are busy,
But Su Mu came to visit the two of them,
Afeya followed behind Su Mu,

He glared and asked, "Mianshou, didn't you say you wanted to go to work?"

"Is this how you work?"

I saw Su Mu staring at the two girls, his eyes were full of excitement and desire,

But Afia doesn't know,

What Su Mu fell in love with was the physical data of the two of them!
Well, Su Mu couldn't say that.

He just rolled his eyes at Afiya, and then pushed her away from him with his hands.

And greet Lemon King and Poverty Love F,

"Let them prepare. If the foreigners stay in Saint Mare City for a long time, they need to temporarily use positioning magic."

"No surprises."

Hearing this order,
Both of them executed at once to call,
Especially Yulia, she is a prisoner,

Su Mu's orders must be unconditionally disobeyed.

And after the two of them got together,

Su Mu immediately cast a spell, using the blue light barrier to record the body data of the two.

see the data,

The corners of Su Mu's mouth couldn't help but slightly raised,

Get two races at once,
Recently, the road to developing games has become more and more smooth~
Seeing Su Mu's sly smile,
This time, not only Afia, but even Yulia retreated again and again,

On the contrary, Lias frowned slightly, feeling that Su Mu, a sage, seemed not very serious.

"Okay, you guys continue to rehearse quickly, I hope this event can make a lot of money..."

"Oh no, I hope to enliven the atmosphere of San Mar City."

Su Mu quickly changed his words.

Then happily return to the mansion of the sage,
But Afia stayed here,

She wants to see how idols are trained, maybe she can learn a few tricks secretly,
In the future, it is better to control Su Mu's eyes, lest he always want to look at other women.

And Su Mu, who returned to the mansion,

Immediately call out the physical data of their second daughter,
Immediately shocked by the data.

"Hey, Rias, as the Blood Ancestor, can actually summon the Blood Ancestor players directly?"

"Damn, this Yulia is even worse! She actually belongs to the Heavenly Demon Clan?"

The situation of the Demon Race is similar to that of the Beastman Race and the Wing Race.

The clan is also divided into various branches,
It’s just that the demon clan has more categories and covers a wider range of levels.

And Yulia belonged to the Heavenly Demon Clan,
He is also the seed player in the awakening of the demon kings of all ages!

Every time the devil is revived,
There is a high probability that they will all be born from the Heavenly Demon Race.

Looking at the basic attributes of this race, the average is as high as 350!

The average attribute of the human race is 5, and the sky demon race is 70 times that of the human race!
"Damn, if you summon a Sky Demon player, it will be very unfriendly to my mana consumption..."

Not only the Heavenly Demons,

The blood ancestor is also the same reason,

After all, summoning a blood ancestor player is more equivalent to summoning a series of blood clan branches!
"These two races should wait for a while."

"Perhaps we can open some new gameplay according to these two races."

For example [Blood Ancestry Family Mode],
You can become the patriarch of the blood clan, create your own clan, and become the overlord of one party~
And the demon clan,

It can be made into an easter egg of the game [Dumfries],

【Omen Flurry Mode】

Enter the game and open Unparalleled immediately, only open to randomly selected lucky players~
"Yeah." Su Mu nodded with a smile: "Let's set it like this for the time being."

"When I get richer in magic power, I will open these gameplays."

The newly opened race,
Not only does it consume a lot of magic power, but they can't go to the sacred ancient tree to get back the magic buff for free.

To be honest, this made Su Mu feel very hurt.

While Su Mu was writing the program,
The Fairy Flower behind him made a sound again,
Su Mu hurriedly turned his head when he heard the words,

I happened to see the sleeping twilight goblin slowly opening its eyes,
Then she sat up with her hands on her hands and sat in the flower room like a duck.

she rubbed her eyes,

He looked around the room with a confused face.

This little guy was at most the size of Su Mu's palm, and his ignorant appearance seemed very cute.

As a result, when she saw Su Mu,
There was a disgusted expression on that cute little face.

She even pinched her nose and retreated into the greenhouse,

The first thing he said was: "It stinks!"

ha? !

Su Mu, who was full of joy just now, seemed to have been poured with cold water.

"What? It stinks? Do I stink?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

what a joke,
Afeya urged him to take a bath every night,
What's more, if he stinks,
Afeya has already started cursing,

How could it be this Shimmer Fairy's turn to complain?

"Are you my master?" Shimmer Fairy frowned: "I knew it was rotten in the flowers."

Su Mu collapsed: "How can you talk to your master!"

"Besides, what stinks on me?"

"It's all the fragrance from Afeya's body, it doesn't stink at all, okay?"

For this,

The shimmering fairy rolled her eyes,
"It's the smell of the demon god. Of course you can't smell it, but I can."

"Are you being targeted by the demon god? The smell is too strong, it's almost overwhelming!"

"I can't take it, I can't take it."

The smell of the devil?
When Su Mu heard this, he suddenly realized.

"It is true that I have just obtained the state of the Demon God's favor, but I don't know how it came about."

"I almost killed you back then, but I managed to bring you back to life."


Refers to the Holy Light Purification~
But the Shimmer Goblin was utterly ungrateful,

She said it all, she can't wait to rot in the flowers~
"Okay." In the end, Shimmer Fairy walked out of the conservatory with her nose pinched, stretched out her hand to Su Mu and said, "My name is Celia, I was born by the King of Fairies, and I came to assist you."

Looking at Celia's outstretched little hand,

Su Mu hesitated, then stretched out his index finger to shake hands with him.

But Celia suddenly retracted her arm: "I'm just being polite, so don't shake hands."

"Don't let the devil's favor spread to me."

"Go, go, stay away."


Su Mu felt more and more angry when he heard the words, this goblin was too irritating.

It doesn’t have the pleasant feeling of being small and clingy at all!
"Okay." Su Mu finally had to put his hands on his hips: "What can you help me do?"

"a lot of."

Celia said in a familiar tone: "My assisting ability will continue to grow as you become stronger."

"For example, it allows you to perform multiple spellcastings, and it can also be used as your magic agent to increase your spellcasting level."

That's it?

Su Mu rolled his eyes,

"Okay, it's time for me to dislike you."

"I can already multi-cast, and I can cast eight spells at once without any problem."

"As for the improvement of the spellcasting level, I have Lv.63 of the magic god's favor, which also includes this effect."

what? !

This time it was Celia's turn to be shocked;

She narrowed her eyes,
I looked at Su Mu with the identification technique, but turned blank,
"Bragging, you, a trash sage of level 18, accept my assistance honestly!"

18 level,
It's just Su Mu's fake panel, he's already level 34.

Su Mu didn't explain either,

He walked to the window and casually released fireballs outside.

But when casting a spell,
Su Mu immediately sensed that something was wrong,
He actually released 16 huge fireballs at once!
The number of the original eight-fold spellcasting has doubled!
The most outrageous is that

After the advanced effect of casting the fireball technique, it suddenly became the fall of the sky fire!

At this moment, 16 rounds of sky fire fell,
It suddenly hit the center of the city.

Su Mu was so frightened that he immediately stopped casting the spell, but it also frightened the residents of the city.

“Damn, you’re really useful!”

It was not only Su Mu who was surprised,
Celia also stared wide-eyed: "What you said is actually the truth!"

But when she identified Su Mu again, intending to break through the illusion and identify the real body, the result can be imagined.

She couldn't solve the Riemann conjecture at all.

"Very good." Su Mu nodded with a smile: "You seem to be able to save my magic power, and this effect is really good."

The goblin race,

It is simply a natural help! ~
And thinking of this moment, Su Mu suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

'Fairies, will they also be able to record body information? '
There are very few elves in the mainland,

It is said that only the elves can contact them,
And all of them were born and appeared through fairy flowers,

No one knows where the goblins live,
No one knows how many goblins there are on the mainland.

'Since goblins are a race, they can most likely be entered! '
think of this,
Su Mu immediately released the blue screen magic,

See through Celia's body with a blue screen.

"What are you doing?" Celia looked at the blue screen and retreated slightly, her vigilance greatly increased.

"Don't worry, it's the same kind of magic as identification." Su Mu reassured.

And soon,
The goblin panel was included in the [Dumfries] game.

'It's really possible! '
Su Mu was overjoyed when he saw this.

With this goblin family, it will definitely attract more players to play auxiliary professions!
With the existence of powerful support, it can greatly enhance the player's combat ability!
don't think about it anymore,

Su Mu quickly tapped the code,

Prepare to announce the new race of elves immediately.

Unlike the Sky Demon Clan and the Blood Ancestor, her physical stats are mediocre, and it doesn't take any effort to summon her!


A new announcement was posted to the official website by Su Mu.

[Dumfries's latest non-stop update, adding the latest auxiliary race, the goblin race! 】

[Small and cute, flexible in flight, and naturally equipped with powerful auxiliary skills, it is definitely the best choice for assisting players! 】

"Fuck? Finally an auxiliary race?!"

"This is fine, look at the effect of this skill, it's too strong, directly double the output of the main C!"

"Crack, you can play assisted stroke, isn't that more comfortable than playing C?"

To know,
Now the players in the mainland are all main C professions,

The scarcest thing is support.

The Priest Association has even raised the base price for missions to 30 silver coins, which is almost catching up with the red candle area!
So when seeing this announcement,
The joy is not limited to the support players.

Those powerful output players are even more awesome!
"Ah! A competitor finally appears in the auxiliary industry!"

"This will not only bring down the price of support, but we will also have a group of powerful support players!"

"All attributes are doubled, and skill casting effect +1!"

"Hey, just thinking about it, I can laugh out loud in my dreams!"

With this wave of strengthening,
They went to the Demon Realm to conquer the city, so it couldn't be as simple as going home?

Demon Lord Yulia has been captured in Santa Mar City,

Just the mob in Demon Realm?
Kill them all in minutes!
 I would like to express my gratitude to the readers: Pure Man for the 100 coins, and thank you readers for your monthly votes!

(End of this chapter)

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