As a programmer, I also want to make games in a different world

Chapter 134 Build a sacrificial statue and try to communicate with the goddess of light! 【3 in 1】

Chapter 134 Build a sacrificial statue and try to communicate with the goddess of light! 【triple】

"Hey, what's the matter with you? Wake up!"

Brittany walked quickly towards C to take care of the driver, stretched out her hand and slapped him in the face frantically,

But get no response at all.

"Could it be that this barrier will weaken his life status?"

Brittany was surprised,

In her eyes, human beings are such fragile creatures.

But when Brittany checked,

However, they found that the driver of Photo C was breathing evenly, his heartbeat was normal, and he was completely pretending to be dead.

"Are you pretending to be dead?!" Brittany was furious: "Hurry up and fight!"

The Demon King rushed in front of him,

Now even a scumbag like a C-photo driver is an indispensable treasure!

He actually pretended to be dead?

But no matter how Brittany shakes, she will never wake up the driver C,
The reason is very simple, this is a forced disconnection, not C according to the driver's intention.

He could have been resurrected, so why should he be afraid of death?

This scene made Balco sneer,
"This is to make the brave?"

"Unexpectedly, the brave man who worries Yulia all day is such a waste."

"In front of the devil, do you just pretend to be dead?"

The brave and the devil are old enemies,

doomed opponent,
But being an enemy of C Zhao's driver is simply a humiliation to Balco.

Seeing that she couldn't wake him up, Brittany kicked him away, then glared at Balco,

"It seems that the purpose of your visit this time is not this useless hero."


Balco nodded with a smile: "All dragons, surrender to me, I will give you endless life and more powerful magic power!"

when you say

Seeing a thick black mist behind Balko,
Moreover, countless skeletal jade hands stretched out from the dense fog, reaching out of the dense fog with teeth and claws.

Soon, an undead army suddenly appeared in the enclosed space.

War is imminent!
Brittany took the lead, and when she stomped her right foot on the ground, a thorn rose immediately,
Wear the undead soldiers like a gourd!
But the next moment,
Seeing the undead forcefully break free from the stab,

Freed at the cost of the bones falling apart, and reunited into a larger undead skeleton, walking towards Brittany again.

"It's all in vain, don't struggle, surrender to me." Bakr sneered.

Fighting the undead requires the power of a holy god,

That is, holy water and other media.

But how could Dragon Clan have that kind of thing?
So as long as Balco's magic power can withstand it, his subordinates can be resurrected infinitely, and they will die sooner or later!

"Go find a way to break through the magic space, and I will deal with the undead."

Brittany gave her sister orders,
At the same time let the dragon cub hide behind, she rushed out to fight the undead.

As for the dragon cub hiding behind, he kept patting the driver with his nose, trying to wake him up, but it was in vain.

"Sister, this magic space is very strong, I can't open it!"

Brittany also exclaimed,
The current situation is very critical, and as the thick fog continues to spread, it will soon fill the entire space.

Brittany felt that as long as they were trapped in the black mist, they would soon become undead bone dragons under Balco.

'Damn it! Brittany cursed secretly: "When will our dragon clan be insulted by the little demon clan!" '
If her Nilin was not still in Su Mu's hands,

Otherwise, just because of his mere demon king, Brittany would not pay attention to him at all!

at the same time,

Su Mu was also looking at the backstage prompting to be dazed.

[Brave: The driver of the C license has lost contact and has been forced offline. 】

"What do you mean, the other party's network fluctuated, so they dropped the line?"

This is ridiculous,
The entire [Dumfries] is driven by magic power, how could it be possible to be disconnected?

He first observed for 5 minutes,
Seeing that the driver with the C photo was unable to go online for a long time,
And also ran to the forum to complain about the bug in the game,
Only then did he determine that this was by no means a so-called 'network' problem.

"Is it because I can't establish a connection with the game character of the C photo driver?"

"Where is his game character?"

Su Mu immediately opened the [Brave] window,
But found [C according to the driver] is in a lost state.

"Unable to lock the location?" Su Mu stared in surprise: "Then where is the last place he appeared...?"

"Inside a giant dragon's lair?!"

Su Mu stared,

He quickly cast space spells, trying to tear apart the space to see what was happening in the dragon's nest.

In the end, it doesn't matter if you don't try it, Su Mu will be shocked immediately if you try it.

"Fuck, the spell casting failed?!"

Su Mu stared in surprise, and quickly shouted towards the window sill: "Celia! Come and help me!"

Celia, who was hiding in the greenhouse, flew out slowly,

At this time, she was still pinching her nose, with a listless expression on her face,

"You still need my help? Your magic talent is already full, okay?"

"Especially your affinity for the light attribute, which is dozens of times higher than that of me, a shimmering elf."

As we keep getting along,

Celia already knew how abnormal Su Mu's strength was.

Hearing that Su Mu didn't explain, but released space magic again,

Just a bang,
The magic was like hitting a wall of air, and disappeared after the bang!

"There is still space that you can't tear apart?!"

Seeing this scene,
Even Celia was slightly surprised,

Then she concentrated her gaze, and cooperated with Su Mu to cast spells together,

Lively advance [Space Fragmentation Technique] to [Dimensional Window]!
With the help of Celia, the magic power
It soared more than three times crazily, and slammed into the air wall.

Such magic power immediately shakes the magic space set up by Barco!
"Huh?" Feeling the space being shaken, Balco stared in disbelief.

"Who are you?!"

Barco and Su Mu shouted across the air,

But Su Mu didn't get any response.

But when the magic space vibrates, Brittan can seize the right opportunity and attack from the weakest point.
With the advantage of dragon scales, he smashed Balco's space magic with one punch!
When the enclosed space was broken, the window opened by Su Mu also appeared in front of Balco instantly.

For just a split second, the two stood facing each other, looking at each other.

Balco: "Great Sage, Su Mu?"

Su Mu: "Immortal Demon King, Barco?"

at this time,

According to the role of the driver, C also re-established connection with Su Mu,

Successfully logged into the game.

But Su Mu didn't look sideways, staring at Balco and ordered: "C according to the driver, take them away immediately."

"Lord Sage?!" Driver C glared upon seeing this.

"Damn it, I encountered a bug and can trigger the plot?"

One side is a great sage of the human race,
The other party is the new demon king of the demon clan?

This is definitely the rhythm of a war!
This plot CG must not be missed!

"I'm not leaving!" C Zhao said resolutely, "Master Sage, let me help you!"

Brittany and Su Mu stared,
Brittany was almost pissed off on the spot: "You just pretended to be dead and didn't help, but when the sage comes, you will live, right?!"

Su Mu frowned even more and said, "Then I'll go first, take care."

No kidding,

Balco is gathering the magic power of the surrounding undead at this time,
Let his magic value increase rapidly,
It soon surpassed Su Mu's twice the magic power,
In this battle, Su Mu chose to avoid the edge temporarily!

The driver of C photo who stayed at the spot was dumbfounded. He didn't expect the sage to run away!
He also immediately looked at Brittany: "I didn't play dead just now, I just got disconnected."

"Forget about that, let's run!"

Demon kings who even sages dare not hit, how can they spank?
The two Brittany sisters frowned slightly, and then one took C to take a photo of the driver, and one dragon flew into the sky with croquettes,

Quickly withdraw from the battlefield.

And Balco just stood there, quietly watching them leave.

He didn't dare to act rashly, because he knew that Su Mu didn't really escape, but was still staring at him in the dark.

As long as Balko reveals a flaw when he strikes, Su Mu will definitely take the opportunity to make up for it.

"Didn't you take action again?"

As Barco thought,
Su Mu, who was in Saint Mar's study, frowned and muttered.

"Undead Demon King, what is that? Could it be some kind of title?"

"There will never be two demon kings in the demon clan, right?"


Ercilia beside Su Mu clicked her tongue in a low voice: "In my opinion, it's not normal to have so many brave men nowadays."

She was holding her nose, and reluctantly returned to the greenhouse,

Then gasp for the aroma of nectar.

Balco and Su Mu, the devil's aura on them almost killed Celia.

"It can't be determined rashly." Su Mu frowned: "If two demon kings really appear, it will definitely affect the enthusiasm of life of the human race."

Especially the paladins and the Holy Corps,
The dawn of victory has just lit up in front of our eyes, and we must not allow darkness to shroud us any longer.

But soon,
C follows the driver and posts what happened just now,
[Brothers, big news!The new version is previewed first! 】

【1#: I met Barco, one of the Four Heavenly Kings!He has now become the Undead Demon King! 】

【2#: Undead Demon King, he has become a Demon King!In the next version, the number of demon kings may also increase! 】

See this post,

Su Mu immediately followed up with the identity of 'to A',
【7#: Players please don't make alarmist remarks, the game information needs to be subject to precise investigation! 】

But here Su Mu just intervened,

I saw Fox Carrot, a frequent visitor to the prison, angrily making his presence felt.
【8#: I think the next version has nothing to do with the devil, but the god version!You have never been to a prison, in fact Lisha Valkyrie is imprisoned in the innermost prison!Asking her about the secret may be the key to activating the next version! 】

The Valkyrie's Secret?

All the players were immediately attracted by the fox radish.

But when everyone asked what the secret was, Hu Luobo had no choice but to respond.

【25#: I was released by Sister Xilu before I could ask. Don't worry, everyone. For the sake of the new version, I can still steal Eve's artifact-level magic item! 】

【26#: Fox radish, spare the child, don't catch Eve stealing it alone. 】

Seeing the communication between players,
Instead, it reminded Su Mu of the goddess of life.

"She may know the information I don't know."

"Why don't you let the pure man hold a consecration ceremony and get some information from the goddess of life?"

Do it as soon as you think of it,
However, after Su Mu opened the [Staff] tab,
But his finger stopped on Xilu's head portrait and he couldn't press it for a long time.

"No, we must not let them know about the appearance of the Undead Demon King."

"It's better to directly assign tasks to the pure man."

Soon, the pure man basking in the sun in the hanging garden and admiring the hills,
A task box pops up in front of you.

[Get urgent mission: Communicate with the gods! 】

【Mission Details: Hold the White Wing Clan Sacrificial Ceremony, get in touch with the Goddess of Life, and consult information about the Undead Demon King. 】

[Mission Reward: Freedom to Drift in the Sky Island - Terran airspace is free to fly, no application required! 】

Faced with such wealthy players,

Rewarding money is useless, Su Mu can only promise power to move him slightly.

After hearing about Sky Garden, there is no need to apply for route issues,

to be frank,
The pure man was really moved.

Although it doesn't seem to be of much use now, but after the demon domain is captured, the territory of the human race will expand.

What a convenient privilege in those days!
"Mengcha! Come to work!"

The pure man sent a message to Mengcha, calling him back to hold the sacrificial ceremony.

The sacrifice method of the Baiyi people is very simple.
It is only necessary to gather the clansmen together, form a large and small circle, and let the clan leader stand in the center of the circle.

Only when a holy light comes down, the patriarch can be connected with the goddess of light.

"It's that simple?" Mengcha slapped his thigh immediately after listening to Valkyrie's retelling: "What's the need for preparation? Just start!"

"This is certainly not the first time you have held a ceremony!"

"Just arrange the formation according to the previous positions, and just find me a position!"

Under the arrangement of Mengcha,
Countless white-winged Valkyries immediately formed countless circles,
And the pure man stood in the center of the circle gracefully.

However, when all the Valkyries fanned their wings and pointed their wingtips at the sky, it was a long time before the Holy Light descended.

After about 3 minutes,

Mengcha frowned and asked, "What's going on? Why didn't the holy light descend?"

But this question,
It's like setting off a depth charge.

"Yeah, why couldn't I hear the oracle from the goddess of light?"

"Could it be that our faith has been shaken?"

"We won't be abandoned by the Goddess of Light, right?"

The white-winged Valkyrie examines herself,
They have indeed been very slutty recently, especially with the presence of Mengcha, which made them even more thoroughly excited.

It's no longer like thinking about the gods all the time.

And the pure man rubbed his chin and thought,

"Could it be because of me?"

"I'm an atheist, and I'm still a Rabbitman. Maybe I need the White Wings to communicate with the gods?"

"By the way, will Dumfries issue tasks that cannot be completed?"

The pure man and Mengcha started to communicate,
But the other white-winged Valkyrie began to panic.

see this situation,
The pure man immediately went to the mansion of the sage and informed Su Mu of the situation.

"Can't communicate with the gods?" Su Mu frowned: "And the people's hearts of the White-Winged Valkyrie have begun to waver?"

This is not a good sign,
"This mission has been temporarily changed. If I release Lixia, can you take care of her?"

"No problem." The pure man agreed.

If he could get immunity from aviation just by taking care of Lisha, then the pure man would wish for it.

On the contrary, Su Mu couldn't help frowning,
'Looks like we still have to start with Lisha. '
'Perhaps I should have listened to her explain why human beings are going to perish. '
Thinking about this,
Su Mu left immediately after sending the innocent man away,

Directly use the space magic to travel to San Mar Prison.

Before approaching the innermost cell,
Then I heard Lisha's feeble faltering voice.

"After being restrained for so many days, she still can't give up the idea of ​​speaking out. Is there really something important to say?"

Su Mu frowned and muttered,
When he pushed open the cell door and met Lixia's eyes, he saw that she immediately became agitated after a short moment of astonishment.

And after Su Mu approached Li Xia and untied her restraint,
But the excited Lixia became calm again, looking at Su Mu silently.

"Don't you have something to say?" Su Mu raised his eyebrows: "Say it right now."

"I succumbed." Lisha said suddenly.

"I am willing to assist the brave, and I will not resist the order of this collar, and I will not use magic privately."

"I don't want to be in this dark cell anymore."

hearing these words,
Su Mu couldn't help feeling slightly surprised.

"I heard from Fox Carrot that you have been tossing and turning in the cell for a long time, trying to tell him a secret that affects the survival of the human race."

"Is this what you mean?"

Li Xia turned her head, slightly unwilling to say: "I lied to him, I just want to leave the cell."

"The White Wings yearn for freedom. I have never been imprisoned in a dark corner for so long."

Lixia at this moment really looked very delicate and pitiful.

It makes people want to let her out immediately,

But Su Mu frowned and looked at her: "Do you know any information about the Undead Demon King?"

"I don't know." Lisha shook her head in doubt, with a completely puzzled expression.

"Then what is the task assigned to you by the Goddess of Light?" Su Mu asked,
But Lixia replied decisively: "Kill you, stop summoning the brave, and send back the redundant brave."

"Why did the Goddess of Light do this?" Su Mu asked again,
Lisha still shook her head: "I don't know."

After this conversation, Su Mu's frown did not relax.

'Strange, very strange. '
'How could she react like this?Did he really give in? '
"No matter what, contacting the goddess of light is the most important thing right now, let's hand her over to the pure man..."
think of this,
Su Mu completely untied Lixia's bondage outfit,

and give her orders.

"Immediately go to assist the pure man, rebuild the sacrificial buildings of the Baiyi tribe, and establish the Baiyi tribe's belief in the goddess of light."

"Yes!" Lixia bowed and bowed her head: "This subordinate will go right away."

After saying that, Lixia walked out of the prison calmly and slowly, and after seeing the light of day again, she flapped her wings more strangely, and slowly flew towards the hanging garden.

Seeing that Lisha really has no thoughts of running away,
Su Mu frowned even more puzzled,
"If she escapes at this time, I can still catch her and interrogate her again."

"But her reaction is too normal and too abnormal."

After Lisha arrived at the Hanging Garden,

When the white-winged Valkyries saw the old patriarch again, they all looked excited.

Lisha also greeted everyone with a smile,

And after seeing the new sky garden built by Pure Man,
Lixia's eyes also brightened: "What a beautiful garden, this place is really better than our White Wing City."

"But there is no statue dedicated to the goddess of light. We should build it again."

Hearing Lisha's words,

The pure man turned his head to look at Mengcha: "I will leave this matter to you to follow."

"Go and assist Lixia with this matter."

Mengcha looked at Lixia with bright eyes: "No problem, leave it to me!"

This beauty, he hasn't posted it yet! ~

With the careful 'cooperation' of Mengcha,
The two quickly sorted out the list of building materials and went to the city of Santa Mar to buy materials.

After re-observing the development of Saint Mar, Lisha's expression was even more shocked, but secretly dignified.

"I've only been locked up for a few days, and Saint-Mar has developed into this."

"The creativity of the brave is too strong."

heard boasting,

Mengcha pinched her chest proudly: "Hahaha, no more, if it weren't for magic, the speed of development would not be so fast."

hehe hehe-

Li Xia cooperated with her smile, but just looked at Mengcha again.

As the old patriarch, how could Lixia fail to realize that Mengcha is a strange face?
'She is brave! '
'Su Mu's mobility is too strong, and he can even summon the brave warriors of the White Wing Clan! '
'It's incredible, and maybe because of that...'
While Lisha was thinking in her heart,
Mengcha posted it abruptly: "Sister, what are you thinking?"

"Let's hurry back to the Sky Garden?"

"I will hand over the construction work to other people."

"You have been imprisoned for so long, let me serve you well and take you to take a bath, how about?"

The innocent smile on the day I watched Mengcha,
Lixia smiled cooperatively again: "Okay, I also saw the big swimming pool in the sky garden, it's a good place to play in the water."

But obviously,
At this time, Lixia still doesn't know what the 'standards' of Mengcha's water are.

In the afternoon,

Lixia was flapping her wings crazily in the middle of the swimming pool,

Beating the water frantically.

Do not misunderstand,
It was definitely not playing in the water, but Lisha wanted to escape.

'Wait, is this water play?What is she trying to do? ! '
'No, hey, don't keep posting it! '
'I belong to the Goddess of Light, don't be a brave man! '
But Mengcha is still chasing after her, looking at Lixia shyly: "Sister, don't be shy..."

have to say,

If you play a female role for a long time, your heart will be affected.

Although Mengcha is starting to become cute now,

But his heart of wanting to stick to it will never change!

don't wait long,

Statues dedicated to the Goddess of Light rose from the ground,

The beautiful face of the goddess made Mengcha stunned.

"Can I still meet the goddess when I'm worshiping her?"

"Can I post with her too?"

Hearing Mengcha's words,

Li Xia was even more speechless, and complained frantically in her heart,
'No way!I will never let you get close to the Goddess of Light! '
'Sese, this cute tea is so cute! '
After construction is completed,

Lixia quickly retreated into the room, trying her best to avoid meeting Mengcha.

To the point that even the pure men shook their heads helplessly.

But that night,

The pure man still came to the mansion of the sage,
He went to Su Mu to discuss the matter: "Lixia is fine for the time being. She assisted in the construction and built many statues for sacrifices."

"I recommend letting Mengcha lead the sacrificial operation. Perhaps after correcting the statue and bloodline issues, we can successfully contact the goddess of light."

Lixia was very honest all day today, didn't cause any trouble?

Su Mu lowered his eyebrows when he heard the words: "Okay, you are solely responsible for this matter, just go ahead and do it."

And when the pure man was discussing with Su Mu,

Lixia, who was curled up on the bed in the room, was actually communicating with the goddess of light.

Nothing to do with statues, bloodlines,

Only Bai Yi, who is recognized by the Goddess of Light, can become the patriarch and communicate with the gods.

This matter is not something Su Mu can control, the choice is in the hands of the Goddess of Light.

And Lisha with her eyes closed,

Whispering prayers to the Goddess of Light,

"The great goddess of light, the sage is no longer reliable."

"I can feel the breath of the demon god from him, and the way to cooperate with the sage has been blocked."

"My lady goddess, please make a decision early, the sage Su Mu may become the next new demon king."

 Kneel to thank the reader: 111 coins rewarded by the pure man!
(End of this chapter)

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