As a programmer, I also want to make games in a different world

Chapter 141 Driver C: In fact, there is a secret technique to slay dragons in my world. 【3 in 1】

Chapter 141 Driver C: In fact, there is a secret technique to slay dragons in my world. 【triple】

"Okay, I'll tell you, but just calm down first."

Celia frowned and flew back,
She felt that Su Mu's spirit had been affected by the devil.


Su Mu took a deep breath,

He sat on the chair with his head raised and began to relax with his whole body: "Tell me, will the current situation be worse?"

"The number of brave men has dropped sharply, lost the favor of most of the gods, and the demons and blood races have invaded one after another."

"There's no worse news than this, right?"

Oh no.

Celia suddenly felt that Su Mu was not ready to hear the truth.

And as she flew away in silence,

Su Mu suddenly turned his head and looked at her: "Damn it, is there really worse news than the current situation?"

"Yes." Celia gave up and said, "Well, I heard from the Fairy King when I came here that this will be a very difficult task."

"Because you summoned too many heroes, the number of Demon King heroes is unequal."

"But this world is balanced. There will be as many demon kings as there are brave men."

Speaking of this, Celia suddenly stopped talking,

Then put on a 'you know' expression.

"Is the appearance of the immortal demon king because there are too many brave men?" Su Mu stared at this: "And will the number of demon kings continue to increase?"

"The reason why I have this demon's favor buff is because I am also a candidate for the demon king?"


Su Mu understood everything at once!

No wonder the White Wings want to kill him, no wonder they need to stop summoning brave men and reduce the number of brave men!

At the beginning Lixia said that his actions would eventually destroy human beings, so that's what he meant!
"That goddess Miche, did she want to kill me because she was afraid that I would become the devil?"

Ha ha--

Su Mu smiled coldly: "That's it."

"But she thinks too much. She's just a demon king. I really have no interest in becoming one."

Su Mu straightened up and sat at the table again.

"God, those arrogant and arrogant existences are really not worthy of belief."

"Devil, his favor also stinks extremely."

"I don't need those powers at all. Only human beings' own power is the only thing that is truly reliable."

Su Mu opened the status bar.

Looking at the favor of gods and the favor of demons,
"It's time to say goodbye to these evil buffs."

Su Mu made up his mind,

Just like tampering with the source code of magic, he manipulated the attribute panel and deleted these divine favors.

"What are you doing?" Celia was suddenly stunned: "The breath on your body is getting weaker and weaker!"

"I'm abandoning these divine powers." Su Mu sneered, "This way, the devil won't like me anymore, right?"

"Of course, even if he likes me for his own sake, I will erase his buff."

Although this is very mana-intensive,

But Su Mu felt it was worth it.

He needs to get rid of his burdensome buffs and be reborn!

And when Su Mu got rid of these buffs,
The gods in the divine world were all surprised.
"Someone actually rejected my gift?!"

"Bold, I have never been so humiliated before!"

"Is it Su Mu? It really seems like something he would do. This kid stole my gift and refused it on his own. How dare you!"

"Hmph, is he planning to join the Demon God's camp?"

"No, the demonic aura on his body has also disappeared. This Su Mu is very interesting."


The gods reacted differently to Su Mu.
But they were all astonished,

After all, God's gift is something that humans long to pursue.
Su Mu gathered hundreds of gifts into one body, which was an unprecedented feat.
It is very rare for him to be able to delete these gifts by himself.

And just when Su Mu deleted these gifts and tampered with the code, the data on the magic light screen flashed, making Su Mu slightly shaken.

"What's wrong?" Celia asked confused.

Su Mu was beating the air crazily a second ago, and now he was suddenly stunned. This scene looked too weird.

"It's terrible." Su Mu was speechless: "If I hadn't used the code at this time, I wouldn't have discovered that there was a hacker among the players."

That's right,

This is the hacker who broke into the backend of [Dumfries]!

The other party actually tried to tamper with the code to change the data of his game character!

But there is no game code in this world, only Su Mu's brave summoning technique.

The other party’s hacking actions,
It means stealing power from Su Mu!

As his character increases in strength, Su Mu will decrease the strength attribute.

If he increases his experience value, Su Mu will be demoted.

If he uses magic that exceeds his own magic power, it will be deducted from Su Mu's magic value.

And so on.

But Celia doesn’t understand what a hacker means;
She just flew around Su Mu and kept reminding her: "Are you starting to lose your mind?"

"Be careful of the illusion in front of you, it may be the inner demon caused by the devil."

Heart demon?

Su Mu carefully noticed his own condition.
This is definitely not an inner demon. His attributes have indeed been reduced, and his magic power is still being stolen at this moment.

"What? Do you want to hurry through the active period of Dawn Crisis?"

"Trust me, I want to get through this more than you do, but stealing my powers is definitely not the solution."

Su Mu said a few words to himself:

Then he typed the code to intercept the other party's actions.

But unfortunately, Su Mu doesn't seem to be as strong as the opponent in terms of code.

When the confrontation was fruitless,
Su Mu had to change his mind.

"Okay, let me catch a fish."


Celia couldn't believe her ears,

'Is this Su Mu crazy? '
'He is really under the influence of the devil, right? '
Soon, Su Mu used [Forbidden Curse - Sea Man Tianshan] as bait to expose this skill.

"My friend, seeing that you only steal magic points, you must really like being a mage, right?"

as predicted,

After the other party saw this forbidden curse, his eyes widened immediately.

Then he immediately stole the forbidden spell skill.

However, after he implemented the skill, he found that he could not chant the magic spell because his magic power was not enough to support the chanting of three forbidden spells.

Even if the magic power is stolen from Su Mu, there is no way to use it!

"Remember it, even I in my heyday couldn't use this forbidden curse."

Su Mu opened the [Brave] management interface.
The holder of [Forbidden Curse-Haimantian Mountain] was quickly found.

[Name: Scarborough]

【Level: 19】

"It turned out to be a member of the Blood Wolf Guild. Did you just get kicked out of the guild today?"

"Let's ban your account for seven days as punishment."

Su Mu has no intention of putting him in jail. This person is not safe in the game.
Forcibly kicking him out of the game can prevent him from continuing to hack into Su Mu's backstage.

As for hacking [Dumfries] in the real world?
That's simply impossible,

Because in addition to the scientific code, there is also space magic as a barrier, preventing him from connecting the data between the two places.

The reason is very simple. In the face of highly skilled hackers, it is often only necessary to unplug the network cable to deal with him.


After finishing this matter,
Su Mu leaned on the bench and let out a long sigh of relief.

"What's the matter with you?"

Seeing that Su Mu regained his composure, Celia couldn't help but stop on Su Mu's shoulder and pat his face.

Because Su Mu refused the favor of the devil,
The stench on his body was also disappearing.

Hearing this, Su Mu shook his head: "It's just that something happened just now."

"This makes me more sure that you should never pry into power that does not belong to you."

"Because the other party can take back his power at any time."

After thinking about this matter,

Su Mu opened Dumfries' official website again and issued a new announcement.

[Crackdown on cheating behavior, it has been found that the player Scarborough invaded the game data, and was sentenced to 7 days of title ban. 】

[In addition, some players have reported issues with the latest event, which have been gradually resolved. Players with a human contribution of more than 5000 will be given a chance to be resurrected. 】

Seeing this announcement,

Most of the players started to get excited,
"Five thousand contribution points? I have it!"

"Hey, fortunately, I often do contribution tasks, and this contribution is really useful!"

"Finally able to participate in this event!"

Except for those players who have just entered, there are quite a lot of people who have reached 5000 contribution points.

Now the front lines in the outer city are tense,

Su Po Egg Tart, Eve and Rias are all fighting hard;
We urgently need a group of manpower to support the front line.

And these resurrected brave men are the best combatants to participate in this battle.

They put on silver equipment and weapons, and started a new round of fighting with the vampires.

This situation made Celia's expression next to Su Mu become more solemn.
"Although I can save some magic power for you, you consume magic power too fast."

"You can't hold on for long, you will soon enter a state of magic exhaustion."

Especially just now, Su Muke deleted all the remaining blessings from the gods.

His magic power at this time has been weakened even more seriously.

But Su Mu shook his head: "That's why we should fight."

Those players know that they cannot be resurrected, and they will not die easily.

And as long as they continue to use magic power, their magic properties will slowly increase.
And after killing vampires, you will gain experience and level up.

These benefits will be fed back to Su Mu,
Improve his attributes again.

"As long as I get through this critical point, I can slowly return to form."

And on the other side,
Bai He's five-person team is currently conquering the [Pandey's Maze] dungeon.
They have just slain the Lord of the Deepest Labyrinth,
Immediately head to the treasure cache in the back.

"8 minutes and 19 seconds, boss, this is the first time we have cleared the dungeon quickly." Qingfeng shook his head and sighed,
Although they are in a hurry,
But if you keep conquering the dungeon at this speed,
Team members will definitely be exhausted.

Bai He didn't answer, he quickly walked to the treasure chest in front of him and opened it.

"Standard weapons, iron armor, and some composite armor made of animal skins?"

"Why is it all crap?"

Qingfeng heard the words and came over. In addition to turning over the equipment above, he also found a small amount of gold coins and a large number of silver coins below.

"Boss, this profit is definitely very considerable."

"It's worth 50 gold coins at least."

Bai He sighed: "You know, what we want is not funds."

That's right, the reason why they quickly conquered the dungeon was because they hoped to obtain the inheritance of the ancient adventurers and obtain stronger magic.

"Calm down, boss." Qingfeng reassured again: "Not every time you have such good luck, you know, not every copy can seal Rias."

"Thinking about the good, we all gained a lot of experience just now, and I have raised another level. This is also an improvement in strength, right?"

Well, what Qingfeng said makes sense.

Upgrading your level is also a way to improve your strength.

Perhaps for Su Mu, they quickly level up is what Su Mu really wants.

The mysterious realm of the dragon,
The driver with C license suddenly rolled backwards,
Then he grabbed the ground with his right hand and quickly stopped sliding backwards.He said indifferently: "Holy Wood Ancient Dragon, you lose."

After saying that, he slowly opened the palm of his left hand, and a dragon scale rested in his palm.

"When did you..." Holy Wood Ancient Dragon was surprised: "Really? Was it that time?"

"Being hit by me is just an illusion. You need to use my attack power and use the reaction force to pull off my dragon scales."

Ha ha--

Cunning humans.

However, Shengmu Gulong admitted that the C license driver did pass this test.

On the other hand, the driver with C license did not feel very proud.
Instead, he turned to look at Brittany beside him.
"Madam, it's time for me to challenge the next trial. When will Brittany show up?"

Brittany exhaled slowly,

"The next trial won't be easy. You can't do these tricks anymore."

"I understand." C nodded according to the driver: "Brittany's anger can definitely kill me with one move."

"I don't have time for such clever tricks."

Brittany turned around and led the driver with a C license to the next trial venue.

And she slowly shook her head and said, "No, I didn't mean that."

I saw the surrounding trees being avoided as if they were alive,

A vast expanse of land appears in front of you,

Brittany also broke out of her human form and officially transformed into a dragon under the surprised gaze of the driver.

"This trial requires you to defeat me."

"It's not about avoiding attacks, it's not about confinement, it's not about pulling out dragon scales, it's about defeating me in a head-on confrontation."

C according to the driver retreated in surprise,

He shook his head in disbelief and said, "No, there must be something wrong with this."

"Brittany, are you Madam? You...are you Brittany?"

what's the situation?
Could it be that he was not being accompanied by this lady along the way, but being monitored by Brittany?

Not only did he destroy the croquette’s ancestral grave,

He even took croquettes to find his stepmother, and in front of Brittany, his own mother?

"Oh, my God." The C-photo driver was speechless: "Brittany, I think I can explain."

"Nothing to explain."

Brittany stretched out her long-lost wings: "Come on, defeat me and pass your trial."

"Oh, no..." C Zhao discouraged the driver: "Believe me, I really want to fuck you, but definitely not in this situation."

After several previous trials,
The attributes and combat methods of the C-Zhao driver have been greatly enhanced.

He can definitely be said to be a completely reborn person now.
But a duel with Brittany?

And to defeat her?
Isn't this what you should do after 'digging someone's ancestral grave and finding a stepmother for your child in front of them'?
"Training so far, I have only one way to defeat the dragon."

"Brittany, you might lose an eye."

The driver of the C photo looked very serious.

His dagger could not break through the dragon scale's defense;
But if the dagger is not inserted, there is no way to cause damage through lightning magic.

And on the dragon,

The only place his dagger could penetrate was Brittany's eyeball!

"You know the dragon's weaknesses very well, but you shouldn't tell me your plan."

"I will pay attention to close my eyes and avoid your only fatal blow."

This is a trial,

Brittany did not blame the driver C, but she would never let the water go.

next moment,
She opened her mouth wide and prepared to use dragon breath.

The C license driver also immediately took action.

Wrap your whole body with the power of thunder and lightning, allowing you to move faster.

[Thunder Power]!
Just a moment,
C took the driver's photo and changed his direction, and at the same time threw his hand and threw the dagger.
It struck directly at Brittany's right eye.

But with his reminder, how could Brittany let him succeed?
Just by closing his eyes, the dragon scales on his eyelids can easily block the dagger without causing any harm at all!
"You won't regret telling me this plan, will you?"

Brittany asked softly, but received no response.

But when she opened her right eye, she saw that the figure of the driver C had disappeared.

"You created a blind spot and then hid it?!"

It’s a plan within a plan!

Is the C license driver lying to her? !
But even if he hides it, what's the use?

Brittany suddenly felt a sharp pain that made her whole body tremble.

C casts magic on the driver,
Let the power of thunder and lightning flow directly into Brittany's body along the steel wire!
She was instantly shocked until her whole body was covered in smoke!

The power of thunder and lightning suddenly broke through the dragon scales and directly bombarded her internal organs!
"Sorry, Brittany, this world may not have this kind of move yet."

"But in my world, this technique is used occasionally even in small fights between friends."

[Secret Technique of Dragon Slaying-Millennium Killing]!
That's right,

The dragon's weakness is not only its eyeballs,

There is also... a place where you can perform Thousand Years Kill.

From a certain perspective, this is definitely a unique dragon-slaying skill created by C-licensed drivers.

On the other hand, Brittany was lying on the ground twitching, still not recovering from the huge pain just now.

"You, what you did is so dark."

"This is definitely not a move that a brave man should use."


The C driver sighed after hearing this: "A brave man can not only fight head-on, but when faced with overwhelming power, he must make a sneak attack when he needs to."


He kicked the dagger handle from behind again.
Made Brittany groan again.

"So, Brittany, are you ready to throw in the towel?"

This is the case,

What else could Brittany do?
She could only let the C license driver pass this test.

"Is it time for the final trial?" The C-photo driver suddenly pulled out the dagger, causing Brittany to exclaim again.

Then under Brittany's furious gaze,

Hear her speak: "The last trial is a head-on confrontation with Lord Dragon God."

Confronting Lord Dragon God?
"Wait, I want to fight the Dragon God?"

"Can the gods do whatever they want to a person from the lower world like me?"

"Could it be that the goddesses like Miche can do it too? Can the demon gods of the demon clan do it too?"

As long as they take action,
Wouldn’t the human race give it away in an instant?
"No." Brittany shook her head: "Gods cannot easily interfere with the lower world."

"But Lord Dragon God died in ancient times. What you have to face is the soul of Lord Dragon God."

when you say

Brittany transformed into a lady again,

She covered her back with her left hand and waved her right hand towards the driver of the C-photo.

Not an attack,

Instead, it uses the power of the Dragon Secret Realm to allow the C-photo driver to enter the core illusion.

"You will enter the illusion space, where you will meet the Dragon God."

Brittany's voice came, and the C-photo driver's eyelids felt heavy, as if he was about to fall asleep.

And when he woke up again,

A giant dragon that looked like a mountain suddenly appeared in front of him.

The driver wanted to see it clearly, but it was shrouded in clouds and fog.

And when he looked up, he saw another pair of shining golden eyes, staring at him.


There was a roar in the driver's mind,
Then it felt like there was a mountain pressing on my shoulders,
The pressure made him breathless, his legs became weak, and he fell to his knees weakly.

And the moment he knelt on his knees, he suddenly woke up again and abruptly exited the fantasy space.


Brittany didn't care and said, "It's okay, it was fast the first time."

"Fortunately, you have countless opportunities to try."

"How are you, are you ready to enter the fantasy world for the second time?"

and many more!

The driver with C license quickly raised his hand to stop him.
"That's not right. I lost too quickly. The Dragon God just used coercion to expel me."

"There's no way I can defeat Him in this situation. At least give me a hint. What should I do?"

But hearing this, Brittany just shook her head.

"You have to rely on your own strength, C driver. The price of countless attempts is that absolutely no one will come to help you."

After saying that, Brittany waved her right hand again, pushing the driver with the C license back into the illusion.

"OK, at least I can't look into His eyes this time."

After entering the secret realm this time,
The driver with the C photo didn't even raise his head or even dare to look at the dragon god.

But before the Dragon God could launch his attack, the scene changed again and he was kicked out of the illusion again.

"Oh, this is not a good sign." Brittany shook her head: "You are faster than last time, fast man."

You can never say that a man is fast, okay!

The driver with C license was a little annoyed.
What on earth is going on with this Dragon God? Did his attack not even make any movement?

Entered the illusion again and was quickly kicked out,

In the next 12 hours, the driver with C license kept going through this process, showing no dignity at all.

He even kept setting records for the fastest exit,
From the first 3 seconds, the man can exit the illusion in the last 0.3 seconds.
This caused the driver of C photo to collapse for a while.

After being kicked out of a secret place one time, the driver with C-photo suddenly said: "I need to rest and sort out my thoughts."

hear this,

Only then did Brittany stop: "Come back to me when you're ready to continue."

Now, it was time for her to treat the wounds caused by the Millennium Killing.

When Brittany leaves,

The driver C opened the forum to see what was happening in Dumfries at the moment.

Especially when I saw Bai He and others rushing through dungeons,

He couldn't help but sigh with sincerity: "Why are you still brushing dungeons? Why don't you go directly to the Sage and ask for the Holy Light Technique."

"Unlike me, I have to be favored by a dragon god and have to endure the torture of trials."

This remark appeared on the forum and immediately attracted responses from other players.

"Brother, you rarely read the forum during the trial, right?"

"Look through the historical records. The Holy Light Technique is no longer feasible, and perhaps it shouldn't be taken."

Seeing these replies,

The driver with C photo immediately went to read the previous forum posts.

Not long after flipping through the pages, he saw a player saying that the Holy Light spell had become stronger.

But the answer was unexpected,

Sage Su Mu refuses to release Holy Light to players!

And Bai He also had his guesses and made suggestions.

[It’s time for players to find their own strength. Those arrogant and arrogant gods are not worthy of our reliance. 】

[This dawn crisis may have unfolded precisely because of being abandoned by the gods. 】

these messages,

It was like a wake-up call, rekindling the depressed C-cup driver's fighting spirit.

"Perhaps these gods should no longer be deified."

(End of this chapter)

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