As a programmer, I also want to make games in a different world

Chapter 165 begins with the attack on the dwarves, and the assassination guild sings all night long.

Chapter 165 begins to attack the dwarves and assassinate the guild - singing all night long. 【triple】

"Really! Why did you target the dwarves during the first meeting?!"

"It is said that the meeting will be held once a month, but can the dwarves really hold it for a month? It will probably be completed in a week."

"No, you are too unsure of yourself, right?"

Within the dwarf player group,

Many people are discussing this matter.

In the current version of the game, Hegemony, players must cooperate with their faction to unify the world.

The first stop is the dwarves, which is a hellish challenge for dwarf players.

"It's very uncomfortable. The key is that too many players have directly entered the alliance."

"This is nothing surprising. If the dwarves can also join, I will definitely persuade Robles to join the alliance."

"Yes, who wouldn't go if we can hug each other to keep warm?"

"No, what are you complaining about? Just choose an ally. As an undercover agent, wouldn't this battle be easy?"

As soon as this word comes out,
The players who were having a lively discussion suddenly fell silent in surprise.

"Hey, are you kidding me?" Standing nearby, Jin Busha, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "Brother Robles treats us well."


"I'm just treating you well, right?"

Dear players, if you don’t mess up today,
to be frank,
Robles was indeed very fond of him;
In the past, there was the dwarf's secret forging skills, and in the later, the dwarf workshop was directly transferred to him to run.

Indeed, all the benefits have been taken away by "Don't mess around today".
But only he has received these benefits. For other dwarf players, they only have novice equipment when they first entered the game.

after that,

The treatment of the dwarves is not as good as that of the elves.

At least the elves' growth buff can last for three days or half a month!

If I don’t show off today, I will sigh.

"You can't force this kind of thing, it's up to you."

"But let me make my position clear first. In this battle, I am a dwarf and I am definitely not an undercover agent of the Alliance."

Others looked at each other one after another,
However, the lineup was not indicated.

They all understand that choosing a lineup is definitely not that simple.

Although the rewards say [join the alliance] and [further enhance the favorability with Robles],
But the actual rewards are definitely different.

All the dwarf players have speculations in their minds.
The rewards for the alliance are distributed by Su Mu, while the rewards for the dwarves are distributed by Robles!
"Hey hey hey! The battle has begun!"

With an urging,
Players choose their camp secretly,
As for this camp, apart from the players themselves, probably only Su Mu has the authority to access it.

"Expand the rear cabin, and the pilot immediately enters combat readiness!"

"The forward garage is open, the tanks take action immediately!"

"Displacement from above, the missile silo is confirmed to be open, and the target is locked!"

The original dwarven mountains,
It's just an ordinary mountain that has been hollowed out,
But after continuous transformation by players and dwarf craftsmen, this place has become a second military base!
The gate in front of the mountains,
No need to attack, they just opened up directly,

But players can discover at a glance that there is only an endless parking lot behind this gate.
There are neat armored fighting vehicles parked inside!
And inside the parking lot, there is another armored gate!
"Hey, brothers, have you seen the armored door inside?" The C-photo driver grinned: "I've only seen that thing in movies."

heard the call,

All players looked towards the gate,

Then they all laughed and clucked their tongues.

"What is this thing called? A bomb shelter to prevent nuclear war? This door cannot be opened even with nuclear weapons, right?"

"It's really Xiu'er. The dwarves are willful when they have mines. I accept it."

not only that,

In the back mountain, halfway up the mountain, the mountain is like an open window, opening a rectangular window upwards.

Within the window are two sliding tracks.

The roar of fighter planes came from the window, and soon the fighter planes sprang out and flew high into the sky.

"Yo yo yo, this airport looks really cool!" The C-photo driver stood on Brittany's neck and shouted, "Brittany, our opponent is here!"

"Huh?" Brittany heard this with disdain: "That kind of fighter plane can just beat the Winged Human Race, but can it still fight with our Dragon Race?"

"Ah?!" Da Yiquan looked at Brittany with veins popping out of his head.

What do you mean?
provocative? !
But before Da Yiquan could say anything else, he saw Brittany launching her dragon breath and heading straight towards the fighter plane flying in the sky.

"Attention dragons!"

In the queue of fighter planes that had just taken off,
The communication sound of the dwarves sounded,
"Oh, Dragon Clan, your opponent is not a fighter jet formation!"

Just hear a click,
The open missile silo above is completely finalized.

And there was a roar that resounded throughout the mountain.

It has endless gunpowder and can be opened to create a super large intercontinental missile!

A beam of fire shot into the sky from the missile silo,

Rough missiles,
Fly straight to Brittany!
Just like when players made anti-aircraft missiles, this missile is also given the attribute of [Tracking]!
To focus on the target, it can even make 360-degree turns!

"Hey, hey, Brittany, even you won't be able to withstand being hit by this thing, right?"

The driver of the C photo clicked his tongue: "Airplane, please help me!"

The plane at this time,
I’m not talking about friendly and enemy fighter planes flying around in the sky.

Although they also flew the aircraft group here from Saint-Mar,
But the two sides are already in a battle, and they have long been busy with themselves. How can they still control the missile?
C, as the driver shouted, it’s the pilot!

"I know, you have an ancient magic that you have been hiding and haven't used yet, right?"

The pilot laughed and cursed: "Fuck, you can dig this out?"

[Ancient Magic-Time flies! 】

The pilot of the plane stood on the back of the sacred wooden dragon,

His left hand moved to simulate a bow, and his right hand pulled the string out of thin air, but his hands did not form anything, and they did not even emit light.

But when the pilot released his right hand,
Everyone on the battlefield can sense that a powerful magic power is flowing on the field!

"This magic can not only target living things, but nothing in the world can escape time."

In full view,

The missile chasing Brittany suddenly became rusty, and the gunpowder in the propeller also deteriorated, and its flight speed slowed down until it landed vertically from the air.

"What the hell, are you kidding? Are you going to hit such a big missile directly on the ground?"

Seeing this, Bai He held his head and said, "Be careful with the missiles. You must not give them for free. The equipment you are wearing is worth at least 10 gold coins!"

Just when Bai He was worried about the members of the Blood Wolf Guild,

The missile had fallen to the ground, but it did not explode, but plunged directly into the ground.

"That thing is completely broken." The pilot pulled out the cork and suddenly showed off a bottle of high-level magic potion: "The missile may still explode in ten or a hundred years, but after a thousand or ten thousand years, it will explode. But that’s not necessarily the case.”

The effect of time flowing like an arrow is by no means as simple as thousands or thousands of years.

ancient magic,

Originally a weapon used to fight the gods,

But no one thought that it would take tens of millions of years for a god to fall.

"Reliable, really reliable."

off the battlefield,
Su Mu calmly observed the situation from the map.

"But it's really boring to keep fighting like this. It's time to add some entertainment, right?"

Thinking about this,
Su Mu typed the code and issued tasks for the undercover players of the [Alliance].

[Alliance: Core Explosion]

[Undercover Mission-1: Missiles are the dwarfs’ strongest means of attack. Destroying the missile silos will have a major impact on this battle. 】

[Mission details: Destroy the missile silo, using any method. You can even detonate missiles in the missile silo and level the dwarf mountains to the ground. 】

[Special note: The content of this mission will be notified to the dwarven players, please proceed with caution. 】

[Dwarf] players also received prompts,

[Dwarves: Core Guard]

[Guardian Mission-1: Protect our missile silo. 】

"Protecting missile silos, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean, of course those undercover agents started taking action!"

"Damn it, how do you know who is the undercover at this time?"

"Fuck! Don't yell nonsense, don't act like a werewolf and kill me alive!"

I didn’t want to be in trouble, so I looked towards the mountain beta: “All dwarf players, stay away from the missile silos immediately!”

"With the missile silo as the center, no players are allowed within a three-mile radius!"

"Players who cross the line will be killed without mercy!"

Once this rule was issued, everyone understood that anyone who rashly enters the three-mile radius is an undercover agent!
But it was at the moment when I understood this command,
The player suddenly realized,

Now everyone is staying away from the missile silo, no one dares to approach rashly!

Take this opportunity to directly attack the missile silo at high speed. When others react, they will definitely not be able to stop it in time!

The solution is to jump directly to the reverse!

"Oh~oh!" Su Mu looked at the map and suddenly smiled: "Interesting, it has become interesting."

"It's really not as fun to watch players play games as they are always fighting against gods."

It’s been a long time since we’ve seen something interesting like this.

The moment Su Mu released the mission,

All the dwarf players stopped and were thinking!
After thinking for a while, three players suddenly rushed towards the missile silo.

Two of them jumped back and prepared to attack the missile silo directly, while the other one suddenly issued an order not to allow others to get close to the missile silo, 'No one will mess up today'!

"Aren't you afraid of others being suspicious of your actions like this?" Su Mu's eyes turned into crescent moons.

Only he knows that he is the most loyal player of the dwarves if he doesn't mess up today, but others will definitely question it, right?
How can a person who breaks his own rules be able to convince the public?

as predicted,

Soon someone spotted the three people rushing towards the missile silo.

And someone immediately shouted: "If you don't show off today, you are an undercover! He is a liar! Stop him quickly!"

"Damn, there must be special rewards for those who complete the undercover mission!"

As soon as this guess came out,
Everyone was shivering.

In order to get a special reward for completing the undercover mission, I don’t want to show off and go out of my way to lie about my camp?

"Damn it, you still pretend to want to repay Robles."

"What an ugly face."

Seeing other players pointing the finger at themselves, I was speechless today and said, "Can't we count on them?"

"If it's just a missile silo, no problem!"

In addition to the dwarf players, there are other dwarves guarding the missile silo, and it is the dwarf king - Robles!

After getting close to the missile silo, I didn't show off today and just shouted: "King! Be careful brave man, someone has received an order to destroy the missile silo!"

came clearly to Robles’ ears,

And when Robles looked at the situation today in surprise,

Suddenly, several more voices sounded: "If you don't show off today, you are an undercover agent. He wants to destroy the missile silo!"

"Stop him!"

What is going on with this situation?

Robles was confused, completely confused. These brave men were all excellent combatants that he had carefully cultivated!

There is actually an undercover agent?

And what's more, the undercover agent is still his favorite, 'Don't mess up today'?

How could Robles accept this...

"Asshole Sage, don't underestimate me!" Robles shouted: "The few people who passed by immediately cooperated with the 'Don't mess up today' operation and stopped the other brave men!"

This incident may seem dangerous on the surface, but as long as you trust your loyal ministers, the danger can be averted.Undoubtedly, Robles chose to believe that 'it won't be a bad day'.

And his choice was the right one!

"What a pity." Seeing this scene, Su Mu sighed lightly.

It's not a pity that Robles trusted the right person, but it's a pity that the dwarves still failed.

That's right,

The undercover operation was successful and the missile silo was successfully destroyed!
Just as Robles sent people to intercept the undercover agent, the missile silo fired a second missile.
But the moment the missile was launched, the missile silo lights flashed red and piercing sirens sounded one after another.

"what happened?"

"King! There is a problem with our missile target locking. The target locked by the missile has turned into a mountain!"

The missile that just rose,

It will rotate 360 ​​degrees in the air and then hit the mountains vertically!
"No matter what method is used, as long as the missile silo can be destroyed, it is considered a success, right?"

Somewhere far away from the missile silo, a dwarf player stood up slowly and dusted himself off.

He is also very famous among players.

The only player who was banned for seven days for hacking into the backend of [Dumfries], Scarborough!

"If this missile falls, it will definitely cause countless casualties."

"The experience value generated is definitely not a fraction."

Su Mu originally wanted Robles to surrender, but he could also move the missile away through space magic.

But thinking about the experience value that will be generated,
He finally turned off the viewing map and chose to ignore the battle.

"It's better not to worry about those things, just sit back and gain experience."


Su Mu just turned off the viewing map.
Then I saw a team suddenly gathered in the city of Saint Mar.

"Huh?" Seeing this team, Su Mu frowned subconsciously: "Damn it, there won't be any players who want to cause trouble, right?"

During this time,

Whether it's the players or Eve and the others, there are always people whose actions are outside of Su Mu's plan.

To be honest, Su Mu hates this kind of thing very much, very much!


After careful observation,

It is not difficult to know the names of the teams gathered below.
It is the recently formed guild [Sing All Night].

The person who broke away from the team and walked into the Sage's Mansion was the president of this guild, Nocturne.

Gender: Female,

Level: 27,

Occupation: Assassin.

Not long after all the members of Sing All Night entered the game,

But the moment you enter the game, everyone will join the guild, and the guild has no selection criteria. It seems that they are all selected by 'Nocturne'.

"It should be a group transferred from other games, right?"

Su Mu tapped his fingers on the table and thought: "All of them have participated in the battlefield of the three tribes. In just one battle, the average level of all members was raised to 25."

no doubt,

This singing all night long is a high-intensity gaming guild just like Blood Wolf.

"These people didn't choose a project to make money, why did they come to me now?"


Mitch, that broken goddess, must have won over the entire organization, right?
dong dong dong-

A knock on the door interrupted Su Mu's thoughts.

Then I heard a pure and lovely female voice: "I have to knock on the door before entering. I'm really not used to it."

"Sage, oh no, general?" Nocturne smiled and waved his hand: "I want to ask you to take on a mission."

The next task?
Su Mu smiled kindly: "Are you accepting the mission, or do you want to assassinate me?"

"Listen to my advice. With your ability, you still can't kill me."

"As for accepting the mission, please go out and turn right to go to the Adventurers Association."

Nocturne raised her head in surprise,

Her figure disappeared in an instant, and the next moment she stepped on Su Mu's shoulder and put the blade against Su Mu's neck.

"Can't you kill me?"

"It can't be killed." Su Mu directly pushed the weapon away with his neck: "You and I are not at the same level of strength."

Of course, strength is only one of the reasons.

The second is that players are never allowed to hurt Su Mu. This is the rule of the game set by him.

"Oh My God."

Nocturne fell from Su Mu's shoulders,
It's like I've never had the flexibility I had just now.

After standing up from the ground and rubbing her butt, she tilted her head and said, "I want to accept a large-scale crusade mission on behalf of [Singing All Night]."

"General, after attacking the dwarves, it's time to attack other races, right?"

"Ignoring powerful races such as the Gargoyles and Titans for the time being, we would like to apply to attack the Orcs."

orc tribe,
At the beginning of their rescue, the orcs were already on the verge of extinction.
If a brave man had not joined the race,
At this time, the number of races cannot even exceed a thousand.

This endangered race can no longer withstand large-scale battles.

I'm afraid that when Su Mu orders the troops to besiege, they will surrender themselves, right?

【Sing all night long】?

If it was this guild with only 21 people, the two sides should still be able to fight back and forth, right?

Let them gain experience and deprive them of some loot?
After thinking about it for a while,

Su Mu decided to train [Singing All Night],
"Approved, I will give you seven days. After seven days, the large army will crush it."

"Okay!" Nocturne jumped up excitedly after hearing this.

However, in her excitement, she finally took one more look at Su Mu, spread her hands and said, "We don't need a large army, and it won't take seven days."

"We will deal with the orcs tonight."

Um?Just for one night?

Ha ha--

Su Mu couldn't help but smile in his heart,
Is she just joking?
【Singing All Night】There are only 21 people in this guild.
As for the players who stayed in the orc clan, there were more than 200 players!

That’s a tenfold difference in numbers!

The key is that those players can also be resurrected, how could they lose to Sing All Night?

Their average level is only 25.

Coupled with the orc warriors, it’s only right to kill them and sing all night long, right?
Seeing Nocturne leave,

Su Mu looked outside through the window.

The members who sang all night did not appear very excited when they saw the nocturne.

They walked toward the teleportation array very calmly, as if they were not surprised.

through the teleportation array,

All members arrived on the plains of Istanbul.

"Hey, wait, are they serious?" Su Mu was blindfolded when he saw this.

Istanbul Plains, isn't that the plain leading to the Orc tribe?
That teleportation array is still usable?

Just when Su Mu had this doubt, the members who sang all night teleported!

From the plains, teleport directly to the outer areas of the orc tribe!

"It's a teleportation array!" Su Mu glared when he saw this: "Singing all night long seems to be a teleportation array?!"

It's like setting up a teleportation array,

It is a teleportation array where players design the details of the magic array themselves and use it privately without making the location public.

"Have you been singing all night long and planning to attack the orc tribe?"

What surprised Su Mu was not only that,

At this moment, the logos of their members on the map suddenly changed from blue to green!
Everyone turns green!

Su Mu was looking at the GM's map. From a God's perspective, he could see the positions of all players.

The green mark on his map means that the player has entered the [Stealth] state!
"Is it a stealth skill? And everyone has learned it?"

Su Mu was stunned, and quickly opened the [Organization] column and found [Singing All Night] in the list.

"21 people, all assassins?!"

Damn it, what is going on with this guild?

Just when Su Mu was surprised,
Suddenly I received a message in the background.

[Brave: The super handsome guy has died in battle]

[Brave: I was a good man and died in battle]

[Brave: Yiye Qiuqiu has died in battle]


A series of notifications of the death of brave men!

"Already started taking action?" Su Mu quickly tore apart the space: "Are they all brave men from the orc tribe? Are they dying crazily?"

What the hell? !
Even on the battlefield of the dwarves, the death rate of brave men is not so high!

He tore apart the space to see the effects of the frontal battlefield.

As a result, Nocturne, who was pretending to be cute just now, now looks like a top killer in an uninhabited land.
Wherever you pass by, the blade hums!
"It's life-threatening, it's life-threatening, it's really life-threatening." Su Mu suddenly became confused: "If they kill them this way, the orcs will become extinct!"

Singing all night long is so efficient!

Can team channels improve the efficiency of member communication?

They didn't use the team channel at all and used coded sign language throughout the whole process!
21 people, the path forward is an attack line!

Everyone is hiding, but there is always a line of sight to see their teammates!

Just move your fingers and you will know the meaning of the code.

From finding a new station, deciphering the code, and executing the order, all in one assembly line, it only takes three seconds to lose the life of the NO.20 orc!

"Stop joking!" Su Mu was stunned: "At this rate, the orcs won't be able to survive tonight, and they may be extinct in three hours!"

Right at this time,

The resurrected orc warrior ran back to the street and started shouting: "Enemy attack!"

"Be careful of enemy attacks! There are assassins killing people in the streets!"

A scream made the originally silent street suddenly noisy.

If there hadn't been a brave man who could be resurrected, the orcs would have been killed and they wouldn't even have noticed the invasion...

"Terrible." Su Mu said with shame, "But after being discovered, their actions will definitely be stopped, right?"

It turns out that

Su Mu once again underestimated [Singing All Night].

After someone shouted about enemy attack,
All members, including Nocturne, immediately stopped and found their correct position to hide for five seconds.

And within these five seconds, they communicated again using secret codes and scattered to different locations.

"Huh? They stopped moving?"

After they sneaked around for a while,

Su Mu was shocked to find that all 21 members were hiding, as if they were offline.

It wasn't until Su Mu pondered for a long time that he suddenly realized,
"This attack was just a test?"

"Are they waiting?! Waiting for their night!"

That's right, sing all night long, night is the assassin's home court!
 Kneel to thank the reader: 1000 coins rewarded by the pure man!
(End of this chapter)

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