As a programmer, I also want to make games in a different world

Chapter 167: The growth of players. 【3 in 1】

Chapter 167: The growth of players. 【triple】


Another sharp blade penetrated Su Mu,
One handle, then another,
As if performing a magic trick, Su Mu's body was filled with swords.

"What? Have you given up resistance?" The Demon God said leisurely: "Su Mu, your upper limit should not be this."


Su Mu clicked his tongue and looked sideways at the extremely dark front: "Have you had enough?"

"At this point, you don't think that a mere cold weapon can kill me, do you?"

Except for the first sharp blade stained with blood,

The other sharp blades were all white, not even stained with blood.

Look at Su Mu again,

Not a drop of blood was shed on his body, and even the skirt of his clothes was not stained red. The sharp blade seemed to penetrate the void, as if it had not pierced Su Mu's body.

【Space Magic】

Those swords that penetrated Su Mu’s body,
They were all separated by Su Mu using space magic and made into fine blood vessels.

Every drop of blood in the internal organs can penetrate the weapon and flow normally to the next blood vessel with the help of space magic.

"Very fine magic control, interesting." The devil grinned: "Sure enough, Su Mu, you are the most interesting."

But in the face of the devil's praise,

Su Mu just used space magic to shake out all the sharp swords, and looked at the Demon God: "Die quickly, I still have an important battle to watch."

The battle of kings,
At this time, it is going on in the blood curtain of the outside world.

The C-photo driver and the pure man both possess ancient magic.
Perhaps it only takes an instant to kill Robles, but the result is often unexpected.

"This space is really disgusting." Robles looked up, slightly ashamed: "Can't even the divine lightning come in?"

From the beginning of the war to now, he has been summoning thunder to strike this place.
But no thunder struck from the sky.

"Oops, I can't use the power of thunder anymore."

Robles knew very well that if he continued to trigger thunder, it would only cause the thunder to continuously strike the blood curtain from the outside.

This will undoubtedly consume the magic power of the blood ancestor I don’t want to make money, right?
But it will also shake the military morale of the dwarves outside.

He didn't want the dwarves to see their king struggling in the enclosed space.

"Hey, hey, hey, I always feel like something is wrong."

Right at this time,

The driver with the C-photo suddenly said: "Pure male boss, are you wary of me?"

"Are you afraid that I will steal someone's head?"

"In this case, we shouldn't all attack together. Who can kill the Dwarf King depends entirely on luck, right?"

Hearing C according to the driver's words,
The pure man shook his head: "It doesn't matter what the Dwarf King is. I just like your book. Do you want to sell it?"

Ah this?

The attributes of the Dragon Warrior, as well as the ancient magic of the Emperor's Law Book,
These together shape the current strength of C license drivers.

He will never sell it.

But after hearing the speeches of the driver and the innocent man,

Robles was angry, without exception: "I said, you are looking down on me, right?"

Robles, who lost his power of lightning,

Definitely not a tiger without its claws. He hit the armor on his chest with a hammer. As long as he heard the crisp impact, his fighting spirit would never diminish.

Robles charged up,

Go straight to the weakest one in the distance. I don’t want to make money and kill it.
As long as he is killed, this blood curtain can be destroyed and the seal of Tianlei can be released.

"Hey, it's really embarrassing to be targeted at this time." I didn't want to make money and clicked my tongue: "But you chose the wrong enemy!"

He raised his hand and pointed at Robles, then clenched his fist fiercely.
Just a moment,
He controlled all the blood in Robles' body,

【Blood explosion! 】

A roar.

Robles, who was rushing towards him, instantly turned into a bloody man, but his offensive did not stop at all!

"how come?!"

I don’t want to make money and be shocked, but Robles’ warhammer has already hit him head-on.

Seeing that this situation is not good,

The pure man immediately unfolded the scroll and struck Robles' abdomen with lightning.

[The Elder Scrolls-Lightning Strike! 】

The power of this kind of thunder and lightning can definitely penetrate the enemy's abdomen and directly cause death.

But what surprised everyone again was that,

The powerful power of thunder and lightning only knocked Robles back!

Although Robles' offensive was canceled and I didn't want to make money, I failed to kill him!

While everyone was surprised,

Qian Rudong couldn't help but suddenly realized: "Can we only say that he is worthy of being the king of dwarves?"

Yes, although dwarves are extremely powerful and have close combat advantages in combat, they are by no means a good fighting race.

Dwarves, the most elite skill is the blacksmith!

Although the dwarf king has lost the power of thunder and lightning,

But thunder and lightning are just the icing on the cake. Robles' combat power always comes from the war hammer and the armor on his body!

All the equipment on Robles, from his helmet to his boots, are all artifact-level!

And this piece of equipment,
All were forged by the dwarf king himself.

"You think this is a hunt?"

"Be arrogant and arrogant, and then you will die in my hands!"

"Oh yes, you will be resurrected, right?"

"I don't think a brave man who is never in danger of death will lose to you."

dwarf king,
The weight of these three words was far beyond their imagination.

What are the requirements for becoming the Dwarf King?
Unprecedented combat power?
The strength to overwhelm the others?
Dwarves always speak with forging skills!

Wanting to become the dwarf king, Robles has devoted all his efforts and efforts over time!
Not everyone can forge artifacts;
But it's definitely not because of some metaphysical thing like talent.

For dwarves,

Anyone can forge artifact-level equipment as long as they work hard.
But it is this effort that not everyone can persevere in!
Robles did it, forged a complete set of artifact-level armor, and ascended to the throne of the Dwarf King!

"You guys don't understand dwarves at all!"

Robles roared, with the glory of a king, and rushed towards me again with stronger power. I don’t want to make money.

This time,
Even if there was a lightning strike, it could not make Robles take a step back.

"Defended, his armor protected the ancient magic!"

The driver of C photo glared,
He immediately used identification skills,

【Watching at Dusk】

[Rank: Artifact Grade]

[Hammer Enchantment: Physical Resistance.Lv15]

[Hammer Enchantment: Magic Resistance.Lv15]

[Hammer Enchantment: Strength.Lv15]

[Hammer Enchantment: Physical Strength.Lv15]

[Thumping with painstaking efforts can often improve the level of any material. Even F-level materials can become SSS-level after repeated hard work! 】

This attribute,
It can only be described as terrifying,

Because this golden armor does not have any fancy materials,
It's gold!

The gold that can be broken with hands, under the hammering of Robles, created this armor!
And there are no magic stones or high-level monster materials for him to enchant.
Every one of his enchantments is made up of magic lines that were hammered in!
They were all even knocked down to Level 15 by Robles!

"When we were allies before, I didn't think he was so scary."

"Didn't he use all his strength when he fought Katis in a [-]-[-] match?"

Now imagine,

When Robles and Katis fought, both sides were in poor shape.

"Hey! Don't just admire me, help me!"

I don’t want to make money and scream out loud,
His blood control technique could not cause any damage at all. Even if all the blood in Robles' body was exploded, he seemed to have no reaction.

"Mader, what makes him insist on attacking?"

"Glory of the King? Stop joking, does this battle really contain that kind of fantasy?"

I don’t want to make money and I don’t understand,

The reason why he got involved in this battle was just to join in the fun.

The powerful collision caused a deafening clang,
I don’t want to make money and be knocked to the ground,
Sitting on the ground with a pop,
That's right, he wasn't hit by the hammer, he was just knocked over and sat on the ground.

Those who block the war hammer,

It is money that is like a shield of dung,
It was also the money that suddenly lay in the middle like dirt, knocking me down because I didn’t want to make money.

"This is not your show, Robles, this is your fight with me."

Money is like dung, hitting a war hammer with a shield,

After causing Robles to freeze, he suddenly put the long sword against his throat and pulled away to swing the sword!
The sound of metal friction sounded, and sparks flew everywhere.

There is no gap between the battle helmet and the battle armor, which also prevents money from succeeding.
But at this moment,
The offensive of making money is the biggest threat to Robles!

"Failed to penetrate the armor? Try again!"

Money is like dirt and has not stopped its offensive.

Withdraw the shield with your backhand and hit Robles in the throat!

【top! 】

The powerful impact, even with the protection of armor, made Robles vomit.

Then through the blind spot of vision caused by the shield,
Money is like dung and I raise my sword again,

This time, he aimed the tip of the sword at the throat and stabbed directly into the throat!
The sound of metal clashing sounded again,
next scene,
Then they saw Qian Ruodong pushing Robles hard, and using the tip of his sword, he directly pushed Robles away.

"Tsk, it's indeed an artifact-level armor. It can't be penetrated at all."


Robles raised his lips and smiled: "You are very strong. I admit that you are very strong as the next Demon King!"

"Your combat skills and decision-making are very strong, but your sword is rubbish!"


Qian Rudong exhaled: "It's too much. How can I blame the sword? It's just that I don't have enough determination."

"Concentrate your will and break through the stubborn stone."

strike again!

There was no sudden dodge, and no magical assistance.

He just ran towards the enemy calmly,

'Slow down, slow down a little more, see the opponent's movements clearly, and look for opportunities again. '
'Throat, lock the throat again. '
Facing the war hammer,

Money is like dung and uses a big shield to resist the impact,
He took advantage of the situation to step back, then turned around and struck a turning sword!

The sound of metal friction sounded again,
without exception,

Hit the opponent's throat again.

'Go up, you must go up again! '
Money was like dirt and he did not shrink back. There were only three words in his mind at this moment, go for it!

Use your shield to actively attack the opponent's war hammer,

Attack the opponent's war hammer before the opponent attacks with his war hammer!
Make the opponent's movements deformed, the foot plate unstable, and unable to defend.
Then, hit the opponent's throat again!

The suffocating sound of metal clashing,

Like a rhythm, it keeps ringing on the field one after another,
Almost every two seconds,

The tip of Qian Ruodong's sword will be at Robles' throat!

This is the suppression of combat skills!
"Hey, hey, when did Boss Qian learn sword skills? He doesn't look like a beginner at all."

"I heard that his hobby is playing swordsmanship. Besides making money, does he always practice swordsmanship?"

"It's scary. Boss Qian is really scary."

I don’t want to make money and pure men are smacking their lips,
And the driver with C license also stood calmly and watched.

None of them took action,
I even felt that there was absolutely no room for intervention.Qian Rudong's attacks were too intensive, and his perfect attacking rhythm did not allow anyone to destroy it.

After more than ten blows in succession,

Even Robles was frightened and subconsciously struck back with his warhammer, then reached out to touch his throat.

When he touched his throat, his whole body trembled.


The armor on his throat was even a little hot to the touch!
Besides being hot to the touch, there was also an obvious sword mark!

When he carefully touched it with his nails, he could clearly feel a gap in the sword mark.

'Penetrated?'It has been penetrated! '
A panic arose in Robles' heart.
Even if it's an artifact-level armor, can't it withstand his breakthrough attack that hits one point?

Bang dong.

A dull sound stunned Robles.

The shield fell to the ground,

Qian Ruodongtu began to hold the sword with both hands!

Give up defense and focus on offense!
The next sword strike is to claim Robles' life!

"Do you want to run away?" Qian Rudong could see Robles' trembling: "It doesn't matter if you run away, I will catch up with you."

Robles clenched his war hammer: "Escape?"

"My life may be ended by you, but my will will never die in your hands."


a roar,

Robles took the initiative to kill Qian Ruodi.
Seeing Robles's momentum, Qian Ruodungtu pursed his lips and smiled, holding swords in both hands to meet the attack.

"I don't want to make money and open the curtain of blood."

"Let this scene of the Dwarf King's last battle be reflected in the eyes of those dwarves!"

This time,
Qian Ruodongtu didn't use any combat skills.

Not even knocking Robles' warhammer away, he just thrust his sword diagonally upwards.

next moment,
Robles chopped off Qian Ruodong's left arm,

Qian Ruodungtu's right arm violently exerted force, causing the blade to penetrate the armor and penetrate into Robles' throat.

As the blood curtain falls,
All the dwarves saw Robles kneeling in front of Qian Ruodong.

Qian Ruodong stood up and threw his left arm towards Robles' body.

"Dwarf King, this left arm should be your burial object."

after this,

Silence fell on the battlefield again.

at the same time,

in the dark space,
Su Mu was still standing in the center of the field.

"Is that enough? Demon God."

In front of Su Mu, more than 50 corpses were already lying. These corpses were not monsters, and they were definitely not demon gods.

But Kevin, Janus, Xilu,
Even Afia.

The devil transformed the figures of these people and let them get close to Su Mu.

And at this moment,

Another Xilu appeared from the darkness,
She strolled towards Su Mu: "Sage, don't you understand me yet?"

"As long as it's for you, no matter what the task is, I will perform it, no matter what the task is."

But before Xilu could get closer,

Her body fell apart again and turned into a corpse on the ground.

Next is Kevin,

He rushed here in a hurry: "Sage, my daughter, my daughter is trapped in the port of Bremen, can you..."

Still torn apart, he also turned into a corpse and fell among the corpses.

And Janus,
He holds the cross devoutly, far more devoutly than Saint Eve,

"Su Mu, you will never be on the opposite side of the God of War, promise me."

But it is no exception,
As long as you get close to Su Mu to a certain range,
Everything will fall apart and become part of the corpse on the ground.

It's Su Mu's space magic.

[Space Cutting Technique]

As long as you enter this space, you will automatically be cut into multiple segments by the space.

"Hey, Demon God, I already told you that I still have an important battle to watch."

"Damn it, they shouldn't have finished the fight, right?"


Su Mu raised his hand to use space magic.

I saw that the black space was broken like a mirror, and sunlight was exposed in the broken parts, and then it quickly closed up and turned into darkness again.

"With my current strength, am I still unable to break your space?"

Su Mu sneered: "But the day when it can be broken is not far away."

"Devil, I don't have time to spend any more time with you."

After all,

Su Mu expanded the field of space cutting technique,
Extend to the end of the dark space!

As long as a creature appears in the space, it will be killed directly, and there is no room for survival!

"very good!"

The Demon God spoke again: "It is this determination to kill everything. This is the attribute that the Demon God should have."

This second trial,

The demon originally wanted to wipe out Su Mu's emotions.
But the results often surprise the devil.
Su Mu didn't care about that at all,
From the moment the puppets appeared, Su Mu killed them all and did not let those puppets cause harm to Su Mu.

"Okay, I admit you completed the second trial!"

With the devil's laughter,
The dark space that trapped Su Mu dissipated like ink and turned into a second fragment.

Su Mu also returned to the study,
at this time,

Celia and Afia were still standing in the room.

Seeing Su Mu return, Afiya hurriedly stepped forward, but her steps froze instantly.


She could only see endless indifference in Su Mu's eyes.

It was even cold enough to make Afia tremble.

Not just Afia,

Even Celia felt it.

Su Mu looked at them as if he were looking at two corpses.

"Hey, Su Mu, calm down, the trial is over." Celia said quickly,

But Su Mu was not surprised: "I know."

After all,

Su Mu put the fragments into the backpack space.
When the two fragments came closer, they actually fused together and turned into a larger fragment.

"Is the battle over?"

Su Mu tore the space apart again, only to see that the battle in the Dwarf Mountains was coming to an end.

Robles is dead;
He was kneeling in the middle of the battlefield, with a sharp sword like dirt stuck in his neck.

And he was surrounded by black ashes,

The aura that even Su Mu was familiar with began to rise around Qian Rudong.

【Purge the Demon King-Money is Like Dung】

"Tsk, what the hell, I am a demon king who yearns for peace, and you actually gave me the title of King of Purification?"

Seeing money like dung becomes the devil,

A smile rose in Su Mu's eyes.

These players are indeed getting stronger, and the attributes they feed back will become the nutrients for Su Mu to become stronger.

After the Dragon God Fighter-C driver,
Is there another rising star [Purge the Demon King - Money is Like Dung]?

Different from adventure players like C-driver,

Money is like dirt, which can be regarded as a player who spends money and hard work, and achieves today's achievements based on strength.

"Unfortunately, I thought at the time that fallen leaves would be the first to reach the point where money is like dirt."

did not expect,
Fallen Leaves Returns to Its Roots is completely entangled in Mu Xingcun.

It was probably Su Mu's mistake to promote him to the first baron.

Seeing the fighting cease,

Elvian has communicated and tried to make the dwarves surrender.

Su Mu also looked down, intending to look for the next dwarf king.
But after searching for a long time,
But I haven't seen "I won't show off today" for a long time.

"What about people?"

Su Mu opened the [Brave] column and looked for the shadow that was not broken today, only to find that he was in Saint-Mar City at the moment? !
"Why did this kid come directly to Saint-Mar City?"

"How did he get here? Through the teleportation array of our camp?"

"No one stopped him. Could it be that he is considered an undercover agent of the dwarves?"


Su Mu also walked towards the study door.
Seeing that Su Mu was about to go out, Celia and Afiya suddenly retreated to make way for Su Mu.

This is the subconscious fear of Su Mu.

When Su Mu saw this, he just ignored them and then walked out of the mansion.

second trial

In fact, it has already affected Su Mu unconsciously.

And outside the Platinum Workshop,
Su Mu heard conversations coming from the workshop.

That is undoubtedly the voice of "I won't mess up today",
"Platinum, are you still adjusting your equipment for mechanical ascension?"

Platinum Star was surprised when he heard this: "Are you also interested in bioengineering?"

"During this period of mechanical ascension, he often went fishing in the North Sea. His projects are almost completed, but they have never been optimized."

"What? Are you planning to study this project too?"

Platinum Star elbowed him and said with a smile: "If you want to buy this technology, the price is not cheap."

"I want to buy it." He said decisively today, "I will buy it no matter how much it costs, and I want all your data."

Seeing how radical it is to not show off today,
Platinum Star was stunned: "Hello? Are you okay? Although this project is interesting, it is not profitable."

"The gameplay of the Mechanical Ascension series does not have a large audience."

Most players prefer flesh-and-blood experience games.
Once turned into a robot, human senses will plummet, and the realism of the game will also be inexplicably reduced.

Therefore, after experiencing mechanical ascension, some players

They all chose to commit suicide and regain their bodies.

So I’m afraid this project won’t make any money.

"I don't intend to use it to make money." Today, I don't want to show off and point to myself: "I want to give up my body and transform myself."

A craftsman and forging player,

If he wants to quickly enter the first-class main battle lineup and abandon his body, mechanical ascension is his best choice!

If there is a next time,

He never wanted to be helpless in battle,

He wants to move his finger and let all eyes on the battlefield look at him, and he will decide the direction of the battle!

Outside the platinum workshop,
Feeling the determination to "not mess up today",
Su Mu felt excited from the bottom of his heart.

'Growing, these players are all growing! '
'In this battle, I not only gain a demon king, but also the possibility of a dwarf king! '
'It won't take long, if you don't mess up today, you will break through T5 and become a T1 main player! '
it is good!very good!

Su Mu didn't know how many gods there were in the God Realm.

So he wants to train brave men,
They even train brave men to be able to fight against gods!
Because only then can Su Mu completely crush the gods and no longer have to be manipulated by the gods!

(End of this chapter)

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