As a programmer, I also want to make games in a different world

Chapter 170: Growth, initial results. 【3 in 1】

Chapter 170: Growth, initial results. 【triple】

During the next period of time,
Everywhere in the continent is extremely peaceful,
Both the blood clan and the new demon clan strive to develop;

The territory of the human race is also being consolidated and returned.

Under the treatment of Weitie, Xilu's condition got better and better, and she soon returned to Su Mu.

But she began to worry in her heart, always feeling that Su Mu and Afia were avoiding each other.

And just when you are all worried about trivial matters,

The growth of all players is also progressing smoothly.

platinum workshop,

With a crunching sound,
If you don't mess it up today, you will eventually complete the equipment and install it on yourself.

"Damn it, I already missed it?"

Platinum Star, who arrived later, was stunned: "You kid, you cut off your hands and feet?"


Today, he gritted his teeth and gestured to the cutting table beside him. There was still blood stains on it, which looked extremely scary.

"You kid, your determination is too terrifying."

Seeing this scene, how could Star Platinum not sigh?
But when he saw the finished product that was not broken today,
He could only be sincerely jealous,

"Made, you can actually make something so powerful."

It has a dazzling appearance, but it is absolutely hard and specially made. Each part is accurately engaged, driving the entire machine in the most labor-saving way!
"They're all legendary. Damn, your right arm is actually a divine weapon?!"

"Can you only say that he is worthy of being a dwarf?"

Only a week has passed, and he has actually been able to build such sophisticated equipment.
Dwarf craftsmen, how terrible!

"What are you going to do next? Continue to forge substitutes?"

Platinum Star explained to him: "The mechanical ascension has been tested. Even if it is modified into a semi-robot state, these bodies can only be regarded as equipment."

"That is to say, if you die, you will be resurrected as a human being."

"The mechanical legs and arms you make will be recycled as equipment."

That's it,
The new setting of equipment dropped upon death is very unfriendly to mechanical ascension players.

"No." He shook his head today and said, "This is not a finished product yet. I need to test it more before mass production."

"You said that the mechanical ascension is in the North Sea, and he has been fishing recently, right?"

After all,

Then he walked out of the workshop without leaving his body, his hands and feet sprayed flames at the same time, and flew directly into the sky.

And the direction it was flying to was clearly the North Sea.

"Hey, are you going to Beihai to find a mechanical ascension machine?" Platinum Star was stunned, and then yelled: "You are just provoking trouble!"

"Made, how can the epic mechanical arm I made compare to your legendary suit!"

Where is the communication with the other party?
It's obviously to show off!

The distance between Saint Mare and Beihai is not very close, but I don’t plan to use the teleportation array today if I don’t show off.

Instead, he flew over with his newly made body,

At the same time, become familiar with the capabilities of this body.

"It feels so strange. I always feel like something is missing."

When I was flying, I felt a little strange if I didn't mess up today.

And this feeling of estrangement,
It didn't disappear because of familiarity with the body, but it felt more and more awkward!

Until flying to the North Sea,

After landing on the north coast, this awkward feeling did not disappear.

Looking at the North Sea, we can see that there are quite a lot of speedboats here, less than 30 miles long, and many players are fishing here.

This leisurely day is in stark contrast to today's unruly days.

Even after he flew around for a while,
Only then did I see the figure of the mechanical ascension on one of the ships.

"Hey." Mechanical Ascension raised his hand to say hello: "I saw you flying in the sky just now. Are you here to find me?"

Players who give up their bodies and turn into mechanical bodies are too rare.

"That's right, I'm here to find you."

I didn't respond bluntly today, so I immediately landed on the yacht, causing the yacht to sink and float.

"Hey, hey, is this too much?" Mechanical Ascension smiled bitterly,
He leaned over the side of the ship and looked at the drainage line of the ship. The yacht was really sinking.

If I don't destroy this machine today, the weight alone will not be on the same level as him!

"Can you have a fight with me?"

"You are also the main player, right? I want to test my current strength."

Today, if you don't mess up, you will still hit the straight ball, and you won't mince words.

This made Mechanical Ascension feel embarrassed again: "Can you please stop any mechanical players from coming to me to prove the truth?"

"But come on, I still maintain a 100% winning rate."

"As a senior, I will guide you well."

When he said that, the mechanical ascension had already put down the fishing rod and flew into the sky using only his feet. This control was obviously several times more skillful than 'Don't mess up today'.

Don't swallow your saliva today.
The time has come to verify his results.

Then under the eyes of a group of fishing players, the two men faced each other in the air.

"Hey, are you here again? An aerial combat showdown between mechanical players?"

"It's always the mechanical ascension that wins. It's not interesting at all."

"It seems to be different this time. Doesn't that mean he won't show off today? His mecha body is all legendary!"

"Quality crushing?!"

As players have said,
Today, he didn't just lean forward slightly, then rushed towards the mechanical ascension with lightning speed.

That powerful propulsion force is completely incomparable to mechanical ascension!
But the mechanical ascension was just a slight push to the right with his left hand, and the whole person flew to the left. Then he raised his right fist and smashed it directly into Tian Bu's face.

At the same time, fire a high-powered hand cannon!
A frontal hit on the head that won’t be messed up today!

Under the strong impact,
Today, it fell down from the sky without being shaken, and at the same time there was a wisp of thick smoke hanging from its tail.

After falling about ten meters, he was seen turning over, adjusting his posture, and flying into the sky again.

"Sure enough, is there no harm in the smoke?" Mechanical Ascension smacked his tongue: "This armor is too hard. If it were other players, they should have gone to the resurrection station long ago."

I can't wait until today to fly back to the sky.
He directly raised his hand and fired a laser cannon from below.

The mechanical ascension also turned sideways and used the AI ​​force field to block the laser cannon.

"Hahaha, isn't this AI force field super cool!" Mechanical Ascension laughed: "It's actually a magic barrier, but this way it feels more like a Gundam!"

Having said that,
But the AI ​​force field is definitely not as simple as a magic barrier!
When the laser hits that barrier,

Even through refraction at a certain angle, we can fight back to the point where we won’t mess up today!
But also in the next moment,
Today, even if you don't show off, you will open a defensive stance to stop the offensive, and even use the force of breaking bamboo to attack upward against the wind!

at the same time,

The right arms of the two people changed their forms at the same time, turning into an ion blade and slashing at each other!
The mechanical ascension clicked again,

Sure enough, the mechanical body design that is not broken today is the same one as the mechanical ascension!
They are all the latest products developed by Platinum Star!

But since it is a work that is not bad today, he will definitely modify it slightly according to his own ideas, right?

But the next moment,
Then I saw the mechanically ascending ion blade being blocked by the machine.
However, the ion blade that was not broken today easily chopped off the right arm of the mechanical ascension!
"Tsk, is it a problem with the level of the mechanical body?!"

I don’t want to display bad equipment today, it’s too tough.

Epic and legendary magic items are impossible to confront head-on!
"I'm sorry." Today, Bu Shusha suddenly said: "I will be responsible for helping you build a new mechanical arm for your right arm."

Hey Hey hey,
Although I am very happy to hear that I am willing to pay compensation if I don’t destroy it today, and the machine will ascend.
But why don’t you show any happy expression on your face today?
On the contrary, are you dissatisfied?
"You won, right?" Mechanical Ascension clicked his tongue: "What are you dissatisfied with?"

"Huh? No..." I didn't show off today and fell into deep thought.
He moved the robotic arm and was stunned for a long time before speaking: "I always feel awkward."

"I don't know what happened, but this robotic arm didn't achieve the effect I wanted."

no doubt,

'I don't want to show off today' I want to become stronger,

This mechanical body has indeed made him stronger, but the level of strength is far from reaching the expectation of "not failing today".

If you want to become a T1-level main player, you definitely can’t stop here, right?
What's more, it's a T0 level player.

This is just the beginning. If I don't perform well today, I seem to have seen my upper limit.

"Does it feel awkward?" Mechanical Ascension snorted: "Yes, it will feel awkward after it has just been converted into a mechanical body."

"It's because of the sensory deprivation."

"The five human senses, shape, sound, smell, taste, and touch, will be deprived of touch after becoming a mechanical body,"

"Doesn't it feel strange to you that you can't feel touch?"

That's right!I see!
It's touch, he's lost touch!

Becoming a mechanical body will indeed gain powerful strength, and you can even transform your body into various weapons!

But without touch, people's movements will be subject to various restrictions.

Can't feel the fist wind, can't feel the collision,

I don’t know how much strength I exerted, but I couldn’t use precise and detailed martial arts!

Although he gained power, he also limited his possibilities!
"Let me tell you, if you don't mess up today, aren't you a craftsman?" Mechanical Ascension smacked his tongue and said,
hear this,

I can't help but be stunned if I don't show off today.
'what does that mean? '
'Does that mean I shouldn't go this way?Craftsmen, can't you work hard on the main battle? '
But unlike today, where there is no speculation,

Mechanical Ascension rubbed his stiff neck and clicked his tongue: "You can definitely do it stronger, right?"

"It's not something inefficient like a mechanical body, but the pursuit of more advanced technology."

"Integrating machinery with flesh and blood not only retains the unknown potential of the human body, but also gains the strength of mechanical technology."

"Nanotechnology in science fiction works, don't you want to challenge it?"

Hearing the words "mechanical ascension",
It made Bu Xianglan tremble all over today.

Fusion of machinery and flesh and blood, equip yourself with nanotechnology!

It is like a beacon in the darkness, penetrating the darkness and illuminating the road that is not broken today.

"I know what to do."

He held his right arm with his left hand, then forcefully tore it off and handed it to the mechanical ascension.

"Nano enhancement technology, I will try to do it."

"Next, I may dive into the project of developing nanotechnology. I'm afraid I won't have time to build you a new right arm."

"This will pay you."

Don't hesitate today and reach forward and give the mechanical arm he tore off to the mechanical ascension.

After saying that, he turned around and flew towards the imperial capital.
This time he will return to Saint-Mar from the teleportation array in the imperial capital.
'Nanotechnology, it seems there is no time to fly back slowly! '
over the North Sea,

Looking at the back of the figure who flew away without showing off today,

Mechanical Ascension held the mechanical arm and couldn't help but smacked his lips: "Asshole, how can you let people enjoy fishing leisurely after being glared at by such fiery eyes?"


This is just a game, right?

When it first came into closed beta, it was even considered a buttery game by most players.But this game is so real,

It's so real that you forget this is a game.

Forget about escaping from difficulties in the real world. This game can be called Second Life. Do we still need to escape here?
If you try a little harder, what kind of scenery can you see?
'Would you like to take a look? 'Mechanical Ascension can't help but think this way.

at the same time,

The Platinum Workshop was not at peace with Bu Xianglan’s departure today.
The crisp and dull sound of iron striking,
On the contrary, because I left without showing off today, it became more and more rhythmic and loud.


As Qian Ruorui spit out a breath of turbid air,
Another sharp sword was successfully produced.

But after the attack, he closed his eyes in disappointment and threw the sword on the ground aside.

"Boss, to be honest, it's not easy for you to be like this."

Platinum Star stood aside and sighed: "Boss, forging is not something that happens overnight. It only takes a month to make progress."

He used his identification skills to look at the swords on the ground.

A real, sincere gasp.

[Ordinary level], [Extraordinary level], and the highest is only [Rare level].
But those are not the point,
There are already more than a dozen swords on the ground.

Their weight, length, and hilts are all the same!
Even the length deviation does not exceed 1 mm and the weight deviation does not exceed 1 gram!
How terrifyingly accurate is this?
without exception,

All the values ​​​​of the pile of long swords on the ground were beautifully matched to what his body needed.

All long swords are exclusive weapons for Qian Rudi!

Although the grade is very poor,

But it completely fits the concept of [exclusive weapons]!
"This kind of weapon cannot be used at all." Qian Rudong picked up a sword casually and said,

Then he turned his head and looked at the armor on the dummy beside him.

That was Robles' golden armor, the trophy he brought back.

Qian Rudong's eyes were as bright as a torch, he aimed firmly at the armor, and swung a bucket forward with the long sword!
The sword suddenly broke,

But the tip of the sword pierced into the armor surprisingly,

To be precise, it is embedded in the armor.

"The terrifying sharpness." Platinum Star smacked his lips: "That is an ordinary long sword. It can actually penetrate the artifact. This is already outrageous!"

Having said that,
But Platinum Star knew that it had nothing to do with the long sword, but Qian Rudong's strength!
Demon king level attributes, powerful strength, coupled with the perfect length and weight of the sword,
Let that sword give full play to its sharp power!
But the problem is still before us,
This kind of sword is useless. If you break the weapon in front of the enemy, what is the difference between that and seeking death?
"The idea of ​​exclusive weapons is not wrong." Qian Rudongtu sighed: "This will at least allow me to display 20% more strength."

"But the weapon is really bad. Should I let someone else help me build it? It's best to enchant it again."

"Do you really want someone else to do it for you?" Platinum Star suddenly said: "Is it because of your hard work that you are so good at using the long sword?"

"Not just the length and weight, but the intimacy you feel with this sword."

Money is like dirt and smiled when he heard this,
Talking about intimacy, this feels a bit fantasy.

However, to be honest, holding the long sword made by myself, Qian Rudong really feels like the integration of man and sword.

After thinking about it,

Platinum Star finally proposed: "Boss, I'll teach you the principles of making a magic bag. Why don't you make a sword box?"

"Use space magic as the basis to make a magic sword box. If one sword is not enough, bring a few more."

Yes, there is such a way.

When one sword is broken, all you need to do is draw out the second sword!

Think about it a little,

Then he saw the money was like dirt and grinned: "Sell me the design of the magic sword hilt at a cheaper price."

What is this krypton gold boss talking about?

Star Platinum is excited to participate in the production of magic sword hilts and witness the birth of a sword god!
"It's too boring to talk about money at this time. Let me give it to you for free, Made!"


Above the ancient library,
An empty island is suspended here.

Here the white-winged Valkyrie spreads her wings on guard,
Always be wary of the monsters below.

Surprisingly, Mengcha was also in the patrol queue, with a bad face at this time: "It's really troublesome."

"Lord, can he really suppress this place by himself?"

"These are a group of things called ancient monsters. They are really evil."

Because Su Mu left,

This ancient library is once again called an SSS-level dangerous copy,

But the pure man took over Su Mu's class.
He led the White Wings to suppress this place and still used it as a library.

But to be honest,

Tamodis was still in the corner, tied with an iron chain, but still flapping around, which really made the pure man unable to let go of his guard.

"Huh, I can't calm down while studying here."

The pure man closed the book and glanced at the essays of Tam Modis,
'Would you like to open it and take a look? '
This thought suddenly came into his mind.

Is it possible to suppress it?
Even the No. 2 driver with a C license can't take advantage of Tam Modis's essay, right?

'In any case, I have read through this detailed explanation of the roots of magic. Is it time to verify what I have learned? '
What is the source of magic?
A pure man already has his own judgment in his heart.

What he has to do now is to prove his conjecture.

Close the book,

Put a piece of paper on the table, then pick up the pen and write on the paper,
But what the pure man wrote was definitely not something superficial like magic spells, but a magic circle.

No need for language,

A magic circle composed only of graphics is the original shape of magic.

Magic spells are just [shortcuts] for humans to use magic quickly.

The magic circle is the source of all magic.

The magic circle drawn by the pure man at this time is an original special magic circle that incorporates what he has learned during this period.

'How can we connect magic in parallel and avoid conflict? '
'Don't be too troublesome, don't omit thinking, overlap all the magic together, and create the most complex and sophisticated magic circle. '
If you want to use ancient magic,

Chanting a magic spell is too inefficient. If you want to cast a spell, you have to start from the magic circle at the root.

Just like the city defense magic array made by Su Mu,

Or maybe it's Jiu Liuli's armor Gundam Magic Array!

As long as the magic power flows in the magic circle, the magic will take effect!

The same goes for magic scrolls. Pure Man knows this better than anyone else.

So the way he uses ancient magic,
You still have to start from the magic circle that you are best at!

Until the pure man raised the tip of his pen,
Then he saw that an extremely complex and precise circular magic array had been drawn on the paper.

It is like an intricate transportation network, criss-crossing.

No matter which line the magic power extends from, you can turn at any time and walk to another horizontal line, vertical line, or even diagonal line at any time.

Through every corner, every choice of direction and angle,

It is possible to draw different magic circles!

【Circle of Truth】!
As long as the pure man flows his magic power along a specific route,

You can activate different, thousands of ancient magic effects!
As long as there is this circle of truth,

no doubt,

The Pure Man will become the most proficient player in ancient magic in [Dumfries]!
Even the way he mastered ancient magic,

Even Su Mu couldn't benefit from the feedback mechanism.

It can be said that the sword takes a different direction and finds a new way.

"Cute Tea!" The pure man shouted: "Come down and help!"

heard the shout,

Mengcha, who was bored while patrolling in the air, immediately lowered his head: "What? What? Finally something interesting happened?"

The cute tea fell next to the pure man,
As a result, the pure man handed over the drawing of the "Circle of Truth".

"Do you know how to tattoo?" The innocent man said, "Put this thing on my back."

"You must not make any mistakes, not even the slightest angle is off."


Mengcha's scalp went numb immediately after seeing it: "Hey, don't be ridiculous, clan leader, this thing is too complicated, isn't it?"

For some reason, Mengcha felt dizzy just by looking at the Circle of Truth.

'Is it because I don't understand the principles of magic? '
'I don't get dizzy when I look at this pattern. '
The pure man looked down at the drawing, and he was indeed not dizzy.

Then he took the picture and put it in Mengcha's hand: "Don't worry, you are so bold. If you make a mistake, you will dig out the skin and kill me."

Pure men are not short of money, let alone fault tolerance.

This Circle of Truth, as long as it is pierced on his back, is equivalent to a scroll with thousands of ancient magics and no limit on the number of times it can be used!
This is far more efficient than memorizing a curse!

"Okay, since you said so, I'm here!"

Mengcha doesn't need tattooing equipment at all, his magic can do it instead, but he really needs to practice his tattooing skills through trial and error.

And also at this time,

Inside the Santa Marra prison,
Hearing a bang, Su Mu suddenly closed the book in his hand and looked at Eve with a smile.

"I know what Mitche wants to do."

"The answer is actually the same as my purpose. I really didn't expect it."

After saying that, Su Mu threw the book in his hand to Eve.

Eve was still confused at this time;

I don't understand why Su Mu suddenly laughed, let alone 'what Mitche wants', and I don't understand 'Su Mu's purpose'.

But after seeing the books thrown by Su Mu,
Eve visibly shuddered.

"Record: Notes after the Defeat of God Killing"

ancient times,

Gods and men indeed fought great wars;
And not surprisingly, the loser is human beings.

In this final note of defeat, there is clearly a 'special point' recorded!

It is also the cause of mankind's failure in ancient times, which is found on the last page of this book.

[This book will be buried deep underground with the ancient library, along with the history of the war between humans and gods. 】

[Forget hatred, forget God, forget everything, and finally believe in God again and become the most loyal believer of God again. 】

[Humanity has not lost. The strongest generation has made the gods hide in the divine world for hundreds of years, making the gods avoid its edge, and making the gods tremble in fear. Just because humans have no way to the divine world, the battle is forced to end. 】

[Although there is no road leading to the divine world, this road can be created. The most loyal believers of the gods pray and use their loyal beliefs to trigger the gods to perform their divine duties and forge a road to heaven that guides believers to the divine world. 】

【None of us believe in gods anymore. 】

[A warning to future generations, if your era declares war on the gods again, those who believe in the gods are your only way to fight against the gods! 】

 I would like to express my gratitude to the big reader: Gu Yaoxi for the 300 coins.

(End of this chapter)

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