As a programmer, I also want to make games in a different world

Chapter 174 Scarborough’s weapon, data network. 【3 in 1】

Chapter 174 Scarborough’s weapon, data network. 【triple】

Laoliu restaurant,

It is now the most popular restaurant chain throughout the Terran territories.

Now that countless players are pouring into [Dumfries],

There are already countless players whose cooking skills exceed those of Lao Liu.

But Lao Liu’s status remains unshakable.
Very simple,
He has occupied the entire market. Even if there are more powerful chefs coming in, he can only apply for the job of chef at Laoliu Restaurant.

"You can order whatever you want to eat."

After sitting in the restaurant, Qian Ruodongtu casually handed out the menu.

Compared to Nocturne's reason for killing him, he was obviously not interested in what to eat.

And when Nocturne looked at the menu with interest,

Qian Ruodong propped up his cheeks and said, "So? Why are you targeting me?"

"What's the reason for wanting to kill me?"

"Don't say it's because of No. 3, there are two more players above me, right?"

"And people who are weaker than me have more choices."

Nocturne did not respond, but called the waiter: "Please order a super spicy parfait."

"There is no chili ingredient, but it says super spicy parfait. I'm a little curious as to what it is made of."

【Eau of Life Parfait】

In addition, she also ordered a lot of super expensive dishes, but they were all with super weird names.

Until the waiter leaves with the menu,

Then I saw Nocturne looking at Qian Ruodongtu: "You ask me why I am eyeing you?"

"It's simple, it's a mission."

"Su Mu sent me a temporarily triggered task. As long as I can kill you, I can learn three space magics."

Su...Su Mu?
Qian Ruodu was stunned when he heard this.

He thought about many reasons, but he really didn't expect that it would be Su Mu? !

"By the way, the forum has been discussing NPCs since last night. Sure enough, NPCs always do incredible things."

At this point, Qian Ruodongtu was also a little interested.

He actually let an assassin try to kill him,

What on earth is Su Mu thinking?What's his plan?
while thinking,
I saw that the waiter had already brought the dishes to the table.
The room for two people was quickly filled, and at the same time, a gentle reminder was given: "Eau of life parfait, if you are not a drinker, please don't eat too much."

"Oh?~" Nocturne became interested after hearing this: "Is this parfait made of wine?"

She took a spoonful immediately, and little stars flashed before her eyes.

"It tastes good! It's exciting!"

Then he ate it vigorously, showing no reaction to being affected by alcohol at all.

"Hey, are you a good drinker?" Qian Ruodongtu couldn't help but blush, then he picked up his chopsticks and picked up a dish to eat.

But only the first bite,
He immediately gets feedback from the status bar.

[Status increase: Nausea Lv.1-Remaining time: 91s]

'poisoned? '
'Feeling sick, the lasting effect is still a minute and a half? '
'Wait, these dishes have just been served, right?When did she take the poison? '
Qian Ruorui couldn't help but stare,

This is the sixth restaurant with a good reputation in [Dumfries], so it is impossible to poison diners.

But if the option of waiter assistance is excluded,

How can Nocturne still have a chance to take action?

"Huh?" After finishing the parfait, Nocturne put the spoon on the table and looked at Qian Ruodongtu with a smile: "Why are you not dead yet?"

"Is it because of attributes?"

"Have your demon king-level attributes made you resistant to my poison?"

Hearing Nocturne's words, Qian Ruodungtu was also stunned.
'Is that deadly poison?The only effect it had on me was nausea. '
'What other dishes are there to eat?No, maybe you can’t eat it, right? '
Qian Ruodongtu clicked his tongue and smiled: "It's not easy to eat with you."

It was uncomfortable. To be honest, he already wanted to check out and leave.

At the same time,
Platinum Star is still resting in the workshop with his eyes closed.
"Oh, as expected of a big shot player, he would be asked out by a beautiful girl. Damn it, I'm so envious."

When he said this, he looked sideways at the still-forging "It won't be ruined today."

"Hey, why didn't you respond at all?"

"Big brother Qian Ruodong has been asked to leave. It's great, youth."

"Although I don't know how old the boss is."

Hearing the emotion of Platinum Star,
Today he didn't show off, but he sighed: "I'm really annoyed right now."

"Nanotechnology, that can't be accomplished with forging technology alone."

"Even if such nanorobots are forged, they will still be just a bunch of immobile metal dolls."

Looking at the dense golden sand in front of me,
I can't help but feel a headache if I don't show off today: "Programming is completely outside my field."

"Same as when the dwarves built the launch silo, I can only do the forging work."

It's not a project he can complete alone.

Thinking of this, I packed my bags and got ready to go out today.

"Eh?" Platinum Star saw this and stood up quickly: "Wait a minute, don't you have a date too?"

"No, I wouldn't have time for that kind of thing even if it came to my door."

What he is looking for is a traitor that he does not want to face.

At the critical moment of the dwarves, Scarborough chose to betray the dwarves and create a crisis by hacking into the silo!

"Fuck, can you only ask him for this kind of thing?"

After muttering something, he slammed the door and left.


Where he is at this time, I really don’t know if he doesn’t show off today.

After the battle in the Dwarf Mountains, he joined the Alliance as a matter of course and became a builder of city defense weapons. He was recently responsible for the maintenance and improvement of city defense missiles.

Scarborough can be easily found at the City Defense Department.

"Hello." As soon as he arrived, a guard came up to say hello: "What can I do for you?"

"I'm here to see Scarborough. Please take me to see him, or ask him to come to see me. Just tell him that you won't make trouble to come to him today."

Upon hearing the request, the guard nodded and walked into the city defense office.

Before long, I heard two footsteps walking out of the house.

One of them was none other than Scarborough,
"I'm busy, what? Are you trying to get revenge on me?"


What a strange statement that is,

I didn't show off today just to see him unhappy, but the choice I made at that time was just a difference in gameplay, right?

Although I am not willing to give in, no one is right.

"No, I have something to ask you for help today."

Although I was not willing to let it go bad today, I still gritted my teeth and asked: "I have a project and I want you to help with the programming part."

"Oh? What project?" Scarborough's expression was flat: "I also have my own things to be busy with. Can you just show me the project book?"

Project proposals?
How can I have time to write something like that if I don't mess around today?
"Tsk, I just wanted to make a nanorobot, but it turns out I can't program, so I came to you for help!"

hear this,

Scarborough's eyes lit up.

"You made nanobots?"


"Sure, what kind of program do you want me to write?"

Seeing that Scarborough agreed so easily, it seemed a bit surprising that he didn't show off today.

"My specific needs are not simple. Please give me a price."

If you want nanorobots to enter the body and work in the blood and internal organs, you need programming to achieve it, which is definitely a lot of work.

But Scarborough just waved his hand: "Just think you owe me a favor."


Although I know it will be very expensive if I don't show it today, but the debt of gratitude is the hardest to repay.

and at this time,

Instead, Scarborough had a fox-like smile on his face.

Tsk, he always felt that Scarborough was not holding his shit in.

"Come with me. The equipment here is also very complete. It's no problem to do programming."

Scarborough patted the guard on the shoulder: "He is an old friend of mine. No problem. I will take him in first."

The guard nodded when he heard this.

So he followed Scarborough into the city defense department without showing off today.

And after hearing the demand not to mess up today,

Scarborough almost didn't hesitate, and immediately hit the keyboard and started writing lines of code.

"Although this is not the first time I've seen it, you are really amazing."

"As expected of the person who hacked into the backend of Dumfries Game."

I can’t help but smack my tongue if I don’t show off today.
Scarborough, on the other hand, sighed: "That operation was really a failure. There was no profit at all. Instead, he was banned for seven days and suffered a loss of blood."

Hearing this, today Bu Xiang was slightly stunned: "Except for that time, have you conducted many activities?"

"Like betraying the dwarves?"

Faced with a speech that seemed like a provocation,

Scarborough just smiled and kept silent to fool him.

"Your basic request has been completed. Do you want to test it first?"

"Eh?" Hearing this, he was stunned: "Is this done?!"

Are you kidding me?
He made quite a few demands!
In addition to enhancing physical abilities, there is also a need to draw the magic power in the body, form a magic circuit through blood vessels, and directly cast magic.

Shouldn't this be complicated?

Was it completed so easily?

"Inject it into the body." Scarborough took the syringe, mixed the gold sand into the biological saline, and directly inserted it into the arm that was not broken today.

"Damn it, are you too rude? What if you fail?"

After all, these nanobots are golden sand.

He might die.

"Just die." Scarborough rolled his eyes: "You don't even have the money to resurrect?"

Recently, he has been researching mechanical ascension and nanotechnology, which has consumed a lot of his funds!

But fortunately nothing happened.
When the nanorobots are injected, they are quickly activated via remote signals.
Didn't wait ten seconds,
Today, the UI interface pops up in front of my eyes.

It clearly records the enhancement percentage of his strength, agility, magic power and other data.

"This UI interface doesn't come with the Dumfries game, right?"

I'm quite surprised if I don't show it off today.
But Scarborough was very interested: "Why, have you seen it already?"

"That's the UI interface I made, which allows you to see your physical condition by stimulating the brain."

The status enhanced by nanorobots can be fed back through this interface.


Scarborough even waved his fist, aiming to hit him if he didn't mess up today.And if you don’t look bad today,
A red arrow was suddenly drawn to preset the trajectory of Scarborough's punch, allowing him to easily dodge the attack.

"Did you see it? The attack trajectory predicted by the nanobots?"

"I saw it." He was quite surprised if he didn't display it today: "I just said it casually, I didn't expect you to really be able to do it."

Scarborough shrugged upon hearing this: "Predictions made only through body movements are considered the lowest level, and there is still room for improvement."

"How should I put it? Fight more and enter more data."

So, it’s understandable if you don’t mess around today, just fight more people, right?
Then, he pointed to the clock on the wall and wondered: "By the way, is it already six o'clock in the afternoon?"

"Time flies by so fast?"

"I remember you were very fast at programming."

Scarborough tilted his head in confusion: "Is it because you have been in a daze?"

"How can a job like programming be done quickly?"

After that, he crossed his legs and spoke in an encouraging tone: "Now that you know it, why don't you quickly go find your opponent to test it?"

"Don't stay here all the time. I have my own projects to do."


If you don’t show off and click your tongue today,
But his request has been fulfilled, and it's time for him to move on to the next step.

And when he left the city defense department,
Scarborough grinned as he sat at the table.

"It's really fun."

"I didn't expect him to come to my door at this time. It's really a great achievement."

Then he opened the recording magic stone,

The recorded video image is projected on the wall.

within the image,

Don't stand there with a blank look today,
He reached out, stretched his legs, violently performed a set of Tai Chi, and used a few wind magic at will.

Scarborough, who gave these instructions, sat on his chair with a grin.

He looked like he was studying the material excitedly, and he looked completely immersed in it.

[Nano warrior test, record 1, first test, nanorobots can indeed affect the human body. The enhancement percentage needs to be increased, but the degree of control is very stable. 】

[Basic commands are no problem at all, and slightly more complex movements can be responded to quickly. 】

[Nano warrior test, record 2, cannot mention things about memory, and cannot let the opponent's brain think. The degree of control of the nanorobot's brain is weak and needs to be strengthened. 】

[Nano warrior test, record 3, the test target is gradually out of control, the nanorobot's power needs to be replenished, bioelectricity cannot be used, and electrical energy must be replenished. 】

[Nano warrior test, record 4, duration 8 hours, the target is about to wake up, the first test is interrupted. 】

Six pm?

No, Scarborough had finished programming early in the morning and injected the golden sand into the body that would not be broken today.

But the next time,
It's not as simple as letting him experience predicting attack paths.

back and forth,

Scarborough used nanorobots to control the situation and stayed with him for eight hours of experiments!

"Interesting." Scarborough put away the video: "This operation has benefited a lot."

"Nano Warrior, there is one more weapon that can be used."

When programming,

Not only did he fulfill the requirement of not messing up today, but he also did some tricks secretly.

For example, let the nano-robots turn today's undead into their own battle puppets...

[Dwarf Mountain Launch Silo], [Qijia City Military Base], [Saint Mar City Anti-Artillery], [I won’t destroy the Nano Warriors today],
Already three places,
Scarborough smiled.

"The continent of Dumfries is gradually becoming technologically advanced. This change is very good, very good~"

As a hacker, he doesn't intend to work hard to kill monsters and level up.
There are ready-made weapons, he just needs to use them!

【Data Network】

This is Scarborough's weapon!

If you observe carefully, you will find that he has ranked No. 47 in the player rankings!
As long as he moves his fingers,
Missiles can be launched from various military bases,
In just a few minutes, missiles can rain down on any area!

As long as players develop technology faster, Scarborough will become stronger faster!

All technological weapons in the world can be hacked and mobilized by Scarborough!
This is his expectation for the future of [Data Network]!

At this time, there was another nano warrior, how could he not feel excited?
As long as he wants, he can always control today and not be used as a battle puppet.

The perspective turns to the platinum workshop,

Today, don't waste it and Qian Ruodi will return at the same time.

See money like dung,

If you don't show off today, you immediately raise your hand and say hello: "Qian is like dirt, can you accompany me to a duel in Wales City?"

"My project has just made progress recently and needs to be improved against strong players."

Qian Ruodu covered his stomach with a bad look on his face: "I learned a lot today, and what impressed me the most is that you have to learn to say no."

"So let me refuse."

"Isn't it the second alliance meeting soon?"

"No matter which race you attack, the war will begin soon. Just be patient until then. There are plenty for you to fight."

Speaking of which,
Money, like dung, is also thrown towards the sword box,
He must also keep the number of swords in the sword box, at least enough for the next battle.

So you can't waste your sword by participating in a duel at this time.

On the other hand, if he didn't show off today, he turned his head and said, "I have no intention of participating in a battle to invade other races."

"The purpose of obtaining this power is to protect the dwarves."


After sighing, he turned around and left.

"Go find the pure man."

When he left, Qian Ruodi's voice came from behind: "I heard that he has also been working on projects recently, and he may also want to test his current strength."

"I'll help you get in touch."

After all,

Qian Ruotu sent messages directly through the friend system,
I soon received feedback from the pure man.

"He agreed. Let's go to Wales City to find him tomorrow morning."

"When a warrior fights a mage, you seem to have an advantage."

When he heard that Qian Ruodongtu helped him date a pure man, he immediately cheered up and said, "Thank you!"

Do warriors fight mages?

As long as you rush into the opponent's melee circle when the mage chants the magic spell, you will have an absolute advantage!
Test it out with this battle,

What changes did testing the nanobots bring to him.

The next day.

Wales City,

The pure man and I will not show off today and come as promised,

When the two met, they both smiled kindly.

"Pure male boss, I have a favor for you today."

The pure man smiled back: "No, I also need to test my abilities through fighting."

"Although your strength ranking is not high, Qian Ruodongtu has given you assurance that you have become very strong."

"I hope both of us can gain something from this battle."

"I can't take it seriously." He smiled even though he was not showing off today, but in fact the nanorobots had already begun to operate, and the UI interface appeared in front of his eyes.

After applying to the administrator of the Killing Temple,

Officially entered the duel venue,

And when he was not getting ready for today, he saw that the magic power in the pure man's body was already flowing crazily.

'Isn't it? '
'The magic power in the pure man's body has been mobilized? '
'Did he chant a spell?Or chanting in a voice I can’t hear? '
'No, he didn't even move his lips, it was magic without chanting! '
[Ancient Magic - Fantasy Quicksand]

Just a moment,
The stone bricks under their feet turned into sand, and continued to transform into waves, hammers, spikes, and attacks that would not break today.

"Map cannon."

Especially the sea of ​​​​sand waves that are constantly rolling under your feet,

It directly affects the focus of not losing balance today, as if I have lost my balance and cannot even stand firmly.

[A wave illusion has been detected in the line of sight and is being corrected]

The nanorobot in his mind made a sound,

Soon, his vision returned to calm, and he quickly ran to avoid the attack.

And rushed towards the pure man at extremely fast speed!
As long as you enter the melee range, you can contain his offensive!

At the same time, the pure man was also surprised: "He is a dwarf, right? How can he move so quickly?"

Speaking of agility, that should be the strength of the orcs, who focus more on strength.

The magic power in his body circulated again,

Advance on the [Circle of Truth] according to the prescribed route,
[Ancient Magic - Falling Galaxy]

next moment,
Then I saw a large meteorite suddenly falling from the sky.

With strong wind pressure, it directly crushed you to the position where you won't lose your position today.

I didn’t hesitate to show off today.
He used his high-speed movement to break the wind pressure, and at the same time he jumped up and kicked the meteorite. Using the strength of the meteorite fragments, he dived from the air towards the pure man like an arrow.

I saw a pure man curling his fingers again,
Jungles sprouted from the ground, forming a row of defensive woods to block today's unstoppable attack.

The moment the sight disappeared, the nanorobot sent a warning.

[There is danger behind, avoid immediately. 】

Then in the air, he made a strange move without showing off, and turned around to avoid the pure man's Aurora Technique!
"Eh? Did you use space magic to get behind me and flash magic?"

"They are all instantaneous. You are too scary."

Hearing today's unflattering complaints, the pure man was surprised: "The key is that you will find out all this."

"Do you have eyes behind you?"

This duel took longer than both of them imagined.

Whether it is [Circle of Truth] or [Nanotechnology], neither side feels that they will lose to the other.

Only one party needs to collect data,
The pure man needs to adapt to the rapid operation of magic power to improve his proficiency.


"It seems that there are quite a lot of players who want to become stronger nowadays."

Scarborough appeared in the stands,

He took out the recording magic stone and adjusted the direction so that he didn't want to mess up today.

"It's really exciting to see what nano-warriors can evolve into."

And above the sky,

A hard-to-find crack is hanging there.

It was Su Mu who was observing this duel.

Naturally, he also noticed Scarborough in the stands.
"This kid, even after his account was lifted, he never gave up the idea of ​​using hackers as a means."

"But it doesn't matter. As long as you don't hack my data, just go ahead and show off your skills."

"In Dumfries, I don't hate players who try their best to become stronger."

(End of this chapter)

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