As a programmer, I also want to make games in a different world

Chapter 183: Exploring the Realm of Chaos. 【3 in 1】

Chapter 183: Exploring the Realm of Chaos. 【triple】

Two days have passed in the blink of an eye,
Not surprisingly,

Su Mu didn't find any changes related to the gods.

But I found out that Nocturne is looking for money again like dirt,
And a little idea of ​​not messing up today,
It was even discovered that Platinum Star and Wuhu were researching nuclear weapons, but the third god who came to the lower world was not found.

"Isn't his target also players?"

Su Mu tapped his fingers on the table: "It's neither a god's race nor a brave player, so what's the other party's plan?"

"Is it just hiding and waiting for the rendezvous in four days?"

Have to admit,
Sometimes not having a plan is the best way to deal with it.

And the third god that Su Mu was thinking about,
We are actually in Muxing Village at this moment!
That's right, it's the village closest to Saint-Mar, and it even became popular due to the war pet industry.

As a result, after Luo Ye returned to his roots and traveled around, the villagers here all turned into unregulated local rich people, making players very reluctant to come here.
Even Su Mu rarely looked at this place.

But this dangerous place is actually very safe.

"Kentis, it's time for you to take action."

Mitchell's voice sounded in Kendis' mind,

And Kentish,

He was sitting in the underground brewing room of Muxing Village. He slowly opened his eyes after hearing the sound.

God of Destiny-Kentis,
He knows how to win the war and how to break the situation.

And after hearing the order to start action,
Kentis immediately got up and took action. He did not stay in Muxing Village or go to Saint-Mar City. Instead, he went all the way north and quickly rushed to the imperial capital.

After arriving in the imperial capital, we drove straight towards the church and temple in the city.

After several months of repairs,

Although the church temple is not as magnificent as in the past, it is still considered the second most iconic building.

Kendis is here,
Instead of trying to establish contact with the divine world, he turned around and lifted up the floor.

Then insert the palm of your hand into the cement laid underground, cut it into squares as if cutting, and bring the cement block up.

After opening this place,
That shocking stench came out again,

The original cult rituals here have not been cleansed.

On the contrary, some people just wanted to save trouble and sealed the entire basement.

Faced with this stench,

As if he couldn't hear it, Kentis walked slowly into the basement. After reaching the blurry magic circle below,

He cut his palm open, dripped a drop of divine blood, and dropped it straight onto the magic circle.

With the infusion of divine blood,

The magic circle immediately emitted light, and under the blockage of the light, a small black smoke slowly emerged.

"Hey, rude guy, since you summoned me here, why did you block me again?"

A voice came from the black smoke,
It is Pedros, the evil god of blood.

He knew that it was Kendis who summoned him, and he was even smiling teasingly at this moment.

"It's funny, Kendis, I never thought I would be summoned by you one day!"

"What? Do you need my help too?"

Kentis raised his feet,

Stomped hard on Pedros' face,

"Yes, although I feel very unhappy, I am indeed here to ask you for help this time."

Pedros was imprisoned, and the thin black smoke could only transform into a head. In the end, Kendis stepped on his face.

He could only twist his neck hard and try to spread His feet.

At the same time, he held back his cheeks and said, "Have you ever prayed to God like this?!"


Kentis clicked his tongue: "Begging you is enough to make me feel uncomfortable, but what if I step on you?"

"Take me to the outside world. I want to see all your evil gods."

That's right,

Just like Su Mu unites various races,
Even the gods need allies now.

But obviously, the slave subordinates of the lower world race cannot be called a helper, so Kendis's eyes naturally turned to the heretic evil god.


Jie Jie Jie-

Pedros sneered when he heard this: "Kendis, do you want to represent all the gods?"

"It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous that gods would ask us heretics for help!"

"This is your planet. No matter what time and space it is in, this planet belongs to you, but now you let outsiders like us interfere?"

Taunted by Pedros,
Kentis only took a deep breath and held back without speaking back.

Then he glared at him: "Su Mu's threat is far greater than you think."

"Don't tell me you didn't realize that the devil is on Su Mu's side!"

Su Mu's threat is already great.

What's more, the demon god is likely to become an ally with Su Mu, and their threat will frighten all the gods.
Even heretic evil gods!

"Come on, release your seal, and I will take you to the outside world." Pedros said with a smile.
At the same time, I heard Kendis say indifferently: "Move quickly, the auras of our two gods may be noticed by Su Mu."

After all,

Kendis breaks the seal, and Pedros's smoke bursts out, extending into a chain, tying Kendis and sneaking into the shadows.

"Don't resist, follow my lead."

Pedros hasn't finished speaking yet.
Su Mu, who was far away in Saint-Mar, felt something.

"It feels so familiar, it's a magic reaction I've seen before..."

"It smells a bit fishy, ​​and it also has a bit of dark magic power... It's terrible. Could it be Pedros?"

Carefully sense the direction of this magic power, it is the imperial capital!
He immediately tore apart the space and saw the two gods gradually sneaking into the shadows and about to leave this place.

Pedros was also surprised when he saw this.
"He is Su Mu?!"

"How did he sense me?"

Originally, Pedros did not take Su Mu seriously.
But when they met now, the sense of crisis Su Mu brought to him made him vigilant deep in his soul.

"It's blood control. You sand sculpture god, don't use magic power. Is your power just a decoration?!"

ha? !

Pedros's blood control technique is unique to him.
He even distributed the blood control technique to all his dependents, allowing the blood clan to occupy a place on the continent.
This blood control technique is his pride, of course he prefers to use this magic!
Before Su Mu could rush towards his two gods,
Then I saw Kendis, the God of Destiny, wave his hand.
Immediately before Him appeared countless, tangled and tangled thin threads of various colors.
Kentis stared at the difference, and soon reached out to grab one of the black threads and pulled it off with force!
It was this black thread that broke,

Su Mu froze, unable to cast magic or stop the two gods who were about to escape.

"what happened?"

Su Mu looked at his right hand in confusion.
He can clearly feel every cell in his right hand,
You can even feel your right hand getting warm.

But when he wanted to control his right hand to cast spells, he saw that his right hand didn't obey him!
"Is this paralysis?"

Su Mu's whole body was numb. Fortunately, after 10 minutes, he gradually regained control of his right hand.

After recovering, Su Mu immediately leaned over and touched the ground.

"Can't you feel any breath?"

"Could it be that they are no longer in the lower realm? Damn it. Where else can we hide gods in this world?"

"Pedros will actually cooperate with them?"

the other side,
Pedros is still laughing,

"As expected of you, Kentis, who cut off the karma between him and you?"

But Kentis couldn't laugh anymore.

Su Mu was very strong, unexpectedly strong. Cutting off his cause and effect directly caused a certain degree of backlash to Kendis. At this time, Kendis's face turned pale.

at the same time,

The C-photo driver also found the innocent man who had returned triumphantly.

"Boss, I heard that you killed Poseidon?"

"How's it going? Is it difficult?"

I saw the driver with C license,
The pure man who was on his way also stopped and responded: "It doesn't feel good. Although it is the Poseidon who is the main battler, he seems to be injured. Is he considered to be in a battle-damaged state?"

While the two were talking,
A figure driving without a hood came from behind, and at the same time he shouted even more excitedly: "There's something going on!"

"There is a new announcement on the official homepage, saying that the third one is the Easter Egg God, and he may be hiding in other realms besides the lower realm!"

Easter egg god?

Hidden in other realms?

Upon hearing this information, the C driver and the pure man looked at each other, and then said in unison: "Chaos Realm?"

hear the word,
The maskless driver also stared excitedly: "Are we going to explore the world of chaos?!"

"No, no, no." The driver with the C license quickly denied, "It's us, you can't go."

"I'm very sorry, but you'd better go and have some fun with Airplane Brother for a while."

ah?ah? ? !
The maskless driver was confused when he heard this: "Don't do it. Last time I went to the Dragon Secret Realm with you, I just got some promotions."

"Please, take me one!"

Although this kind of taking advantage of opportunities is not glorious,
But I am really interested in this novel adventure when driving without a mask!
"No." The driver of C-Zhao shook his head: "You have seen the world of chaos, brother. It is a vacuum environment there. Do you want to go there wearing a spacesuit?"

Nowadays, everyone can make things like space suits.

As for the players with divine bodies, the only two are the driver with C license and the pure man.
As for not showing off today, the two of them still don't know that he has merged with the godhead of the God of Craftsmen.

Hearing this reason,

The maskless driver spread his hands in relief: "Okay, you're right."

"But use the recording magic stone to record it!"

"There must be a lot of players who want to see the adventure in the world of chaos!"

The driver of C-Zhao nodded after hearing this, and then looked at each other again with the pure man, preparing to leave for the Chaos Realm.

Driving without a hood, on the other hand,

He had no intention of going to the pilot. Fang Zheng was with Xiao Qing and he didn't want to be a light bulb.

san mar city,

Su Mu, who is observing the actions of the players,
Then suddenly I received a feedback message.

[Brave: The C-photo driver and the pure man lost their positioning coordinates. 】

"Huh?" Seeing this feedback, Su Mu immediately opened the background map: "They are missing?"

see this scene,

Su Mu quickly opened the [Brave] column again.
[C License Driver: Level 48 - Online - Location unknown. 】

[Pure Man: Level 44 - Online - Location unknown. 】

The two of them were not disconnected, but their location could not be reported back to Su Mu!

"Did the positioning magic fail?"

"Where did the two of them go? Did they really go to the outside world to find the third god?"

To be honest,

Although Su Mu has learned the pure man's magic,
But he had never used it, let alone knew that there was magic that could lead to the realm of chaos.After learning that the two gods Pedros had escaped, Su Mu planned to give up hunting the third god, so he designated him as an Easter egg in the game.

The result was not good, these two warriors really chased after them? !

"How on earth did they do it?"

"Teleportation array? Or a special magic item?"

Su Mu went to the forum to check relevant information, but couldn't find any data.

"Good guy, these two guys are actually hiding information!"


Chaos Realm,
This is not endless darkness,

Instead, it's a mosaic of black and blue.

The C-photo driver and the innocent man were floating in the air. They didn't even need to use magic to stay afloat.

"there is a problem."

Before floating for too long, the pure man spoke first: "Material magic can no longer be used. It seems that only conceptual magic is unaffected."

Material magic,
It is the general name given by pure men to magic such as wind, fire, thunder, lightning, metal, wood, water, and earth.

The conceptual system is magic such as space, time, light and darkness.

Drivers with C license also discovered this,
"It makes sense. There is no such thing as Feng Shui in the Chaos Realm. It's normal that we can't use it."

"But this place doesn't look like there are any living things."

After that, he began to make swimming movements and began to swim in the chaos.
The pure man also followed the action, and the two used light magic to illuminate the way forward while continuing to explore.

But in this world of chaos,
The two of them are like bright lamps that shine without shining on any other matter at all.

"Hey!" the driver with the C-photo suddenly said, "There seems to be a moving black spot in front of you!"

Moving black spots?
The pure man also looked forward intently, and sure enough, there was a black spot moving rapidly.
"The distance is too far, and there is no way to capture the other person's appearance."

But when I got closer, I realized that

It's not that the light can't shine, it's that the other party is black!
It looks like a humanoid, but it is a completely black creature!
"Oh——!" Driver C was stunned when he saw this: "You... how are you?"

Both sides are approaching rapidly,
When they stopped, they were almost communicating face to face.

Fortunately, the other party does not seem to be hostile,

They were so close and didn't even attack them.

But despite the friendly greeting from the driver with the C license, the other party didn’t respond. Instead, he waved to the driver with the C license and the others to follow.

After completing this action,
The black creature turned its head and began to fly in the direction he came from.

It is different from the flying method of C-licensed drivers and pure male freestylers.

That black creature is really flying, flying at extremely fast speeds!
When it was discovered that the two drivers with C license were traveling too slowly,
He also turned around and grabbed their hands, leading them to fly away quickly!
"I'm going, what's going on?" the driver with C-photo glared and said,
But before he could continue to ask, he heard the pure man say: "Maybe it's because of the language barrier, but it's better to stop talking nonsense and don't accidentally scold him."

Homophones are more likely to appear between two languages.

After hearing this advice,

The driver with the C photo shook his head helplessly and chose to remain silent.

Then, 3 minutes later, the black spots in front of them became more and more numerous, and more black creatures appeared in front of them.

"Hey, we shouldn't be surrounded, right?"

"We have too much magic that we can't use now..."

The driver with C license gradually felt uneasy.

But the pure man took out the sea pearl and held it in his hand.

"To be honest, I have a way to use water magic, and my body can also turn into water or void."

Hearing this, the driver of the C-photo was immediately stunned, then turned to look at the innocent man.

Because he was like saying, 'Good brother, hurry up and find a way to protect yourself. 'Same!
But soon,

The two discovered that not all the black spots were living things.

There is even a part of it that is a house, but the whole thing is completely black, and you can’t tell what material it is made of.

And among the many buildings,

There is a long dark table suspended in the air,
There were a whole row of black creatures sitting at the table, and there were three empty seats among them, which were reserved for the driver and the three of them.

"Are you asking us to sit here with you?"

The driver of C photo was a little puzzled when he saw this, and also found a lot of dark meatballs on the table.

Those meatballs are like rehmannia balls, every plate is full, and even the whole long table is covered.

"It's okay to sit here. You won't let us follow you to eat, right?"

As the pure man finished speaking,
Everyone around the table started to eat the meatballs with the spoons on the table.

And the black men who brought them here,

He was still gesturing with his hands to indicate that the two of them would like to eat.

"Want to eat?"

The C-photo driver and the innocent man looked at each other,
"They didn't seem to have any ill intentions."

The most uncomfortable thing is that the eyes of these black people are also empty and black.
They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, but this window can’t see anything at all!
The driver of the C photo still carefully picked up the spoon and tentatively took a black pill.

As a result, he just took a bite,
My whole body trembled,
"I'm sorry, it's so hard that I can't bite at all..."

This C-photo driver made everyone stupid. His current body is the size of a dragon god, and he can't even bite a small black pill.

"Hey, don't worry about biting or not moving, just swallow it quickly."

The pure man patted him on the back,
Because all the black people stopped eating at this moment and turned to look at them.

And when the C driver swallowed the black pill,
They continued to eat.

"As expected, you can't waste food in front of them." The pure man smiled awkwardly, and then looked at the C-photo driver: "How about it, is this delicious?"

good to eat?

The driver's face turned into a mask of pain.
Can this thing be delicious? !
But soon, his expression suddenly froze: "This thing... seems to have the effect of improving attributes..."

"Ah?" The pure man also tried to take one after hearing this.

As a result, I actually heard the prompt.

[Strength value increases by 1 point. 】

After seeing the strength value,

The pure man was immediately disappointed,
"No, at our current level, what's the use of having strength points?"

"Did you increase your strength?" The driver with the C photo responded while showing off the black pill: "This seems to be random, I just increased my divine power."

"It's been added it has added dozens of points of divine power."

When he said this, he had already given up the spoon and started to pick up the plate and show off the black pills crazily.

After eating all the black pills on the plate,

His eyes turned to other people's plates.

I don't care about those dark shadows,

Instead, a person who looked like a waiter appeared from behind the driver with C license and brought another plate to the driver with C license.

"Damn it, boss, you can't stop showing off like this?"

You can refresh your divine power, why are you so hesitant? !
But on the other hand, the pure man secretly stuffed the black pills into his backpack, then signaled to the 'waiter' that the plate was empty, and got a new plate of black pills.

Finally, I saw the driver with the C license and the innocent man eating too fast.
The waiter also directly brought two large basins and placed them in front of the two of them with a 'dong' sound.

The result is no exception,

The driver with the C license ate them all, and the pure man stuffed them all into his backpack.

At this moment, the pure man's arm was pushed by something. He looked down and saw that the belly of the driver with C photos was swollen.

"Holy crap, are you really lying? Didn't you digest all the black pills you took?"

The driver with the C license also realized it later.

"Holy shit, is this body so hard?"

He stood up, but completely transformed into a fat man.

"It's not a big problem. You can be back to your old self after you die, right?"

Thinking of this, the driver with the C license started to show off his black pills again and no longer considered leaving here alive.

This situation,

Lasts about 15 minutes,

The pure man even filled most of his backpack.

However, he only put it into the backpack, but his body did not change at all, which made the other black creatures feel puzzled.

It's a driver with C license.
He was extremely excited now: "The divine power attribute has increased by 700!"

"Let's come here often, the creatures here are too friendly."

Too friendly?
The pure man cannot be determined yet.

But the waiter was coming to take away the dishes, and it was obvious that the meal was over.

The driver with C photo also stood up, patted his shaking belly, and said with a smile: "There seems to be no god in this place, let's go back?"

He really wants to die right now, this body is so inconvenient.

The pure man nodded when he heard the words, and then he tore the space apart, and saw a powerful wind blowing into the realm of chaos from the crack,
His figure flickered, and he left the world of chaos against the strong wind pressure.
But when I looked back at the driver with C license,

But seeing that he couldn't leave no matter what, he was blown back by the strong wind pressure.
There was even a black substance on his body,
It's like glue that sticks the driver and the world of Chaos together, making it impossible to separate them.

And there are more and more black substances, trying to turn drivers with C licenses into black creatures.

The driver with C license wanted to ask for help.
But the black substance also blocked his mouth, blocking everything as if it was drowning him.

And the group of black creatures stood behind the driver with a C license, silent and with no one to help.

"Brother, it seems you can't leave the realm of chaos, so commit suicide."

The pure man shook his head and was speechless.

But the C driver was stunned when he heard this.

Because he has no way to commit suicide, cut his throat?
This black substance is indestructible!
Stop the heartbeat?After he became the Dragon God, he never needed a heartbeat again.

Blow up?

But in the world of chaos, even if you want to use fire magic to explode yourself, you don't have the power!
"Brother, I can't help you." The pure man frowned slightly: "If I kill you, these black creatures behind you will definitely not sit idly by."

"It's now obvious why they gave you black pills."

hear this,

The driver with the C license was really on the verge of tears.

"Boss, don't leave me in the world of chaos. I can't even open space cracks!"

As a result, the voice did not fall,

A terrifying black hand appeared, holding the space that the pure man had torn apart, trying to forcefully close the space.

"Who is it?!" Seeing this, the pure man exclaimed: "Fuck, no!"

But it's too late,
The space rift has been closed, and the C driver was forced to stay in the realm of chaos.
And behind the C-photo driver, a very familiar figure to Su Mu loomed, it was the Demon God!
"Greedy brave." The demon sneered and said: "Since you like the Pearl of Chaos so much, then drown yourself in this happy land."

And in front of the driver with C license,
All the black creatures bowed before the devil,
This world of chaos is the territory of the devil.

 Kneel to thank the reader: 11111 coins rewarded by the pure man.

(End of this chapter)

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