As a programmer, I also want to make games in a different world

Chapter 203 What if heretic gods can merge with godhead? 【2 in 1】

Chapter 203 What if heretic gods can merge with godhead? 【[-]-in-[-]】

Because of the alliance meeting,

[Dumfries Continental Scientific Research Disclosure Agreement Officially Launched]

Su Mu also approached Platinum Star and prepared to let him disclose all scientific research results on the condition that all races disclose their science and technology.

But Platinum Star suddenly frowned,
"Master Su Mu, with all due respect, this is not fair to me at all!"

"The scientific research success of various ethnic groups? What scientific research results they have, I have never seen it..."

“It’s totally like trading watermelon for sesame seeds for me!”

When Platinum Star protested, Su Mu suddenly said: "Of course I know this."


Platinum Star was immediately speechless;

Do you mean to let him suffer the loss of being dumb?
Seeing the dissatisfied look on Platinum Star's face, Su Mu couldn't help but shake his head: "This agreement is not just for the past. If there are new scientific research results in the future, they will be made public."

ha? !

Hearing this, Platinum Star could no longer calm down.

"Do you mean to let them keep prostituted me for free?" Platinum Star almost vomited.

But Su Mu frowned,

"If they never contribute and only ask for scientific research results, I will exclude them from the agreement."

"Do you think I will condone them?"

"I want you to work together to develop technology and complement each other's strengths and weaknesses!"

Hearing this, Platinum Star was stunned.
That's what it means?
He was so excited just now, he really didn't think much about it.

Whether it was missiles or nuclear weapons, they were all the brainchild of him and Bu Wang. Who could not be excited when he suddenly said that he wanted to make them public to others?
"If you agree, just sign the agreement quickly."

"The sooner this situation develops, the better. We still need to kill the void world, where there are still black creatures who are still fighting alone."

Void realm, black creatures.

Platinum Star sent Su Mu away with a smile, but he kept thinking about these two words in his heart.

"Are you going to support the black creatures soon, or will there be a war in the void?"

"Obviously there are gods everywhere in the continent, but the center of gravity is still in the void world...?"

Guessing about this,

Platinum Star couldn't help but feel happy.

This is a major direction of this version!
If other players had not heard this conversation, they would never have guessed that Su Mu would let them fight back to the void world!

"It seems that the next scientific research topic should be weapon technology that can be used in the void~"

Speaking of the void realm,
If that place doesn't have the blessing of the devil, ordinary players won't even have the ability to fight there.

And now...

"The demon god has been killed by Su Mu, and that godhead will probably be given to Princess Afia."

"And Princess Afiya is now pregnant for a long time, and Su Mu will definitely not be willing to let her favor her on a large scale..."

think of this,
Platinum Star suddenly has a scientific research direction!
He needs to make an armor magic item that allows players to fight in the void!
"Ultra-modern armor equipment! And weapons, it's time to upgrade to laser weapons!"

After making up his mind, Platinum Star immediately contacted Wu Forget, ready to work with him to turn the idea into reality.

On the other side,
Those patriarchs who have achieved scientific research success,
Not satisfied with this, he even began to make remarks where Su Mu could not see him.

On the Dumfries [Forum], various posts flew side by side.

[As brave men of the dwarves, don’t forget your identity, don’t witness the destruction of your hometown, return to your hometown! 】

[As an orc, whose hero are you?A brave man should save the weak!Your hometown is suffering, come back!Go back to your hometown! 】

[The Titans are not the number one warriors in the world, they also have a weak side. Warriors of the Titans, look at your compatriots! 】

These remarks, without exception, all call for the brave to return to the race and contribute to the race.

Since the establishment of the Alliance,
The brave men were divided into a separate race by Su Mu.
So far, players have acted in groups, regardless of race.

And now, this group of clan leader players are beginning to instill a sense of racial honor into the players.

Looking at these forum articles, Su Mu couldn't help but smile: "Are you planning to use race to recruit players outside the guild?"

"They thought I couldn't see the forum, so they acted in secret, right?"

If Su Mu really can’t see the forum,
There will definitely be doubts as to why players are returning to the race one after another. This kind of peeling off the cocoon will also exploit Su Mu's power as the leader of the alliance.

"But it doesn't matter." Su Mu tapped his fingers on the table: "The power of the leader of the alliance will be divided among you."

As the game GM, he doesn't care about this power.

And this kind of shaping of players' sense of racial honor can be considered a positive influence.

Su Mu acquiesced to this behavior.

But when Su Mu closed Dumfries [Forum],

But then I saw Platinum Star leading a group of players to petition,
"Lord Su Mu." When they arrived at the study, they saw Platinum Star leading a group of players to bow their heads: "Please become the Human Emperor and lead the human race to the road of prosperity!"

ha? !

Seeing this scene, Su Mu was stunned.

But then I saw Xi Lu coming in from the corridor: "Sir, please ascend the throne of the Human Emperor."

It’s not just Platinum Star and Xilu,

Even Afia, Asis and others were standing outside the corridor, but they didn't make a sound for the time being.

Seeing this situation,

Su Mu couldn't help but sigh: "Is it because the brave men started to scatter?"

"Have they all returned to their respective races?"

Everyone was slightly shocked when they heard Su Mu speak.

Xilu quickly asked: "Sir, have you discovered it?!"

Star Platinum spoke further: "Sir, now that you have discovered it, don't hesitate."

"Just as I promised you to disclose scientific research results, you also need to ascend the throne as Emperor."

"Every race is beginning to unite, and the human race cannot live without a leader."

Now the leader of the human race, nominally Afia, has actually disappeared.

It doesn't matter that the emperor gave up long ago. Su Mu never paid attention to human affairs and only led the brave men to conquer the east and west.

If there is no human race now,

The human players will definitely be weaker than the others, which will be detrimental to subsequent development.

Hearing this, Su Mu also sighed deeply: "Okay."

As long as he agrees to this matter, even if it is just by name, other clan leaders will not easily put pressure on the human race.

Since this incident,
All ethnic groups began to develop rapidly,
Completely ignoring the invasion of gods, it was like squeezing out time from the gap between teeth.

After getting the technology trees of players such as Platinum Star, Don't Forget, and I'm Playing Mud in the Northeast, they started a crazy development trend.

Concrete roads, high-rise buildings, defense towers, and 12.7mm machine guns are all mounted on the defense towers.

There is also a teleportation array with low magic consumption.

Provides rapid support to allied forces around the world.

Then there are large-scale equipment such as tanks, fighter planes, and battleships, as well as the fully automated factories of Tianjuan Douluo, so that every town begins to be on par with Saint Mar.

Even the indigenous residents of all ethnic groups were amazed: "Oh my God, who came up with these technologies?" "And magic furniture? It can be so convenient!"

"I love this smooth road and sturdy buildings!"

"If we had this defense facility back then, who would be afraid of the demons!"

"But our enemy now is a god..."

Can this level of defense still be effective against gods?
There are many people who have this doubt in their hearts.

And on the second day of development,
Platinum Star and other scholars from various races went to the Adventurer's Guild's bulletin board to inquire about the situation.

According to the agreement,

Once each tribe has new scientific research results, they will be announced here, and any scholar can come here to obtain information.

And this is only the second day,

Platinum Star got a windfall right on the bulletin board!

"Oh no! These people are actually quite efficient!"

"What's wrong with announcing a new discovery just the next day? Are you trying to show your sincerity?"

Platinum Star grinned and immediately loaded the information from the bulletin board.

Immediately see the latest releases of Blood Tribe and Titan Tribe.

[Titan Clan: Various buildings have the opportunity to be enhanced. Buildings can be diamondized through the Titan Clan’s secret technique of diamondization. 】

[Titan Attachment: Diamondization Magic Array.jpg]

"What the hell?!" Platinum Star was surprised when he saw this: "No matter what material the building is made of, it can be diamondized through this magic circle?!"

However, the act of converting it into diamond requires the consumption of magic power.

And once the magic power is exhausted, the building will return to its previous material, which is equivalent to a means of defense.

But if this defensive method is used in a different way, it will have a stronger miraculous effect!
"In the future, we only need to use wood to make items and eventually transform them into diamonds, right?!"

"Then a lot of small parts development problems can be solved easily!"

The more Platinum Star thinks about it, the more excited she becomes.
And I feel more and more that Su Mu's decision to disclose scientific research information is correct!

In addition to the Titans, the Vampires also disclosed new information.

[Vampire: Research and development of mind control skills. After obtaining new technology, we found that the blood control technique can also control other items with the expansion. 】

[Vampire additional files: Blood Control Technique Learning Scroll, Blood Control Technique Expansion Scroll. 】

Seeing this new skill,
Platinum Star also adheres to the concept of taking nothing for nothing and just make a copy.

And on the third day,
Platinum Star used adamantization technology to spread laser weapons throughout the continent and announced the information on the Adventurer's Guild's bulletin board.

This also allowed other races to obtain laser weapons,
This laser weapon not only possesses light energy, but also contains the mixed use of light magic, divine power and other energies.

After the Platinum Star made the weapon, it went out to test it without destroying it today.
It is certain that it can cause damage to low-level gods.

On the basis of defense, you can also launch hunting operations against gods!

Obtaining weapons that can hunt gods is tantamount to letting residents of all races relax and start developing technology.

Then in the next period of time,
Various races began to complement each other's scientific research results,
Even when someone encounters difficulties in researching science and technology, he will ask for help on the bulletin board, and he will be overcome by other scholars the next day, making the progress of scientific research accelerate crazily!
Seeing this, Su Mu couldn't help but smile with relief.

"At this rate of development, even if the gods attack various places, they will still be able to fight..."

Just when Su Mu was feeling emotional,
Eve's figure gradually came behind him,
"Su Mu, I have found out clearly. Those gods are indeed gathering. Maybe they want to promote a new supreme god."

Saint Eve,

After Gasbiere's death, Su Mu approached her and asked her to lead the new church to investigate the movements of the gods.

Now fallen into the mortal world,

This group of gods will definitely not act without purpose, they definitely have their own plans.

So I asked Eve to investigate, and found it out.

"Supreme God?" Su Mu was slightly confused: "Even if a new Supreme God is promoted, they will not be able to rebuild the God Realm, right?"

That thing in the God Realm is the illusory world constructed by Gasbiere.

Unless they get Gaspil's godhood and inherit his power, who can create a world?
Gasbir's godhead is obviously still in the hands of Qiamat, and it is not known how he will use that godhead.

Hearing this, Eve shook her head,

"It is said that the opinions among the gods are not unified. Some gods advocate peace, some gods advocate occupying the mainland, and some gods advocate cooperation with other gods."

"So they need a supreme god to unify the gods."

But at this point, Eve also shook her head and frowned: "But these news are not credible. No one can guess the true thoughts of the gods."

As for the actions of the gods and what they say?

Eve could no longer believe it. In her eyes, those things might be false illusions.

"I see."

Su Mu nodded: "So, they are currently at odds with each other and have no time to launch a large-scale attack on us, right?"

Finally, Su Mu came to a conclusion and grinned,
"That's the right time. I'm going to conquer the Void Realm again."

The void realm? !

Eve stared when she heard this: "You want to leave?!"

"No! The mainland can't live without you now!"

Without Su Mu, the mainland's strength will be weakened by most, not to mention that Su Mu will definitely take away the powerful warriors with him.

How could Eve agree to Su Mu doing this?
"The Void Realm cannot be lost." Su Mu sighed: "If the outsiders come in, things will be even more troublesome."

"What's more, you reminded me just now that Gasby's godhead is still in Qiamat's hands."

Speaking of Godhead,

Eve and Su Mu were both silent.

It is known that each person can only fuse one godhead because the godheads are mutually exclusive.

Just like the C driver, he already has the Dragon Godhead, so he cannot integrate the Water Godhead. This is the law.

But for pagan gods,

They may not be subject to this rule at all...

Just like the collision of two identical magics will produce a whirlpool of competing magic powers, this will not happen when fighting against a heretic god.

And they don’t have godhead in their bodies, only divine bones.

"What if." Su Mu suddenly said: "I mean, what would happen if, if Qiamat could merge with Gasbil's godhead?"

Eve swallowed her saliva after hearing this,

Qiamat, who is said to be the heretic evil god who controls life and death,
And Gaspil is the ideal god who can change reality!

Controlling life and death and changing reality, these two powers are gathered in one god, so who else can compete with him?
"Before Qiamat becomes invincible, I must go to the void world to save the black creatures, and I must also take away Gasbile's godhead."

Su Mu made up his mind,

Then he patted Eve on the shoulder: "During my expedition, the development of the human race will be left to you."

"Afya is about to give birth, so it's not advisable to work too hard. Please help Assis more."

leave this sentence,
Su Mu went to prepare for the expedition to the void world.

But Eve was completely stunned: "What kid is he kidding!"

"I'm going to assist Asis? I almost killed Afia, and he actually asked me to help?!"

Assis must not kill her!
(End of this chapter)

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