I'm really not a Daoist!

Chapter 297 Carry the sun and moon on your shoulders and push forward 8 miles

Chapter 297 Carry the sun and moon on your shoulders and push forward eighty thousand miles

As soon as these words came out, the entire Mahavira Palace fell silent, and the Buddhas in Lingshan looked at the detained Sun Buddha in strange ways.

The sensible people were beating their chests and lamenting that they did not speak out first, while the ignorant people thought that detaining Sun Fo was frightened crazy by the Daluo at the foot of Lingshan Mountain. Is this kind of thing allowed to be said?

This kid is rebellious!

Tathagata Buddha secretly made a note of detaining Sun Fo in his heart, but said calmly: "It is wrong to detain Sun Fo. Our Buddhist sect has always been a great religion that puts kindness first. It is inappropriate to do such a murderous thing." !”

"Oh, that poor monk has no other suggestions."

Detention Sun Fo responded expressionlessly and returned to his seat. Anyway, you asked me to say it. Now it's your business if you don't accept what I say.

Puxian Bodhisattva secretly gave a thumbs up: "Senior brother, you must be the one!"

Sun Fo, who was detained, looked like he was afraid of me, and said in a low voice: "We are in Buddhism now, not in Kunlun Mountain. It is a formal occasion to address one's duties!"

Puxian Bodhisattva echoed: "Okay, detain Sun Zhizong!"

Detaining Sun Fo: "."

There is no need to be so obedient.

Tathagata Buddha's eyes swept across the face of the Buddha in the Mahavira Hall: "Everyone, do you have any other strategies to defeat the enemy?"

Thousands of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats gathered together, but no one spoke.

It’s not that there was no suggestion, it was that it was useless. Now, what other solution is there except a fight?

If you want to avoid losing money, you have no choice but to fight, but the question now is who of those people at the foot of Lingshan Mountain can beat them?
Even if Tathagata Buddha goes into battle in person, I'm afraid it won't work.

Tathagata Buddha saw that no one spoke, and saw that Liu Chenxiang's side was about to split Huashan Mountain. In desperation, he clasped his hands together and said respectfully: "Please Amitabha!"

In an instant, countless Buddha lights gathered together, and a monk in white walked out of the Buddha light. He was Amitabha! !

When the Buddhas in Lingshan saw Amitabha, their eyes nearly popped out, and they couldn't stop complaining about Tathagata Buddha.

You old man said long ago that there is still a great Buddha named Amitabha in Buddhism. Can we not speak up?

Who is Amitabha?
One of the supreme Buddhas in Buddhism, he is also the incarnation of the great leader of Western religions who guides Taoists. However, since the opening of Buddhism, this Lord has not appeared in front of people in order to prevent people from misunderstanding that he would compete with Tathagata Buddha for the authority of Buddhism. Therefore, many people Subconsciously, I have never thought about Amitabha, and everyone even thinks that Amitabha should stay in the era of disorder.

After Amitabha appeared, the atmosphere of the entire Mahavira Palace was completely different. If it was lifeless before, it is now full of vitality. The fighting spirit in the eyes of some Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats is no longer concealed.

In this era when the leader-level Daluo does not appear, Amitabha is fully capable of leading them to kill indiscriminately.Amitabha did not take into account the feelings of others. He nodded to Tathagata Buddha and then descended from the Lingshan Mountain. Others at the foot of the Lingshan Mountain were already waiting. The moment they saw Amitabha, several of them had smiles on their faces. Already frozen.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea looked at Amitabha who was strolling in the courtyard: "Is this fake? What are we going to do when this master is here?"

Dayu looked directly at Emperor Kusheng King and said: "Let's play Dafa. Who can beat Amitabha? Even if we can overwhelm Amitabha with a moment of fierceness, once he cheats, no one on our side can stop him." live."

Emperor Shitian, Demon Sage Shang Yang, and Dayou were not afraid, but their faces were heavy. Everyone knew that Amitabha was the incarnation of the Taoist Jie Yin. What was the difference between Buddhism sending Amitabha and Taoist Jie Yin coming in person?
Amitabha's cultivation level is only in the fourth level, but it is not unusual for this fourth level to instantly turn into the fifth level the moment he takes action.

Among the group of people, only Holy King Diku remained calm, and there was even a smile on his lips. Holy King Diku moved his shoulders and said calmly: "I haven't moved my body for a long time, so Amitabha will be handed over to you." Me, you have to stop the others."

The group of people paid their attention to the Holy King Diku. Dayou's facial features were wrinkled and he looked at the Holy King Diku suspiciously. Did he hear it correctly?
The Holy King Diku took a step forward, and in an instant, a bright sun and bright moon shrouded Amitabha, and both of them disappeared at the foot of Lingshan Mountain.

Dayu anxiously pulled Dayu's sleeve and said, "Dayu, why don't you hurry up and help your holy king?"

Dayu rolled his eyes and took out his sleeve from Dayu's hand: "The Holy King is not a person who makes empty words. Since he has spoken out, he will definitely be able to stop Amitabha."

Dayu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Dayu was really not worried, and mocked: "You and the Holy King are both the Five Emperors. Why are you so short of the Holy King?"

Dayu squinted: "Then you and I are both of the same generation, why are you so far behind the Holy King?"

Dayou was stunned. When had seniority been discussed like this in ancient times?
Holy King Diku and Amitabha opened a new timeline. The two were still at the foot of Lingshan Mountain, but there were no living beings in this timeline, only the two of them.

The Holy King Emperor Ku carried the sun and moon on his shoulders, swallowing mountains and rivers and pushing eighty thousand miles across. He defeated Amitabha step by step, and his pure white monk's robes were filled with patches of darkness, which were burned by the true fire of the sun. He was in the fourth realm. Even his cultivation base could not withstand the attack of the Holy King Di Ku.

The emperor's Qi flows all over the body of the Holy King Emperor Ku, and the sun and moon on his shoulders are emitting dazzling light like real sun stars and lunar stars. His fists are really too heavy, and he shattered ten thousand ways with just his fists. The law left one fist mark after another on Amitabha's body, and Amitabha in the fourth realm could not take any advantage in his hands.

boom! !

The entire timeline seemed to have collapsed. No matter how fierce the space-time storm was, it could not hurt Amitabha in the slightest. His aura was constantly increasing, and at the same time, he had gone from losing ground to being evenly matched.

The Holy King Diku punched out and once again left a clearly visible punch mark on Amitabha's body. He smiled and said, "I advise you not to cheat, otherwise I will cheat too."

"You couldn't beat me before you cheated. If you still can't beat me after cheating, it would be ugly. So for your face, just let me beat you up."

Amitabha Buddha has not spoken since he walked out of the Main Hall. Now he finally spoke, with a wry smile on his face and said: "Your Majesty, can I ask why?"

The Holy King Di Ku always had a smile on his face, "Actually, it's nothing. I'm not just acting on behalf of the human race this time, but also on behalf of the demon race. Shang Yang can't beat you, can he?"

Amitabha sighed: "So Your Majesty, you are not only the Holy King of the human race but also the Demon Emperor of the demon race, right?"

 Yesterday's chapter should have been Dayou, but I wrote it as Chiyou. It has been changed.
(End of this chapter)

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