Chapter 110 Operation Heaven

The temporary hall was very rough, Chen Xuanji looked at the third ancestor and asked.

"How is the aftermath work going, what obstacles are encountered, or what is missing, what difficulties are there, just say it."

The third patriarch shook his head, "Report to the holy master, the aftermath work is almost done, it's just..."

"Just what?"

The third ancestor smiled wryly, and pointed to the depths of Yujing Mountain.

"We counted the number of people in Yujing Mountain today, which is about [-] trillion. The number is too many. People depend on food. Now there is enough food in Yujing Mountain, but if it goes on for a long time, Yujing Mountain will not be able to provide for it. At that time, if there is no food and drink, so many people may cause a big mess."

Chen Xuanji pondered slightly, "What you said is true, but now that the demon clan has just withdrawn, if the human race immediately disperses from Yujing Mountain, I am afraid that there will be a large number of beheading and mutilation by the demon clan again."

he was silent for a while, then asked.

"How long will the food in Yujing Mountain be able to support the human race?"

Suirenshi did some calculations, "Probably less than the time."

A few trillion human races is not a small number, surpassing 90.00% of the prehistoric races.

Eating and drinking every day is an astronomical figure, and the human race at this time also has some blood of the innate human race. They are strong and strong, and they eat a lot. One is worth three.

That is, Yujing Mountain, winding and winding, with exotic flowers and fruits, and countless beasts and fat fish, can be supported for such a long time.

If it was changed to another place, it would be eaten up in a few days, and there would be nothing left.

After understanding the basic situation of the human race, Chen Xuanji already had a plan in mind.

The human race can't stay in Yujing Mountain all the time. Sooner or later, they will migrate, but not now.

He called Xuandu, Duobao and others, and asked them to go back to Shouyang Mountain and Jinao Island first.

But Xuandu insisted on staying again and again, insisting on protecting the human race for a period of time, Chen Xuanji had no choice but to agree.

Following the departure of Duobao, the Seven Immortals, and more than 2000 disciples, Xuantian Huofeng also came to say goodbye soon.

After Chen Xuanji heard the news, he pondered for a while.

"Fellow Daoist Jin Ning, the treasure of the sages of Shanhe Shejitu should have been returned immediately, but the human race has not been determined and the crisis has not been resolved. Can this treasure be borrowed for a period of time? It will be returned for a maximum of more than a hundred years."

I saw Jin Ning smiled and waved her hands, "Don't worry, my mother said before that the human race was robbed, and as the saint mother of the human race, she couldn't make a move, so she felt very guilty. Don't rush to return this map of mountains and rivers. How long are you willing to use it?" It doesn't matter how long it takes, I just hope it can bring some help to the people."

Chen Xuanji cupped his hands, "Then thank you, Madam."

Jin Ning didn't stay any longer, and transformed into a phoenix with bright feathers and red body, rushing towards the chaos.

As the crowd left, Yujing Mountain returned to its former calm.

But with more Kui Niu, Golden Winged Roc, and trillions of human races, it will always be more lively than before.

In this way, with the large formation protecting the mountain, plus Chen Xuanji, Xuandu was in charge.

The human race in Yujing Mountain spent a long time in peace and tranquility without having to worry about day and night.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed.

Over the years, all the soldiers and horses of the monster clan have converged to the 33rd heaven, and did not continue to disturb the human race, which also made the third ancestor of the human race breathe a sigh of relief.

The King of Hades is easy to see, and the little ghost is hard to deal with. If the Yaozu still does not give up on refining the witch-slaying sword, the human race will continue to be in trouble, and sooner or later they will be robbed.

On this day, at 33 Chongtian and Daluotian, there was a sudden sound of beating drums.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sound was mighty, like thunder in the daytime, one after another, sweeping across the prehistoric land!

Ten thousand races were shocked, very surprised.

"Beat the Tiangu, what's the big move in the Heavenly Court?"

"Is it going to war with the Wu Clan?"

"Probably not. If you really want to start a war with the Wu Clan, you should start the war in Yujing Mountain more than ten years ago."

"Hey, we are ants on the ground, and the heavens are high above, so it has nothing to do with us anyway."

In Buzhou Mountain, a series of heavy breaths flashed by.

Soon, there were eleven more oppressive and heavy auras in Pangu Hall.

"Bang the Tiangu, what is the monster clan trying to do, can't we start a war with my witch clan?"

Zhu Rong's ancestor witch made a sound, and when he spoke, there was a divine fire burning, emitting a terrifying high temperature.

The other ancestral witches also looked curious. Since the establishment of the Heavenly Court, the number of times the Heavenly Drum has been beaten can be counted on one's fingers. Apart from fighting other witches, what else will they do?
Di Jiang thought for a moment before giving the order.

"Pass down the order, tell the tribes, let them all go up and down, raise their spirits, and prepare for the battle."

"Yes, brother."

The ancestral witches left the Pangu Temple and went to pass orders among the various tribes.

33 Zhongtian, Da Luotian, Tianting Military Advisor, and Bai Ze slowly appeared.

He was dressed in a white robe, gentle and elegant, with an extraordinary bearing, holding a scroll of golden imperial decree in his hand, and slowly began to read.

His voice was clear and bright, accompanied by the sound of the heavenly drum, spreading all over the world.

"Following the heavens, the emperor of heaven said, Qingqiu fox clan."

Bai Ze read for a long time before he finished reading the contents of the imperial decree.

The content of the imperial decree is very simple, listing the crimes of the angel family, the giant spirit family, the Qingqiu fox family and other prehistoric clans one by one.

These crimes, either secretly detected by the secret agents of the Heavenly Court, or the crimes randomly recruited by the Heavenly Court, anyway, the purpose is to give the Heavenly Court a reason to free up and clean up these races.

After Bai Ze finished his announcement, the sound of Tiangu fell slowly, and Honghuang seemed to have regained its former calm
But in the prehistoric places, among the countless creatures of all races, there was an uproar!
The hearts of countless prehistoric clans were lifted up.

The catastrophe is spreading, and the Lich War is imminent, so why did the Heavenly Court attack them?
Shouyang Mountain, Jin'ao Island, Kunlun Mountain, and Sanqing seem to have seen the purpose of the Yaozu from this imperial decree.

In the western land, on Mount Sumeru, next to the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, Zhunti's eyes flashed with joy, and he said excitedly.

"The monster clan is acting against other big clans. It seems that it is not far from the Lich to fight again."

Yujing Mountain, the base camp of the human race, Chen Xuanji also heard the announcement from the Heavenly Court, and became even more puzzled.

At this time, why did the Heavenly Court want to attack other big clans in Honghuang? Isn't it just making enemies out of thin air?
Chen Xuanji couldn't figure it out, and didn't think about it.

Instead, he told the third ancestor of the human race to guard the gate of Yujing Mountain tightly and never let the human race go out of Yujing Mountain.

In the blink of an eye, three days have passed.

On this day, in the 33rd day of heaven, in the sky of Da Luo, there is a vast ray of light, thousands of auspicious colors, and endless immortal energy, which rises dimly. The majesty of the emperor swept across the four corners of the world.

Jin Wuluan, driven by the demon god Bi Fang, drove across the void at an extremely fast speed to Qingqiu, the land of Heze in the southwest of the prehistoric wilderness.

Heze, the land of green hills, is the base camp of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan, a prehistoric alien species.

The Nine-Tailed Fox Clan, with extraordinary talents, is well-known among the prehistoric peoples. With Qingqiu as the center, they dominate the territory with a radius of millions of miles.

In the clan, there are four great patriarchs, namely Qingqiu, Tushan, Yousu, and Chunhu, all of whom were quasi-sage Daxiu who had beheaded corpses.

Among them, Patriarch Qingqiu, during the Lich's first battle, had already cut off the good corpses and the evil corpses, so he was in the middle stage of quasi-sage.

In the past tens of thousands of years, no one knows if there has been a step forward.

From Qingqiu Mountain, the ancestral land of the Fox Clan, there came bursts of sharp and hoarse voices.

"Hmph, Heavenly Court is already too busy to take care of itself in the face of the Wu Clan, and still has time to trouble us ancient clans. Do you really think that all the prehistoric people belong to Heavenly Court?"

"It is rumored that Donghuang Taiyi has stepped into the sub-sage level, and it is indeed not to be underestimated."

"So what about Yasheng, this is in my Qingqiu Fox Clan's territory, can he, Donghuang Taiyi, still turn the world upside down?"

But soon, a deep and vicissitudes voice came from the ancestral land.

"There is no need to argue, I have already invited the patriarch of the angel clan to come to help. Together with our fox clan background, there are five quasi-sages in total. Let's see how the Eastern Emperor Taiyi can stand us."

As soon as this voice of vicissitudes came out, all the voices of the dispute disappeared instantly.

"Yes, old man."

In the ancestral land of the fox clan, suddenly fell into silence again.

There is no cloud for thousands of miles, the blue sky is as clear as washing, and the golden crow is driving, and the sun is burning with real fire.

Wherever they passed, all spirits bowed their heads, looking up at the majesty of the Demon Emperor.

"Your Majesty, Heze Qingqiu is just ahead, the headquarters of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan. Do you want me to go and have a look to avoid any ambush?"

The demon god Bi Fang said cautiously, there is no doubt about the strength of his Majesty.

But the Nine-Tailed Fox, after all, is also a great clan inherited from ancient times, and its background is unfathomable, so it has to be careful.

Donghuang Taiyi's relaxed voice came from the car, "You don't need to stay, just go in."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Bi Fang drove the Golden Wuluan, and soon reached the top of Qingqiu Mountain.

Qingqiu Mountain does not refer to a mountain, but generally refers to a large winding mountain range.

There are countless mountains, beautiful and lush, and on each mountain range, there are exquisite palaces, dotted with stars, implying mystery.

Next to the palace, there are jewel trees, Qiongzhi swaying, and clouds and smoke curling up, which is a first-class blessed land and cave.

The demon god Bi Fang shouted loudly in front of Jin Wuluan.

"His Majesty the Eastern Emperor is patrolling the sky, why don't the Qingqiu Fox Clan come out to greet him?"

Bi Fang's demon god's voice was very loud, and bursts of sound spread throughout the entire Qingqiu Mountain Range.


An unusually heavy breath rose from the mountains and turned into an old woman in midair.

The old woman's hair was all white, and her face was extremely old, like an old woman who was seven or eighty years old.

But from the face, one can vaguely see the charm of the past.

Holding a fox-headed cane in her hand, she saluted the golden Wuluan.

"Qingqiu's nine-tailed fox lineage, the Qingqiu family, pay homage to His Majesty the Eastern Emperor. I don't know what is the important matter of the Eastern Emperor coming to Qingqiu?"

Before Qingqiu's voice fell, he heard the demon god Bi Fang shout.

"Bold Qingqiu clan, don't you Nine-Tails clan not know the decree promulgated by His Majesty three days ago?"

Qingqiu stood up straight, with a look of coldness on his face.

"I, Qingqiu, naturally know the content of the decree, but the land of Qingqiu has been the place where my Nine-tailed Clan has thrived for generations, and my Nine-tailed Clan has never belonged to the Heavenly Court. What to do, what not to do , it seems that it is not the turn of Heaven to take care of it, right?"

The demon god Bi Fang was furious, bursts of blazing divine fire almost ignited on the crimson battle armor, and a scorching breath rushed towards his face, making people suffocate.

"Qingqiu Clan, you Qingqiu Nine-Tail Clan, don't you want to rebel?!"

Qingqiu didn't speak, but the look on his face said everything.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew away the curtain in front of the Golden Wu Luanjia, and Donghuang Taiyi slowly walked out of the Luanjia.

Still dressed in a majestic robe of sun, moon and stars, his appearance is majestic and majestic, the majesty of the emperor is restrained, and the domineering demeanor reveals that everything is under control.

As soon as Donghuang Tai came out, Qingqiu's heart panicked.

But when he thought of the five quasi-sages on his side, he quickly settled down again.

Even though the Eastern Emperor Taiyi has been cultivated to reach the sub-sage and is known as the No. 1 under the saint, but they have five quasi-sages on their side. Even if they are not the opponents of this Eastern Emperor Taiyi, it is not difficult to protect Qingqiu. .

"Since the end of the First World War, I haven't been to Qingqiu Mountain. I didn't expect that Qingqiu will remain the same for thousands of years."

Donghuang Taiyi glanced at Qingqiu Mountain lightly, feeling a little emotional.

He paused, looked at Qingqiu, his voice was very flat.

"You Nine-Tails Clan made up your mind to go against my Heavenly Court?"

The Qingqiu clan shook his head, "The Nine-Tails clan only wants to protect themselves, and they have no intention of becoming an enemy of the Heavenly Court, let alone His Majesty the Eastern Emperor."

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi suddenly laughed, "Under the heavens, all living beings are like ants, and there is no one who is an enemy or not. Take out all the trump cards of your Nine-tailed Clan."

Although his voice was flat, he was determined to achieve his goal.

The Qingqiu clan sighed, and the twilight energy on his old face was swept away, turning into an overwhelming fighting spirit.

"Where are you friends?"

Her voice, like thunder, swept across the entire Qingqiu.

Four beams of light streaked across the Qingqiu Mountains and landed beside the Qingqiu family.

Three of them, glamorous and glamorous, captivating the country and the city, charming the world with a frown and a smile, are the other three ancestors of the Nine-tailed Clan, the Tu Shan family, the Su family, and the Chunhu family.

The other person is very tall, dressed in a moon-white robe, with wings on the back, behind the wings, there are 23 shadows of wings faintly flashing, and the aura of the whole body is extremely terrifying, no more than Qingqiu's. The slightest difference has reached the level of the late quasi-sage!
This person is the contemporary patriarch of the angel family, the 24-wing Eternal Seraphim.

The five quasi-sages stood in the void, and the air mechanism locked onto the Golden Wuluan, and the surrounding space became more dignified in an instant, exuding great pressure.

"Get up!"

The four ancestors of the Nine-Tails clan spoke out at the same time.

All of a sudden, countless Qingqiu mountain ranges vibrated, sinking to the ground at an extremely fast speed.

Within a few breaths, the vast and winding Qingqiu Mountains sank into the ground.

The ground became empty and flat, and then, the milky white power of the earth blessed the five people, making their already powerful aura even more terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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