Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 114 Lu Yazhang Returns to Sun Star 3 Zu Wu

Chapter 114
The spine of the prehistoric, Buzhou Mountain, Zhunti hides in the void, gradually approaching the center of Buzhou Mountain.

In the middle of the mountain, it was full of heat, and as before, there was the sound of clanging and beating.

Countless pieces of witch treasures that have been formed are placed on the shelves, shining with a sharp brilliance.

Countless great witches of the Da Luo Jinxian level are training the army of the witch clan with bare hands.

What they teach are all deadly fighting techniques, with deadly moves and no mercy, this is the innate ability of the Wu clan.

As for the ancestral witches, it seemed that all of them were discussing matters in the Pangu Palace, and I didn't see any ancestral witches mentioned anyway.

Just when Zhunti was checking the situation in Buzhou Mountain, looking for an opportunity.

33 Chongtian, Da Luotian, Dijun, and Donghuang Taiyi gathered in the Demon Palace and were discussing matters.

"Tai Yi, I'm afraid the battle between us and the Wu Clan is about to begin. Heavenly Court also needs to make some preparations earlier."

Di Jun's eyes were solemn, looking at the countless strands of catastrophe under the 33rd sky.

At this time, the aura of calamity in the prehistoric world has infinitely approached the strong aura of calamity during the Longhan Great Tribulation.

Such a terrifying aura of calamity represents a terrible danger, and at the same time, it is also an unprecedented test for Heaven.

If you want to survive and completely defeat the Wu Clan, then everyone will be happy, and the Heavenly Court will become the overlord of the prehistoric world. He and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi will gather the great fortune of the prehistoric and desolate, prove the Tao and become holy, and look down on the world!

But if it fails, it will be a devastating blow to the Heavenly Court that rules all spirits!

Even his three-legged Golden Crow and the blood of the royal family could not even be preserved.
Donghuang Taiyi seemed to know what his brother was worried about.

"Brother is worried that the bloodline of our Golden Crow Emperor's clan has declined."

The two demon emperors in the Heavenly Court, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is alone, and enjoys fighting the prehistoric world.

It's not the case with Di Jun. Di Jun has one concubine and one concubine all his life.

The main concubine is Xi He, and the side concubine is Chang Xi. They are all innate beings conceived in the Lunar God Star outside of chaos!

Xihe and Dijun married and gave birth to ten three-legged golden crows.

Chang Xi married Di Jun and gave birth to twelve three-eyed moon rabbits.

Whether it's the Golden Crow or the Moon Rabbit, what flows in their bodies is incomparably pure Emperor's blood!

Di Jun let out a foul breath and sighed.

"You're right, the witch-slaying sword has not been successfully refined, and our chances of winning against the witch clan are not that great. Now that the catastrophe is spreading and the prehistoric is dangerous, let's move them outside the prehistoric in advance. At that time, even if My monster clan is defeated, but my Golden Crow Emperor blood is still there, and there is still a chance of revival in the heavenly court!"

The Eastern Emperor Tai nodded, "Everything is up to brother."

Under the orders of the two demon emperors, soon, ten golden crows with three legs and twelve moon rabbits with three eyes came to the palace of the demon emperor, and saluted Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi respectfully.

"The son pays his respects to his father and his uncle."

"Get up."

Di Jun waved his hand, and the three-legged Golden Crow and the three-eyed Moon Rabbit got up one after another.

Di Jun's deep gaze slowly swept across the ten golden crows, and a trace of satisfaction flashed deep in his eyes.

The top ten Golden Crows have generally good aptitudes, and now they all have certified Da Luo Jinxian.

Especially Xiaoshi Luya, who is extremely talented, not even weaker than him and Taiyi back then, and is the first among the ten Golden Crows to break through to Daluoxian.

Soon, Di Jun's gaze became softer, and he looked at the twelve three-eyed moon rabbits.

Not only is his son excellent, but his twelve daughters are also sensible and likable.

Bearing the bloodline of his Golden Crow royal family, he also has the cultivation level of a Taiyi Golden Immortal.

It's just that the catastrophe is coming, and it's only a matter of time before we separate.
Jinwu and Yuetu also seemed to have sensed that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the Demon Emperor's Palace, and their expressions became a little uneasy.

Dajin Wu Boxuan gritted his teeth, stood up, and asked Di Jun, "Dare to ask the emperor, what's the matter with summoning the sons and ministers?"

Witches, demons, the battle is imminent, even the top ten Golden Crows are also constantly preparing, training, and practicing in the heavenly court.

"The catastrophe is coming, and soon, my Heavenly Court will start a war with the witch clan. You are all of the blood of my Golden Crow royal family. Being a father means that you first evacuate from the prehistoric world, and come back after the battle is over."

Di Jun expressed his thoughts.

The twelve moon rabbits looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

The expressions of the top ten Golden Crows changed slightly, and they were all unwilling.

"Father, uncle, our monster clan is about to go to war with the witch clan. As the princes of heaven, we should evacuate from the prehistoric world first. What's the matter?"

"That's right, father, this is absolutely unacceptable. Once the news that we leave first is leaked, doesn't it mean that I am timid before fighting?"

"Royal father, uncle, conquered all races, and laid a huge foundation. As the son of the royal father, and the nephew of the uncle, we swear to live and die with the heavenly court!!!"

"Swear to live and die with Heaven!"

In the end, the voices of the top ten Golden Crows were already in unison. They shouted loudly, united as one, and condensed into a terrifying fighting spirit.

Donghuang Taiyi watched from the side, with deep relief on his face.

No matter what the personalities of these ten nephews of my family are, they all have the same thoughts deep in their hearts. With them, why worry that the monster clan can't do it, why can't they rule the prehistoric world?
At this moment, the idea of ​​unifying the prehistoric world reached its peak in Donghuang Taiyi's heart.

But the voice in the Yaohuang Palace soon weakened after Di Jun's voice.

"My heart is for my father, but the Lich War is of great importance. At the most dangerous time, even the father and your uncle can't protect you. You are the hope of my demon clan and the three-legged Golden Crow. The bloodline of the last emperor of the clan."

The top ten Golden Crows stopped talking immediately, but it didn't take long before Bo Xuan and the nine big Golden Crows looked at the little Golden Crows and Lu Ya, and they talked.

"Father, apart from us, there is also Xiao Shi. This time, why don't you let Xiao Shi evacuate from Honghuang first, and let him come back after the war is over?"

"Brothers, how can this work, we are all the heirs of the father, how can I escape without fighting."

Lu Ya quickly waved his hand and refused. In his dream, he wanted to fight side by side with his father and uncle, so how could he escape.

But the other nine Golden Crows were not relentless, and directly pushed Lu Ya in front of Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi.

Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi pondered for a while, looked at each other, and had an idea in their hearts.

"Xiao Shi, what do you think?"

Di Jun and Dong Huang Tai looked at Lu Ya together.

"Naturally, I will fight side by side with my father, my uncle, and my brothers in the Heavenly Court."

Lu Ya's tone was very firm.

"But if you stay in Heaven with your brothers to fight against the witch clan, what should we do if my monster clan is defeated?"


Lu Ya couldn't speak for a while.

Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi said together, "If we stay together in the Heavenly Court, we will fight side by side, but if the Heavenly Court is defeated, then our Golden Crow clan will be completely wiped out."

Lu Ya fell silent, he bowed his hands to Dijun and Donghuangtai, and said seriously.

"Father, please order, uncle, but if there is an order, don't dare to disobey."

Di Jun said slowly, "I will personally escort you and your twelve younger sisters to leave the wilderness and go to the Sun God Star, where you can practice and wait for the Lich catastrophe to pass."

"Yes, Father."

Lu Ya couldn't bear it, but still nodded seriously.

Di Jun looked at the twelve moon rabbits, and his voice softened a bit, "How about you and the queen mother, how about going to live on the Taiyin God Star for a while?"

Twelve three-eyed jade rabbits, who were still very young, nodded timidly, "The children will obey the orders of the emperor."

Di Jun is a person who does what he says, and once he has made a decision, he must implement it immediately.

He looked at the nine golden crows on one side, and ordered loudly.

"In Tanggu, there are [-] troops of my monster tribe. Nine of you, go there yourself. You must train this [-] troops to become the best of the best. Is it possible?"


The Nine Great Golden Crows responded, turned into their main body, and flew out of the Demon Emperor's Palace.

Tanggu is located under the 33rd Heaven, in a deep valley not far from the Heavenly Court.

In Tanggu, there is an extremely high-quality innate spiritual root, a root system of a sycamore tree, which contains an extremely strong law of fire.

When the top ten Golden Crows routinely surveyed the sky before, they set off from Tanggu, and then returned to Tanggu at sunset.

Soon, there were two more peerless, curvy and mature beauties in the Demon Emperor's Palace.

It was Xi He, Chang Xi.

Xi He is stable and stable, but Chang Xi's character is a bit out of character.

Embracing her twelve daughters, Lihua said like rain, "Your Majesty, are we really at the point where we must be transferred?"

"It must be transferred. Only in this way can the emperor devote all his energy to the battle."

Di Jun's voice was like iron, and there was only firmness in his eyes, "The sun god star, the Taiyin god star, has already set up a large formation at the level of protecting the sky, even if the ancestor witch comes, it can't be broken, it is enough to guarantee your safety gone."


Xi He felt uncomfortable too, she put her slender snow-white hands on Di Jun's shoulders, and gently kneaded, her voice was extremely soft, as if it was about to melt into water.

A faint fragrance penetrated into Di Jun's heart through his sense of smell, making Di Jun's firm heart a little softer and warmer.

He must defeat the Wu Clan and let the Heavenly Court become the supreme existence in this prehistoric desolation.

What about the Six Saints?
In the near future, the Six Sages will also come to his heavenly court to congratulate him.

After Xi He and Chang Xi settled down for a while, the three of them came out from the Demon Emperor's Palace.

Donghuang Taiyi, Lu Ya, and twelve jade rabbits were already waiting outside.

"Tai Yi, Xiao Ten will leave it to you."

Xi He held Lu Ya's hand tightly and couldn't bear to let go.

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, Xiao Shi will be safely escorted to the Sun God Planet."

Donghuang Taiyi nodded solemnly.

"lets go."

Di Jun carried Xi He, Chang Xi, and twelve jade rabbits.

Donghuang Taiyi and Lu Ya broke through Da Luotian respectively and rushed out of the endless chaos.

Endless chaos, countless earth fires, water winds, and raging chaotic air currents, it was extremely terrifying, but under the divine power of the innate treasure, the Chaos Clock, everything was fine, and it didn't take long before Lu Ya was escorted to the Sun God Star .

The Sun God Star, standing in the chaos, is the place where Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi were born.

It is very vast, equivalent to one-third the size of the Great Desolation.

It emits light and heat all the time, illuminating countless chaotic ancient stars around it. This is the law of fire, the ocean of the law of the sun. When the top ten Golden Crows were born, they often stayed on it.

Above, there is also a huge array formed by Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi with the help of the power of the sun god star.

According to Donghuang Taiyi's estimate, ordinary sub-sages cannot break through, even in the chaos with countless crises, they can be regarded as very safe.

"Xiao Shi, all the resources are available on the Sun God Planet. For the rest of the time, you can practice on it. After the war with the Wu Clan is over, Uncle will come to pick you up."

Donghuang Taiyi earnestly told him that Xiao Shi is the one who resembles him the most.

If there is a chance, Donghuang Taiyi hopes to personally guide Lu Ya, but unfortunately, time is not waiting for me
"Uncle, don't worry, the child is waiting here, waiting for uncle to pick up the child."

Lu Ya, who was determined to the heart of the Tao, did not know when his eyes were already wet.

Let's say goodbye today, I don't know when we will meet again.

After urging Lu Ya a few more words, Donghuang Taiyi resolutely left the Sun God Star and set off for the prehistoric.

On the other side, at the Taiyin God Star, after Xi He and the others settled down, Di Jun was equally determined, following the footsteps of Donghuang Taiyi, and returned to the wilderness.

Buzhou Mountain, Zhun Tizai checked it carefully, seeing that there was no chance of manipulation, so he had to leave and rush towards the direction of the heavenly court.

He wants to find a wonderful opportunity to completely ignite the fuse between the witch and the demon.

In the depths of Buzhou Mountain, in the Pangu Palace, the Eleven Patriarchal Witches were also discussing the future of the Wu Clan. After some discussions, they finally came to a conclusion.

Let the five top witches of the witch clan, Jiufeng, Xiangliu, Fengbo, Yushi, Xingtian, and other five people lead ten thousand elites of the witch clan to migrate to the Netherworld.

In case something happens to the Wu Clan, with these people, the blood of the Wu Clan will not be cut off.

While everyone was discussing, someone hurriedly came to report from outside the Pangu Hall, "Sir Zuwu, Pangu's blood pool has changed, please go and have a look."

Hearing that there was a change in the Pangu Blood Pool, the Eleventh Ancestral Witch was taken aback, and hurriedly opened the gate of the Pangu Palace, and rushed towards the Pangu Blood Pool.

Pangu's blood pool was formed from a mass of blood essence left behind after Pangu's fall.

The tens of millions of members of the Wu clan were basically hatched from the Pangu blood pool.

But over the years, as more and more witches were hatched, the Pangu blood pool became smaller and smaller, and the energy contained in it was almost exhausted.

The Twelve Patriarchal Witches came to the Pangu blood pool, and saw that the blood pool was originally a hundred feet in diameter, but now there was only a small shallow piece of pale golden blood at the bottom.

At this time, this small piece of pale golden blood was vibrating crazily, bubbling and bubbling, and a very strong vitality gushed out, trying to hatch something, but it seemed that it was unable to succeed because of lack of some kind of energy.

Di Jiang glanced at the blood pool, and said decisively, "Take out a drop of blood each, and put it into the Pangu blood pool."

As soon as Dijiang thought, a drop of golden blood fell into the pool of blood.

The other ancestral witches also had buns, and each took out their blood and dripped them into it.

After adding eleven drops of blood essence, the blood pool vibrated even more, but it still couldn't hatch.

"Brother, the blood pool vibrated for no reason, what's going on?"

"Yes, for hundreds of millions of years, there has never been such a thing as today. Could it be that Father God is about to wake up?"

"Nonsense, Father God's True Spirit wants to wake up, and it woke up hundreds of millions of years ago. Why did it wake up today when the blood pool was exhausted?"

Di Jiang frowned, suddenly, he seemed to think of something, "Bring back the blood essence of Houtu."

Xuanming took out a drop of Houtu's blood essence according to his words, and handed it to Dijiang.

As early as when the Houtu had not turned into reincarnation, he had a feeling in his heart, and took out five drops of blood essence and handed them to Xuanming, and now it has come in handy.

As Di Jiang poured Houtu's blood essence into the blood pool, the blood pool shook completely in an instant, and countless golden lights burst out from it, dazzling and dazzling, making the Eleven Ancestral Witches glance away.

After a full quarter of an hour, the golden light gradually dissipated, and a huge vitality appeared in the blood pool, as well as a breath that came from the same source as the ancestor witches.

The ancestral witches quickly looked up, and saw that your pale golden blood in the blood pool had dried up at some point, leaving only a big cocoon quietly placed in it.

The big cocoon is very transparent, and the outer layer is like a blood jade, with bloody lines looming on it, exuding a very surging aura!

The eleven ancestor witches were all shocked, and said in surprise, "This is, the No. 13 ancestor witch??"

Although the cocoon has not conceived a soul yet, the connection originating from the blood cannot be severed no matter what.

Eleven ancestor witches, including Di Jiang, could clearly feel the breath of ancestor witches in the cocoon.

One day, as long as the big cocoon is broken, the No. 13 ancestor witch of his witch clan will be born.

Looking at Da Yu, Di Jiang suddenly asked, "What's your name?"

It took a long time before a voice came from the bloody cocoon.

"My thirteenth ancestor witch, Chi You!"

As the voice fell, the big cocoon completely lost its breath, and all vitality was brewing in the big cocoon.

"Brother, what should we do with the thirteen ancestor witches?"

"The energy in the blood pool is not enough to support Thirteen's hatching. If we continue like this, I don't know how many tens of thousands of years it will take to hatch."

"Brother, why don't we drip a few more drops of blood essence to speed up Shisan's hatching?"

The ancestral witches expressed their opinions, but they were completely opposed by Di Jiang.

"Essence blood is the origin of our ancestor witches. Give it all to Thirteen. In the next lich war, how can we fight the demon clan?"

Di Jiang pondered for a while, and then made a final decision, "Let Jiufeng, Xiangliu and the others take the Thirteen Ancestral Witches to the Nether Realm to hide for a while, and after we destroy the Heavenly Court, go to the Nether Realm to pick up Thirteen."

The mobilization force of the witch clan was very strong. Not long after, the five great witches, Jiufeng, Xiangliu, Xingtian, Feng Bo, and Yushi, took the thirteen ancestor witches, and tens of thousands of elite witch tribes, and set off for the Netherworld.

This kid, Di Jiang finally breathed a sigh of relief, and began to concentrate on preparing for the battle.

Countless divine materials, black iron, spiritual roots, and old medicines are all given away free of charge for the clansmen to enjoy.
Turning into a little dog demon, Zhunti quietly sneaked into the first heaven of the 33rd heaven, Taihuang Huang Zengtian, after some investigation, he learned that the nine princes of the Heavenly Court had gone to Tanggu.

"Nine Great Golden Crows, go to Tanggu. Tanggu is not in the 33rd heaven, maybe you can take this opportunity to make a move?"

The plan in Zhunti's heart gradually took shape. After staying in the Heavenly Court for more than ten days, after thoroughly investigating the information, Zhunti left for Tanggu after 33 days.

In Tanggu, a sturdy sycamore tree grows. Its branches are tens of thousands of feet long. The golden sycamore leaves are like gold, shining brightly under the sun's divine light.

A scorching, vast atmosphere filled Tanggu, here is the world of the law of fire!
In the depths of Tanggu, the Nine Great Golden Crows are training one hundred thousand monster soldiers, teaching them the formation, tactics, and methods of summing up.

When they were teaching in a trance, suddenly, a shout of a demon soldier interrupted them.

"His Royal Highness, outside Tanggu, there is a group of people looking for His Highness"

Bo Yu said angrily, "I don't know that the crown prince is training soldiers and horses? No matter how big it is, can it be bigger than us going to war with the Wu Clan?"

The demon soldier's face turned pale from fright, and he stood there at a loss, trembling.

"Go and tell the Taoist, what's the matter, wait until the crown prince is free. In addition, after passing the order, go and get a hundred diamond sticks by yourself."

The Vajra Rod is a criminal law specially set up by the Heavenly Court. It is specially used to punish the demon soldiers and generals who have made mistakes.

"Yes, Your Highness."

The demon soldier came out of Tanggu with a mournful face.

When he saw the Taoist, he complained.

"It's all your fault that you are an old man. You can't find His Highness at any time, but you have to look for it at this time. Now, it's a disaster for me. Alas, why is life so hard?"

Zhunti's face was bright, and he looked a bit embarrassed. He calmly gave the little demon a pill, and asked again, "Dare to ask Your Highness Jinwu, when will you have time?"

(End of this chapter)

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