Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 120 World Turmoil, Zixiao Gong Hongjun Appears!

Chapter 120 World Turmoil, Zixiao Gong Hongjun Appears!
In the land of the Northern Darkness, the base camp of the demon clan, the demon saint Bai Ze looked up at the sky, with a hint of inexplicable emotion in his expression, he didn't know what he was thinking.

The endless sea of ​​blood, the nether world, the corner of the land, the great witch Xiangliu, the great witch Jiufeng, and the great witch Xingtian, for some reason, there was a faint sense of uneasiness in their expressions.

At the same time, Shouyang Mountain, Kunlun Mountain, Jin'ao Island, Mount Sumeru, and the five saints flew out together.

In an instant, he came to the 33rd heaven.

After a while, another ray of light pierced the heaven and earth, returning from the endless chaos, and the saint Nuwa came from Taisutian.

The six sages looked at each other, and they shot together, the supreme magic power of the six paths enveloped the world in an instant.

Soon, the continuous roaring sound from the sky and the earth gradually disappeared, and the great desolation returned to calm again.

Taiqing Laozi looked at the vast and boundless 33 Chongtian, and slowly frowned.

"The demon court has been in charge of the prehistoric world for countless thousands of years, and has ruled all spirits. An established rule has long been formed in the dark. Thousands of years ago, the lich war, the emperor fell, and the huge heaven was destroyed. After the Heavenly Emperor, the heaven and the earth began to be in turmoil."

Yuan Shi frowned and asked, "Brother, the world is in turmoil, and the way of heaven is unstable. Do you want me to wait like this and maintain it with great magic power?"

A sage, who has gone through thousands of calamities without grinding, cuts off cause and effect without staining, always exists with the sky, and coexists with the Tao.

But you also need to practice, you must also understand the Tao, and you must also improve your Taoism.

If the heaven and the earth are kept running with great mana, the sage will not be able to progress.

This is naturally intolerable for a saint who is extremely determined to seek the Tao.

Zhunti, with a look of pain on his face.

"Brothers, my west is barren and sparsely populated. We still need to find time to teach our disciples the things that keep the world running."

Zhunti, the receptionist didn't say no, but the meaning of rejection is beyond words.

Nu Wa's face was indifferent, she watched this scene quietly, she was thinking about how to get a chance for her brother.

Originally, Fuxi had fallen, but the primordial spirit still existed, so it was enough to enter the underworld and reincarnate.

But because of his elder brother's participation in the Lich War, the primordial spirit was tainted with an endless and terrifying aura of calamity.

Even if you want to reincarnate, you can't reincarnate, you can only exist in the state of primordial spirit.

However, the primordial spirit will be continuously eroded by the energy of calamity.

Even though Nuwa maintained it with great magic power, Fuxi's primordial spirit was still gradually dissipating. One can imagine the boredom in Nuwa's heart.

At this time, Master Tongtian asked, "Brother, is there no solution other than us to maintain it?"

"Of course there is."

Taiqing nodded slightly, "As long as a new emperor is elected to rule all spirits and operate the rules, when the time comes, the instability of the world and the turmoil of the prehistoric wilderness will naturally be resolved."

"Re-elect a Heavenly Emperor?"

All the saints were silent for a while, thinking of the Emperor Jun of the year, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

Under the rule of Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi, the Heavenly Court ruled all spirits. During that period, it can be said to be a relatively dark period for the prehistoric peoples.

Thousands of races retreated, and the world almost became the world of the monster race.

Even though Honghuang was under the rule of Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi, there were no major disturbances.

But no one knows what will happen to Honghuang if a new emperor is elected, and whether it will suppress the development of the saint's orthodoxy.

Finally, Taiqing spoke, "This matter is of great importance, and it involves the operation of the prehistoric world. I still need to report it to the teacher and see what the teacher says."

The other five saints nodded, "Great kindness."

Soon, represented by Taiqing, he went to Zixiao Palace to report to Hongjun.

The remaining five sages stayed for 33 days to maintain the movement of heaven and earth with great mana.

Among the six sages, Tongtian has the strongest combat power, and Yitaiqing has the deepest Taoism.

I saw Taiqing flicking his sleeve lightly, tearing apart the space, and the whole person came into the chaos in an instant.

He sacrificed the Tai Chi Diagram, and the yin and yang Pisces were constantly circulating, and an indescribably terrifying energy was constantly awakening. In just an instant, Taiqing's figure disappeared into the chaos.

Taiqing hurried all the way, and soon came to the depths of chaos.

In the depths of the chaos, stands a purple palace. The palace is unpretentious, but the whole body exudes a mysterious charm of the avenue, which is constantly drawn in the air, evolving the avenue runes.

After watching it for a long time, even if the Taoism is as profound as the Taiqing sage, I feel that I have benefited a lot and it is mysterious.

Withdrawing his mind, Taiqing knocked on the gate of Zixiao Palace.

After a while, two boys, a boy and a girl, came out.

It is said to be a boy, but it is not a child of seven or eight years old.

The man is handsome and extraordinary, and the woman is dignified and beautiful. Seeing that it was Taiqing, the two of them were slightly surprised, and hurriedly made an interrogation, "Haotian, Yaochi, I have met Senior Brother Taiqing."

These two boys are the boys of Haotian who are transformed from chaotic and stubborn stones, and the girls of Yaochi who are transformed from innate creatures.

Taiqing was obviously very familiar with the two boys, he nodded and asked softly, "There has been a change in the prehistoric world, is the teacher free?"

"Has Honghuang changed?"

Haotian was slightly startled. After the Lich War ended, the catastrophe dissipated, and the world was clear.

The sage has even recovered his ability to be omniscient and omnipotent. Under such circumstances, what else can the prehistoric world change?
But this is obviously not something that Haotian should care about, he nodded slightly, "Teacher is free, Senior Brother Taiqing please."

Taiqing Laozi followed Haotian and Yaochi all the way into Zixiao Palace.

From the outside, the huge Zixiao Palace looks unremarkable, neither majestic nor spectacular, just about the size of a secular building.

But when you really walk in, you can feel that there is something hidden inside.

The endless chaotic air enveloped the endless space, mighty, misty, and I don't know how long it took before it suddenly opened up, and an empty space appeared.

Hongjun, sitting high on the nine clouds, has white beard and hair, a stooped figure, and an old face, but a pair of eyes are extremely deep, containing supreme wisdom, seeing through the past and present, the long river of time, and the chaotic space.

Taiqing bowed and saluted, "Taiqing, see the teacher."

After Taiqing saluted, he only felt an indescribable mysterious force lifting him up.

"What happened to Hong Huang that you were asked to come here in person?"

Hongjun asked slowly.

After Hongjun fits the Dao of Heaven, Hongjun is the Dao of Heaven, but the Dao of Heaven is not Hongjun. In a certain way, Hongjun is more like the spokesperson of the Dao of Heaven.

Hongjun can draw on ninety-nine percent of the power of the Dao of Heaven, but Hongjun cannot control the Dao of Heaven after all.

Taiqing hurriedly said, "5000 years ago, the Lich battled. The witches and demons died together. The catastrophe dissipated, and the heaven and earth regained clarity. No matter how people control the order, the prehistoric world is developing rapidly, and the prehistoric world is in turmoil. After discussing it, the disciples dared not take any action, so they came here to ask the teacher for advice."

As Taiqing said, Haotian, who was beside him, for some reason, had a sudden heartbeat, and then quickly returned to calm.

Hongjun said slowly, "The world is in turmoil, so just choose another Heavenly Emperor. Immediately go and call monks above the quasi-sage of the Great Desolation to gather in Zixiao Palace to discuss the matter of the new Heavenly Emperor."

"By the way, bring the disciples of your disciples who have broken through to Da Luo Jinxian as well."

"The thing that maintains the prehistoric world."

With a thought in Hongjun's mind, a purple jade tablet fell into Taiqing's hands.

"Let him maintain the prehistoric world."

"is teacher."

Taiqing quickly left Zixiao Palace and returned to Honghuang.

Seeing that Taiqing had returned so soon, Wu Sheng quickly asked, "What's the matter, what did the teacher say?"

Taiqing took out the purple jade tablet, "The teacher said, call all the monks who are quasi-sages and above in the prehistoric period, and then bring our disciples who have broken through to Daluo Jinxian to Zixiao Palace to select the new emperor."

"Teacher, you really want to select the new Emperor of Heaven?"

Wusheng's voice raised a bit, especially Zhunti Jieying, his eyes shot out.

The emperor of heaven not only has a respected status, enjoys part of the luck of the prehistoric world, but also mobilizes part of the prehistoric resources.

He is poor in the west, if the position of emperor of heaven is taken by his own orthodox disciples, and the resources are tilted, then his development in the west may not be weaker than that in the east. When the time comes, the west will be revitalized and everyone will be like a dragon.

Zhunti, thinking of this scene, people are in a trance.

The excitement in Nuwa's heart was no less than that of Zhunti, and she was attracted.

The position of the Emperor of Heaven, enjoying the prehistoric luck, can just offset the catastrophe on his elder brother Fuxi. At that time, his elder brother will be able to reincarnate like everyone else
Yuan Shi said, "Since the teacher has spoken, let's act quickly."

Taiqing nodded slightly, and with a thought, the purple jade tablet in his hand flew up, suspended in the void, and an indescribably rich Taoism surged over the sky and covered the earth, and in an instant, it replaced the Six Sages and maintained it The prehistoric world.

All the saints withdrew their mana and released their auras together. For a while, the aura of the saints swept the world, alarming countless prehistoric creatures.

"It has been more than [-] years since the end of the Lich decisive battle. The catastrophe has dissipated, and the sky and the earth are clear. However, the sky and the earth cannot be left alone for a day. After the demon clan, when a new emperor of heaven appears to rule all spirits, Control the balance of heaven and earth and maintain the order of heaven and earth."

"The Taoist ancestor has an order that all monks of the quasi-sage level in Honghuang go to the chaos to discuss the candidate for the new emperor, and all disciples of the Taoist lineage of the saints, who have cultivated to Daluo Jinxian or above, go with them."

The voice of the sage resounded through the heavens and the earth, let alone the six sages speaking together.

For a moment, the mighty sound, like a torrent of thunder, fell into the ears of countless creatures.

Hundreds of prehistoric quasi-sages opened their eyes almost at the same time, with different expressions.

Discuss the new emperor?
The Six Sages are high above the others, not to mention the Dao Ancestor above the Six Sages, why should they go to discuss?

Could it be that they cast a wide net and discuss to elect a new emperor among them?

Hundreds of quasi-sages were silent for a while, or they were alone, or a few friends gathered together, tearing apart the space and rushing towards the chaos.

No matter what, the sage has spoken, and he must go.
On the other side, Chen Xuanji quickly left the customs after getting the news, and then summoned Duobao and others.

The development of Jiejiao is getting better day by day, and there are quite a few disciples who have broken through Daluo.

In the inner sect, Daoist Duobao and the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit all broke through to the realm of the Daluo Golden Immortal one after another.

In the outer gate, Zhao Gongming broke through to Da Luo Jinxian.

Among the attendants of the seven immortals, Immortal Wu Yun and Immortal Golden Cuff Ma Sui broke through to the Golden Immortal of Daluo.

And the golden-winged roc who came back with Chen Xuanji successfully comprehended the laws of space and broke through to Daluo.

The sacred beast of interception and protection, Jin Ao, already has the perfect strength of Daluo Jinxian, so naturally there is no need to say more.

All in all, there are as many as eight monks at the Daluo level besides the Master Tongtian, which can be called prosperous!
After Chen Xuanji summoned all the people, he sacrificed the map of mountains and rivers and the country, and the group arrived at the 33rd heaven very quickly.

"Disciple, I have met the master, the uncle, and the uncles."

Chen Xuanji led the crowd and saluted the saints one by one.

"Get up."

Taiqing smiled, shot out a burst of mana, and helped everyone up.

Yuan Shi's face was expressionless, but his heart was inexplicably sour and envious.

Jiejiao is good at life and prosperity, he taught the Twelve Golden Immortals, and so far only four of them have broken through to Da Luoxian, which is twice as short as compared with Jiejiao.
Zhunti, the envious eyeballs are about to fall off!
The outstanding people in the East really deserve their reputation. Their teachers and brothers have worked hard and worked hard to manage the Western religion. Up to now, there are only three great Luos, Medicine Master, Maitreya, and Ksitigarbha. It's really maddening to compare people to others.

Not long after, auspicious clouds came one after another, people taught Xuandu, Daluo Jinxian cultivated.

Explain and teach Guangchengzi, Chijingzi, Yuding Immortal, Taiyi Immortal, and Daluo Jinxian.

Western teaching pharmacists, Maitreya, and Ksitigarbha are all Da Luo Jinxian cultivation bases.

Soon, everyone arrived, and the saints stopped dawdling.

They each protected their disciples, tore apart the space, and flew into the endless chaos.

Chaos, indistinct and uninhabited, the chaotic airflow exists forever.

Even Da Luo Jinxian will have an indescribable "fear" in the vast, silent, and deep chaos.

Under the leadership of the saints, the group arrived in front of Zixiao Palace very soon.

At this time, in front of the gate of Zixiao Palace, it was still empty, and there was no one there.

Obviously, even if the saints start later, their speed is far faster than the quasi-saint monks who set off before.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Chen Xuanji came to Nuwa, and respectfully took out the map of the mountains and rivers.

"In the past, when the human race was robbed, the sage bestowed a map of mountains and rivers to help the human race overcome difficulties. The disciple should have returned it as soon as possible, but because there was no chance, I will return this treasure to the empress today."

Nuwa smiled slightly, and put away the map of mountains, rivers and land, "Daluo Jinxian, the time is long and endless, so what's the big deal if you return it a few thousand years earlier and a few thousand years later?"

Chen Xuanji also smiled, "It's so important, the disciple keeps holding it in his hands, so I feel uneasy, it's better to return it to the empress as soon as possible."

The smile on Nuwa's face was a bit thicker, and she really didn't misread the head disciple, qualifications, character, really nothing to say.

If I hadn't let this head disciple of the sect become the teacher of the human race back then, how could the human race have the prosperity it is today without knowing how many people would have died or injured during the Lich catastrophe?
Chen Xuanji saw that Nu Wa was in a good mood, and asked tentatively, "Dare to ask Master, I heard that during the Lich decisive battle, Master Fuxi fought against Xizi Zuwu, I don't know the current situation."

The smile on Nuwa's face slowly disappeared, "Xizi blew himself up, and my brother died as well, and even Fuxiqin suffered indelible damage. Although I protected my brother's remnant soul, the situation is still very serious." Not optimistic."

"Master, don't worry, auspicious people have their own celestial features, and the years are long. Uncle Fuxi may not have the opportunity to return."

"That's a good word to borrow from you. I'll be free later, but come to me as a guest."

"That would be troublesome, uncle."

"How can there be trouble between uncle and nephew?"

(End of this chapter)

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