Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 123 Haotian Liwei breaks through Daluo Jinxian and completes

Chapter 123 Haotian Liwei breaks through Daluo Jinxian and completes
After all the people were full of wine and food, dozens of graceful fairies presented a dance. The dance was beautiful and pleasing to the eye.

Even some quasi-sage Daxiu who came to the banquet watched very enthusiastically.

Halfway through seeing it, Xiaoyue Sirius, Golden Ant, Hongmeng Black Snake, and the patriarchs of the Great Desolate Clan looked at each other quietly, with a sneer on their faces.

Back then, the ancient Tianting, Emperor Jun, and Donghuang Taiyi suppressed their ten thousand clans everywhere, ordering them to pay tribute every thousand years, sucking the blood essence of their ten thousand clans to support the countless strong men in the heavenly court.

In the prehistoric world, the strong prey on the weak, Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi are strong, and the Heavenly Court is powerful. They admit it, and there is nothing to say.

But just over six thousand years after the end of the lich and the collapse of the Heavenly Court, a new Heavenly Emperor came.

How does this make them live in prehistoric times.

Therefore, several patriarchs of the Ten Thousand Clans, who had Zhunsheng Daxiu in charge, discussed it and decided to give the new emperor a blow.

At that time, the majesty of the Emperor of Heaven will be lost, and I am afraid that he will be too busy to take care of himself, so he will not have the heart to manage them.

The patriarch of the Xiaoyue Sirius clan stood up. Although he was smiling, he could feel a very bad feeling.

The atmosphere in the arena gradually changed from relaxed and peaceful to a trace of dignified anxiety.

Xiaoyue Sirius said loudly.

"In the past, Taoist Patriarch Zixiao Palace gave three sermons, talking about Daluo Jinxian Dao, beheading three corpses, quasi-sage Dao, and then talking about the Dao of Heaven and Saints. Only then did the foundation of the Taoism of today's prehistoric peoples come into being. My patriarch admires Dao Patriarch very much. .”

"It's a pity that I was not yet born when Daozu preached the Tao, so I couldn't appreciate the subtlety of what Daozu said. I heard that the Heavenly Emperor is a boy next to Daozu. He has served Daozu for hundreds of millions of years. I don't know if it is true or not. Appreciate your face and teach me something?"

On the surface, Xiaoyue Sirius had done enough courtesy, but his arrogance inside and outside the words had hardly been concealed.

As the voice fell, the atmosphere in Da Luotian had completely become serious.

The faces of countless quasi-sages and great powers changed slightly, showing a more dignified look.

The patriarchs of the Golden Ant Clan, Hongmeng Black Snake and other big clans all watched with relish.

Xiaoyue's strength is not weak, it is the cultivation base of the quasi-sage in the early stage.

The most important thing is that in his hand, there is also the most precious treasure of the Xiaoyue Sirius clan, the top-grade innate spirit treasure, the Yuehua Pearl!
After being continuously nurtured by successive patriarchs of the Xiaoyue Sirius clan, its power is so great that it can even compete with the best innate spirit treasures. This is also Xiaoyue's confidence.

Everyone watched the play, but the saints, as if they saw nothing, sat on the holy throne, the wind was calm and the clouds were calm, even if the sky and the earth collapsed.

Even Tongtian was still in the mood to send a voice transmission to Lao Tzu Taiqing, "They are reckless this time. Although Haotian is not comparable to the Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi back then, he has been by Daozu's side for so many thousands of years. How can I take it easy? Next , there is a good show to watch."

The saint, grasp the past, look at the future, calculate everything, and at this time, there is no calamity between the heaven and the earth, the sky and the earth are clear, and there is almost nothing that can be hidden from the saint.

In the eyes of the saint, this farce may have already come to an end.

On the throne of the Emperor of Heaven, Haotian's expression became very gloomy.

If I don't agree this time, all the prehistoric peoples, and even the saint brothers, will think that I am weak and can be bullied.

As a majestic emperor of heaven, facing provocations, he didn't even dare to fart.

When the time comes, how can I control all spirits, how can I maintain order, and how can I make the order of the Great Heavenly Lord truly deserved?
"Re-establishing the Heavenly Court, I didn't want to start the killing ring, but you insisted on it. Kill it!"

The killing intent in Haotian's heart has climbed to the extreme, in such a situation, if he wants to defend the majesty of the Great Heavenly Lord, the only way is to kill!
"Teach me?"

On the throne, Haotian spoke slowly, his expression unchanged, "Patriarch Xiaoyue, what if the emperor refuses?"

Xiaoyue Sirius was taken aback when he heard the words, as if he didn't expect Haotian to answer like this, but soon he grinned again.

"The Emperor of Heaven doesn't want to teach, so how dare I force it, but the position of Emperor of Heaven is extremely respected, and those who are capable belong to it. If the Emperor of Heaven dare not even give him a lesson, then this is the position of Emperor of Heaven."

But before his words fell, Haotian's figure had disappeared on the throne.

The next moment, there was an incomparably majestic voice in midair, "I don't want to give you advice, it's just because today is the day when I re-establish the Heavenly Court, but it doesn't mean that I can let these ministers like you commit crimes at will."

In mid-air, there was a burst of incomparably fierce brilliance, and a nine-story pagoda appeared in Haotian's hands.

Under the infusion of terrifying mana, the pagoda burst out with an unimaginable radiant light, and with the momentum of Mount Tai, it suppressed Xiaoyue Sirius.

Xiaoyue Tianlang's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly prepared to sacrifice the Yuehua Pearl to resist, but the next moment, he felt his body was imprisoned by an indescribable force.

Even wanting to raise his hand was extremely difficult and impossible.


The nine-story pagoda slammed firmly on the Taoist body of Xiaoyue Sirius.

Pale golden blood splashed everywhere, Xiaoyue Sirius was smashed into the air like a dead dog.

However, this didn't stop, smashing the Xiaoyue Sirius, Haotian had a thought, and the Haotian Mirror appeared on the spot.

The supreme mana was poured into it, and in an instant, several rays of light flowed from the Haotian Mirror, temporarily imprisoning the rest of the golden ants, Hongmeng Black Snake and other quasi-sages.

The faces of Golden Ant, Hongmeng Black Snake and others changed drastically, and they wanted to rescue Xiaoyue Sirius, but they were powerless.

At the same time, Haotian sacrificed the spirit sword that he had warmed for countless thousands of years with his original power, which was ranked as a top-grade innate spirit treasure and had not been used so far.


Golden Ant, Hongmeng Black Snake and the others changed their expressions drastically, trying to prevent Haotian from making a move, but it was too late.

The original power of Haotian poured into it, and the spirit sword flickered violently, emitting an incomparably dazzling light, turning into a stream of light, which passed through the head of Xiaoyue Sirius in an instant.

The true spirit of Xiaoyue Sirius was instantly pierced through thousands of holes by the incomparably sharp sword energy.

The Quasi-Saint Dao Fruit collapsed inch by inch under the sword energy containing the law, and finally turned into dust and dissipated in mid-air.

This series of movements, only in one breath, seems simple, but it has exhausted all Haotian's mana, even the source, has consumed a lot.

As long as there was even the slightest mistake, the quasi-sage Xiaoyue Sirius would not be able to be killed in one blow.

At this time, three or four quasi-sages, including the Golden Ant and the Hongmeng Black Snake, also broke free from the shackles of the Haotian mirror, and flew to Haotian, showing their unkind faces, and surrounded Haotian.

"Heavenly Emperor, it's just a discussion, why do you want to do such a vicious hand!"

"That is, as the emperor of heaven, with such a small capacity, how can he control the prehistoric and order the order?"

Facing everyone's questioning, Haotian's face became cold again.

"This emperor's throne was conferred by the Taoist ancestor himself, prehistoric orthodox, Xiaoyue Sirius committed a crime of disrespect, shouldn't he be killed, or is Xiaoyue Sirius' behavior instigated by you?"


The eyes of Golden Ant, Hongmeng Black Snake and the others kept flickering.

Ben Haotian really had some real skills, he killed Xiaoyue Sirius in an instant, it should not be underestimated.

It seems that at today's Heavenly Court Immortal Banquet, this prestige cannot be given no matter what.

But if they leave in such a dispirited manner, what is their face?
For a while, the two sides were deadlocked together, and the atmosphere in the heavenly court became subtle.

"have you had enough?"

At this moment, Lao Tzu Taiqing spoke. As the most profound person among the six sages, when his aunt spoke, the dignified atmosphere in the venue suddenly shattered and became relaxed.

Taiqing took a deep look at the Golden Ant, Hongmeng Black Snake and several quasi-sage ancestors, and said slowly.

"The Daozu ordered to re-establish the Heavenly Court, and Haotian is the emperor of heaven, to rule the prehistoric peoples and to specify the order. If you have any opinions, you can tell me directly, and I will go to the Zixiao Palace to report to the Daozu."

"Yes, tell me to wait, and I will report to the teacher later."

The leader of Tongtian also stood up.

"The sage is above, Daozu's meaning, we dare not have any opinions."

The patriarchs of the big clans such as Golden Ant and Hongmeng Black Snake returned to their seats with bright faces.

Facing Haotian, they can still test and even make a move, there is no problem, but facing the saint, they really dare not.

The saints are all ants, that is, the sub-sage Donghuang Taiyi back then, holding the innate treasure of the Chaos Clock, so invincible, could he be against the saint?
With such a farce, the Immortal Banquet could not continue. After a while, the Immortal Banquet ended, and all the saints returned to the dojo, throwing down the disciples of each family.

The patriarchs of the big clans such as the golden ant and the Hongmeng black snake also left the heaven unwillingly.

On the clouds, the leader of the golden ant clan showed a little solemnity, "This new emperor, it seems, is not a lord to be trifled with. I'm afraid we will still be sad in the future."

Hongmeng Black Snake shook his head, "No matter how sad you are, can you still surpass that?"

The year that Hongmeng Black Snake was talking about was naturally still referring to the period of Emperor Jun, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

"Besides, the Heavenly Court has just been established, and a thousand wastes are waiting to be rejuvenated. There is no one under Haotian's staff. We big clans still have enough time to develop."

The golden ant nodded, "That's right, the difficult days back then are over, and now these problems are nothing."

With the official end of the Immortal Banquet, the huge heaven, the vast 33 heavens, returned to calm.

Da Luotian, Yaochi supported Haotian, with a worried look on his face, "Brother Haotian, is the injury serious?"

It took a lot of original power for Haotian to kill that Xiaoyue Sirius in one blow.

Haotian gently pinched Yaochi's white, soft and smooth little hand, and shook his head, "These injuries are nothing, as long as we can defend the dignity of the Heavenly Court, everything is worth it. This time we forcefully killed that Xiaoyue Sirius , it can be regarded as a prestige, and in a short time, those ancient people should be more peaceful."

At the time of the Lich, there were more than one hundred ancient clans who possessed the power of quasi-sages alone.

But with the Lich War and the need for a lot of resources in the Heavenly Court, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi carried the Chaos Clock to clean it up every now and then.

Those ancient clans were cleaned up by the Eastern Emperor one by one, until now, there are only less than two palms left, which has already relieved the pressure.

"Hey, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is really a hero. If I have the power like him, why should I be so restrained?"

Before Haotian sighed, a very high-pitched dragon chant suddenly came from behind.

Haotian was startled, and turned around, only to see that the golden dragon transformed by the luck of heaven actually manifested.

He glanced greedily at Haotian, opened his mouth wide, swallowed the heaven and the earth, all over the prehistoric places, every thread, endless luck was taken into his mouth.

20 zhang!

30 zhang!

In the end, the Golden Luck Dragon reached the terrifying height of one million feet. The Golden Dragon of Fortune with a size of one million feet roared to the sky and the earth, and the sound of the dragon's roar swept through the entire 33 days!
The next moment, the golden dragon circled around Haotian a few times, and rushed into Haotian's body at once. Under the action of the lucky golden dragon, Haotian recovered from the injury caused by the original force in an instant.

After recovering from the injury, the golden dragon flew out of Haotian's body again, and hid in Daluotian without a trace.

Yaochi was very pleasantly surprised, "Brother Haotian, the Xiaoyue Sirius was not killed for nothing, our heavenly luck has increased tenfold!"

The joy in Haotian's heart was no less than that of Yaochi, he suppressed the surprise in his heart, and said steadily, "It seems that I killed that Xiaoyue Sirius, and the calculation of the heavenly energy has initially stabilized, and the next step is to let The Heavenly Court has entered into formal operation."

On the Lingxiao Palace, Haotian swept the empty hall and sighed, "The heaven is empty, no one is available."

Yaochi came forward, "Brother Haotian, now my heavenly court is very lucky, let's recruit some prehistoric monks to take up positions in heaven, as long as I work hard, my heavenly court can naturally afford it."

"How many people are recruited in the first batch?"

Yao Chi pondered for a while, and gave the answer, "How about five hundred. How about 1000 people?"

"1000 people?"

Haotian got a headache again. The golden dragon with millions of feet of luck seems to be strong, but there are really not many. If 1000 people take up a position, they will share a thousand merits.
"If there are 1000 people, let's have 1000 people. As long as the Heavenly Court can function normally, everything will be worth it."

Haotian and Yaochi worked together and finally settled on the position and salary.

The two stood up, spoke loudly, and announced to Honghuang, "The Heavenly Court has just been established, and there is a shortage of manpower, so a recruitment conference will be held, and 1000 people will be recruited into our Heavenly Court as officials. After being hired, they can enjoy the merits of luck."

Haotian, the voice of Yaochi, accompanied by the great mana of Zhunsheng, resounded through the prehistoric world!
"Recruitment meeting?"

"There is no one available in Heaven?"

"Haha, our great Tianzun has no one to use, how to re-establish the rules and maintain order?"

There was a sneer on the faces of countless ancient clan heads in Honghuang.

Time flies, like running water, and in the blink of an eye, thousands of years have passed.

For 5000 years, Hong Huang remained unharmed as before.

With the unremitting efforts of Haotian and Yaochi, the Heavenly Court also has thousands of people and barely started to operate.

However, under the influence of countless ancient clans in the prehistoric period, and the intentional or unconscious influence of the Six Sages, most of the monks who entered the heavenly court were only earth immortals, heavenly immortals, mysterious immortals, and even golden immortal monks were very few.

Haotian was very helpless, but he was also powerless to resist, so he could barely maintain the status quo.

In addition to the Heavenly Court, the prehistoric ancient races have developed very rapidly over the past few thousand years, encroaching on resources wantonly.

In addition to these, the development of the human race is even more rapid, and the total number of human races has exceeded ten trillion!
In Yujing Mountain, there are already more than ten Da Luo Jinxians.

Taiyi Golden Immortal broke through [-]!
Jinxian has more than 10 people.

There are countless mysterious immortals, true immortals, earth immortals, and heavenly immortals, and the prosperity of the human race has gradually become unstoppable!
On Jinao Island, in a cave, Chen Xuanji suddenly opened his eyes, and a ray of bright light flashed across the entire cave.

The aura on his body continued to rise slowly, and finally, it reached an extremely terrifying level!

Even if he sat there quietly, he gave off an unparalleled pressure!

"All the five principles have been comprehended to [-]%, and finally the quasi-sage of the Dao has been verified!"

Chen Xuanji let out a foul breath. Over the years, he has obtained a large amount of luck from the Netherworld.

In addition, the Lingbao Kongtong seal of the human race's luck is still in his hands, and the energy source continuously provides luck. In addition to these, the practice of Taoist Mosquito also greatly increased him.

So as early as 3000 years ago, he made a breakthrough from the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian to the late stage, and now he makes a breakthrough, that is, the Daluo Jinxian is consummated. Overlord.

None of the disciples of the Three Religions can compete with him, even Daoist Duobao, so far he is only in the middle stage of Daluo.

"Golden Immortal of the Great Luo, although the meaning of gold is immortal and will not be worn down in a thousand eons, you still can't give up on the cultivation of the physical body. It's time to go to Chaos!"

Chen Xuanji practiced eighty-nine profound arts, and after reaching the Taiyi Golden Immortal in his physical body, he couldn't make any progress.

And ordinary monks don't care about it after they have polished their bodies to the point of being golden immortals.

Anyway, he has already cultivated into a Daluoxian, condensed the indestructible Dao fruit, and his physical body is broken, just reshape another one.

But Chen Xuanji didn't think so, the physical body contained the supreme meaning of the human body, and it was a treasure that had not been opened.

The more you practice, the more you can perceive the mystery contained in it.

According to the records of the Bajiu Xuangong, if the physical body wants to break through to the Daluo Jinxian, it must bathe in the blood of the chaotic beast!

The chaotic beasts only exist in the endless chaos, and they are extremely powerful.

The weakest ones are also at the level of Da Luo, quasi-sages, and sub-sages emerge in endlessly, and even above the sub-sages, there are many Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxians, that is, beasts comparable to the level of heavenly saints.

It's just because there are six sages in Honghuang, so they generally don't wander in the area near Honghuang, which is just right for him to act.

In fact, he wanted to travel to the endless chaos before.

But at that time, he had just broken through to Daluo Jinxian, his cultivation was still shallow, and he had no power to protect himself.

In addition, my master also disagreed, so I had to give up temporarily.

But now, the situation is quite different. He has comprehended [-]% of the law of space.

Even if you meet an ordinary quasi-sage, you can escape safely if you can't beat it.

Already have the qualifications to initially travel to chaos.

Just do what you want, Chen Xuanji immediately flew to Biyou Palace, and told his master the idea of ​​traveling through chaos.

Master Tongtian didn't agree at first, but when Chen Xuanji showed the perfect cultivation of Da Luo Jinxian, Master Tongtian immediately agreed.

In this piece of chaos close to the prehistoric, there are not many strong beasts. With the perfect cultivation base of his own disciple, the Daluo Jinxian, traveling is enough.

(End of this chapter)

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