Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 126 Witchman Intermarriage Purple Firmament Palace Discussion

Chapter 126 Witchman Intermarriage Purple Firmament Palace Discussion

Chaos doesn't count the years, I don't know how long it took to fly before Chen Xuanji finally saw Honghuang.

The moment he broke through the barriers of the world and stepped into the prehistoric world, he felt a trace of peace of mind from the bottom of his heart. In terms of safety, he had to be prehistoric.

"This trip has gained a lot. Not only did I prove the Daluo Golden Immortal physically, but I also found the Primordial Heaven Ruler, and I also harvested a chaotic spiritual root. But while the benefits are amazing, the danger is also greatly increased. A sword seal, I am afraid that I really can't escape."

Chen Xuanji was still a little scared. The great monks in the later stage of quasi-sage were far from what he could deal with.

Tear apart the space, quickly rush back to Jinao Island, and then rush to Biyou Palace.

In the Biyou Palace, countless streams of fresh air rise up, dense and mysterious, thousands of streamers hang down, and thousands of auspicious colors.

On the futon, Master Tongtian was listening to what Chen Xuanji said.

I don't know how long it took, but after Chen Xuanji finished speaking, Master Tongtian frowned slightly.

"Heavenly Demon God, a monk who is completely different from the prehistoric system?"

"Could it be that the person you mentioned has something to do with Demon Ancestor Luohu?"

In the eyes of Master Tongtian, there was a trace of solemnity!
Demon Ancestor Luohu, the existence that terrified hundreds of millions of monks before the endless ages, is amazing and stunning.

If it weren't for my teacher who raised his eyebrows vertically and horizontally, Yinyang, Qiankun, and the three great monks, perhaps in the prehistoric world today, there would be no Taoist sects, but demonic sects.

"Demon Ancestor Luohu, could it be that the Demon Ancestor Luohu didn't fall during the war between Taoism and demons?"

Chen Xuanji asked, there are not many rumors about the Demon Ancestor in Honghuang now.

Except for those older quasi-sacred monks, everyone believed that the demon ancestor Luohu had already fallen during the war between Taoism and demons.

Master Tongtian shook his head slowly, and said slowly, "After all, he is the ancestor of the devil, so how can he fall so easily? In the battle at Mount Sumeru, the teacher, Yangmei, Yinyang, Qiankun, and four people joined forces to besiege Luohu. In addition to the treasures such as the sword formation, the god-killing spear, and the twelfth-grade world-killing black lotus, there is also a chaotic spiritual treasure!"

Hearing the words "Chaos Lingbao", Chen Xuanji was a little shocked.

He has read all the classics in the treasure house of the Shangqing, and knows a thing or two about the Chaos Spirit Treasure.

The innate spirit treasure contains innate immortal aura.

And the Chaos Spirit Treasure no longer contains the Innate Immortal Light, but the Chaos Immortal Light.

The low-grade chaotic spirit treasure contains twelve chaotic immortal auras.

The middle-grade chaotic spirit treasure contains 24 chaotic immortal auras.

The top-grade chaotic spirit treasure contains 36 chaotic immortal auras.

The ultimate chaotic spiritual treasure contains 48 innate immortal auras.

The treasure of chaos contains 49 auras of indestructible chaos.

In the past, the great god Pangu had the power to slay three thousand demon gods, and the Pangu ax in his hand was the treasure of chaos that contained 49 auras of indestructible chaos.

In addition, the good luck jade plate in the hands of his master ancestor Hongjun was made of broken fragments of the treasure of chaos.

Now, according to my teacher, Luo Hu also has a treasure of Chaos level in his hands?

"May I ask the teacher, what grade is the Chaos Spirit Treasure in Luohu's hands?"

Master Tongtian said slowly, "The treasure of chaos in Luohu's hands is called the Mieshi Damo. It was born with the power of destruction. It is below the treasure of chaos. As for the specific grade, I don't know."

"So that's how Rahu held a treasure of chaos level, how did he win the battle at Mount Sumeru?"

"Because of raising eyebrows!"

"Raise your eyebrows?"

"That's right, raising your eyebrows. In the battle on Mount Sumeru, Rahu managed to defeat four opponents with one opponent. At the critical moment, he raised his eyebrows and used the power of the Chaos Demon God to defeat Rahu in one fell swoop. However, even though he defeated Rahu, Still let him escape from the prehistoric, even so, Yangmei also suffered backlash, and left the prehistoric to recuperate in the chaos. The ancestors of Yin and Yang, the ancestors of Qiankun, died directly in battle, your master ancestor, this became the final winner."

"I see."

Chen Xuanji's face was already dull. He never expected that there would be such an origin in the battle between dao and demons.

"Master, do you want to report this news about Luo Hu to Master?"

"You don't have to worry about this matter, the teacher will handle it by himself."

Master Tongtian waved his hand, obviously unwilling to involve Chen Xuanji.

"By the way, teacher, how has the human race been all these years?"

Chen Xuanji asked.

"It is getting stronger and stronger day by day, and it seems that the real Daxing is not far away."

Master Tongtian said with emotion that he has practiced for countless thousands of years and has seen countless races, but he has not seen many strange races like the human race.

On weekdays, there are endless battles, but when it comes to the most critical moment, they can unite as one and smash all difficulties.

After leaving Biyou Palace, Chen Xuanji flew directly to Yujing Mountain.

As the human race grows stronger and stronger day by day, let this chaotic spiritual root Zhoutian star tree become the final catalyst.

Soon, Chen Xuanji arrived at Yujing Mountain, and met the three ancestors of the human race, the Suiren clan, the Youchao clan, and the Ziyi clan.

The three of them have now broken through to Daluo Jinxian, and the golden meaning is immortal and eternal, and they are already regarded as great monks who suppress one side.

There are three big Luos sitting in the town, plus the big formation arranged in Yujing Mountain.

Yujing Mountain has been incomparably stable over the years, and the strong human race has entered a period of rapid growth!
The number of monks in the entire Yujing Mountain has already exceeded one million.

"In recent years, the development of the human race has been good, and the luck has become more and more prosperous."

Chen Xuanji sighed, the master of Tongtian sect passed on the Dharma to the human race, and established the Jiejiao, the luck of the Jiejiao and the luck of the Renzhe clan can be said to be connected in one vein.

The luck of the human race is strong, and cutting off the teaching will naturally reap infinite benefits.

And in these years, Jiejiao has been in full swing, and thousands of immortals have come to court. Correspondingly, they have laid the foundation for the prosperity of the human race.

Suirenshi said with a smile, "The human race is today thanks to the holy master. Without the holy master, the life of the human race is really unimaginable."

"That is, if there is no holy master, the human race will probably be extinct when the demon race refines the witch-slaying sword."

"The human race has no way to repay the great kindness that the saint has done to our human race."

Youchao clan and Ziyi clan also sighed very much. Thinking back to the frailty of the human race when it was first born, and comparing it with the prosperity of the human race now, there is a world of difference.

Chen Xuanji couldn't help smiling when he saw the reminiscence of the Third Patriarch, and went straight to the point, "I'm here because I have something to ask you."

"Dare to ask the holy master, what's the matter?"

"Send you something?"

The third patriarch's face couldn't help changing, thinking that he was going to send him back to Kongtong Yin, he refused.

"Holy Master, it's better to keep the Kongtong seal in your hands. It won't work if I take the Kongtong seal now."

"It's not Kongtong Seal."

Chen Xuanji shook his head.

"Ah? If it's not the Kongtong seal, what is it?"

Chen Xuanji didn't talk nonsense, but directly took out the Zhoutian Star Tree.

Everyone looked at the incomparably chaotic aura permeating the spirit root, and their eyes widened immediately, at a loss for what to do.

With their knowledge, they couldn't see the rank and aptitude of this spiritual root.

Chen Xuanji explained concisely, "This is the root of chaos, the Zhoutian star tree, which has the power to pull the stars of chaos and suppress luck. I plan to plant this root on Yujing Mountain. When the time comes, Yujing Mountain will The concentration of spiritual energy should be able to reach a higher level."

"Chaos spirit root?"

All three of them stuttered. In their perception, the best innate spiritual root is already a treasure that is elusive.

Chaos spirit root, let alone met, they have never even heard of it.

The three quickly declined, "Lord Saint Master, this treasure is too precious, and the human race can't bear it."

The best innate spiritual roots, looking at the great prehistoric world, are basically in the hands of quasi-sage Daxiu with profound Taoism, or in the hands of saints.

How can the human race be able to occupy a chaotic spiritual root by itself?
Chen Xuanji shook his head, and said solemnly, "This is what I discussed with Master, so there's no need to refuse. I'll stop teaching at the back of the human race, so don't worry about anything."

Having said that, the third ancestor reluctantly agreed.

Everyone searched for a while, and finally chose to plant the Zhoutian Star Tree in the depths of Yujing Mountain, on top of a giant peak.

The giant peak is located in the depths of Yujing Mountain, surrounded by mountains and rivers, and has the most intense aura. If there is the power of chaotic stars drawn by the Zhoutian Star Tree, it will be comparable to the top practice dojo in the prehistoric world.

After some manipulations, the Zhoutian Star Tree was successfully planted, and Chen Xuanji did not forget to pour the Dapan Gourd Sanguang Divine Water.

The Chaos Spiritual Root plant was originally mysterious, but after being poured with the Sanguang Shenshui, it became even more crisp and delicate.

Wisps of the power of the stars are slowly released, making the pores of the whole body seem to be stretched.

After planting the Zhoutian Star Tree, Chen Xuanji asked casually, "How many human monks are there living in Yujing Mountain?"

After the Lich Tribulation, the human race had regulations, but all human races who had cultivated to the level of earth immortals had to return to Yujing Mountain to practice.

After so many years, there are already many human races in Yujing Mountain.

"Sacred Master, the human race in Yujing Mountain now has 110, 7000 people."

The Suiren clan is very concerned about the human race, and I remember exactly how many people there are.

"There are so many monks, but there are people with extraordinary talents?"

Suirenshi replied, "The resources in Yujing Mountain are shared equally. Everyone enjoys the same resources, and most of them enter the country. At present, there is no distinction between good and bad."

Chen Xuanji shook his head, "That's not acceptable. Equal distribution of resources is the greatest injustice to those with outstanding aptitude. In a short period of time, the human race will be safe, but over time, the development of the human race will turn into a pool of stagnant water." gone."

"Then dare to ask the holy master, what is the solution?"

The Suiren Clan panicked, the human race had just embarked on the road of prosperity, and they couldn't go downhill so quickly.

Chen Xuanji pondered for a while, then slowly said, "It's better to build a hall in the depths of Yujing Mountain. All monks in Yujing Mountain will be assessed every once in a while, and whoever has outstanding grades will be able to enter the hall to practice for a while longer. Time, in this way, the water in Yujing Mountain will come alive."

Suirenshi thought about it carefully, felt that the plan was feasible, and said happily, "Please ask the saint to give this hall a name."

"It's called the Temple of the Human Race."

Soon, with the help of Chen Xuanji and the three human races, three days later, in the depths of Yujing Mountain, a majestic human temple was built.

After the Human Race Temple was completed, the Golden Dragon of Human Race Fate coiled around the top of Yujing Mountain, chanting loudly and continuously for three days.

While the human race is developing, Haotian is also doing its best to maintain the operation of the new heaven.

Over the years, Heavenly Court has beckoned many people, although the situation in Heavenly Court has not improved much.

But it made Haotian understand the situation of Honghuang more clearly.

In the prehistoric north, among the countless icebergs, hundreds of thousands of monster races are in full swing to open up caves and arrange a large formation for gathering spirits.

Over the years, Lu Ya led the five great demon saints to settle in Beiming, not wasting their time in vain, but constantly recruiting troops to increase their strength.

Fortunately, Lu Ya's status as the prince of the demon clan is still useful.

Over the past tens of thousands of years, 10,000+ monster clans have come to join them one after another.

Although most of them are Earth Immortals, Earth Immortals, and True Immortals, it is not easy for today's Yaozu.

Deep in the iceberg, in a huge square, Lu Ya looked at Jiutian with an extremely ugly expression.

Just looking at the door boy, how can he compare with his father and uncle, and how can he be qualified to be the Great Heavenly Lord?

I hate myself for being incompetent, until now I have not been able to prove the quasi-sage, the foundation of heaven, and hand over to others. If my father and uncle know about it, how should I blame myself?

Lu Ya clenched his hands tightly, and his sharp nails pierced deeply into the flesh and blood.

Bai Ze gently walked to Lu Ya's side, comforting him softly.

"Your Highness, don't worry, you son of Haotian will be enthroned for a long time, but do you think anyone in the prehistoric world is really convinced?"

"My monster clan is the orthodox of heaven and earth. When Your Highness breaks through, my monster clan will make a comeback. The position of emperor of heaven will still belong to my monster clan."

"The military division is right. It should belong to my monster clan. No one can take it away."

In Lu Ya's eyes, a fiery flame burned!

In the center of the wilderness, the original base camp of the Wu Clan, because after the main line of Buzhou Mountain collapsed, the remaining few great witches, with the rest of the Wu Clan, migrated to the outskirts of Buzhou Mountain, which happened to be adjacent to the human tribe there.

With the passage of time, the human race and the witch race combined with each other to give birth to the witch man!
The burly shape of the witch man has the strength of the witch tribe and the wisdom of the human race. The great witch of the witch tribe is for the continuation of the blood of the witch tribe.

No longer caring about the purity of blood, instead encouraging people, witches, to intermarry wantonly!

Years passed, and another 3000 years passed.

The human race is becoming more and more powerful, and in a faint sense, the way of humanity seems to be in harmony with the way, and the way of heaven is divided into courts and rituals.

On this day, in the great flood and desolation, bursts of Dao sounds sounded, falling into the ears of countless creatures.

"Six Sages of the Way of Heaven, come to Zixiao Palace to discuss matters."

Countless creatures woke up from the sublime cultivation, looked at Chaos, with a hint of doubt on their faces, "All the saints are discussing matters, what big event is going to happen in Honghuang?"

Zhunsheng Daxiu pinched his fingertips, ready to calculate, but it seemed that the secrets were out of order, and nothing could be calculated.

Shouyang Mountain.

Kunlun Mountains.

Jinao Island.

Sumeru Mountain.

Too plain.

The Holy Power of the Six Paths rose like a brilliant sun, tearing apart the space and rushing towards the chaos.

In the endless chaos, in Zixiao Palace, the six sages gathered together, while Hongjun was lying high on the nine clouds, looking down at the six sages.

(End of this chapter)

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