Chapter 138
As Yuanshi walked through the wilderness, for a while, the other five saints knew instantly.

Shouyang Mountain, Bajing Palace, the Taiqing sage stroked his long beard, with deep eyes.

"It took a lot of effort for the Twelve Golden Immortals under my sect."

Taiqing shook his head and closed his eyes again.

On the coast of the East China Sea, on Jinao Island, the voice of the leader of Tongtian Sect came from Biyou Palace with a faint voice and a bit of a smile.

"I didn't expect that such a proud elder brother of mine would still beg for help. It's really interesting."

For hundreds of millions of years, Yuanshi has manifested externally, only aloof and arrogant, aloof and aloof.

Except for Taiqing, it seems that no one can make him respect.

This time, for the sake of the Twelve Golden Immortals, walking West Kunlun, it is really a scene that has never been seen once in hundreds of millions of years.

In the west, Mount Sumeru, beside the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, bursts of visions set off thousands of rays of light, thousands of auspicious colors, and strands of mysterious aura hanging down.

Mount Sumeru, which sets off the background, has a trace of extreme extraordinary in the ordinary, and in the tranquility, there is countless peace and stability.

"Haha, the old man Yuanshi usually looks down on no one, but now that the Twelve Golden Immortals are in bad luck, why don't they still go to ask for help?"

Zhunti couldn't help laughing, seeing Yuanshi like this was more refreshing than drinking a cold drink on a hot day!
There was also a bit of fun on Jieyin's face, "Interesting, is it true that the position of Human Emperor is really going to be taken away by Jiuli's lineage?"

In West Kunlun, before the Yuanshi people arrived, the overwhelming sage's aura had already enveloped the nine heavens and ten lands, and the four seas and the eight barren lands.

On the Tianchi Lake, the main peak of West Kunlun, the Queen Mother of the West sat on the futon and immediately felt the overwhelming aura of saintliness.

Yuanshi sage!

Although the Queen Mother of the West has practiced on West Kunlun all year round, there are countless creatures on West Kunlun, who come and go every day.

Therefore, the Queen Mother of the West is very familiar with the general trend and situation of the prehistoric times. After a calculation, she naturally understands what Yuan Shi came here for.

The Queen Mother of the West was very worried about the matter of dividing Baoya back then.

With her personality, if it was changed from before, the dojo would be closed directly, no matter what Yuanshi or Shiyuan he was, he would never see him behind closed doors.

But now, the situation is not what it used to be. Yuan Shi proved the Tao and became one of the six saints.

He had already left her far behind, and if he really wanted to close the door and see her, he would completely offend Shi Yuanshi.

Queen Mother Xi kept thinking in her mind, she never forgot what happened when Fen Baoya persecuted her back then.

After thinking for a while, the Queen Mother of the West gradually had an idea in her mind. She summoned the daughter of the Twelve Rivers, and then summoned the daughter of the Nine Heavens Xuannv, a descendant of her own family, and a group of 14 people rushed to the outside of West Kunlun.

"I have seen the Yuanshi sage."

The Queen Mother of the West led the Twelve River Girls and the Nine Heavens Xuannv to salute Yuanshi.

Halfway through the walk, he was lifted up by the supreme magic power.

Yuan Shi's face was still indifferent, with his hands behind his back, he stood aloof, looking down on everything in the world.

"Fellow Daoist, there is no need to be too polite. I have come here this time to ask for help from fellow Daoist."

"Sage please speak."

"When the treasure cliff was divided in the past, fellow Taoist got a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, three volumes of heavenly books. It is rumored that in those three volumes of heavenly books, there are records of great strategies, great mysteries, and all kinds of incredible mysteries. I am here this time, I just want to borrow this treasure."

Queen Mother Xi nodded slightly, waved her hand slightly, and three volumes of heavenly scriptures appeared in her hand.

"The sage opened his mouth, how dare he not allow it, these are the three volumes of heavenly scriptures."

With a thought of the Queen Mother of the West, the three volumes of heavenly scriptures had already fallen into the hands of Yuan Shi.

"Thank you, fellow daoist."

Yuanshi swept his eyes and saw that the book was full of spirituality and it was not a counterfeit, so he didn't intend to keep it any longer. With a swipe of his hand, it tore apart the space and disappeared.

The incomparably suppressed, overwhelming aura of the holy way also disappeared without a trace.

"Master, is it that easy for us to borrow the Heavenly Book?"

The Nine Heavens Xuannv has been worshiping the Queen Mother of the West for endless years, so she naturally knows what happened on the Fenbao Cliff back then, and feels unfair for her master.

Seeing that the master easily borrowed the heavenly book, I felt a little unbalanced.

The Queen Mother of the West smiled slightly, "You have systematically studied the three volumes of heavenly scriptures, the contents are obscure, complex, and huge, and you know them best. Do you really think that with the twelve golden immortals, you can master them all in a short period of time?"

Xuannv was startled, and covered her little cherry mouth, "Master, what do you mean?"

A faint smile appeared on Queen Mother Xi's face.

"Don't worry, Yuanshi sage, he will come back again and again."

Yuan Shi got the three volumes of heavenly scriptures and went straight back to Yuxu Palace. With a thought, the saint's great magic power shrouded the three volumes of heavenly scriptures.

I saw black handwriting gradually appearing in the originally blank heavenly book.

The first volume is called Sangong Wuyi, A Brief Introduction to Yin and Yang.

The second volume is called Taiyi Dunjia, Liuren Budou.

The third volume is called, The Machine of the Yin Talisman, and the Five Talismans of Lingbao.

The three volumes of heavenly scriptures were born when Hongjun was sanctified, and each volume contains supreme mysteries, carrying the mighty power to change the world.

The inheritance of the witch clan, the inheritance of the heavenly court, and the inheritance of the dragon, phoenix, and unicorn clans all have to stand aside before the three volumes of heavenly scriptures.

Yuanshi swept his eyes, and quickly scanned the three volumes of heavenly scriptures, and the supreme Dao Yun surged out. After a while, Yuanshi understood the contents of the three volumes of heavenly scriptures.

Among them, the mystery can indeed be called the creation of heaven and earth.

But Yuan Shi didn't show any satisfaction on his face, instead his frown deepened.

"The content of the book of heaven is obscure and difficult to understand. It is close to the Tao. If it is handed over to the Twelve Golden Immortals like this, how can it be used to command troops in battle?"

Do you want to go to Xiyi and teach the Twelve Golden Immortals yourself?
As soon as this idea flashed through Yuanshi's mind, it was completely shattered.

If he really did that, where is his saintly face?
"Forget it, let Guang Chengzi and the others try it first, if it really doesn't work, then think of other ways."

Yuanshi found Guangchengzi, handed him three volumes of heavenly scriptures, and ordered him to return to Xiyi.

Guang Chengzi returned to Xiyi with three volumes of heavenly scriptures, and all the golden immortals were dumbfounded when they saw the mysterious and obscure content in the heavenly scriptures.

So complicated?

so obscure?

so complicated?

The faces of all the golden fairies instantly turned ugly. Although the book of heaven is difficult, but they have the Dao fruit in their bodies, and given them thousands of years, it is not difficult to understand it.

But the point is, the battle between Xiyi and Dongyi is imminent, where is the time for them to read and enlighten?
Guang Chengzi and others sighed, the matter has come to this point, so they can only bite the bullet and go on.

The twelve golden immortals were divided into three groups, each holding a volume of heavenly scriptures, and every time they learned something, those who didn't seek a deep understanding would pass it on to the Xuanyuan family.

The Twelve Golden Immortals are not yet proficient, but it is even more perfunctory to teach the Xuanyuan family.

At the beginning, Xuanyuan was still a little puzzled and had doubts, but when he heard that these three volumes of heavenly scriptures were found by a sage.

The doubts in my heart dissipated immediately, and I began to concentrate on my studies.

Time flies, in the blink of an eye, half a year has passed.

Under the crooked teaching of the Twelve Golden Immortals, Xuanyuan's confidence soared, and he felt that he could defeat the Dongyi Group.

He mobilized 100 million soldiers at once, and set off again to kill the Dongyi Group on the other side of the Central Plains.

When the Dongyi Group heard the news of Xiyi's dispatch of troops, they were taken aback for a moment, and then became overjoyed.

I'm afraid that Xiyi will act like a turtle and not send troops. As long as they send troops, everything will be easy to talk about.

Under the command of Chi You, Duanxiu and Can Gang also mobilized an army of nearly one million, and rushed towards the Central Plains in mighty strength.

At the beginning, when he stopped cultivating, Can Gang was still very cautious, for fear that Xiyi had learned some powerful military skills, so he didn't confront them head-on.

This made the Xiyi people mistakenly think that the Dongyi Group was already vulnerable and would only retreat, so they took advantage of the situation to attack more violently.

After fighting for three days, without repairs, Can Gang finally found out the details of Xiyi.

There is no big change from the previous one, only some weird ways have been added, and overall, there is not much threat to them.

In the military tent, the repairs were interrupted, and Can Gang drew up an extremely strict plan, planning to eat all the 100 million troops of the Xiyi Group.

In the next few days, the Dongyi Group pretended to be retreating steadily, luring the enemy to go deeper.

The Xiyi Group didn't know about it, but thought that the fairy art taught by the Twelve Golden Immortals had worked, and the morale of the millions of troops was greatly boosted.

Another three days passed, the repair was interrupted, and Can Gang saw that the time was almost up.

Short repairs drew the vitality of the Xiyi army, while Can Gang led an elite force to make a decisive move, cutting off the retreat of the Xiyi army with the force of thunder.

The retreat route was cut off, which meant that there was no food, no supplies, and for a while, the Xiyi army was in a state of confusion, people panicked, and became restless.

The Dongyi army besieged the Xiyi army for two days, and finally launched a general attack!

A fierce battle lasted for a full day and night before slowly ending.

Xiyi's million-strong army was all killed in battle, and the landscape of corpses piled up was like a hill, and corpses were strewn everywhere as far as the eye could see.

The blood dyed the soil blood red, and digging deep down, except for the blood color, it was still blood color.

Soon, the news of the defeat was transmitted back to the Xiyi Group. Xuanyuan looked at the battle report in his hand and couldn't stand still for a while.

He fell to the ground with a bang, his eyes filled with disbelief,

After a while, the Twelve Golden Immortals also came. Seeing the extremely miserable record, they fell silent.

"Teachers, didn't you say that this time we will definitely defeat Jiuli and regain the luck of our human race? But the truth is, I was defeated in Xiyi, and millions of sons were all killed in battle!"

Xuanyuan's heart ached so much that he couldn't breathe.

Guang Chengzi and the others were deep in thought, their faces so gloomy that they could almost drip water.

But at this moment, an extremely high-pitched dragon chant sounded, sweeping across the world.

Over the Xiyi Group, the Golden Dragon of Good Luck manifested, and a stream of golden good luck spit out from the mouth of the golden dragon, turning into a mighty river and rushing towards the Jiuli tribe of Dongyi.

Dongyi Group, above the Jiuli Tribe, the black dragon of luck once again manifested, and the original 30-foot Taoist body, after devouring this fortune, climbed steadily.

The breath gradually increased, and finally reached the terrifying 50 feet!

If we say that before, Xiyi Group and Dongyi Group were [-]-[-].

So now, only [-]% of the luck of the Xiyi Group is left, and [-]% of the luck of the Dongyi Group!

Yujing Mountain, the ancestral land of the Human Race, the Suiren Clan, the Youchao Clan, and the Ziyi Clan have worried faces. The position of Human Emperor is very important to the Human Clan.

If it really falls into the hands of the Jiuli clan, it may cause an unimaginable crisis to the future development of the human race.

The endless sea of ​​blood, the nether world, the depths of the six realms of reincarnation, Houtu pinched his fingers to calculate, only felt that the heavenly secrets were extremely chaotic, like messy balls of thread, tangled and entangled together, unclear, and constantly cut.

"Could it be that this time, the Jiuli clan can really intercept a ray of life and seize the throne of the emperor?"

Now, even Houtu is not sure. Everything that happened in Dongyi and Xiyi shows that it is not far from Dongyi occupying the Central Plains and defeating Xiyi!
On the coast of the East China Sea, on Jinao Island, Chen Xuanji watched all this silently, and did not intervene. The matter had reached such a point that it was almost doomed for the Twelve Golden Immortals to commit murder.

It's time to think about what's next.

Xiyi, the conference hall, with the further decline of Xiyi, now, the Twelve Golden Immortals can no longer sit still.

It doesn't matter how many soldiers and horses died in battle, but when the luck of the Western Barbarians is over and the land of the Central Plains is taken away by the Eastern Barbarians, then they will suffer disaster!

Guang Chengzi's brows were twisted into a knot, and he secretly regretted that he would not be able to retreat if he knew it earlier, so he left the errand to Teacher Ran Deng.

The faces of the seven golden immortals who came afterward were even more gloomy. If they had known this, they would not have come down to assist the Emperor even if they were killed.

Fortunately, luck has not been enjoyed half a point, and there is a big crisis of luck backlash.

Even the eyes of everyone looking at Guang Chengzi were no longer so respectful.

"I'll go to Kunlun Mountain again, and wait for you to stick to Xiyi, and you must not fight again."

Guang Chengzi left behind a single sentence, and left in a hurry. The most urgent thing at the moment is to stabilize the luck, so that he can plan the Central Plains and preserve the Dao fruit they have cultivated for countless years.

In Kunlun Mountains, Guang Chengzi told Yuanshi the matter verbatim, and said tragically.

"Master, the Heavenly Book is too obscure. It is really impossible to master the essence of it for a year and a half. Dongyi is strong and prosperous. If this continues, the position of emperor may really be taken away by Dongyi Group .”

Yuan Shi was silent for a long time, "I know about this matter, you should go back first."

"is teacher."

Guang Chengzi wanted to ask again, but seeing his master's gloomy face, he still didn't ask again.

After Guang Chengzi left, Yuan Shi waved his hand and tore apart the space, came to West Kunlun again, and met the Queen Mother of the West.

The Queen Mother of the West was slightly startled, she stood up and asked, "The sage came here to return the three volumes of heavenly scriptures?"

Yuan Shi shook his head and told Queen Mother Xi the ins and outs of the matter.

When the Queen Mother of the West heard that the Twelve Golden Immortals were disgraced and defeated repeatedly by the Dongyi Group, she was so happy that she was about to go to heaven.

But on the surface, he showed a very worried look.

"What is the saint going to do next?"

"I heard that your disciple Jiutian Xuannv is proficient in the way of the heavenly scriptures. I want to ask her to help the Twelve Golden Immortals. After defeating the Jiuli tribe, the luck of assisting the Emperor can be shared with Xuannv."

Yuan Shi cut to the point, directly stated his future intentions, and at the same time discussed the conditions.

In Queen Mother Xi's beautiful eyes, there was a gleam of splendor. In fact, she had already reached this point, but as long as she was lucky, how could she be worthy of the humiliation of Fen Baoya back then?
The Queen Mother of the West did not put on any pretense, and said directly, "With fifty percent luck, Xuannv will be able to come down the mountain to help you immediately. She will definitely help you Twelve Golden Immortals, win a complete victory, and successfully return the emperor to the throne."

Yuan Shi frowned, and felt an inexplicable aggrieved feeling in his heart for the first time, as if he knew he wanted to do this, but he couldn't avoid it.

When he traveled to the wilderness in the past, he rarely encountered this feeling.

After proving the Tao and being sanctified, he is even more aloof and admired by all spirits. How could he have thought that he would be as aggrieved as he is today.

If it were someone else, he would have already slapped him and sent him to Six Paths of Samsara to report.

But the person in front of me is the Queen Mother of the West, the head of the fairies.
Yuanshi's eyes became deeper, he pondered for a while, and answered slowly.

"Okay, [-]% luck is [-]% luck, I am waiting for good news from fellow Taoists in Kunlun Mountain."

Yuanshi's voice fell, cut through the void with his hand, and disappeared.

On this side, after negotiating the conditions, the Queen Mother of the West didn't procrastinate, and directly ordered the Nine Heavens Profound Girl to leave West Kunlun and come to Xiyi.

The Twelve Golden Immortals were very happy to see the Xuannv coming, and the Xuanyuan family was even more overjoyed. They personally welcomed the Nine Heavens Xuannv to the Xiyi Conference Hall, took out three volumes of heavenly books, and then gave all the previous battle plans with the Dongyi Group. out.

The Twelve Golden Immortals stood aside, looking excited, watching Xuannv quietly, not daring to say a word.

Xuannv flipped through the recent battle plans, her face became more and more gloomy.

Fortunately, the previous one is remarkable, and it should be the martial art of Yuqing's lineage.

But the recent battle plan is just like shit, and it doesn't make sense. Xuannv guessed that this should be the battle plan specified by the twelve golden immortals observing the three volumes of heavenly scriptures.

It really opened Xuannv's eyes that the three volumes of heavenly scriptures could be used by them to such an extent.

It took a full half a day for Xuannv to finish reading the things, and if she drew up a plan herself, and it was in the plan, she would not go out to battle immediately.

Instead, stand still first, recuperate, strengthen your strength, and build your foundation.

(End of this chapter)

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