Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 140: Burning the Lamp and Escaping from the Holy Prestige!

Chapter 140: Burning the Lamp and Escaping from the Holy Prestige!
Terrifying mana was shining all over Jiufeng's body, and his tone was extremely firm.

"Lord Zuwu is the last hope of our witch clan. Even if we die here today, we will definitely protect Master Zuwu."

"Back then, the Twelve Ancestral Witches fell, and the witch clan fell, and I was unable to help. Today, even if you die, you must protect the Ancestral Witches."

"Protect Master Zuwu and win the position of co-lord!!!"

Jiufeng, Xiangliu, Xingtian, Fengbo, and Yushi all shouted together.

Accompanied by the ultimate power of Da Luo Jinxian, the five voices swept across the prehistoric world like a thunderstorm!
For a moment, the countless great powers of Hong Huang were shocked!

"What, the leader of the Dongyi Group is an ancestor witch?"

"All the ancestral witches have already fallen in the Lich decisive battle that year. Why are there other ancestral witches in the witch clan?"

"The Jiuli tribe, the blood of the witches, the ancestors of the witches, the witches have such a big plan, they want to take away the position of the emperor of the human race, so as to promote the great prosperity of the witches."

Even the faces of the saints were dim. The Dongyi Group represented the Wu Clan, and they knew about it.

But they didn't know that Chi You was the reincarnation of the ancestor witch of the Wu clan.

The reincarnation of the ancestor witch is no small matter, once Chi You is allowed to prove the position of the human emperor.

The luck of the human race will completely flow into the Wu clan, and by then, everything will be out of control.

Kunlun Mountain, Yuxu Palace, and above the clouds in the sky, countless precious lights were shining, drowning Yuan Shi's figure, revealing only a pair of cold eyes.

If he had known in advance that Chi You was the reincarnation of Zu Wu, he would have resolved this threat at the earliest opportunity!

Prehistoric, the land of the Central Plains, on the battlefield of competition.

The Xuanyuan clan, the Xuannv of Nine Heavens couldn't help but change slightly when she saw the five great witches suddenly appearing.

The five great witches all possess the ultimate magic power of Da Luo, and once they make a move, they will destroy the world.

If you want to deal with their millions of troops, you can't even warm up.

No, even the aftermath of these great witches' shots is far from being able to resist these armies.

With a thought, three volumes of snow-white heavenly scriptures appeared in front of Nine Heavens Profound Girl.

"go with!"

The supreme mana of Xuannv Da Luo Jinxian in the later period was poured into the three volumes of heavenly books, and for a while, strands of milky white divine light emerged from the heavenly books, turning them into barriers.

It hangs over the people of Xiyi Group and Dongyi Group.

There was coldness in the eyes of the great witches, as long as all the troops of the Xiyi Group were wiped out, then Lord Zuwu would be able to succeed as the co-lord and revive the witch clan.

Even if they are tainted with endless murderous aura for this, they are worth it.

Jiufeng raised his hand and punched hard on the milky white barrier.

Jiufeng is a top witch, Da Luo is perfect, with powerful mana, terrifying, just one punch, and the enchantment constructed by the top-grade innate spirit treasure began to roar and shake.

Even the surface layer has fine and dense cracks.

"Follow me to break through the barrier, and help Master Zuwu to give his last arm!"

Just when Jiufeng and the others were preparing to join forces to break the barrier.

There was only a stern shout, and not far away, twelve figures had already flown over, they were the twelve golden immortals.

The Twelve Golden Immortals gasped as they looked at the cracked milky white barrier!
One step later, the barrier will be shattered, the Xiyi Group will be annihilated, and the battle for the Emperor will be completely defeated.

When the time comes, their luck will turn back and they will be killed. What is their chance of survival?
Guang Chengzi flew to the front of the great witches, and said sarcastically in a cold voice.

"Back then when the lich fought, you just managed to survive, which led to the end of the lich. The eleven ancestor witches all died in battle. Now that you are not living in the Netherworld, you dare to jump out. You are really audacious!"

"Surviving on an ignoble basis? My witch clan stands upright, where did I survive on an ignoble existence?"

Jiufeng immediately retorted that they migrated to the Netherworld to protect the remaining blood of the witch clan.

Guang Chengzi turned a deaf ear to it, "It's not that you are just trying to survive, so why did you run away when the battle was approaching? You are still the great witches of the witch tribe, but you are not even as good as some witch soldiers of the earth immortals and heavenly immortals. If I were you, I would hide in the Netherworld. They won't come out even if they are killed."

Being ridiculed by Guang Chengzi, the faces of the five great witches instantly became extremely ugly.

"Arrogance, give me my life!"

Xing Tian couldn't bear it anymore, raised the huge ax in his hand, and struck at Guang Chengzi.

With a flash of precious light in Guang Chengzi's hand, the Fantian Seal appeared in his hand, activated by mana, the Fantian Seal grew larger against the wind, and blasted towards Xing Tian's giant axe!

This seal of heaven was refined from a piece of Buzhou Mountain that was intercepted by Yuan Shi with great mana when the Lich decisive battle was over. It is extremely powerful. The vast power of Buzhou Mountain, coupled with Yuanshi's crafting method, the power is comparable to the best innate spirit treasure!


In mid-air, Fan Tianyin and the giant ax collided together, setting off a terrifying mana storm, and then, Fan Tianyin and the giant ax flew back into the hands of Guang Chengzi and Xing Tian at the same time.

It's just that the Fantian seal in Guang Chengzi's hand is still intact, but the giant ax in Xing Tian's hand has two gaps.

Looking at the brilliant golden light on the Fantian seal, Jiufeng's pupils shrank slightly. The succession of a saint should not be underestimated.

But today's battle is a battle related to the future of his Wu clan, and he must not retreat.

Jiufeng and Xiangliu looked at each other and shouted coldly, "Kill!"

The five great witches all sacrificed their own witch treasures and killed the Twelve Golden Immortals. The terrifying breath of Da Luo swept across the nine heavens and ten places. It is the quasi-sage Daxiu. To stay away!

"Junior Brothers, follow me to fight, the position of Human Emperor must never fall into the hands of the Wu Clan."

Guangchengzi led eleven golden immortals, each sacrificed their spiritual treasures, and killed together with the five ancestor witches. As for the Nine Heavens Xuannv, she used the heavenly book as a barrier to protect the Dongyi and Xiyi armies below!
In mid-air, the twelve golden immortals were full of fighting spirit, and each sacrificed their own tyrannical magic weapons.

Guangchengzi sacrificed Fantianyin.

Chi Jingzi sacrificed the yin and yang mirror.

Daoist Yuding sacrificed the Sword of Severing Immortals.

Daoist Taiyi sacrificed the Kowloon God Fire Cover.

Fearing Liusun sacrificed the immortal rope.

Countless pieces of terrifying spiritual treasures were thrown at the five great witches.

The five great witches looked at the magic weapon attacking in the air, snorted softly, neither looked at nor avoided, but directly killed all the golden fairies.


Countless spirit treasures landed on the body of the great witch, and there was a crisp sound of gold and iron clashing. Then, the spirit treasures were bounced away, and countless white marks were left on the body of the great witch!

At this time, the witch treasures of the five great witches had already arrived on the faces of the Twelve Golden Immortals.

There was only a bang, Twelve Golden Immortals covered their faces, and crazily backed away.

Daoist Huanglong's cultivation base was the weakest, and he didn't have any powerful spirit treasures to protect his body. He even spat out a big mouthful of blood, and his face turned pale instantly, obviously he had suffered heavy injuries.

This scene that happened on the battlefield of the deer battle shocked countless prehistoric overhauls!

The flesh body of the Wu Clan was indeed terrifying, and the attacks of Da Luoxian, Guang Chengzi and others were unable to break through the defense.

Although part of the reason was that Guang Chengzi's cultivation was not as good as these great witches, it was terrifying enough!

"Come again!"

Guang Chengzi only felt his skin burning. He is the direct descendant of a saint. He is the face of elucidating teachings. In front of countless immortal saints, he was suppressed and beaten by great witches. What is the face of the saint?
For a moment, except for Huanglong Daoist who was seriously injured and hid in the heavenly book barrier, the other eleven golden immortals killed Jiufeng and other five great witches again.

In Kunlun Mountains, in Yuxu Palace, Yuan Shi's face has sunk to the extreme.

"The Witch Clan, you really have the courage to go up to the sky. Today, we must suppress it with the power of thunder."

"Where is the lamp?"

Yuan Shi's voice was ethereal, but with a supreme majesty!
After a while, Ran Deng flew to Yuxu Palace and bowed to the saint, "Randeng, I have seen the teacher, what can the teacher tell you?"

Ran Deng has been cultivating hard, and he doesn't know about the great battle on the battlefield.

"Go down to the lower realm, suppress the five great witches, and then escort them to Kunlun Mountain."


Ran Deng said yes, and exited Yuxu Palace. After a little inspection, he saw the hinterland of the Central Plains, the twelve golden immortals and five great witches who were fighting fiercely on the battlefield.

"Hiss, the Twelve Golden Immortals, the five Great Witches, how could there be a war between them?"

The sage's Dharma aims at the body, and the burning lamp dare not stay longer, and rushes to the lower realm quickly.

At this time, in the lower realm, on the battlefield of the deer competition, Guang Chengzi and the others were clearly at a disadvantage, relying on the spirit treasure in their hands to survive.

There is no way, these great witches are not only physically strong and difficult to break through, but also have profound magic power and infinite power. If it weren't for the Twelve Golden Immortals practicing in Kunlun Mountains every day, they have their own set of methods to fight the enemy, I am afraid they have already lost. But even that is now in jeopardy.

"The sage's succession, from today's perspective, is nothing more than that."

Xing Tian grinned and displayed the supernatural powers of the witch clan. His body suddenly became hundreds of thousands of feet, and the mighty power like a god and demon blessed him, allowing him to overlook the world.

He swung his huge axe, transferred all the magic power in his body, and slashed at Eleven Golden Immortals.


The huge ax seemed to tear open the world, and the light of the ax slashed fiercely at Eleven Golden Immortals.

"Puff puff!"

The sound of vomiting blood and screaming was endless, Eleven Golden Immortals were chopped thousands of miles away by Xing Tian's axe.

His whole body was covered in blood, and he was extremely weak. The spirit treasure in his hand was stained by the light of the ax and became extremely dim. The Twelve Golden Immortals were no longer able to fight.

"As expected of a top wizard, combined with the power of twelve golden immortals, he is no match for him."

"Sure enough, it's terrifying. If it weren't for the monster clan, who else in this world would be the opponent of the witch clan?"

"The Twelve Golden Immortals represent the direct succession of the saints. The Yuanshi saints should not just sit idly by?"

"Yes, above the Twelve Golden Immortals, there are saints. No matter how strong these great witches are, how can they be the enemy of saints?"

Thousands of people in the prehistoric world, countless quasi-sage monks whispering, and even some gossip, such an interesting scene, I don’t know how many years I haven’t seen it.

The great witches looked at the Twelve Golden Immortals and sneered, just as they were about to break the barrier of the Heavenly Book and help Chi You unify the Central Plains.

The void was suddenly pierced, and a figure appeared in front of the Twelve Golden Immortals.

"Teacher Burning Lamp."

Guang Chengzi exclaimed.

The person who came was the deputy leader of the interpretation and education, Taoist Ran Deng.

"Ran Deng Daoist is here, and now, the situation of the Wu Clan is not good!"

"Ran Deng is a quasi-sage monk. No matter how strong those great witches are, they are not on the same level as Da Luo Xian."

"The old Taoist Ran Deng has also come. Now, it's getting more and more interesting."

Daoist Ran Deng looked at the five great witches, and snorted coldly, "Jiufeng, Xiangliu, you are so courageous, you dare to pass the hand to the saint, are you really not afraid of death?"

Xing Tian was already red-eyed, no matter who Ran Deng was, he threw a punch at Ran Deng, "Where did you get it from, let's eat my ax first."

Seeing that Xing Tian made a direct attack, Jiufeng, Xiangliu, Feng Bo, and Yu Shi also immediately attacked Ran Deng.

Ran Deng was startled, he didn't expect these great witches to attack him directly.

While sacrificing the companion spirit treasure, the coffin palace lantern, while defending against the other four great ancestor witches.

With a pinch of five fingers, they turned into fists, and quickly collided with Xing Tian's fist, and then quickly separated. On the surface, they seemed to be indistinguishable, but Ran Deng's five fingers were so painful that they were about to twist.

He still underestimated the power of the great witch of the Wu clan, which was much stronger than he had imagined.

Although it was extremely painful, on the surface of Ran Deng, he still had to pretend that nothing had happened.

Xing Tian clenched his fist, feeling nothing, and the fighting spirit on his face became more vigorous, "Come again!!"

For a moment, relying on their rough skin and thick flesh, the five major witch clans directly attacked the lamp with the force of thunder, blocking all the back roads of the lamp in all directions, heaven and earth.

The Wu clan fought very bravely and never talked about the way out.

Coupled with the fact that Ran Deng was afraid of the body of the witch clan, for a while, Ran Deng was at a disadvantage.

"It's a pity that the old Taoist Lantern is also a quasi-saint monk, but he was suppressed and beaten by the Wu Clan. It really embarrasses us quasi-saint monks."

"Then what can Ran Deng say, one of the three thousand guests of Zixiao in the past, how can he be timid and timid in fighting, without the demeanor of a strong man?"

"Look, Ran Deng is about to die!"

On the battle field, the five great ancestor witches transformed themselves into giant wizard bodies hundreds of thousands of feet high, gathered their mana in one place, turned into a big fist that covered the sky, and hit the lamp fiercely.

With a sound of "Boom!", the cracking sound shocked the world, and Ran Deng was slammed into the ground by this giant fist.

After the giant fist dissipated, Ran Deng flew out of the ground in disgrace.

A bit of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and his face was full of fear.

These great witches are too heaven-defying, even if their magic power is strong, their physical body is even more unbelievable. He is determined to be no match, and life is the most important thing!
Driving the Vulture Palace Lantern, regardless of the three sevens and twenty ones, the burning lamp turned into a stream of light and fled away, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Seeing Ran Deng running away, Hong Huang's countless powers couldn't help laughing, almost laughing out loud!

The dignified quasi-sage monk was beaten and fled by several Da Luoxians. Looking at the endless years of prehistoric times, this is the first time he has encountered it.

On Kunlun Mountain, Yuxu Palace, and above the heavenly clouds, Yuan Shi's expression has completely sunk.

The terrifying Shengwei seems to be waking up, and the surrounding earth, fire, water, and wind seem to be trembling, shattered, annihilated, and reorganized!

(End of this chapter)

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