Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 142 Xuanyuan Good Fortune Sutra, 6 Ears in the Fairy Mountain

Chapter 142 Xuanyuan Sutra of Creation, Fairy Mountain Meets Six Ears

In the prehistoric land of the Northern Darkness, under an iceberg that is billions of feet high.

The five great demon saints gathered here, Ying Zhao, Fei Lian, and Ji Meng were full of unwillingness on their faces.

"On the battlefield, it would be great if the sage personally took action and wiped out the witch clan."

"The Wu Clan people should have died a long time ago!"

"It's hateful that I, Your Majesty the Demon Emperor, will die together with such a rough man. I'm not reconciled!"

The demon saints were very unwilling, and wished to replace Yuan Shi, kill Chi You, and cut off the blood of the witch clan.

Bai Ze was mature and prudent, very wise, "Stop complaining, and don't worry about the witch clan. Our top priority is to secretly recruit more monster clan powers, and wait for the return of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

Bai Ze's eyes were filled with an unprecedented fire!
Not long ago, His Royal Highness Luya sent a message that he had successfully broken through and entered the next stage of Daluo Jinxian. It was not a quasi-sage, but a Hunyuan Jinxian!

Proving the way according to the law, breaking free from the shackles of heaven, is a great freedom and freedom, even surpassing the Emperor Jun of the year, Donghuang Taiyi!

At this time, Bai Ze completely ignored the affairs of the Wu Clan.

He wants to strengthen the background of the demon clan and successfully prepare for the return of the new demon emperor!

In the prehistoric land, on the other side of the Central Plains, Dongyi Group.

Chi You looked at the Jiuli people who were exhausted from fighting for years, Chi You sighed deeply, and began to resume production.

A year later, in another part of the Central Plains, a tribe came to take over the Jiuli tribe.

After Chi You handed over the Jiuli Tribe, he took 81 generals under his command, as well as five great witches including Xiangliu, Xingtian, Jiufeng, Fengbo, and Yushi, to the depths of Buzhou Mountain, in the direction of the old Pangu Palace. migrate away.

In the depths of Buzhou Mountain, in the Pangu Palace, Chi You looked at the pool of blood that had dried up and become full again.

Feeling the incomparably vast power in it, Chi You's face showed a firm fighting spirit again!

"Father God's blood pool is still there, and all hope is there. Wu Clan, there will definitely be a day of revival."

Chi You clenched his fists, looked at the great witches, and said.

"Starting from today, each of you will take turns to follow me into the blood pool to practice. Sooner or later, the name of my witch clan will once again resound throughout the wild land!"

In the depths of the sea of ​​blood, in the Netherworld, among the six paths of reincarnation, Houtu's grateful voice came.

"Thank you so much nephew, if not for nephew's help this time, I don't know what will happen to the witch clan."

With deep gratitude on Houtu's face, he cupped his hands at Chen Xuanji.

On the battlefield, if Yuan Shi really did something, there was absolutely no possibility that the Wu Clan would survive.

And she, due to the restriction of heaven, could not leave the nether world.

The fate of the witch clan will only be extremely miserable.

"Uncle Master, you are being polite. It's just a matter of raising your hands. Besides, the blood of my human race is also flowing in the bodies of the Jiuli tribe. How can we kill them all?"

"It's just that Chi You's character is too stubborn. I asked him to come to the Netherworld, but he refused. In the prehistoric land, I don't know what trouble I will cause."

Hou Tu was faintly worried that Chi You was the last ancestral witch bloodline of his witch clan.

If something happened again, how should he explain to his brothers and Father God?
"Don't worry too much, you will learn a lot from a pitfall, after Chi You has gone through this incident, he will definitely understand a lot and won't act recklessly again."

"I hope so."

Houtu sighed lightly. He used to think that saints have no troubles.

But now that I have proved the Tao, the worrying things still come one after another, and there is no escape.

After Chen Xuanji stayed in the Netherworld for a while, he began to travel around the wilderness.

After the era of Heaven, Earth, Man, and the Three Emperors, the human race has become more prosperous. The total number of people has been unable to be counted, but it is extremely large.

On the way of Chen Xuanji's journey through the prehistoric times, at the same time, he comprehended the laws of earth, fire, water, wind, and heaven and earth.

In order to hope to be able to touch the opportunity of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, decades have passed.

On this day, the Xuanyuan clan left the customs in Wanqiu, the capital of Huaxu Kingdom, and at the same time wrote a book with great magic power.

Xuanyuan Good Fortune Sutra!
It is all-encompassing, involving astronomy, geography, humanities, theories, governance, governance, kingly ways, and domineering techniques.

Among them, the method of Renhuang's practice is even mixed in. The method of Renhuang's practice is a method practiced with the help of human luck.

After writing the scriptures, the Xuanyuan family began to look for candidates for the next co-lord.

Of the five emperors, two were divided among Chanjiao and three were divided among Western religions.

In Kunlun Mountain, in Yuxu Palace, Yuan Shi's expression was gloomy, and he dispatched Daoist Cihang to the lower realm.

Daoist Cihang went down to the realm, selected one of the countless great talents of the human race with the most luck, and began to teach him.

After ten years of careful teaching by Cihang, the great talent of the human race finally became a talent, and he was favored by the Xuanyuan clan, and became the next co-lord of the human race, for Zhuanxu!

After handing over the human race to Zhuanxu, Master Cihang shared a fortune and returned to Kunlun Mountain to return to his life.

The Xuanyuan family also left Wanqiu and returned to Yujing Mountain, the ancestral land of the human race.

At this time, the three emperors returned to the throne, and the human race had three quasi-sage monks sitting in charge.

Although in the middle combat power, it is still slightly insufficient.

But among all the prehistoric races, he was already at the top, and he was no longer an ant that anyone could bully.

The Temple of the Human Race, Kongtong Yin was nourished by a large amount of human luck.

It is brighter and more splendid, and at the same time feeds back the golden dragon of luck, making the luck of the human race flourish.

After Zhuanxu succeeded to the throne, he followed the system of the Three Emperors era. For a while, the human race was peaceful and peaceful everywhere, and for a while, the entire human race was free from swordsmanship.

In the 33rd day, Daluotian, the Lingxiao Palace, there are thousands of rays of light, thousands of auspicious colors, and dancing real dragons and auspicious phoenixes.

Haotian looked at the human race that was getting stronger day by day, feeling filled with emotion.

Since Haotian succeeded to the throne, he has been conscientious and conscientious, and he has never slacked off for a day. He has worked hard to govern the prehistoric, in order to let all the people return to their hearts, and let the prehistoric people know that the new heaven is far better than the demon court.

He has put in a lot of effort, but the results are not satisfactory. Today, the situation in the heavenly court has not changed much from when he first succeeded to the throne.

Tens of thousands of races are independent, saints and Taoists are supreme, and although the Heavenly Court is nominally superior and governs all races, in fact, apart from some earth immortals and immortals, Xuanxian Jinxian and Taiyi Immortal, there is not a single monk who can represent the majesty of the Heavenly Court.

As for Emperor Qinghua of the East Pole?

He is one of the six emperors, but he is also the head of the male immortal, the true reincarnation of the Eastern Prince.

In a sense, it is an existence of the same status as him.

Because of the beheading of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi in the previous life, he has been targeting the Beiming Monster Clan intentionally or unintentionally over the years.

Anyway, since the re-establishment of the Heavenly Court, Haotian has not seen Emperor Qinghua of Dongji yet.

Haotian sighed, "The great prosperity of the human race, the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, we still have to establish a good relationship with the human race first. However, while interacting with the human race, we must not ignore the power of the heaven itself."

Haotian was thinking, and suddenly thought of something, "Chaos."

Haotian's body is a piece of chaotic rock. After he was enlightened by Hongjun, he followed Hongjun all the time and became a boy of Hongjun.

It's just that in Chaos at that time, besides Haotian, there were two Chaos stubborn stones, but Hongjun didn't take a fancy to them because of his poor morality.

After a long time, after countless tens of thousands of years, those two chaotic rocks now showed signs of being born.

Chaos Stone, from a certain level, can barely be regarded as the heel of chaos, but in terms of potential, it is not much different from the innate heel.

But it is foreseeable that there must be no problem with the two chaotic rocks absorbing an unknown amount of chaotic energy through the passage of time.

For today's Heavenly Court, the two Great Luo Immortals are also very precious.

Thinking of this, Haotian quickly called Li Changgeng.

Li Changgeng, the Taiyi Golden Immortal, has no treasures, no apprentices, and no achievements. He is similar to the Daoist Huanglong.

Heels are also average. He was originally a casual cultivator in the wilderness, but he traveled in the wilderness on weekdays, collecting some resources to improve his cultivation, and he was in a daze. Haotian's special envoy is dedicated to conveying various intentions for Haotian.

Taibai Jinxing is an old man with a white beard, wearing a snow-white robe, after arriving at Lingxiao Palace, he quickly saluted Haotian.

"Minister Taibai Jinxing, pay my respects to Your Majesty."

Haotian waved his hand slightly, "I want to leave the Heavenly Court for a while, you assist the Queen of Heaven to maintain the operation of the Heavenly Court, there must be no mistakes."

Taibai Jinxing was puzzled, but he didn't dare to ask further questions, and nodded in agreement, "I understand, Your Majesty can rest assured."

After sending away Taibaijinxing, Haotian went alone through the barriers of the prehistoric world and arrived at Chaos.

In the chaos, there is a mess of earth, fire, water, wind, and chaos air. It took Haotian a long time to lock the position of the other two chaotic rocks, and then rushed away.

In the land of the human race, Zhuanxu ruled the world, and the human race ushered in another prosperous age. Chen Xuanji traveled around the human race, and was very satisfied with what he saw and heard, but under the prosperous age, he discovered a problem.

The human race has not yet had its own weights and measures.

For example, the amount of land is counted according to the pace.

For example, let the Jiuli people measure a piece of land with their feet, and it takes only a hundred steps to measure it.

If it is measured by a human race with a shorter stature, it will take 130 steps to complete the measurement.

In this way, it is inconvenient to count, but the difference in quantity is too large. If it is not for the vastness of the prehistoric land and the sparse population, there must be contradictions.

Chen Xuanji thought for a while, took out the Hongmeng measuring ruler, and handed it to Zhuanxu.

The primordial measure of heaven and earth can not help but be the treasure of acquired merit and virtue, killing people without cause and effect, and at the same time it has the function of unifying weights and measures.

Zhuanxu was overjoyed when he got the Grandmist Measuring Ruler, and quickly ordered someone to imitate it. In less than a month, it was promoted to the entire Wanqiu, and then radiated to the surrounding areas, which promoted the progress of the human race.

Zhuanxu thanked Chen Xuanji sincerely, "Thank you Saint Master, if it weren't for Saint Master, I don't know how long it would take for the human race to develop further."

Zhuanxu was a great emperor of a generation, and after receiving the knowledge of the interpretation and the teachings of the Xuanyuan family, he naturally understood the great significance of weights and measures to the human race.

With weights and measures, building houses, making farm tools, and making weapons, there is a system, and measuring land, there are rules, which can greatly improve the cohesion of the human race.

Chen Xuanji just smiled slightly at this, "It's nothing to worry about."

Then tear apart the space and continue to travel the prehistoric world!
A hundred years passed by in the blink of an eye, Zhuanxu abdicated, and gave up the throne to Di Ku, and the interpretation and teaching once again benefited a lot.

So far, the human race has ushered in the era of Emperor Ku!
At the same time, Chen Xuanji traveled through the wilderness and came to a fairy mountain.

Under the fairy mountain, there is a group of monkeys, there are probably more than a thousand monkeys.

These monkeys drank mountain springs when they were thirsty and ate fairy peaches when they were hungry. Although they did not understand the skills of cultivation, they had strong muscles and bones and infinite strength, and no mortal tribe came to disturb them.

It's just that the leader of this group of monkeys is very extraordinary, with pale golden hair, six ears, and extraordinary rhymes shining all over his body.

Chen Xuanji's mana flowed into his eyes, and when he took a closer look, he was secretly surprised that the six-eared monkey's body was as strong as the mysterious turtle that Beiming had seen in the past!

"Six ears, strong Dao Yun, should be the six-eared macaque that eavesdropped when Taoist Patriarch Zixiao Palace preached!"

Chen Xuanji had a guess in his mind. He cast his mana and shook the mountain for a moment. The monkey group was frightened and fled in all directions. Only the leader of the monkeys with six ears remained motionless, as stable as Mount Tai.

"Who is playing tricks in the dark?"

Liu Er has a great ability, and he noticed the movement all at once.

Chen Xuanji Shi Shiran appeared, stared intently at the monkey in front of him, and suddenly said, "Six-eared macaque!"

The six-eared macaque was startled, and its body flickered subconsciously, but it only felt that the surrounding void was sticky and solidified, as if it was imprisoned, and it remained motionless!
"What six-eared macaque, why can't you understand?"

The monkey in front of him didn't admit it.

Chen Xuanji smiled slightly, "You can deceive others with these words, but you can't deceive me. I am a direct descendant of a sage of the Qing Dynasty, a six-eared macaque. Do you want to keep covering up?"

"The saint's succession?"

Horror appeared in the monkey's eyes, but subconsciously he didn't believe it.

Seeing that the monkey still didn't believe it, Chen Xuanji began to talk about the monkey's origin.

"When Daozu was preaching, three thousand guests from Zixiao went to Chaos Zixiao Palace to listen to the lecture. You are not good enough to go to Zixiao Palace, so you have supernatural powers to eavesdrop. You never wanted to be discovered by Daozu. Six ears."

Halfway through Chen Xuanji's speech, the monkey's expression kept changing, and he directly admitted his identity as a six-eared macaque.

"You are looking for me, what's the matter?"

The six-eared macaque is concise and to the point.

He is extremely talented, but for countless thousands of years, he has no way to practice.

Therefore, he has not yet cultivated the way of immortality, only the supernatural power of listening to all things is still useful.

It's just that there is a saying that the Taoist ancestor's law should not be passed on to the six ears. When monks in the wilderness teach supernatural powers, exercises, and secret techniques, they will be recorded on jade slips and taught privately.

In this way, no matter how powerful the six ears are, they will not be able to hear.

Gradually, he became disheartened, wandering among the mountains, and being a monkey king was considered carefree and at ease.

"I didn't come here specially to find you, I just traveled here and happened to see you."

Chen Xuanji denied it.

The six-eared macaque looked stunned for a moment, then bowed its hands to Chen Xuanji and wanted to leave.

"Wait a mininute."

Chen Xuanji stopped the six-eared macaque, and said quite seductively, "Do you want to cultivate and set foot on the fairy road?"

In the body of the six ears, the body has the origin of the chaotic demon ape, with great potential and immortality. In the future, he will be recruited by the Western Sect and join the Western Sect.

It's fine if you don't meet him, but now that you meet him, it's not impossible to withdraw such a good seedling?

As for what law is not taught to six ears, it may have a deterrent effect on some small sects, but for the sage orthodoxy, it is the same as having or not.

(End of this chapter)

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