Chapter 144
The patriarch of the Shihuang tribe thought of the three emperors of heaven, earth and man in the past.

The three emperors are all talented and general, the emperor of heaven creates gossip, the emperor of earth searches for grains, and the emperor of man unites.

They are all great achievements that benefit the present and benefit the future.

The most important thing is that heaven, earth, man, and the three emperors are extraordinary when they are young, and they are taught by great supernatural beings.

Could it be that his Shihuang tribe, whose ancestral veins have smoked, wanted to give birth to such a great figure?

The more the patriarch of Shihuang's tribe thought about it, the more excited he became.

The child's mother was lying on the bed with tiredness in her beautiful eyes.

"Husband, please give our son a name."

The patriarch of the Shihuang tribe pondered for a while, then said slowly, "Let's call him Cangjie, how about it?"


Cang, refers to ample food and clothing, great virtue, and jie, refers to being famous all over the world, and extraordinary in the world.

The meaning of the combination is naturally clear without saying.

Cang Jie's mother showed a hint of relief on her face, and looked at her son lovingly, "You will be called Cang Jie from now on."

With the birth of Cangjie, in Yujing Mountain, the ancestral land of the human race, above the temple of the human race, above the majestic luck, an extremely intense literary spirit emerged!

The three clans, the three emperors, Zhuanxu, and Di Ku all understood when they saw each other, and the sage of the human race had already been born.

Wensheng represents that the inheritance of the human race has been settled. Even in the past hundreds of millions of years, the inheritance of the human race will not be immortal and last forever.

"This is the first Glyph Saint of my human race. It must be protected and nothing will go wrong!"

Human literati are born with great luck, great merit, and also have the protection of literary luck.

In the eyes of all races except the human race, it is tantamount to a great tonic.

Eat the kind that can grow for tens of thousands of years.

It would be a huge loss if the human sage was swallowed before returning to his throne.

"Let me come."

Xuanyuan recommended himself and stood up.

The emperor is unified, and Xuanyuan's body is born with the spirit of killing and fighting.

Moreover, his Taoism is also the most profound, ranking in the level of quasi-sage Dzogchen!
It is in the same sequence as Zhen Yuanzi and Styx Patriarch.

Although in actual combat, he is definitely not the opponent of Styx and Zhen Yuanzi.

But to deal with the general quasi-sage overhaul, it is simple, easy, and easy.

With the personal protection of the Xuanyuan family, the human literati will not be hindered.

"Xuanyuan's magic power is the strongest, and his Taoism is also profound. It is naturally good to have his protection."

Youchao nodded, feeling quite appropriate.

Suirenshi asked other people, and they had no opinion.

So he looked at Xuanyuan's solemnly and said in a concentrated voice.

"Okay, I will leave the task of teaching Glyph Sage to you. You must let my human race Glyph Sage grow up."

"Okay, don't worry, the ancestor."

Xuanyuan patted his chest, and then with a thought, he tore apart the space, and fled to where the literary energy was.

Not far from Shihuang's tribe, the void quietly shattered, and Xuanyuan's figure appeared in midair.

There was a faint golden light in his eyes, he looked at Cang Jie in Shi Huang's tribe, and smiled slightly.

"Intelligent and quick-witted, with natural spiritual roots, double pupils, one day, the future is limitless."

After finishing speaking, he hid in Shihuang's tribe. On the one hand, he was familiar with the quasi-jihad forces, and on the other hand, he was responsible for protecting Cangjie.

In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed.

The leader of Shihuang's tribe, following the example of the Three Emperors, asked Cangjie to learn how to govern the tribe.

Unexpectedly, Cangjie was very resistant to this and was unwilling to learn.

On the contrary, he is very interested in the characters and ancient books in Shihuang's tribe, and often forgets to eat and sleep to read them.

When Patriarch Shi Huang saw it, his Qilin'er didn't study government affairs, and read a few broken books every day, which was not bad.

If things go on like this, let alone be on par with Heaven, Earth, Man, and the Three Sovereigns.

I'm afraid that even Emperor Zhuanxu and Emperor Diku can't compare.

Patriarch Shi Huang thought hard, so he built a government office specially.

Take five hours a day, that is ten hours, to teach Cangjie.

This time, Cang Jie's rebellion was even more aroused!
Finally, one day, Cangjie couldn't take it anymore, so he left without saying goodbye, sneaked out of the tribe, and began to travel the prehistoric land.

Cangjie fled, and Shi Huang's tribe was no less than the sky falling.

The patriarch couldn't eat in a hurry, so he summoned all the people in the tribe, and was preparing to search for Cangjie on a large scale.

The Xuanyuan family appeared, standing in mid-air, with majestic eyes, humane luck like a dragon, guarding behind him.

For a moment, the Shihuang tribe, from top to bottom, the entire tribe was stunned.

"His Majesty Xuanyuan?"

I don't know who exclaimed, huh, huh, huh.

The entire Shihuang tribe bowed down to the Xuanyuan family, kowtowing like garlic.

Xuanyuan waved his hand slightly, and supported all the people from Shihuang's tribe, "There is no need to be too polite."

The patriarch of the Shihuang tribe trembled and said respectfully.

"Your Majesty Xuanyuan came to our Shihuang tribe, what orders do you have?"

The Human Sovereign unified, fought for years, expanded the territory, increased production, and defeated the Dongyi and Jiuli tribes at the same time, his achievements are unparalleled in the world.

Among the three emperors, he can be regarded as the most well-known, and at the same time, the most admired emperor. Countless people regard the human emperor as an idol.

Xuanyuan's head nodded, "I'm here because of Cangjie."


The voice of the clan chief of Shihuang's tribe rose a lot in an instant, with a bit of worry.

"Does His Majesty Xuanyuan know where Cang Jie is now?"

A smile appeared on Xuanyuan's face.

"I know what you think, but everyone has their own ambitions, and Cangjie has his own way to go. If you insist on it, it will be counterproductive, and it will harm such an excellent seedling."

Patriarch Shi Huang still hesitated, "Your Majesty Xuanyuan, Cangjie is only ten years old, young and weak, and Honghuang is full of dangers. I am really worried that he just ran out like this."

"Cang Jie has my protection, don't worry, when the time comes, I will bring Cang Jie back intact."

After Xuanyuan's words, his whole body flickered, and the space was instantly torn apart, disappearing without a trace.

Shi Huang's tribe got up with a full face, and his sluggish face instantly became overjoyed!

"Cangjie can let His Majesty Xuanyuan protect him, what kind of fate is this?"

The haze in Patriarch Shi Huang's heart was swept away, and he ordered everyone in the tribe to take their positions.

Cangjie left Shihuang's tribe and began to travel the prehistoric land.

With Xuanyuan's protection, along the way, there was no danger, but I gained a lot of insight.

In the blink of an eye, several years passed, and Cangjie traveled around the human race and experienced a lot.

Knowledge has greatly increased, but at the same time, there are many worries in my heart.

Because many tribes have different characters and languages, it is very difficult to communicate.

Sometimes I can only guess, but even so, it is difficult to communicate.

Cangjie thought of the classics in Shihuang's tribe, and then looked at the writings of many tribes.

I vowed in my heart to unify the culture of the human race and create a language that is common to all human races.

Cangjie set up a great ambition. While studying hard, he continued to travel to the prehistoric regions to learn knowledge from various tribes.

The prehistoric years don't count, and in the blink of an eye, 30 years have passed.

Cangjie's knowledge has become very rich, and he knows any tribal characters and languages ​​as soon as they are spoken.

The understanding of words, knowledge, and language has also reached an unbelievable level.

Xuanyuan, who was secretly protecting him, became a little interested.

What kind of characters can Cangjie create?
On this day, after leaving a tribe, Cangjie suddenly thought of his hometown and felt a little sad.

It has been more than 30 years, father, how are mother?

Cangjie's father and mother are both monks. His mother has the cultivation skills of refining the gods to return to the void, and his father has the cultivation base of refining the void and harmonizing the Tao. It is not a problem to live for two or three hundred years.

This is also the reason why Cangjie has not returned to his hometown for decades.

At this time, Cangjie thought of his hometown, and the feeling of homesickness in his heart surged like a mountain and a sea.

He wants to go home, return to his father and mother's side to serve, and provide for his father and mother.

It took a year for Cangjie to rush on the road, and finally returned to his hometown in a hurry.

The young and the young left home and returned to their hometown.

Over the past 30 years, the people in the tribe have changed almost twice.

Except for Cang Jie's father and mother, almost no one remembers Cang Jie anymore.

Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar tribe, Cangjie couldn't help crying.

A little girl in a coarse sarong with shofar braids and a bamboo flute in her hand bounced up to Cangjie's side, blinking her big crystal black eyes and asking.

"Are you lost? If you want, you can take a rest in our Emperor Shi's tribe."

Cangjie wiped away his tears, and laughed, "I'm originally from Shihuang's tribe!"

"My name is Cang Jie."


The little girl frowned, as if thinking of something.

"Cangjie, are you the Grandpa Cangjie that grandpa keeps talking about?"

"Who is your grandfather?"

"My grandfather's name is Li Tiedan."

"Li Tiedan"

Cangjie's thoughts danced, as if he had returned to more than 30 years ago.

The scene where he and Tie Dan and a group of friends climbed trees, caught birds, fished, and fought.

"Time flies so fast, Tie Dan even has a granddaughter."

Cangjie took the little girl's hand and walked into Shihuang's tribe.

On this day, Shihuang's tribe hosted an unprecedented feast to welcome Cangjie's return.

The bright moonlight fell, and the entire Shihuang tribe seemed to be covered with a layer of silver veil.

After the feast, Cang Jie returned to his mother, and while taking care of his mother, he was preparing to integrate and create a unified language.

A hundred years passed with a snap of the fingers.

Cang Jie's father and mother passed away in old age. Cang Jie was over 140 years old and too old to walk.

None of the contemporaries are left, and the little girl from a hundred years ago has been dead for more than ten years.

Shihuang tribe, in a remote corner, in a lonely wooden house.

After Cang Jie wrote the last word, a smile appeared on his face.

A sense of blessing appeared in his heart.

"Gen Sheng is about to return!"

The Xuanyuan family secretly said, and at the same time, their mana was raised to the peak, and they secretly guarded it.

Shocking thunder resounded from the sky, and a rainbow of five colors lifted Cangjie's body up. Soon, Cangjie flew into the air.

With a solemn expression, he said loudly, "I, Cangjie from Shihuang's tribe, created the top ten numbers and three thousand mosquitoes today. From then on, the land of the human race will be unified in writing, and the culture of the human race will be passed on to future generations and be immortal!"

After Cangjie finished speaking, big golden characters appeared in mid-air.

They are lowercase Arabic numerals, arranged in order from one to ten, with golden brilliance, reflecting the prehistoric times.

For a moment, the prehistoric world shook, and the vast cultural energy impacted nine heavens and ten earths.

All the saints opened their eyes and looked at the lower world.

"It's such a strong literary spirit, the great prosperity of the human race is irresistible."

Taiqing, Shangqing, Nuwa, all sighed, first there were three emperors and five emperors, and then a sage was born, and after that, who else can rival the human race?

Of course, Taiqing, Shangqing, and Nuwa are happy. There is a great cause and effect between them and the human race. If the human race is strong, they will naturally benefit.

But correspondingly, Yuqing, Zhunti, and Jieyin were not in such a good mood.

There is only so much luck in the prehistoric world, and if the human race thrives, they will only get more and more luck.

On the contrary, the luck obtained by the saints will naturally be less, and luck is the foundation of orthodoxy, how can they be happy?

In mid-air, the aura of the Xuanyuan clan spread out, and the quasi-sage was overwhelmed by the Great Perfection, sweeping the world, showing the heritage of the human race.

At the same time, it deters some unruly people.

Cangjie was in the air, and his fingers slid in the air, and the golden characters appeared vividly in his hands.

In a short while, the starry sky was covered, which is the number of three thousand roads.

These three thousand runes are exactly the three thousand characters created by Cangjie.

Although there are only a few [-] of them, they have the mystery of being all-encompassing and all-encompassing!

"This is a text that belongs exclusively to my human race!"

In the Yujing Mountain, there was a sound of exclamation, numbers, words, this is a milestone progress for the human race!
Numbers and words came out together, luck appeared, and a terrifying ocean of human luck fell into Cangjie's body.

For a while, Cangjie's aura continued to rise, as if he had rejuvenated, his white hair fell out, and his thick black hair grew.

The wrinkles disappeared, and the terrifying vitality nourished his body through his limbs.

Earth Immortal!


What a fairy!



Taiyi Jinxian!

Great Luo Jinxian!

Almost in an instant, he crossed many great realms and came to the quasi-sage that countless monks look up to!
For a moment, all the prehistoric peoples stared straight at him.

"Human destiny is really mysterious and terrifying!"

"That's a quasi-sacred great monk, stronger than the Heavenly Court Monster Clan and Buzhou Mountain Witch Clan back then, and they are only double ten."

"How many quasi-saint monks are there in the human race?"

"Heaven, Earth, Man, the Three Emperors, plus this Cangjie, there are four people in total. The four quasi-sages are in charge. The human race will really not be able to provoke them in the future."

There are powerful people from all races who sigh, thinking back in the past, the Qingqiu Fox Clan, the Angel Clan, was the strongest among all the prehistoric races.

There are only three or four quasi-sages, but that is the result of their hundreds of millions of years of accumulation.

As for the human race, it has only been a total of 10,000+ years since Weimo came to Daxing now?

Just thinking about these things shocked all the people.

Kunlun Mountain, Yuxu Palace, Yuan Shi's expression was unprecedentedly indifferent, with a hint of gloom.

"Things must be reversed when they are extreme. If they are prosperous to the extreme, they will be in decline. The humble human race is weak, how can it be prosperous?"

Mount Sumeru, Western religion, golden light is true, covering the world, quiet and peaceful.

"Brother, is there really any secret in this human race? The prosperity is a bit outrageous?"

Zhunti is extremely envious, the four quasi-sages, if this continues, the human race, won't they be on par with the saints?

"No true saint sits in town, no matter how powerful it is, it is just like a castle in the air, without any foundation."

Zhunti's gaze was as calm and peaceful as ever.

In Shihuang's tribe, following the appearance of the Xuanyuan family, Cang Jie immediately felt the familiar aura.

He bowed deeply to the Xuanyuan family, grateful, "Cangjie, thank you His Majesty Xuanyuan for protecting you for so many years."

(End of this chapter)

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