Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 148 The Strange Black Lotus Chaos Escape

Chapter 148 The Strange Black Lotus Chaos Escape
The vast chaos is full of countless desolations, vastness!
Chen Xuanji stood erect in the void, all the mana, or in other words, the power of law, was mentioned all over his body!

The Innate Supreme Treasure-level Grandmist Measuring Ruler stands in front of him!

Suddenly, the power of countless laws poured into Hongmeng Liangtianru's body!

The prestige of the innate treasure is quickly awakening.

The Primordial Measuring Ruler is also getting bigger involuntarily!
ten feet!

Hundred feet!

Thousands of feet!


Ten thousand feet!
Finally reached the size of a million feet!
Of course, this is not the limit of the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler. As long as he wants, the Measuring Ruler can still continue to grow.

It's just that the power contained in it will be dispersed.

The power is not as strong as that of a million feet!

At this time, the power of laws of Hunyuan Jinxian poured into the ruler of the primordial realm without reservation.

The divine power of the innate treasure was stimulated to the extreme.

A trace of indescribable jet-black divine light attached to the primordial measuring ruler!

The surrounding earth, fire, water, and wind are shaking, and the countless desolate planets can't help but tremble as if they have encountered something unprecedentedly terrifying!
There are also some chaotic beasts of the Da Luo Jinxian level, and for the first time there is hesitation in their scarlet eyes, hesitation, and they dare not go forward!

"go with!"

Chen Xuanji manipulated the million-foot-long Primordial Measuring Ruler, and slashed down fiercely in front of him!

After this blow, Chaos seemed to explode like never before.

Tens of millions of planets in the hundreds of millions of miles in front of Chen Xuanji were shattered by this blow.

Countless earth, fire, water, and wind, the four elements, are like entangled hemp balls, completely chaotic.

Countless chaotic ancient stars were shattered, annihilated, turned into nothingness, and completely turned into a mess. It was not until a long time passed that the remaining prestige gradually dissipated!

"What a terrifying power!"

Chen Xuanji gasped, his eyes were shocked!

In fact, such power is nothing in the vast chaos.

But if it is placed in the prehistoric, with all its strength, coupled with the power of the innate treasure, half of the prehistoric, I am afraid that it will suffer a devastating blow.

It's no wonder that in the future, the Great Tribulation of Conferring the Gods and the battle of the saints will directly break the prehistoric state.

"The law proves the Dao, and the Primordial Golden Immortal, coupled with the prestige of the innate treasure, is so terrifying!"

"With the Grandmist Measuring Ruler in hand, among quasi-sages, what else do I have to fear?"

With a thought, Chen Xuanji sent the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler back to the Nigong Pill for warming.

With the advancement of the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler to the innate treasure, Chen Xuanji can already feel a faint trace of spiritual wisdom from the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler.

Of course, this wisdom is still very weak, like a seedling.

Chen Xuanji reckoned that spiritual treasures above innate treasures, such as Chaos Lingbao and Chaos Supreme Treasure, could transform into true spiritual wisdom.

At that time, not only do you not have to rely on monks, but you can even practice yourself to obtain the Dao.

"The cultivation level has broken through to the Primordial Golden Immortal, and the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler has also been successfully promoted to the Innate Supreme Treasure. Next, it is time to kill some chaotic beasts and strengthen the physical body."

Just do what you say, with the blessing of the law of space on your body, Chen Xuanji fled to the distance at a fast speed!

Yigao is bold, and after breaking through the Primordial Golden Immortal, ordinary chaotic beasts are no longer in his eyes.

There is no time in the chaos, I don't know how long it has passed, Chen Xuanji suddenly raised his eyebrows, "Here we come!"

Not far away, a roc bird as big as a mountain appeared, its aura was so strong that it reached the perfection of Daluo Jinxian.

Chen Xuanji didn't hold back his breath, the bird seemed to have sensed Chen Xuanji, and there was a trace of murderous intent in its scarlet eyes!
The best blood food, delicious, rare!
"It's just that Da Luo is too weak."

Chen Xuanji shook his head slightly, even the primordial ruler was useless, it was just a purple electric hammer, under a black thunderbolt, the bird turned into flying ash.

After taking the blood essence, Chen Xuanji continued to fly into the depths of the chaos, encountering more and more ferocious beasts.

He didn't even bother to make a move when he encountered a ferocious beast in the Daluo realm under the quasi-sage, and just passed by with his breath concealed.

Only when encountering a ferocious beast of the quasi-sage level, will it be beheaded.

There is a primordial measure of the sky, and the chaotic beasts don't have much wisdom.

Most of them only rely on instinct, and it can be said that every time there is no benefit.

It was only when he encountered a large group of chaotic beasts that he fled.

However, with the law of space, the embarrassment was a bit embarrassing, but it was not injured.

On this day, Chen Xuanji stopped to slay ferocious beasts and chose a lonely planet, and Chen Xuanji began to improve his physique.

His physique, which has been baptized by the power of law, is already very tyrannical.

Coupled with the blood essence of ferocious beasts in the quasi-sage realm, the speed of improvement is even more terrifying.

When the essence and blood are used up, the strength of the physical body has increased by [-]% compared to before!

"The physical body still has the potential to continue to improve, let's hunt another wave."

Chen Xuanji squeezed his fist and said secretly.

Anyway, the chaos is boundless, and there are even more chaotic beasts. As long as they can improve their strength, they can be killed.

This time, Chen Xuanji did not intend to continue hunting nearby.

These chaotic beasts nearby are no stronger than those in the junior and middle stages of quasi-sages.

As for the later stage of the quasi-sage, the great consummation of the quasi-sage is even more rare.

He wanted to go deeper, to see the strength of the beasts in the late Zhunsheng period, and even Dzogchen.

"With the array map given by Master, coupled with the laws of space that I have comprehended, and the innate treasure, the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler, even if I meet a few quasi-sages who are Dzogchen, they will not be able to keep me."

Chen Xuanji summed up his overall strength and danger level, and decided to give it a try.

He restrained all his breath and took off.

Continue to fly, I do not know how long the flight, and saw a huge monument.

On the huge stele, there are two big characters "Honghuang" written in the ancient divine script of Honghuang.

After the third lecture of Zixiao Palace, countless quasi-sages and even Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian level fierce beasts continued to wander outside the prehistoric, hunting and killing prehistoric monks.

During that period of time, even Di Jun, Donghuang Taiyi, Sanqing, Nuwa, Zhunti, and other great monks who received and led, did not dare to go out alone in the chaos to seek opportunities.

In the end, it was Dao Ancestor who took the initiative, and with his supreme mana, he wiped out the chaotic beasts around the prehistoric area, and erected a huge monument.

On the giant monument, there is a great magic power of the pseudo-heavenly realm, preventing the quasi-sacred beasts from entering!
Even if one or two beasts from the junior and middle stages of quasi-sage slipped in occasionally, it wouldn't hurt.

As for the later period of the quasi-sage, the fierce beasts of the quasi-sage's great consummation will be directly shocked by the huge monument, and they dare not rush in at all.

When Chen Xuanji crossed the huge monument, it also showed that he had left the prehistoric territory and arrived at the real chaotic zone.

Carefully stepping over the huge monument, Chen Xuanji cheered up.

The real chaos, the crisis is far from what it was before.

Not to mention the quasi-sage Daxiu, even the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, a fierce beast equivalent to the saint of the prehistoric heaven, is very likely to appear.

If he is not careful, he will die without a place to bury him. When the time comes, Master will not come out to save him.

In the vast chaos, Chen Xuanji restrained his breath and kept moving forward.

Soon, there was a discovery - a chaotic beast of the late quasi-sage.

Chen Xuanji secretly followed, and finally, on a remote planet, he suddenly launched a sneak attack.

After a fierce battle, coupled with the innate treasure Hongmeng measuring the sky.

It didn't take much effort, but it was successfully beheaded and its original blood essence was taken!

"This is."

Chen Xuanji's pupils shrank slightly, after taking the blood essence of the chaotic beast.

At its heart, a very strange black lotus flower pattern was unexpectedly found.

Bewitching and weird, the twelve petals are stretched freely, as if there is darkness flowing in it, with a breathtaking magic power, giving people a very weird feeling.

"It's a weird feeling. Could it be that this thing was born with this chaotic beast?"

But the next moment, Chen Xuanji shook his head fiercely.

"No, absolutely not. I have killed countless ferocious beasts on the edge of the wild before, but I have never seen this black lotus, which is enough to show that chaotic beasts will not be accompanied by these things."

Chaotic beasts, although their shapes and appearances are different, their origins are the same.

Many other ferocious beasts don't have it, only the one in front of me has it, which means that this black lotus is by no means ordinary.

Chen Xuanji thought for a while, and instead of touching the black lotus, he directly discarded the corpse of the beast.

Then continue to shoot and start hunting the beasts.

Holding the Primordial Heaven Measuring Ruler in his hand, coupled with his powerful physical strength, Chen Xuanji soon beheaded dozens of fierce beasts.

One early quasi-sage, three mid-sage quasi-sages, thirteen late-sage quasi-sages, and one fierce beast of the Dzogchen level.

After harvesting all the essence and blood, Chen Xuanji discovered that the beasts in the early and middle stages of the quasi-sage had an empty body, except for the essence and blood.

In the later period of Zhunsheng, there is a black twelve-petal lotus imprint on the heart of the Zhunsheng Dzogchen beast.

It exudes a strange and dark breath, which is very different from the spirit of immortality.

"This lotus. Why is it similar to Master Minghe's karma red lotus, Master Master's meritorious virtue golden lotus, and the world-cleaning white lotus I cut off to teach?"

Chen Xuanji once again observed the black lotus on the corpse of the beast.

I couldn't help being startled, and an amazing idea popped up.

In the past, there was a blue lotus created by the treasure of chaos, and its four lotus seeds were transformed into a twelve-rank white lotus, a twelve-rank golden lotus, a twelve-rank karmic red lotus, and a twelve-rank black lotus.

The White Lotus of Pure World is currently teaching, the Golden Lotus of Merit is teaching in the West, and the Red Lotus of Karma is in the hands of Styx.

And these [-]th-rank World-Exterminating Black Lotuses were the treasures in the hands of the Demon Ancestor Luohu during the battle between Taoism and Demons.

The twelve-petal black lotus imprint in front of him could not be the method of Demon Ancestor Luohu.

Then I thought of the Heavenly Demon God that the quasi-sacred late monk called last time at the Chaos Clock.

Chen Xuanji couldn't help but feel chills in his heart, the Demon Ancestor Luohu was the one who fought against the Dao Ancestor back then.

The master said that in the battle between Taoism and demons, the demon ancestor Luohu did not die, but escaped from the prehistoric world.

Now that so many years have passed, it is very likely that Luo Hu has broken through to the realm of heaven, that is, the realm of Hunyuan Wuji Golden Immortal.

A single thought of this kind of person may cause him to die without a place to bury him.

Thinking of this, Chen Xuanji's face turned cold, afraid of being targeted by the Demon Ancestor Luohu, he used the law of space and ran towards the prehistoric direction with all his strength.

In the vast chaos, in a palace that is infinitely far away from the prehistoric world.

A handsome black-robed Taoist opened his eyes.

His eyes are deep, with a terrifying divine light flowing, and the Hunyuan aura around him is constantly surging, exuding great terror and threat!
This is indeed a real Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

"The direction of the prehistoric world. Someone shot and killed many demon species!"

A look of surprise flashed across the handsome black-robed Taoist's face.

But soon, the surprise turned into murderous intent!
"The demon seed is related to Master Demon Ancestor's plan to conquer the prehistoric world, and there must be no mistakes!"

With a thought, the black-robed Taoist instantly connected countless chaotic beasts with supreme mana, and ordered them to besiege and kill those who killed the demons!

Chen Xuanji used the law of space to flee towards the wilderness, and couldn't help being slightly surprised.

He noticed that there were two or three quasi-holy beasts following him.

But soon he shook his head again and smiled wryly.

These chaotic beasts are not conscious, and they probably just happened to be on the way.

But not long after running away, his expression changed slightly.

He found that the chaotic beasts following behind had changed from two or three to seven or eight, and they were all quasi-sages.

"Not good. This is being pegged!"

Chen Xuanji [-]% of the law of space, pushed to the extreme, turned into a rainbow light, and fled away quickly.

But as his speed increased, the speed of those chaotic beasts also accelerated a lot.

Many ferocious beasts roared, and the cruel murderous intent in their eyes was not concealed at all.

Along with the hunt, more and more ferocious beasts continued to join in, and even gradually some ferocious beasts of the quasi-sage Dzogchen level joined the hunt.

At this time, the camp of ferocious beasts chasing and killing Chen Xuanji had reached an extremely terrifying situation!

There are more than a dozen fierce beasts in the early and middle stages of quasi-sages.

Twenty to honor the fierce beasts of the late quasi-sage.

There are also three quasi-sacred and great beasts!

This is a camp that completely crushes Chen Xuanji in every aspect.

Not to mention Chen Xuanji, even the No. 1 under the sage in the age of liches, Dong Huang Tai with a chaotic clock in his hand, might have to run away when he saw this situation!
"Damn it, what's going on here, is it because of the black lotus?"

Chen Xuanji cursed loudly, he didn't move the black lotus, how could he provoke these beasts?


A terrifying aura bloomed, and Chen Xuanji's real body had appeared in the chaos.

He sacrificed the primordial mammoth measuring ruler, poured all the power of the law into it, and slashed at the group of ferocious beasts!


A cracking sound that shocked chaos sounded!
With the strike of the innate treasure, three ferocious beasts from the early stage of quasi-sage and one beast from the middle stage of quasi-sage were directly twisted into dust by the supreme magic power.

There is also a chaotic fierce beast of the late quasi-sage period, most of its body has been torn apart, and it is dying, but its eyes are even more scarlet.

"Roar, Roar, Roar!"

Countless ferocious beasts began to howl, and they continued to chase and kill Chen Xuanji under the leadership of three quasi-sage beasts at the Great Perfection level.

Once Chen Xuanji is surrounded, even if he has the innate treasure in his hands, he will only fall!

In the vast chaos, Chen Xuanji fled in front, while a group of chaotic beasts chased after him.

Whenever the distance between the two sides was shortened, Chen Xuanji used the Primordial Mist to measure the sky and killed several ferocious beasts, and at the same time used the law of space to lengthen the distance between the two sides again.

However, this is not the solution at all. The essence of the beast is the evolution of the evil spirit of chaos, and it has a natural advantage in the chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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