Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 155 The Battle of Guanjiangkou, the God of War

Chapter 155 The Battle of Guanjiangkou, the God of War

"Love between men and women."

Yao Ji is a little confused, she naturally understands the relationship between men and women.

But she just admired Brother Tianyou, so why did she become a relationship between a man and a woman?
Could it be that brother Haotian misunderstood the relationship between her and Yang Tianyou, and that's why he came to her in a hurry?

But she is a fairy, how can a person who is destined to guard the world for Brother Haotian in the future have a male and female love with a mortal?
Besides, there is an insurmountable gap between immortals and mortals.

Even if the two are forced to be together, the huge gap between the living bodies will make this relationship end without a problem, or even a good end.

Although Yao Ji is a heavenly goddess, she knows a lot, so she shook her head decisively.

"Brother Haotian misunderstood. I just regard Brother Tianyou as a brother like you. I respect him in my heart. There is absolutely no love between men and women."

When Haotian heard it, he was relieved immediately, there is no love between men and women, that's good.

Otherwise, if it gets out that his own sister, Haotian, is in love with a mortal, how decent it is, I'm afraid it will make people laugh out loud.

The tone also softened involuntarily, "Then when are you going to return to Heaven with me?"

"The capital city of the human race is so vast, there are so many new gadgets, I haven't had time to finish shopping yet."

Yao Ji said pitifully, this time in the lower realm, she really opened her eyes.

Although the mortal world is far from the luxury and splendor of heaven.

But it has a little more human flavor than the heavenly court, and being in it can be regarded as an experience in the world of mortals.

Anyway, Yao Ji feels that traveling in the world is more rewarding than practicing in heaven for 1 years.

Haotian sighed helplessly, "I really have nothing to do with you, I will give you another ten years, and you must return to the Heavenly Court when it expires."

Yaoji jumped up and down happily, holding Haotian's arm and refusing to let go.

"Thank you Brother Haotian, Yao Ji will definitely return to Heaven before the deadline."

Ten years is not a short period of time. Although the capital of the human race is vast, it does not take ten years to travel. Now, I have more time to travel.

Haotian smiled slightly, and handed another golden dragon-shaped jade pendant to Yao Ji.

"This is the symbol of my Heavenly Court's orthodoxy. If you encounter any crisis, just show it. Heavenly Court will support you."

Haotian is about to become a god, and the strength of the Heavenly Court will increase greatly at that time. Now, Haotian has confidence in his heart.

Soon, Haotian flew away from Nine Heavens, returned to the Heavenly Court, and began to deal with government affairs.

As for Yao Ji, she returned to Yang Tianyou's side.

In a blink of an eye, ten years passed by leisurely.

For ten years, Yang Tianyou took Yao Ji to travel around the capitals of the human race, gaining a lot of knowledge.

At the same time, comprehend the three emperors and five emperors, the calligraphy left by Cang Jie, the sage of literature, which greatly increases the literary energy and protects the body.

Yaoji Hongchen refines her heart, enters the world of mortals but does not stay in the world of mortals.

With a cultivation base that stopped at the late stage of Da Luo, he broke through the shackles and successfully proved the Da Luo Golden Immortal Consummation!
When the ten-year period came, Yao Ji bid farewell to Yang Tianyou, but Yang Tianyou was still reluctant to let Yao Ji go.

But Yao Ji understood that there is always a banquet in the world, and the time to leave has come.

She took out a volume of scriptures written by Cangjie, the literary sage, when he was proving the Tao, and presented it to Yang Tianyou, the background of the heavenly court, and then returned to the heavenly court alone.

At the same time, Tianting and Haotian had another whim.

Calculated by pinching fingers, the fate of the Heavenly Court God of War has actually shifted!

From Yao Ji, she suddenly transferred to Yang Tianyou.

Haotian thought about it, and summoned the big heavenly official who was close to him, and asked.

"In the Heavenly Court, how many fairies above the Taiyi Golden Immortal are there?"

"Golden Immortal Taiyi?"

Da Tianguan thought carefully, "Your Majesty, there is only one, and that is Fairy Yunhua who lives in the Bullfighting Palace."

After pondering for a while, Haotian slowly drew up a decree and handed it to the Datian official.

"Give this Dao Dharma decree to Yunhua, and tell her that the task has been successfully completed, and I will promise her the supreme Dao Dao fruit."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The Great Heavenly Official cautiously went down to deliver the decree.

After a while, in the bullfighting palace, Fairy Yunhua got the decree, opened it, and her pretty face blushed slightly.

But after thinking about it for a while, I still feel that Da Luo's Indestructible Dao Fruit is more alluring.

So with a thought, she split a soul.

With a thought, Yuanshen turned into a seventy percent similar appearance to Yao Ji.

"Go, go to the lower realm."

Fairy Yunhua waved her hand slightly, and a spirit in front of her eyes disappeared without a trace.

Fairy Yunhua, still called Yunhua, met Yang Tianyou by chance.

Yang Tianyou was greatly surprised, how could there be such similar people in the world?

For a moment, a feeling of admiration spontaneously arose in his heart, and he pursued Yunhua.

Although Yunhua came to carry out a mission, Yang Tianyou was really handsome.

Moreover, he is well versed in ancient and modern times, has an imposing manner, is polite, and has a seductive charm in him, so he agreed not long after.

The two fell in love, and Yunhua and Yang Tianyou jointly invested in buying a big house with three entrances and three exits.

In the second year of their marriage, the eldest was born as a boy, and Yang Tianyou named him Yang Jiao.

In the fifth year of marriage, the second child was born, also a boy named Yang Jian.

In the sixth year, the third child was born, this time a Nuwa named Yang Chan.

When the three of them were born, visions arose in all of them, a dense red light enveloped the large courtyard, and golden lotuses gushed out from the ground, with a strong fragrance.

At the same time, with the birth of Yingjie God of War, the secrets of the heavens changed suddenly, and the evil spirit was raised to another level.

On the 33rd day, Da Luotian and Haotian suddenly became excited, "My Heavenly Court God of War was born!!"

Haotian couldn't wait, and ordered the Guardian God of War to go down to the realm and bring the Heavenly God of War back to the Heavenly Court.

The God of War who protects the Dharma is naturally the little boy who was transformed from the chaotic rock, the younger brother of Haotian and Yaoji.

With his heels against the sky, he now has the perfect cultivation of Daluo Jinxian, and he can be regarded as the fourth person in the heaven besides Haotian, Yaochi, and Dongji Qinghua Emperor.

The God of War, the guardian of the law, came in a hurry with a double-axe, and there seemed to be a slight vibration throughout the 33 days, "Brother, what are you calling me for?"

Haotian smiled and said, "You go to Guanjiangkou, the lower realm, and bring Fairy Yunhua and Yang Tianyou's family to the Heavenly Court."

Yang Tianyou, after all, gave birth to the God of War for the Heavenly Court, and he contributed a lot.

Haotian is still planning to give Yang Tianyou an official position.

"Okay, big brother, just look at it."

The Dharma Protector God of War scratched his head, and went to the lower realm on his own.

On the other side, the Heavenly Court God of War was born, born with a vision, and the saints also noticed it immediately!

On the coast of the East China Sea, Jin'ao Island, Biyou Palace, Master Tongtian was thinking.

"The evil spirit is getting stronger and stronger. I am afraid that the catastrophe is not far away. Now that Wushuang God of War is born, if he can be recruited into my sect, in the catastrophe, our sect may have a certain advantage."

He paused, and then added, "Even if God of War can't be brought into my teaching, we must never let Chanjiao, and the West will succeed."

Chen Xuanji smiled slightly, "There is no lower limit to how things can be done in the west, in order to avoid accidents, I will go there myself."

Master Tongtian nodded, "Alright."

For his big disciple, he has a hundred hearts at ease.

Chen Xuanji smiled faintly, tore apart the space, and disappeared on Jin'ao Island.

At the same time, Kunlun Mountain, Yuxu Palace, and the heavens celebrated on the clouds.

Yuan Shi also opened his eyes for the first time, flashing with strange emotions.

The Heavenly Court God of War descended into the world, if he could be recruited to teach under his sect, it would definitely be of great benefit in the future catastrophe.

Yuanshi thought about it, called Guangchengzi, and ordered, "In the land of the human race, there is Wushuang God of War born, who is the key person who should be robbed. You call the Twelve Golden Immortals, go there yourself, and bring him to Yuxu Palace." .”

Guang Chengzi nodded, "Yes, teacher."

Guang Chengzi came out of Yuxu Palace, called the Eleven Golden Immortals, and then turned into a beam of light and flew towards the land of the human race!
Thirty thousand years have passed, and the murderous aura on the Twelve Golden Immortals has become stronger and stronger.

They can't wait to start the catastrophe immediately, gain luck, and eliminate the catastrophe.

In the West, Mount Sumeru, Zhunti was a little moved, "Brother, a born god of war, with the blood of a human being, with unlimited potential, should we, the Western Sect, also make a move?"

Jieyin thought for a while, but still shook his head, "We are now in an alliance with Chanjiao, and Chanjiao has already made a move. Besides, the God of War belongs to the Heavenly Court, and Haotian may not hand it over easily, and there is Jiejiao beside him. Make trouble, why should we go to this muddy water."

Zhun Ti's eyes shined brightly, full of admiration, "Tall, really tall, you have to be a senior."

The Guardian God of War held a big ax and soon came to Guanjiangkou, Yang's residence.

The Guardian God of War was condescending, winked at Fairy Yunhua, and said loudly.

"Fairy Yunhua, the time has come, why don't you return to the Heavenly Court with me quickly?"

Fairy Yunhua had known this day would come a long time ago, so she was not surprised.

"Ma'am, this is"

Yang Tianyou looked very surprised, a little at a loss.

One day husband and wife, one hundred days of grace, Fairy Yunhua first started to complete the task.

But now he really has feelings for Yang Tianyou, so he directly explained to Yang Tianyou.

"I was Fairy Yunhua of the Bullfighting Palace in the Heavenly Court. I descended to the Realm privately. Now that the Guardian God of War has found me, I can only go back to the Heavenly Court. My husband is willing to go back with me and share the immortal way."

"Fairy Yunhua, lady, you are actually from Heaven?"

Yang Tianyou was even more surprised, he nodded vigorously, "For you, I am willing to do anything."

A smile appeared on the face of the Dharma Guardian God of War, "Fairy Yunhua, then come with me."

Yang Tianyou went back to his room to pack two packages, holding Yang Jiao with one hand and Yang Jian with the other.

Fairy Yunhua was holding Xiao Yangchan, when the group of five were preparing to return to the Heavenly Court.

Suddenly, another series of golden streamers flashed in the air, and twelve figures stood above Yang's mansion one after another.

The Guardian God of War frowned, "Guang Chengzi!"

These 12 people are exactly the Twelve Golden Immortals, and the leader is Guangchengzi, the head of the Golden Immortals.

Guang Chengzi gently stroked the three long beards under his chin, and nodded slightly to the God of War, "It turns out to be the God of War, the God of Heaven. I'm being polite here."

Fairy Yunhua was at a loss for a moment, Guangchengzi is the immortal of Chanjiao, why did he come?
On the 33rd day, Da Luotian and Haotian saw Guang Chengzi approaching in Haotian's mirror, Haotian's expression suddenly turned ugly.

The appetite for elucidation is really amazing, even the Heavenly Court God of War would not let it go!
Haotian even regrets cooperating with Chanjiao now, which is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger.

At Guanjiangkou, Yang Yang's Mansion, the Guardian War God's face became a little more vigilant, "I am here this time, under the order of the Great Heavenly Venerable, to bring Fairy Yunhua's family back to the Heavenly Court. I don't know why the Immortal came here, what's the matter?"

Guang Chengzi was still calm and calm, "I calculated in the cave, and realized that the son of Fairy Yunhua has a relationship with me as a teacher and student, so I just came here to accept disciples."

"Accept apprentices?"

The Dharma Protector God of War's expression suddenly sank, "The Great Heavenly Venerable has given orders, Fairy Yunhua's family of five is indispensable, and Guangchengzi Shangxian should retreat quickly."

Guang Chengzi snorted lightly, "My teacher is the senior brother of the Great Heavenly Lord. You can leave Yang Dalang and Yang Erlang to me. If the Great Heavenly Lord knows about it, he will only praise you for being flexible."

Da Luotian, Haotiantian's lungs were about to explode, as soon as he thought about it, a piece of information was transmitted to the mind of the Dharma Protector God of War.

The content of the message is very simple, and it must be tough to the end. The God of War in Heaven must not be allowed to fall into the teaching.

With the will of the Great Heavenly Venerable, the Dharma Guardian God of War suddenly gained confidence, and he shook his head again.

"I'm here, following the decree of the Great Heavenly Venerable, no matter what happens today, I must take Fairy Yunhua's family to the Heavenly Court."

Guang Chengzi's face suddenly darkened.

"The God of War, the guardian of the law, or the Great Heavenly Venerable, wants to oppose my teaching?"

In Guang Chengzi's heart, the word "sage" is enough to crush everything.

Anything is vulnerable to a saint.

When the atmosphere in the arena was tense, Fairy Yunhua's family had already hid in the house.

A relaxed voice instantly broke the dignified atmosphere in the Yang Mansion.

"Guardian God of War, fellow Daoist Guangchengzi, why are you so nervous?"

A calm voice sounded, the void was like pieces of paper, pieces were shattered, and Chen Xuanji slowly walked out of the void.

But within a few steps, they arrived in front of the Guardian God of War and the Twelve Golden Immortals.

An indescribable terrifying coercion swept across the entire Yang Mansion.

In an instant, the auras of the Guardian God of War and Guang Chengzi were shattered.

At the peak of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, his cultivation was comparable to that of the Zhunsheng Dzogchen, and crushing Guang Chengzi and the others was a piece of cake.

"Chief interceptor?"

The Guardian God of War has become more vigilant. He has heard from Da Tianzun a long time ago, don't look at the Twelve Golden Immortals of Kunlun showing off their power, but the chief of the sect is really terrifying. If you offend the twelve golden immortals, don't go to the chief of the sect unlucky.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree, and the guardian war god just looked at Chen Xuanji, and the fighting spirit on his face dissipated a lot.

"Chen Xuanji, why are you here!"

The twelve golden immortals all exclaimed.

On the 33rd day, Da Luotian and Haotian completely ignored the review of the memorial, and the chief of the Interceptor also made a move, and things became more and more chaotic!

Kunlun Mountain, Yuxu Palace, Yuan Shi's face was gloomy, "What a chief interceptor!"

On the Kunlun Mountain back then, the Twelve Golden Immortals were far from being the opponent of the Chief Jiejiao.

Over the years, the gap between the two parties may have grown even wider.

Guanjiangkou, Yang's Mansion, and the Dharma Guardian God of War saw that the Twelve Golden Immortals seemed to have something wrong with the chief of the Jiejiao, and they were a little happy.

Quietly back a few steps, freeing up space for them to confront each other.

Chen Xuanji glanced at the Twelve Golden Immortals, imitating what they said, "I was practicing in the East China Sea, and suddenly I had a whim, and after doing some calculations, I found out that I have a relationship with the three dolls of Guanjiangkou, so I came to accept disciples." , that's all."

Guang Chengzi's face was as ugly as a pig's liver, but he couldn't beat him again, so he could only speak patiently.

"Everything has a first come, first come first, we have already come first, God of War already has a master, fellow Taoists, let's go back."

"Already apprenticed?"

"That's not yet."

"How can it be called having a master without apprenticeship?"

Chen Xuanji shook his head, and turned to ask the Guardian God of War, "What do you think?"

The Dharma Protector God of War nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "Yes, how can you be called a master without an apprentice?"

(End of this chapter)

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