Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 161 Human Emperor Ziqi Emperor Xin Succeeds to the Throne

Chapter 161 Human Emperor Ziqi Emperor Xin Succeeds to the Throne
After a quarter of an hour, the enchantment slowly dissipated, Yuan Shi showed satisfaction on his face, and with a wave of his sleeves, he rushed to Kunlun Mountain with the Twelve Golden Immortals and Jiang Ziya.

Zhunti's face was so gloomy that it could drip water.

"let's go!"

His voice fell, the void was torn and shattered, and the whole person had disappeared in place.

Medicine Master, Maitreya, Dashizhi, and Dizang looked at each other, and they all sensed that something was wrong.

It seems that this time the master uncle and Chanjiao confront each other, and they are at a disadvantage.

Everyone didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly followed Zhunti's footsteps and rushed towards the direction of Mount Sumeru.

On Mount Sumeru, next to the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, Zhunti's expression turned extremely ugly, and he pleaded guilty to Jieyin.

"Senior Brother, I was the one who was abrupt. I really didn't expect that Yuanshi came here so fast. This time, our Western Sect has suffered a lot."

The content of the enchantment is very simple. After the Conferred God Tribulation, the teaching, the luck between the Western religions is no longer divided into fifty and five, but six or four.

Explanation and teaching six, Western teaching four!

Don't look at it as a difference of only [-]%, but the gap is very different.

With Zhunti's temperament, of course he didn't want to, but the deal was done, and there was nothing he could do if he didn't want to.

He could only sigh, and said very annoyed, "It would have been nice not to talk nonsense with that Guang Chengzi at that time, just grabbed that Jiang Ziya and came over, raw rice cooked cooked rice, how can Yuan Shi treat us?"

Jieyin sighed, "If that's the case, Chan, can the cooperation between the two Western religions continue?"

"It's a blessing in disguise, but you know it's not a blessing. It's not necessarily a bad thing for the flying bear to enter the teaching. In the catastrophe, at least it can attract more firepower for us."


On Kunlun Mountain, Yuxu Palace, and the heavens celebrating clouds, Yuan Shi glanced at Jiang Ziya with his eyes, and his heart sank.

This Jiang Ziya's Taoist body is sensitive and transparent, with no impurities, but his aptitude and talent are too poor.

Anyway, Yuanshi has practiced for so many years, and there are only a handful of people who have seen Jiang Ziya's qualifications.

Not to mention the comparison with the Twelve Golden Immortals, even the comparison with some of the outer sect disciples he taught, there is a difference of one hundred and eight thousand miles.

Such a person can really preside over the Conferred God Tribulation?
But soon, Yuan Shi saw the agile and majestic flying bear phantom behind Jiang Ziya again, and the doubts in his heart gradually dissipated.

As the teacher said, the person of Feixiong is the person who presides over the conferring of the gods, and there will be no mistakes.

Without qualifications, training is all it takes. Educators have a great career, and they are not short of these resources.

Yuanshi thought for a while, and said, "Ziya, you have walked all the way, you are unwavering, you can see that you have an exquisite Taoist heart, and there are already twelve golden immortals under my sect. I didn't want to accept apprentices, but I pity your heart of seeking Taoism." Be firm, make an exception today, and accept you again."

The Twelve Golden Immortals were taken aback, but they didn't expect their teacher to personally accept Jiang Ziya as his apprentice.

This is a great blessing, which shows that his teacher attaches great importance to Jiang Ziya.

Ran Deng looks the same on the outside, but in his heart he secretly pokes at Yuan Shi's hypocrisy.

If Jiang Ziya wasn't from Feixiong, with that aptitude, the disciples of the Twelve Golden Immortals might not even look up to him, right?
Jiang Ziya looked flattered, and hurriedly visited and saluted.

"Ziya, pay homage to Master, and wish Master a blessed life without bounds."

Yuanshi stroked his beard and smiled, "Okay, okay!"

After finishing speaking, he asked Baihe Tongzi to take Jiang Ziya down to settle down.

After Jiang Ziya left, Yuan Shi thought about it and said, "Guang Chengzi, let me teach Jiang Ziya in the future."

Although Yuanshi accepted Jiang Ziya as his apprentice, it still said that.

Teaching a mortal with the dignity of a saint, the gap between the two sides is too great, and the effect may not be as good as that of a golden immortal.

Guang Chengzi was secretly happy, and hurriedly came out, "Yes, Master."

Those who teach Feixiong will get a good share of merit when the gods are bestowed in the future, right?
So far, the two members of Feixiong have decided that one is practicing teaching and the other is practicing teaching.

The evil spirit between heaven and earth is still increasing at a slow but steady rate!

In the blink of an eye, decades have passed.

In the Great Shang Empire, Emperor Yi had reigned for 1000 years, and it was finally time to abdicate.

During these years of Emperor Yi's reign, he has been greedy for pleasure, the fortune of the country has suffered losses, the foundation has been shaken, and the great merchants are no longer as prosperous as they used to be.

On the contrary, the strength of Dashang's foreign service, Jiang, E, Ji, and Chong, the four princes and kings, became stronger day by day, and they faintly surrounded Dashang.

Although the great empire and the great merchants are not in danger, they are not too far away.

Emperor Yi has three sons, Wei Ziqi, Wei Zhongyan, and Zishou.

Among them, Zi Shou is the legitimate son, while Wei Ziqi and Wei Zhongyan are the concubine sons.

According to the ancestors of the Great Shang Dynasty, the elder who lives in the direct line must be the right reserve, and the third son, Zi Shou, is the most courageous and talented.

Therefore, Emperor Yi had long been prepared to pass on the position of emperor to Zishou.

On this day, in the Longde Palace, all civil and military officials were present, and Emperor Yi summoned his three sons.

Officially passed the position of emperor to the third son, Zi Shou.

Then, without looking back, he flew away and returned to Yujing Mountain, the ancestral land of the human race.

Zi Shou succeeded to the throne and became the Merchant Emperor. For a moment, a terrifying humanitarian luck blessed him.

For a while, Zishou's aura rose steadily, and soon, he climbed to the perfection of Daluo Jinxian.

The majesty of the Emperor swept across the entire Longde Hall, and all the civil and military officials saluted respectfully, "I wait to pay my respects to the Emperor, and I wish the Emperor the prosperity of the future, and my great business will be passed on forever."

"Get up."

Di Xin waved his hand, motioning for everyone to flatten.

With Di Xin succeeding to the throne, the evil spirit between heaven and earth has completely climbed to a peak.

The calamity surged, the heavenly secrets were chaotic, and everything became blurred.

At the same time, in the vast world, endless evil spirits evolved into countless killings, covering the disciples of the four religions.

Among the disciples of the Four Religions, except for the quasi-saint who proved the Tao, everyone only felt a long knife hanging from their backs, and it would fall down at any time!
This killing and calamity cannot be resisted, eliminated, or resolved by human power.

Only by being robbed by oneself can we seize that glimmer of life.

In the Longde Hall, Di Xin looked at the high pile of memorials on the case, his gaze gradually became firm.

He knows very well that today's big business has come to a time when it has to reform.

Otherwise, sooner or later, the table will be overturned by the four princes and kings.

Although during Emperor Yi's reign, he was greedy for pleasure and did not practice government affairs, but fortunately he left him with a few good ministers!
Prime Minister Gan, with a seven-aperture exquisite heart, can distinguish between good and evil, good and evil.

Shang Rong, the Minister of Rites and Music, has reached the pinnacle of Rites and Music.

The senior doctor, Mei Bo, is upright and upright, and his style is earth-shattering.

Huang Feihu, king of Wucheng, wields a golden gun and carries a reed gun, and has a divine beast mount and a five-color divine bull.

Taishi Wenzhong, sitting down on a black unicorn, holding a male and female whip, his Taoism is unfathomable, and he can rival Da Luoxian!

These are all humerus ministers of the great merchants. It is because of these ministers that the four princes and kings are ready to move.

But still restrained, not daring to act too rashly.

Soon, Emperor Xin issued a decree to abolish all the real people and mages who were conferred by the former Emperor Yi in the capital of the Great Shang Dynasty, and then confiscated their property and expelled them from the palace.

At the same time, during Emperor Yi's reign, all the beauties who were recruited were also expelled.

Outside the capital of the Great Shang Kingdom, another palace was built for them to live in.

At the same time, the eunuchs and maids serving in the imperial capital of the Great Shang came to be cleaned up.

The expulsion of expulsion, the decapitation of beheading, punished thousands of people, and then stopped.

With the big cleansing inside the palace, for a while, outside the palace, civil and military officials all felt under Di Xin's tough wrist.

On the surface of the big business officialdom, an undercurrent surged for a while.

But Di Xin knew that all of this was just the beginning.

Dashang is like an old man who is dying of illness, he needs to keep taking heavy medicines, strong medicines, in order to seize the chance of life.

At the same time, on the coast of the East China Sea, Jinao Island, and Biyou Palace, Master Tongtian slowly opened his eyes.

"The catastrophe is about to start, and I should act when I stop teaching!"

In the cave, Chen Xuanji had a thought, and several communication jades flew in all directions of Jin'ao Island.

In the corner of Taijin Ao Island, Taoyuan, Liuer is still gnawing delicious peaches on the tree, and Shen Gongbao is practicing under the tree.

Decades have passed, and without hesitating great luck and great merit, he finally raised Shen Gongbao's cultivation level to Jinxian.

In the golden fairyland, the five energies are facing the Yuan, the life is endless, and it is immortal!

As for Liu Er, although he is still at the peak of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, his background is getting deeper and deeper.
It will be a matter of time before Da Luo Jinxian breaks through.

When the two were practicing, a white jade slip passed through the space and landed in front of Liu Er, scaring Liu Er into a wit.

Throwing the fruit in his hand quickly, he opened the jade slip and looked at it. After more than ten seconds, Liu Er shouted, "Little Leopard, stop practicing, your master is looking for us."

After Liu Er finished speaking, he rolled up Shen Gongbao and disappeared into the Taoyuan.

In addition to Liu Er, Daoist Duobao and Xuan Gui also received the communication jade slip and started to act one after another.

In the cave, Chen Xuanji solemnly opened the six ears, Shen Gongbao, Duobao, Xuangui, and said slowly.

"The baleful energy condenses, the catastrophe begins, and it's finally time for you to enter the catastrophe."

Shen Gongbao was already prepared in his heart, and nodded, "Little Baozi understands."

Liu Er still said carelessly, "Master, if you have any orders, just say it, and I will do my best."

Daoist Duobao and Xuangui are listening on the sidelines.

As soon as Chen Xuanji thought about it, a large golden seal appeared in his hand, with massive, golden, endless luck shining on it!

It is the treasure of luck of the human race, the Kongtong seal placed in the temple of the human race.

"Kongtong Seal?"

Everyone was surprised.

Chen Xuanji handed over the Kongtong seal to Shen Gongbao.

"The new Great Merchant Emperor has a great talent. You immediately go down the mountain to assist the new Emperor, and hand over the Kongtong Seal to the King of Shang in person."

"Yes, the male leopard takes the order."

Shen Gongbao took the Kongtong seal very excitedly.

And asked in a low voice, "Dare to ask Shizu, will I still see Brother Ziya when I go down the mountain this time?"

Chen Xuanji smiled, "Of course I can. When it's time to meet, I will meet naturally."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Xuangui and Taoist Duobao again, "Shen Gongbao is going to Chaoge, you guys should escort him by the way, so as not to make any mistakes."


Although Xuan Gui was reincarnated, he inherited the vast power of his previous life, and now he is a great monk in the late quasi-sage period!

And there is a mysterious tortoise shell in his hand, and his defensive power is unparalleled in the world, not inferior to the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda in the hands of Lao Tzu.

Duobao is also the perfect cultivation of Daluo Jinxian, who ranks among the prehistoric powers, and is escorted by the two of them together.

Except for the sage's action, there is absolutely no need to worry about Shen Gongbao's safety.

Liu Er got a little anxious and called out, "Teacher, what is my task?"

Liu Er has stayed on Jinao Island for so many years, and he has cultivated to the peak of Taiyi Jinxian, so he naturally wants to show himself well.

"You naturally have your tasks, don't worry."

Everyone discussed in the cave for another quarter of an hour, and the gate of the cave opened.

Xuangui, Taoist Duobao, took Shen Gongbao and rushed towards the capital city of Dashang in the direction of Ge.

As for Liu Er, he flew to the north of the human race alone.

In Kunlun Mountains, in Yuxu Palace, Yuanshi is high above.

"How is the cultivation of Feixiong, can he become a fairy?"

Guang Chengzi replied with some helplessness, "Master, Jiang Ziya's aptitude is really a bit poor. The disciple is teaching with all his strength. After all, it is just a practice of refining the gods and returning to the void. I am afraid that there is still a long way to go before becoming an immortal." That's a lot."

"So wasteful?"

Yuan Shi frowned, feeling speechless for a while.

With such a lack of aptitude, how will he preside over the Great Tribulation of the Conferred Gods in the future, and how will he send those who cut off the teaching to the list?
He sighed, "Forget it, you go to open the Yuqing treasure house and pick out some treasures. Now that the catastrophe is about to start, you must raise his cultivation level to the Golden Heavenly Immortal."

"Yes, Master."

Guang Chengzi went down in a hurry again. This disciple is eager to learn, but his aptitude is so poor that it is unsightly.

Others can listen to it seven or eight times after speaking it once, but Jiang Ziya can't do it, he has to listen to it seven or eight times before he can understand it.

The human race, the great merchants, and the capital of Chaoge, under the escort of Taoist Duobao and Xuangui, Shen Gongbao traveled unimpeded all the way to Chaoge, where he met Di Xin.

Da Shang, in the Longde Hall, Di Xin pointed at Duo Bao, Xuan Gui cupped his hands, "I have seen the two immortals."

The relationship between the human race and the Jiejiao is very good, and Di Xin is very familiar with some of the great powers of the Jiejiao.

Duobao smiled slightly, "Human Sovereign is making great efforts to rule the country, inheriting the past and ushering in the future, and is bound to create a great atmosphere. Shen Gongbao, it is the holy master who asked us to bring you a helping hand."

"Oh, sent by Master Saint Master?"

Di Xin felt a little unbearably excited.

Master Shengshi, the prestige in the human race can be compared with the three ancestors.

Shen Gongbao practiced many things in Jiejiao, and bowed his hands to Di Xin, "Shen Gongbao, I have met the Emperor."

Di Xin quickly helped Shen Gongbao up, and said with a big smile, "With Gongbao's help, I will surely create a great cause."

Taoist Duobao, after Xuangui delivered Shen Gongbao, he was about to leave.

Di Xin wanted to stay for a few more days, but the two still refused with a smile. They had other tasks on them.

Taoist Duobao, after Xuangui left, Shen Gongbao took out the Kongtong seal and handed it to Di Xin.

Di Xin was taken aback, "This is the Kongtong seal, the most precious treasure of my human race."

Shen Gongbao nodded, "That's right, the holy master asked me to hand it over to the Emperor, and it has the seal of Kongtong, and he said that with the seal of Kongtong, the emperor's purple energy protects his body, and all evils will not invade, so the Emperor can rule the world with peace of mind." Shang, you don’t have to be afraid of evil spirits.”

The demons and crooked ways that Shen Gongbao spoke of naturally refer to people who teach and teach in the West.

"The saint has a heart."

Di Xin solemnly took the Kongtong Seal and put it in the Nigong Pill.

With the blessing of Kongtong Yin on him, Di Xin became even more extraordinary. Between his brows, the emperor's purple aura was majestic, and his pressure was as mysterious as a god.

Every move, every word you don't say, brings a terrifying oppressive force!
Next, Di Xin and Shen Gongbao had a long talk, and Di Xin was amazed at Shen Gongbao's talent.

Directly ordered that Shen Gongbao be conferred the title of Dashang Guoshi to assist him in governing the government.

On the other side, after leaving Chaoge City, Duobao and Xuangui separated.

Duobao went to Chentangguan.

Xuangui went to Yanshan, a human race.

The Lingzhuzi of Nuwa's sect was reincarnated in Chentangguan, and Duobao's trip was precisely to accept the reincarnation of Lingzhuzi.

And Yanshan is the birthplace of another innate creature, Lei Zhenzi.

The purpose of Xuangui going to Yanshan is to wait in advance and accept Lei Zhenzi.

As for the six ears, it is to go to the northern land of the human race, the mountain of the monster race, and Meishan!
On Meishan, there are the six monsters of Meishan, the boss Yuan Hong, who also has the blood of the Chaos Demon Ape in his body.

At the same time, in Kunlun Mountain and Yuxu Palace, Yuan Shi summoned the other eleven golden immortals.

Send them down the mountain, take in disciples, and help them cross the world of mortals and kill them!
Eleven Jinxian was very concerned about this kind of thing, and went down the mountain one by one.

Chentang Pass is very grandly built, and there are several rivers and rivers around it that rush day and night, with turbulent water potential and white waves surging to the sky.

Daoist Duobao stood on top of the cloud, looked at Chentang Pass, and smiled, "Nuwa Empress is so good-natured that she can't bear this spirit bead. Eldest brother actually asked me to collect it. In my opinion, let Liu Er Come and collect it."

At this time, at Chentangguan, the mansion of the General Army, and the front yard, Li Jing was walking up and down, wearing a strong and sharp sword, with an extremely anxious expression on his face.

In the backyard, the woman screamed continuously.

Today is the day when Mrs. Li Jing, the chief soldier of Chentangguan, gave birth.

(End of this chapter)

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