Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 172: Tongue Battle Xibohou Signs Grace Order!

Chapter 172: Tongue Battle Xibohou Signs Grace Order!
These two strategies were all thought up by the national teacher Shen Gongbao.

All are supreme strategies to weaken the princes and kings, and their magic cannot be described in words.

The Tweet Order, as the name suggests, involves the succession of princes and kings.

Since the founding of the country by the ancestors of Cheng Tang, the eldest son inheritance system has been practiced by the great merchants.

As the name suggests, from the many sons of the Emperor Ren, the eldest son succeeds the Emperor, and the rest of the heirs are named princes and kings.

As for the princes and kings, their eldest sons will succeed to the fief and title, and the rest of the heirs will share at most property, houses, gold and silver treasures.

As for fiefs and titles, they must never get their hands on them.

But once the tweet came out, everything was very different.

The heirs of princes and kings, except for the eldest son who inherits the title.

The rest of the heirs can also divide up part of the fief and property.

If this division continues, the power of the princes and kings will soon weaken, and they will no longer pose any threat to the internal service of the big merchants.

Even if occasionally there are princes and kings relying on their own strength and horses, they support their own self-respect.

For example, the rebellion of Yuan Futong in Beihai can be quickly put down by the big merchants.

Moreover, Shen Gongbao, the national teacher, also designated a series of clan and title system, which was cut down layer by layer.

From top to bottom, they are the king of the princes, the king of the princes, the general of Zhenguo, the general of Fuguo, the general of Fengguo, the lieutenant of Zhenguo, the lieutenant of Fuguo, and the lieutenant of Fengguo.

From the top to the bottom, the layers decrease. For example, if you are the eldest son of a prince, after the death of the prince, the title you can inherit can only be the prince of the county.

As for your brothers, they have to be downgraded to another level, and they can only be called generals of the country. Although they still enjoy part of the territory, their real power has been greatly reduced.

You are the king of the princes and counties. After you die, your eldest son can only inherit the title of General Zhen Guo.

As for your other heirs, they have to be downgraded to another level, and can only inherit the title of Fuguo General.

By analogy, within a few generations, the princes and kings will no longer be able to cause harm to the central government.

In Di Xin's view, the mystery of the Tweeting Order is almost the best in the world, and it is almost impossible to decipher.

Of course, unless the princes and kings immediately turned the tables and rebelled against the central government.

In addition to this situation, it is almost possible to eliminate the troubles of princes and kings forever and strengthen the centralization of power.

In addition to the Tweet Order, heavy taxes are imposed.

There are four major princes and kings, and eight hundred small princes and kings.

After a long period of evolution, they have almost become independent kingdoms.

However, it is still necessary to pay taxes to the central government according to a certain proportion according to the financial situation of the vassal states every year.

Today's tax rate is [-]%, that is to say, [-]% of the princes and kings' annual finances are paid to the central government.

Three percent seems like a lot, but since the last Emperor Yi succeeded to the throne, he was greedy for pleasure and ignored political affairs.

The princes and kings have been reduced layer by layer from the original [-]% per year.

By the late period of Emperor Xin's administration, it had become just a symbolic gift.

Since Emperor Xin succeeded to the throne, he has great talents and bold plans, inheriting the past and ushering in the future, coercing all directions, and taxes have increased a lot.

However, since the big merchants did not know the financial situation of the vassal states, they could not know the actual amount of tax paid.

Therefore, Di Xin intends to collect taxes according to the fixed tax rate.

The so-called fixed tax rate is to use the estimation method.

Estimate the amount of land in the territory of the princes and kings.

Then according to this amount, multiply it by a certain ratio to get a specific tax, and then hand it over to the princes and kings to pay.

In this way, in terms of taxes, there are actual amounts, and the princes and kings naturally cannot fake it.

Two strategies, just one push order, the princes and kings probably couldn't bear it.

If heavy taxes are added, the degree of severity is self-evident.

Looking at the seven large characters on the white paper, Di Xin slowly crumpled it into a ball and threw it into the brazier.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and today is the day when Di Xin called the princes and kings to meet in Longde Hall.

In the Longde Hall, civil and military officials are dressed in court clothes and lined up in two rows.

Sitting on the human emperor's throne, Di Xingao was dressed in a crown robe, his face was majestic, his eyes were dark and deep, and there was a hint of coldness.

Civil and military officials, from the grand master Wen Zhong to the low-ranking officials.

Everyone could tell that His Majesty was in a bad mood, very bad.

At this moment, Fei Zhong leaned close to Di Xin's side and said softly, "Your Majesty, the four great princes and kings, and the lesser princes are already waiting outside the palace."

"Send them in."

Di Xin was expressionless.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Fei Zhong raised his voice and said loudly, "Your Majesty has a decree to pass on to the princes and kings!"

The voices sounded one after another, and soon spread outside the Longde Hall.

After a while, the four great princes, Jiang Huanchu, E Chongyu, Chonghou Hu, and Ji Chang, all dressed in the robes of the princes, entered the hall.

Immediately behind the four were small princes and kings one after another.

There are 800 small princes and kings, and the number of Duan is large.

That is to say, the spaciousness and grandeur of the Longde Palace can accommodate it.

Entering the hall, the aura of the emperor pervades, majestic and oppressive, and even a faint murderous aura.

The hearts of the four princes and kings were full of astonishment and solemnity. It seemed that this time, the visitor was indeed not kind.

The four princes and kings came to Di Xin's feet and bowed to salute, "Minister Jichang, minister Jiang Huanchu, minister E Chongyu, minister Chonghou Hu, I pay my respects to Your Majesty."

There was a smile on Di Xin's face, and the atmosphere in Longde Hall eased a lot. He gave a little support, "Let's get back together, you four."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

The four princes and kings stepped aside to make room for the lesser princes.

Soon it was the turn of the little princes to meet and salute.

There are 750 small princes in name, but in fact, only [-] three people came to the palace in person.

As for those who didn't come, it was natural that the princes and kings secretly ordered them to be late on purpose, so as to see what the emperor meant.

750 The three little princes and kings, divided into several batches, saluted Di Xin one after another, and Di Xin accepted it with a smile on his face.

After the ceremony, the expression on Di Xin's face suddenly became serious.

A touch of coldness emanated from his body, and he spoke first.

"I remember that the purpose of this decree is to summon the four major princes and kings, and eight hundred minor princes to attend the pilgrimage. The date is clearly written. Why are only 750 and three minor princes here now?"

The little princes are more or less cultivated.

True Immortals, Xuanxians, who are blessed with human luck, will not suffer from illness, and the reason for being late is naturally self-evident.

The four princes and kings were hit by the fierce emperor's aura, and felt oppressed immediately.

I didn't expect that the Emperor's first thing would be to pursue this.

Jiang Huanchu reluctantly stepped out of the band, cupped his hands, and confessed.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the little princes and kings are used to being lazy in their fiefs, or they have been delayed for a few days on their way to the imperial capital. When they arrive at Chaoge, they will definitely come to His Majesty to make amends."


Di Xin snorted coldly, "Tell them, don't come to Chaoge."

After speaking, he glanced at Fei Zhong again from the corner of his eye.

Fei Zhong understood, and quickly took out a scroll of golden imperial edict, and slowly unfolded it.

On the imperial decree, the runes flickered, and the aura of the emperor blessed it, exuding a terrifying human coercion.

Holding the imperial decree in his hand, Fei Zhong began to read, "Follow the heavens, the emperor called me, I am the emperor!"

Fei Zhong read for about half a quarter of an hour before finishing.

The content of the imperial decree is very simple. It lists the major crimes of the 47 princes who did not come.

Then cut off half of their fiefdoms and give them to Da Shang's internal service. At the same time, they will be lowered by one level and become princes and county kings!
As soon as the imperial decree came out, everyone in the Longde Hall changed color, and the pupils of the four princes and kings even shrank, and they were taken aback!
Human Sovereign's ruthless means, just a few people who are late, will cut half of the land.

That's all it takes to cut the fief, but what is it to be a prince and county king?
Di Xin turned a blind eye, but said in a flat voice.

"Because the empire has laws and the country is clear, what do you guys think of my punishment?"

The four princes and kings blushed for a while, and wanted to refute, but they were stopped by the four princes and kings with their eyes.

In the end, in the Longde Hall, there was only the unanimous voice of the princes, "Your Majesty is wise, and I have no objections."

Di Xin smiled, and did not continue to attack, but raised the wine glass in his hand and shook it lightly.

"Everyone has come from afar, you want to taste the fine wine and delicacies in Chaoge City."

"I'll toast to His Majesty."

The princes and kings hurriedly picked up their wine glasses, and the oppressive atmosphere in the Longde Palace seemed to be no longer visible between the toasts.

After drinking for three rounds, when the princes and kings were slightly drunk, Di Xin straightened his face and said with a smile.

"I still have an imperial decree here, I wonder if you would like to listen to it?"

When the little princes and kings heard this, they quickly said respectfully, "Your Majesty, just say it."

The four princes and kings looked at each other, with a flash of vigilance in their eyes, and most of the wine was sober.

Di Xin looked at You Hun immediately, and You Hun nodded quickly, and also took out a scroll of golden imperial decree blessed with the aura of the emperor, and began to read it aloud.

A quarter of an hour later, after the imperial decree was recited, the entire Longde Palace fell silent.

The content of the imperial decree is very simple. There are two points in total. The first point explains the order system of clan titles.

As for the second point, that is the Tweeting Order, which is clearly stated from top to bottom.

Di Xin looked at the four princes and kings with a smile, and said with a smile, "What do you guys think of this strategy?"

The four princes and kings hadn't reacted yet, their cheeks were covered with cold sweat!

Tweeting orders, the eldest son will inherit the title by descending one level, and the rest of the sons will inherit the title by descending one level, so as to divide up the territory of the princes and kings.

This kind of scheme is too poisonous, it can be called the number one poisonous scheme in the ages!

If the princes and kings really follow this policy, it will be unworthy for two or three generations.

Dashang Foreign Service, I am afraid that it will really become a pig and dog who can be crushed by others.

Chonghouhu was the first one who couldn't bear it any longer, and spoke first, deeply grieved.

"Your Majesty, this system of royal titles and the decree of grace must absolutely not be tolerated. This is a poisonous plan to subjugate the country and exterminate the species. Dare I ask Your Majesty, who proposed this plan!"

Di Xin didn't say a word. The national teacher Shen Gongbao stood up and said with a smile, "This strategy is exactly what I proposed!"

"National Division!"

Chonghouhu's expression froze, his eyes showed a fierce look, and he asked, "The national teacher is the humerus minister of my great merchant, why did he come up with such a poisonous plan to weaken our vassal kingdom and divorce the affection between you and your majesty?"

Holding a black and white feather fan in his hand, Shen Gongbao shook his head slightly.

"This is clearly a good policy for benevolent princes. How come it has become a poisonous plan in the mouth of the prince? Could it be that in the eyes of the prince, I am a majestic business teacher who was promoted by the emperor himself. That's the kind of person"

A murderous intent flashed across Chonghouhu's face, just as he was about to approach again.

Wucheng Wang Huang Feihu stood up and stood in front of Chonghouhu, saying in a deep voice.

"This is in Longde Palace, my lord, please respect yourself!"

Chonghouhu was startled, stared at Huang Feihu's indifferent eyes, and retreated for no reason.

Condemned to Di Xin, "Your Majesty, I am reckless."

"It's okay."

Di Xin just smiled.

Chonghouhu wanted to be tough with Shen Gongbao, but was stopped by Ji Chang.

He looked at Shen Gongbao lightly, and then said in a calm manner.

"The national teacher said that the policy of pushing grace is a good policy for benevolent princes, but I can't see where it is good, so I ask the national teacher to clarify."

Shen Gongbao smiled slightly and asked back, "May I ask how many sons Xibohou has?"

Hearing this, Ji Chang was a little embarrassed, "I
There are 99 sons. "

Shen Gongbao laughed, "I remember that the eldest son of Marquis Xibo is called Bo Yikao, but what will happen to the other sons after Bo Yikao succeeds to the throne?"

Ji Changdao, "Naturally share some gold and silver treasures, and spend the past years peacefully in the courtyard of the house."

Shen Gongbao shook his head, "Bo Yikao won only a princely kingdom, but other heirs can only get some gold and silver. Isn't it too unfair to other heirs other than the eldest son?"

Ji Chang's mansion is the deepest in the city, and his eloquence is not inferior at all, "The national teacher's words are wrong. This is a system that has existed since ancient times. Since they were born as princes, this is their fate. Not to mention sharing some gold and silver treasures. It's enough to live a stable life for a lifetime, what else is there to be dissatisfied with?"

Shen Gongbao smiled slightly, "Being a rich man is not as comfortable as being a prince."

"Your Majesty has pity on these concubine sons, and is willing to change their fate against the sky with the decree of grace. Could it be that Marquis Xibo is not willing to seek some benefits for so many sons of his own?"

"It's not that I don't want to. It's just this tweet order"

Before Ji Chang finished speaking, Shen Gongbao smiled and said, "Since Xibohou also wants to seek some benefits for more than 90 sons, then the Tweeting Order is naturally the best choice. In this way, Xibohou's descendants will be prosperous and rich." But enjoy it endlessly, those bastards will definitely be grateful to the prince."

Ji Chang's face was livid, he did not continue to refute, and returned to his seat.

On the throne of the Human Emperor, Di Xin smiled slightly, "It seems that everyone agrees with the Tweet Order."

The princes remained silent. The more you think about this order, the more terrifying it becomes. This matter is really too difficult to handle.

If they agree, it will harm the interests of their own vassal states.

But if you don't agree, you will offend all the heirs except the eldest son!

All the heirs are like wolves and tigers. Once they see the benefits, they will fully support the Tweet Order and attack the eldest son. Once that time comes, the princes and kings will be in chaos.

This is a poisonous scheme that has never been seen in the ages. Even with the wisdom of the four great princes and kings, they can't think of a way to break it.

The faces of the princes and kings were gloomy and their hearts were in a state of confusion, but Di Xin took his time and winked at Fei Zhong again.

Fei Zhong was overwhelmed with emotion, and took out a scroll of golden imperial decree again.

Blessed by the aura of the emperor, the golden imperial decree is majestic and mysterious, like an unattainable divine residence.

"This is the Tweet Order. If the princes and kings agree, they can sign their names on it."

This is the emperor's decree, which has the force of coercion. Once it is signed, the matter of Tweeting Grace will be settled.

The princes and kings looked at the imperial decree, and their hearts were extremely entangled.

Some little princes, under the coercion of the emperor, actually wanted to sign it, but the four princes and kings have not moved, how dare they move?

At this time, Di Xin said again, "By the way, I have already ordered people to spread the policy of Tuen Ling to the fiefdoms of the princes. Now everyone knows the territory of the princes."

These words were no less than a blow of a heavy hammer, hitting the hearts of the princes and kings again.

The matter has come to this point, signing or not signing is of little significance.

Ji Chang exhaled foul breath, stood up and saluted Emperor Xin, "I obey the order."

After speaking, he picked up a pen and wrote his name on the imperial decree.

Once there was the first one, there was the second one. Soon, Jiang Huanchu, E Chongyu, and Chonghouhu also signed their names.

750 The three princes and kings also wrote down their own names according to the order of words.

At this point, Tweeting is a success!
After solving the matter of the Tweet Order, Di Xin smiled, restrained most of his coercion, and raised a glass of fine wine again, "This glass of wine is for the future of our businessmen."

All of a sudden, dancing and music were played, cups of wine were intertwined, and there was a cheerful atmosphere in Longde Hall.

After drinking for three rounds, all the princes and kings returned to the post house one after another and began to discuss the matter.

But after discussing for a long time, they couldn't think of a way to crack the Tweet Order.

Ji Chang breathed out a breath of foul air, "The Great Shang Guoshi is so amazing that he can come up with such a plan. We are the ones who lost this time."

Chonghouhu and E Chongyu were both quick-tempered, and asked nervously, "Old Ji, what should we do next, just sit and wait for death, and give the emperor the accumulation of countless years?"

(End of this chapter)

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