Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 178 The Power of the God-Slaying Crossbow, Abandoning the Sishui Pass

Chapter 178 The Power of the God-Slaying Crossbow, Abandoning the Sishui Pass

Ji Chang was silent for a while, and instead of punishing Nangong Shi, he shouted, "Where is Ji Fa?"

Ji Fa immediately responded, "My son is here."

"Guming, you lead 17 heavy armored soldiers in front, 20 troops in the rear, a total of [-] troops, and then attack Sishui Pass!"

Heavy armored soldiers, wearing soft armor inside and heavy armor outside, holding iron shields, invulnerable to swords and guns, and unparalleled in defense.

It is Xiqi's ace army, invincible and invincible.

Ji Fa was eager to try, with a strong fighting spirit in his eyes, "I obey the order."

Immediately, Ji Fa mobilized 20 troops and rushed to Sishui Pass again.

After passing the Sishui Pass, Ji Fa was dressed in bright silver battle armor, looking mighty like a reincarnated overlord, and shouted at the head of the Sishui Pass.

"Old thief Han Rong, would you like to open the city gate and fight against me!"

Behind Ji Chang, the [-] heavy armor troops had already formed a formation, with tight iron shields and amazing defensive power, and no shortcomings could be seen.

On the top of the wall, Han Rong's face was gloomy, "This is Xiqi's trump card army, a heavy armored army with unparalleled defense."

Nezha smiled and said, "So what about the heavy armored army, in front of the Tushennu, they treat everyone equally!"

Lei Zhenzi smiled and said, "Since they want to fight head-on, let's grant their wish and let them see the power of our Great Merchant Massacre Divine Crossbow!"

Yu Hua also smiled, "We can use bows and arrows first to make them underestimate the enemy, and then use the god-killing crossbow. It will definitely have a miraculous effect."

"good idea."

Everyone looked at each other, smiled slightly, and said nothing.

Han Rong showed his face on the top of the city, and he was not at a disadvantage.

"Children Ji Fa, you want to break through my Boshui Pass just because of your rags, what a fool's dream!"

After finishing speaking, Han Rong raised his hand, and ten thousand archers appeared on the top of the city in an instant!


Han Rong ordered.

The hard bows in the hands of ten thousand archers drew a full moon in an instant!

Han Rong ordered.


Ten thousand archers immediately loosened their bowstrings, and all of a sudden, ten thousand arrows were fired, and the arrows streaked across the void, making a piercing sound of piercing the void!

"Clang clang clang!"

The sharp arrows landed on the armored shield in front of the heavily armored army, making a tinkling sound, and then fell powerlessly.

There were only a lot of small white spots on the armored shield, which did not cause any damage.

Obviously, with the power of bow and arrow alone, the defense of the iron armor shield cannot be broken at all.

Looking at this scene, Ji Chang raised the corners of his mouth and was overjoyed.

"General Han Rong, surrender obediently. My armored army of Dazhou has never been defeated since the day it was trained. Today I will break the Sishui Pass!"

On the top of the city, Han Rong's expression turned ugly, so he could only order, "Open the city gates and face the rebels!"

Hearing that Han Rong was going to open the city gate, Ji Fa burst into joy.

If the city is forcibly attacked, no matter how strong the heavily armored army is, there will definitely be casualties.

If you encounter that kind of golden juice venom method again, the casualties will probably go up to a higher level.

But if you face the enemy head-on, it will be different.

Under the frontal charge, his Dazhou Heavy Armored Army is fearless.

"crunch, crunch!"

Soon, the solid and heavy gate of Sishuiguan slowly opened to both sides.

But the large merchant army that Ji Fa had expected did not appear.

Instead, what came into view were chariots covered with a thick layer of black cloth.

"What is this? Is it possible that Dashang wants to use a chariot to fight against our heavily armored army?"

Ji Chang was dumbfounded. Most of the chariots were used to transport luggage and logistics. He had never seen one used for war.

But when the big merchants lifted the black cloth on the chariot, Ji Fa's pupils shrank!
"This is the ballista?"

Ji Fa has a deep understanding of the power of the crossbow, which is much stronger than bows and arrows.

If ten thousand crossbows and arrows are fired at once, the heavy armor army may not be able to resist it!

Immediately, Ji Fa waved his hand, and the [-] heavy armor troops completed the defense almost instantly.

The thick iron armor shields layer by layer, wrapping the army up and down tightly, indestructible!
On the top of the wall, Han Rong's voice became sharp again.

"Ji Fa, today, I will show you the power of the god-slaying crossbow made by my great merchant!"

Han Rong's voice fell, and at the gate of the city, one hundred crossbows were loaded with one hundred arrows.

When superimposed, there are [-] crossbow arrows, and countless soldiers began to pull the pulley.

Circle after circle, the pulley was pulled to the extreme in no time!

Han Rong gave an order!
[-] egg-thick and several feet long crossbow arrows flew out, flying fiercely towards the Xiqi rebels!

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The usually indestructible iron armor shield, under the God Slayer Crossbow, is as fragile as a piece of paper, easily pierced.

The soft armor and heavy armor worn by the heavy armor army did not have the slightest effect.

Before they even had time to scream, they were pierced by the God Slaughtering Crossbow one by one.

Terrifying power, with incomparably huge penetrating power, pierced through an unknown number of soldiers.

The blood mist produced by the explosion dyed the surrounding area blood red.

In this round alone, at least more than [-] soldiers died under the God-killing Crossbow.

Ji Fa's eyes widened, watching this scene in disbelief.

It took a full breath to react, and shouted loudly, "Run away!!"

Hoarse at the end of his voice, he rode on his steed and quickly fled backwards.

The surviving soldiers also stimulated unprecedented potential at this time.

Throw away your armor, throw away your shield, and follow Ji Fa's footsteps to flee!

On the top of the wall, Han Rong said with a blank expression, "Archers are ready!"


All of a sudden, thousands of arrows were fired again, and the sharp arrows were hindered by the heavy armor without the iron shield.

Countless people were shot by arrows again and fell to the ground, unable to get up again.

Wang Hu, the first officer, said excitedly, "My lord, the Xiqi rebels suffered heavy casualties. Should we go out of the city to pursue them?"

Han Rong also hesitated, for the situation in front of him was really good.

If Na Jifa can be caught, Xiqi will throw him under the trap of the mouse, and I'm afraid the interior will be in chaos.

Han Rong was silent for a while, then slowly shook his head.

"Don't chase after poor bandits. Besides, Xiqi's army is far superior to our Sishuiguan defenders. If an ambush is set up, it will be very bad."

At this time, Nezha, Lei Zhenzi climbed up to the top of the wall and said with a smile.

"Master Chief Soldier, how powerful is the God-slaying Crossbow this time?"

Han Rong gave a thumbs up and praised, "This god-slaying crossbow is really powerful, but it's a pity that the strength of the two sides is too great, otherwise, it's uncertain whether they can break through my Sishui Pass."

After Han Rong finished speaking, his face became serious, "Before the Xiqi army attacked the city, I ordered people to seal the Sishui Pass and not allow the people to go out. Now there is not much food and grass in the pass. It is time for the people to retreat. .”

Nezha took it for granted, "The commander-in-chief is right. It's time for the people to retreat early. Leave this matter to me and Lei Zhenzi."

Han Rong nodded reassuringly, and next, Nezha, Lei Zhenzi announced to the [-] people in the city that they were going to evacuate.

Xiqi's 500 million troops approached the city, and the people had already packed up their gold and silver and were ready to flee at any time.

But the commander-in-chief had an order to close the city gate and not allow anyone to go out, so people were panicked.

Now that it was possible to evacuate at first glance, the common people cheered and jumped for joy.

Soon, the gate of the city was opened, and Nezha and Lei Zhenzi ordered five thousand elite soldiers to escort the people out of the city.

At the same time, Ji Fa returned to the Xiqi army tent with the heavy casualties.

His silver battle armor became tattered, and he looked extremely embarrassed. He reported the casualties to Ji Chang.

"Father, there is a large weapon hidden in the Sishui Pass, which is extremely powerful. Unfortunately, my son was hit. This time, the entire [-] heavy armored army was wiped out, and more than [-] ordinary soldiers were killed or injured. Our army suffered heavy losses. "

"What, so many people were killed and injured at once, what kind of killer weapon is there in Sishui Pass?"

Ji Chang slapped his desk, his face completely gloomy.

He never expected that the casualties this time were even worse than the previous ones.

Ji Fa said, "It's a ballista. Each ballista is extremely powerful. It can pierce gold and crack rocks. Iron armor shields and heavy armor can't stop it."

"Damn it, when did Sishuiguan have such a sharp weapon?"

Ji Changqi's scalp was numb. This time he dispatched troops, he planned to use the momentum of thunder to attack Huanglong and attack Chaoge.

Unexpectedly, before the mere Sishui Pass, there were two major defeats.

Ji Chang pondered for a while, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he looked at Jiang Ziya, "What is the prime minister's plan to resist this god-killing crossbow?"

Jiang Ziya smiled wryly, "According to what the second son said, the god-slaying crossbow is extremely powerful. If you want to resist it, you can only resist it with layers of iron shields and forge an iron armored chariot."

Ji Chang clenched his fists, and a raging flame rose from his eyes.

"Just according to what the prime minister said, I don't believe in repairing armored vehicles. Five million troops can't break through a mere Sishui Pass."

Immediately, Ji Chang ordered that chariots be built one after another, and the chariots were covered with layers of iron armor, making them indestructible.

Three days later, one hundred armored vehicles were repaired.

In the army account, Ji Chang ordered Nangong Shi to order another [-] elite soldiers to attack Sishui Pass.

This time, with the Iron Armored Chariot, no matter how powerful the God-Slaying Crossbow is, it will be difficult to kill enemies in large numbers!
A fierce battle in front of Sishuiguan ended with Xiqi's side losing [-] yuan.

Although Xiqi was defeated again, more than 1000 people were killed or injured at Sishuiguan.

Two days later, Nangong Shi ordered another 3 people to push hundreds of armored chariots, and the defense had no dead ends, and they came to Sishuiguan to call for battle.

After doing so several times, Xiqi's army suffered heavy losses.

But the people at Sishuiguan also suffered a lot of casualties, from the original [-] to less than [-].

On the other side, Nezha and Lei Zhenzi marched day and night.

Finally, the people were escorted to the second pass after Sishui Pass, Jiepai Pass.

The chief soldier guarding Jiepai Pass is Huang Gun, the father of Wucheng King Huang Feihu.

Han Rong had communicated with Huang Gun long ago, and Huang Gun had already prepared a place for the common people in Jiepai Pass.

Nezha, Lei Zhenzi resettled [-] people to Jiepai Pass, and then led his army back to Sishui Pass.

On the head of Sishuiguan city, Han Rong fought several times in succession. Han Rong looked a lot older and let out a foul breath.

"Xiqi's fierce attack at any cost, Sishui Pass, can't stand it anymore."

Wang Hu also wiped off his sweat, and was very proud, "With 500 adults, he resisted [-] million troops for nearly a month and wiped out more than [-] enemies. What a record. After this battle, the commander-in-chief became famous Pass it on to the world."

Han Rong quickly waved his hand and said modestly, "If there is no Nezha, the God-killing Crossbow sent by the two generals Lei Zhenzi, let alone a month, may not be able to last for three days. The Battle of Sishui Pass, the God-killing Crossbow has contributed a lot. Great."

Nezha, Lei Zhenzi asked with a smile.

"My lord, Sishuiguan has almost been cleaned up, when shall we evacuate?"

Han Rong thought for a while, and slowly spit out a few numbers, "Evacuate in three days."

"it is good."

Everyone reached an agreement. That night, they integrated the army and strengthened the defense of the city wall again.

Based on their understanding of Xiqi, there should be another fierce battle next.

Three days passed in a flash, and as Han Rong, Nezha, and Lei Zhenzi expected, Nangong led a large army, pushed the armored chariot, and stormed Sishui Pass again.

This time, Xiqi once again killed and injured more than [-] people.

On the top of the city, all the soldiers and horses of the big merchants add up to less than [-].

After the day's battle was over, Han Rong immediately gave the order to push the baggage cart and draw the god-killing crossbow to retreat, but Nezha and Lei Zhenzi stopped him.

"What else can the two generals do?"

Han Rong asked.

"The Sishui Pass is so well run by Mr. Zongbing. Before we leave, if we don't give Xiqi's army a big gift, wouldn't we be in a panic?"

"What gift?"

Han Rong couldn't react.

Nezha smiled strangely, and pointed to the god-slaying crossbow on the baggage cart.


Han Rong yelled and quickly protected the God-killing Crossbow.

"This is an artifact developed by our national teacher, how can it be handed over to the rebels?"

Han Rong is well aware of the terrifying power of the God-Slaying Crossbow. Once it is handed over to Xiqi, it will definitely become Xiqi's supreme weapon to attack the big merchants in the future.

"Give it to Xiqi in vain? Mr. Zongbing thinks too much, what I mean is"

After Nezha finished speaking, Zongbing Han blinked his eyes, feeling a little distressed, "This kind of siege weapon is so precious, wouldn't it be a pity to destroy it like this?"

"It's not a pity. We carry so many baggage carts. It would be a pity if we were caught up by people from Xiqi. It's only ten, which is not too many. It is worthwhile to delay for us."

Han Rong gritted his teeth, "Okay, then do as you said."

Immediately, Nezha, Lei Zhenzi dragged out a large bag of black powder from the baggage cart.

This black powder is also a masterpiece of the national teacher Shen Gongbao, and it is still in the confidential stage.

They pulled this car to be prepared, and by the way, to experiment with its actual combat power.

That's right, Nezha, Lei Zhenzi's method is to stuff black powder into the God Slaying Crossbow.

When the Xiqi army enters the city, they will definitely be interested in the siege weapon, as long as they lightly move the god-killing crossbow.

The black powder hidden inside will explode immediately.

As for the power, it depends on the number of people close to it.

Nezha, Lei Zhenzi immediately stuffed the black powder to the brim.

Then deliberately placed the God Slayer Crossbow in a relatively remote place.

After doing all this, the army retreated immediately, leaving only an empty Sishui Pass.

In the early morning of the next day, Nangong Shi followed Ji Chang's order and came to attack the city again.

But at first glance, they stormed the city gate that had not been opened for a month, but now it was opened on both sides, and it was empty.

"The door is open and there is no one there, so what tricks does that old thief Han Rong have?"

Nangong Shi was obviously a little suspicious by Han Rong. At this time, the door was wide open, but he didn't dare to attack rashly.

The deputy general said at this time, "General, why don't you send a few people to check the situation?"

"it is good."

Immediately, Nangong picked a few capable soldiers and went to the city to spy on the situation.

After a while, several soldiers came to report in a hurry, very excited.

"Reporting to the general, there is no one in the city, it seems that the merchant army has all withdrawn from the city."

"All withdrawn?"

Nangong Shi couldn't believe it, and immediately ordered an army of 100 people to go to the city to spy on the situation.

After a stick of incense, 100 people came back without missing a beat, "General, I searched carefully, and now Sishui Pass is indeed empty, and the merchant army has all retreated!"

(End of this chapter)

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