Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 181 Kunlun Golden Immortal Down the Mountain 6 Ears

Chapter 181
On the other side, Jiang Ziya rushed back to Sishui Pass with Master Huanglong and Master Lingbao.

In the military tent, Jiang Ziya introduced to Ji Chang respectively.

"Your Majesty, this is the real Huanglong among my Kunlun Twelve Golden Immortals. This is the Great Master of Lingbao. All of them have already bloomed with three flowers on the top. They have proved the way of the Daluo Golden Immortal. They will be at ease and eternal. Boundary pass."

"Prince Zhou." Daoist Huang Long and Master Lingbao nodded slightly to Ji Chang, as a greeting.

Ji Chang was different. He knew that the Twelve Golden Immortals of Kunlun were all descendants of saints, which was also the reason for his rebellion this time, so he had to establish a good relationship.

So he pretended to be very excited and got up from the desk.

When he came to the real Huanglong, the Great Master Lingbao, he bowed his hands.

"The Twelve Golden Immortals of Kunlun, Ji Chang has been famous for a long time, and today we finally meet each other by fate. I have the Golden Immortals to help me. It seems that God really blesses me for the Great Zhou. Invading Chaoge and destroying Dashang is just around the corner."

Ji Fa was also excited, and hurried forward to say hello like his father.

This is the real Shangxian, saying hello is good for him, and it is also the capital for him to replace his elder brother in the future.

The Twelve Golden Immortals of Kunlun are all descendants of saints.

Even if Master Huanglong, Master Lingbao is the existence at the end of the crane, his temperament is also very arrogant.

To Ji Chang, Ji Fa did not pretend to speak, but just nodded slightly in response.

But with Jiang Ziya active on the side, it was a bit lively.

At this moment, the voices of several small soldiers suddenly sounded outside the military tent.

"My Majesty, there are two Taoists outside Sishui Pass asking to see you. One is riding a deer and the other is riding an elephant. They look very strange."

"Riding a deer, riding an elephant?"

Ji Chang frowned, could it be that the stranger came from somewhere?
Just as Ji Chang was about to be rejected, he saw a sneer on Master Lingbao's face.

"Master is right. The west is like a dog's skin plaster. It can be found everywhere. It seems that the arhat sitting on a deer and arhat riding an elephant are here."

"Arhat sitting on a deer and arhat riding an elephant, are they disciples of Western saints?" Ji Chang was slightly startled, and immediately dared not be careless.

In Ji Chang's eyes, saints are all supreme existences, there is no one who is strong or weak, they are all existences that he cannot afford to offend anyway.

Grand Master Lingbao nodded, "It should be someone taught by the West."

"I see."

Ji Chang nodded quickly, and ordered Ji to go out of the city to meet him.

After a while, Ji Fa went back and forth, and brought Arhat sitting on a deer and Arhat riding an elephant into the military tent.

As soon as the two arhats came in, their gazes fell on Master Huanglong, Master Lingbao, and they said with a smile.

"It turns out fellow Taoist Huanglong and Fellow Daoist Lingbao arrived earlier than us, so please be polite."

"Fellow Daoist riding an elephant, fellow Daoist sitting on a deer."

Master Huang Long nodded lightly to the two arhats.

On the contrary, Master Lingbao showed a hint of sarcasm, "The two fellow Taoists in the West are not practicing in Mount Sumeru, what are you doing here at Sishui Pass?"

Sitting Deer Arhat didn't seem to see the sarcasm in Master Lingbao's eyes, and said with a smile.

"Naturally, it is to help the King of Zhou, take away the Sishui Pass, and build a great cause together."

"With our Golden Immortal here, can't we break through a mere Sishui pass?"

"That's hard to say. I remember that in Kunlun Mountains in the past, Chanjiao suffered a lot from Jiejiao's men, right?"

Arhat riding the elephant chuckled and joked.


Master Lingbao showed anger in his eyes, just as he was about to turn back.

At the head of the case, seeing that the situation was not right, Ji Chang quickly opened his mouth to mediate.

"All the gods, let's discuss how to capture the boundary card first."

Seeing Ji Chang's mediation, Master Lingbao, Zuolu and Riding an Elephant settled down.

The most urgent task is to break through the boundary barrier first, and behead the two third-generation disciples of Jiejiao.

Ji Chang showed a serious look on his face, "The two Jiejiao disciples at Jiepaiguan have some skills, and they easily killed the four Shangxians of Chanjiao."

"And in that boundary card pass, there are killing weapons such as the God Slayer Crossbow. If we attack the city again, we need to be more careful."

In the military tent, everyone discussed for most of the day.

In the end, it was decided that Ji Fa would point [-] elites, bring the real Huanglong, the Great Master of Lingbao, the arhat sitting on a deer, and the arhat riding an elephant, and then attack the boundary card.

In the early morning of the next day, the army set out, and one hundred thousand elites and four Da Luo monks rushed to Jiepai Pass.

At the same time, in the Jiepai pass, the innate thunder attribute aura burst into riots, and the terrifying power swept across all directions.

On the top of Lei Zhenzi, the sky, the earth, and the three flowers bloom, proving the way to the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

In mid-air, Lei Zhenzi felt the boiling and tyrannical power in his body, and his face showed great joy.

"My Lei Zhenzi, today I am proving to be the Taiyi Golden Immortal!"

Taiyi Jinxian, with three flowers on the top of her head, raises her hands and throws her feet, and blesses the power of heaven and earth, which is much stronger than Jinxian.

Nezha felt a fighting spirit in his heart, "Junior brother, let's make gestures?"

"I can't ask for it."

Lei Zhenzi responded, and immediately raised the purple gold wind and thunder stick in his hand, and rushed towards Nezha.

In mid-air, Nezha and Lei Zhenzi fought fiercely, and there was a terrifying wave of mana.

One after another, endless, mighty and eternal.

I don't know how long it took, the two of them were sweating profusely, and then they stopped.
"Good junior brother, have some strength!"

Nezha suppressed the boiling mana in his body, tsk tsk in admiration.

In the previous battle, the two were evenly divided, regardless of the outcome.

Lei Zhenzi also gasped for breath, the fighting spirit on his face was still there.

"Senior Brother Nezha, I will make gestures on the day I prove Daluo."

"Okay, I can't ask for it."

At this time, Yu Hua hurriedly came from the side and shouted at the two of them.

"Two uncles, Chief Soldier Huang Gun and General Soldier Han Rong have something to discuss with you."

Nezha, Lei Zhenzi looked at each other, and flew to Yu Hua's side, "Could it be that Xiqi is in turmoil again?"

Yu Hua nodded solemnly, "It should be"

Immediately, Nezha and Lei Zhenzi flew to the military tent, met Han Rong and Huang Gun, and discussed the upcoming military secrets together.

Two days passed in a flash. On this day, Ji Fa led an army of [-] troops, hundreds of armored chariots, and closed the gate of the soldiers.

Hundreds of thousands of elites, all dressed in black battle armor, with firm eyes, strong evil spirit, swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger!
Ji Fa, dressed in silver armor, yelled at the boundary sign Guanchengtou.

"Old thief Han Rong, old thief Huang Gun, fate blesses me for a long time, if you surrender now, there may still be a glimmer of life."

"If not, the army will attack the city, and you will die in an instant."

Immortal Huanglong, Master Lingbao, Arhat sitting on a deer, and Arhat riding an elephant are behind Ji Fa.

The four of them calmed down, their eyes showed sharpness, and they looked at Jie Pai Guan City lightly, with a strong sense of self-confidence spontaneously.

On the top of the city, the military flag was waving, and Huang Gun's body was soon exposed. He stared at Ji Fa and sneered again and again.

"You guys dare to speak such nonsense when you are young and rebellious, have you forgotten the power of our Great Merchant Slayer Divine Crossbow?"

Before Huang Gun could finish his sentence, Han Rong made up the knife again.

"If destiny really blesses you, how could Xiqi kill and injure so many people before Sishui Pass? It's a big joke."

After the two finished speaking, Nezha and Lei Zhenzi appeared on the top of the city in a flash.

His eyes fell on Huanglong Daoist, Master Lingbao, Sitting Deer Arhat, and Riding Elephant Arhat through many spaces.

"Four big Luo Jinxians!"

Nezha, Lei Zhenzi's face darkened, and fear rose in his heart.

There is already a qualitative gap between the Daluo Jinxian and the Taiyi Jinxian who comprehend the power of the law.

Even if the two of them prove the Taiyi Golden Immortal, they are definitely not opponents of the four Daluo Golden Immortal monks.

Nezha, Lei Zhenzi feels regretful and careless. He should have returned to Jin'ao Island for help after killing the four Han Dulongs.

This time, the four big Luo Jinxians came out together, how to resist?

Master Lingbao looked at Nezha and Lei Zhenzi indifferently, with undisguised murderous intent in his eyes, and a bit of contempt at the same time.

"It's the two of you who killed my four nephews?"

"So what, the younger ones were beaten, and the old ones came to explain and teach the saints' orthodoxy. It really deserves its reputation."

Nezha, Lei Zhenzi simply smashed the jar and said mercilessly.

"What an arrogant boy, court death!"

Master Lingbao's eyes revealed a strong killing intent.

He flew up, and Da Luo Jinxian's mana was released mercilessly.

With a touch of the power of the law, it turned into a powerful giant palm and slapped the two of them.

As for Huanglong, sitting on a deer and riding an elephant, they didn't make a move.

Two Taiyi Immortals, one shot is enough.

The giant palm hadn't arrived yet, but the fierce coercion had already crushed Nezha Lei Zhenzi out of breath.

The two looked at each other, their blood was surging, and their fighting spirit was soaring.

"Law Heaven and Earth!"

The two of them unleashed the supreme supernatural powers of the Taoist sect in unison.

The surging mana was instantly raised to the peak, the limit.

The two carried mana in an overloaded state, and Lei Zhenzi swung the purple gold wind and thunder stick in his hand.

Nezha took out the circle of heaven and earth in his hands, and all of them hit the giant palm.


The giant palm collided with the purple-gold wind and thunder stick and the circle of heaven and earth, setting off a terrifying mana storm.

In the end, under everyone's gaze, the giant palm was annihilated inch by inch.

The purple-gold wind and thunder stick and the circle of heaven and earth also flew back at a faster speed than before.

The huge force forced Nezha, Lei Zhenzi stepped back several steps, his face became very pale.

However, after all, it blocked the blow of Master Lingbao.

"how is this possible!"

In mid-air, real Huanglong, Arhat sitting on a deer, and Arhat riding an elephant showed a look of shock on their faces!
There is an insurmountable gap between Daluo Jinxian and Taiyi Jinxian.

An ordinary big Luo can easily suppress a monk at the peak of Taiyi Jinxian with a single blow.

The two disciples of the third generation of Jiejiao in front of them can see that their aura is only in the early stage of Taiyi, and they can work together to block Da Luo's blow, which is enough to show their high aptitude!
"Such outstanding and excellent disciples must be sent to the list of gods."

Daoist Huanglong, arhat riding a deer, and arhat riding an elephant couldn't sit still for a moment.

The inextinguishable aura of Daluo bloomed all over his body, Qi Qi flew into the air, and Qi Qi locked Nezha and Lei Zhenzi.

"Let's work together and send these two people to the list of gods."

In the eyes of the four people, murderous intentions were revealed, and Master Lingbao sacrificed an unknown ancient sword.

Master Huanglong couldn't treasure it, so he directly sacrificed the dragon ball in his body.

Sitting Deer Arhat appeared with a golden Zen staff in his hand.

In the hands of Arhat riding an elephant, a large golden seal very similar to Fan Tianyin appeared.

The four great Luo Jinxians shot together, and the power of the law was mighty and terrifying, sweeping the world.

Like a torrent towards Nezha, Lei Zhenzi crushed him away.

Just that terrifying and oppressive aura made Nezha and Lei Zhenzi tremble all over, making them unstoppable.

There are even slight cracks appearing on the Dao body of Fatianxiangdi.

"Fight! You must not fall into the name of my lineage!"

Nezha, Lei Zhenzi gritted his teeth, just as he was preparing for a bloody battle to the end.

Suddenly, a pitch-black iron rod stopped in front of the two of them.

On the iron rod, the law of war, battle the sky and the earth.

Sweeping at the magic weapon sacrificed by the four Daluo Jinxians with lightning speed!


With a loud noise, the nameless ancient sword, dragon ball, golden Zen stick, and golden seal all flew upside down and flew back into the hands of Master Lingbao and the other four.

But that abundant and terrifying power was still transmitted to them through the magic weapon.

Let them walk heavily, and take a few steps back.

"Who dares to obstruct my saint's way?"

The four of them had burning anger in their hearts, and the strong murderous intent on their bodies almost turned into substance.

Anyone who is disturbed at a critical time will not be in a good mood, let alone these saints who are directly descended.

"Brother Liuer's breath!"

Nezha, Lei Zhenzi exclaimed in surprise.

I saw that in front of them, the solid void was shattered and annihilated by the supreme magic power.

Liu Er was wearing a Taoist robe, stepped out of it, and appeared beside Nezha and Lei Zhenzi, who else could it be?

"Are you all right?"

The eyes of the six ears swept up and down, and the concern was beyond words.

"Elder brother, don't worry, we're fine, just adjust the breath for a while and we'll be fine."

Nezha, Lei Zhenzi patted his chest, and then asked impatiently.

"By the way, senior brother, you are not in Chaoge. Why are you here at Sishuiguan again?"

Liu Er smiled, "Don't worry, you go to the top of the city to heal your wounds first, and I will tell you about it after I defeat these four birdmen first."

Nezha, Lei Zhenzi also knew that this was not the time to chat, so after telling Liu Er to be careful, he went back to the city and began to adjust his breath to heal his wounds.

The combination of the four big Luo Jinxians is still very powerful.

If Liu Er hadn't arrived in time, Nezha and Lei Zhenzi would most likely be on the list of gods.

At this time, in mid-air, Daoist Huanglong, Master Lingbao, Arhat sitting on a deer, Arhat riding an elephant, and Liu Er faced each other.

Below, Ji Fa led [-] elite troops to attack the city.

For a time, the flames of war raged, the smoke filled the air, and the flesh and blood flew, which was extremely tragic.

In mid-air, on top of the thick clouds, six-eared iron soldiers in their hands pointed directly at Chan, the four Great Luo Immortals in the west, with unparalleled fighting spirit.

"Who are you? Dare to obstruct our sages from acting?"

The four big Luoxians stared at Liu Er, their faces were very ugly.

Intuition told them that the six-eared monkey in front of them was not easy to mess with.

"I am Liu Er, the elder brother who has been passed down through three generations of the Shangqing lineage."

Although Liu Er is only one person, his momentum is not at all inferior.

"Six-eared macaque, a direct descendant of the Qing Dynasty?"

The four big Luoxians looked at each other, and there was a stronger murderous intent in their eyes than before!
This is a real Da Luoxian, the key is the disciple of the head of Jiejiao.

If he can be sent to the list of gods, more than ten Taiyi Jinxians will be sent to the list.


With a thought, the four of them immediately tore apart the space and surrounded Liu Er.

The power of the law outlines the world and seals off the entire space.

Then, they each sacrificed their spirit treasures and killed Liu Er.

Liu Er was not afraid, the hairs all over his body stood on end, and the law of war was blessed on the hard-core soldiers, and he slammed at the four golden immortals fiercely, which seemed to break all laws with all his strength.

(End of this chapter)

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