Chapter 186 Lu Yue's Might of the Ten Absolute Plague Formation

At the same time, on the other side, in the ice formation of Yuan Jiao of the Ten Absolute Formation.

Arhat subduing the dragon and Arhat subduing the tiger have changed from sudden heat to extreme cold!

The terrifying innate vicious aura, coupled with the power of nature, instantly froze the immortal golden bodies of Arhat Subduing Dragon and Arhat Subduing Tiger.

"Damn it, Brother Jianglong, we can't hold on any longer."

Crouching Tiger Arhat's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Although there was a demon-subduing pestle protecting his body, the terrifying nine-day cold air was still eroding his body, and he would soon be unable to hold on.

"Let me try to break the formation!"

Jianglong Arhat remained calm in the face of danger, and he lifted up all his mana and poured it into the Jiangmo treasure pestle.

The terrifying energy and blood, coupled with Da Luo's magic power, continued to blast in all directions.

If it were an ordinary barrier or formation, it would have been shattered by this terrifying power long ago.

But the ice formation was only in constant turmoil, showing no signs of being destroyed.

Soon, Crouching Tiger Arhat also joined the battlefield.

Terrifying mana was released in all directions, and the ice array shook even more violently.

However, the ice formation is still very strong and indestructible.

Yuan Jiao appeared in front of Jianglong and Fuhu, holding an ice banner, and sneered endlessly.

"The arhats taught by the West seem to be nothing more than that. Today, they will all be buried in my ice formation."

As his voice fell, the terrifying nine-day cold air became more intense.

Murderous intentions from the sky, murderous intentions from the ground, wherever your eyes look, everything is a murderous intention!
"Damn it, cracks have appeared on the golden body, Brother Jianglong, what should we do next?"

Fu Hu's face was full of anxiety. If this continues, the only thing he can do is die.

Jianglong Luohan's expression was extremely dignified, "The ten unique formations are so powerful. Since the golden body has been broken, the only way to break the ice formation is to explode the golden body!"

"Self-exploding golden body?"

There was a hint of unwillingness in Fu Hu's eyes. The method of practicing the golden body is unique to the Western religion. It is powerful and indestructible. It is not corroded by all the demons and evil spirits in the world. .

The method of the golden body, combined with the Eighteenth Vajra Arhat Formation, can make the Arhats in the early stage of Daluo tough and the monks in the later stage of Daluo undefeated.

I thought that going down the mountain this time would make Honghuang famous, and let all Honghuang monks see the power of his Western religion.

But it was unlucky to encounter this top ten array.

Once the golden body of self-explosion is destroyed, the ten thousand years of hard work will be destroyed in one day, and the loss will be too great.

Jianglong's eyes gradually became firm, "Only by blowing up the golden body can we gain a chance of life. The golden body is gone, and it can be repaired again, but once it is on the list of gods, it will be driven to be beaten and scolded by others forever, and become a slave." gone."

"Okay, everything is according to the elder brother."

Fu Hu could only agree at this time.

"Yuan Jiao, when I get out of the Ten Jue Formation, then it will be your doomsday!"

Subduing the dragon, Fuhu's face was extremely gloomy, and the next moment, a terrifying mana was aroused from the two of them.

The golden bodies with cracks on the two of them exploded at this moment, splitting into pieces.

An extremely terrifying force kept hitting the ice formation. No matter how strong the ice formation was, it couldn't stop it. Within two or three breaths, a big hole was torn open.

Seeing the situation, Fuhu saw the situation, jumped out, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Yuan Jiao looked at the escaped Jianglong and Fuhu, his gaze remained calm.

"Let you escape for the time being, the real good show has not yet appeared. Next, let you experience the power of my Shangqing lineage, the Ten Absolute Plague Formation!"

Before the Dragon Subduing Arhat and Subduing Tiger Arhat escaped, they sent messages to other Arhats, asking them to use the method of self-destructing their golden bodies to escape from the Ten Jue Formation.

The method of self-exploding the golden body is indeed good, and the remaining Arhats self-destructed one after another, and soon escaped from the formation of ten absolutes.

Of course, the fallen Huanxi Luohan and Laughing Lion Luohan are naturally not listed here.

In the Tianjue Formation, innate chaos and fresh air linger, and the air of dusk mist is heavy.

The Nine Heavens Divine Thunder kept falling, and the breath of destruction spread to every inch of space.

Qin Wanzheng brought the natural power of the Heavenly Jue Formation to confront Yuding and Puxian.

It has to be said that Yuding and Puxian are still very strong, and it is difficult to completely trap them to death with the power of the Heavenly Jue Array.

Puxian's face turned pale, and he finally shouted as he watched the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder falling continuously.

"Senior Brother, I can't fight with this fellow anymore. The Nine Heavens Divine Thunder is too difficult to deal with, and its power is still extremely powerful. If we continue to fight, I really can't stand it anymore."

Daoist Yuding also consumed a lot of energy, so he nodded solemnly, "Let's withdraw!"

After speaking, Yuding spat out a mouthful of blood, which sprayed on the Immortal Slaying Sword in his hand.

In an instant, the Immortal Slaying Sword exploded with immeasurable light, directly cutting a gap in the Tianjue Formation.

He grabbed Pu Xian and jumped out of the Heavenly Jue Formation.

So far, there is no one in the top ten!
Outside, above the Nine Layers of Clouds, Taiyi and Manjusri are fighting fiercely with Lu Yue and Liuer.

Daoist Taiyi also has outstanding aptitude, and his cultivation level is not much worse than that of Lu Yue.

In his hand, the Nine Dragons Divine Fire cover integrates offense and defense, which is extremely powerful.

Lu Yue, Daluo Jinxian has a perfect cultivation base, and has three magic weapons in his hand, Wenhuang Sword, Wenhuang Bell, and Wenhuang Banner.

If Lu Yue used the poisonous plague gas, he would naturally be able to suppress Taiyi in a short period of time, and even win Taiyi.

But Lu Yue was worried that after using the plague gas, Arhat and Jinxian would flee in the face of the wind, and it would be very difficult to capture them at that time.

So he just used his own magic power to fight against him, and for a while, he was on par with Lu Yue.

On the other side, Liu Er fought fiercely with Manjusri, the law of war, fighting against heaven and earth.

Liu Er, with Da Luo's mid-term cultivation base, actually firmly overwhelmed Manjusri.

When the four of them were fighting fiercely, suddenly, not far away, in the Ten Absolute Formation, a ray of light burst forth.

Subduing the dragon, subduing the tiger, sitting on a deer, riding an elephant... and other sixteen arhats jumped out of the formation.

Taiyi, Manjusri's face brightened, "Could it be that the Ten Jue Formation has been cracked?"

The next moment, Yuding and Pu Xian also flew out from the Ten Jue formation, their faces were ugly and embarrassed.

Taiyi, Manjusri looked at this scene, his face darkened, and he couldn't help feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

Could it be that these ten unique formations have not been broken, and he has suffered a lot of losses?

Just as Taiyi wanted to send a voice transmission to inquire about Yuding, he saw that the radiance of the Shijue formation was shining brightly.

Lord Ten Heaven, Nezha, and Lei Zhenzi all dispelled the Ten Jue Formation and appeared in front of everyone.

Qin Wantianjun's tone was cold, with a hint of sarcasm on his face.

"Yuqing's lineage, disciples of the Western lineage, are nothing more than that. They can't even break through my Ten Jue Formation, yet they still have the guts to attack my boundary barrier. It's ridiculous."

After Qin Wantian finished speaking, he waved his sleeves, and threw the Dao body of Joyful Arhat and Laughing Lion Arhat in front of Jianglong and Fuhu like trash.

"The corpse of the Western Sect, I'd better give you back to the Western Sect."

"Qin Wan!!"

Jianglong, the murderous intent in Fuhu's eyes, could no longer be suppressed.

The disciples of the Shangqing lineage are really deceiving people too much!

Qin Wan didn't care about this at all, but was very relaxed. The senior brother had already told them.

Together, the Three Sects no longer have any sympathy, kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself, do your best without any burden.

"Brother Yuding, what is the power of the Ten Absolute Formation?"

Taiyi secretly sent a message to Yuding, looking at the current situation, he explained to him that the two western religions are not friendly.

Yu Ding smiled wryly, "The Ten Jue Formation is indeed quite powerful, and it's hard to break through it by us alone."

"Then what should we do now?"

"What else can we do, let's evacuate first."

"Oh, that's all I have to do."

Yuding took Taiyi, Manjusri, and Puxian, and was about to evacuate.

Lu Yue, the god of plague, stopped in front of them with a smile on his face, "Brothers, stay here."

Yu Ding frowned, "What else?"

"This battle is not over yet, and the winner has not yet been decided. How could the Dao brothers leave so early?"

Wen Huang Lu Yue's voice was very flat, but the cold murderous intent contained in it was naked and undisguised.

Master Yuding's complexion suddenly sank, and the Immortal Slashing Sword trembled slightly behind him.

A pair of dark and sharp eyes like a falcon fell on Wen Huang Lu Yue.

"Fellow Daoist Lu Yue, do you really think that with your strength, you can keep us here today?"

Lu Yue laughed aloud, "Whether you can stay or not, you will know if you try it."

Master Taiyi's face was ugly, and he scolded angrily, "The disciples of the Shangqing lineage are really arrogant!"

Manjusri's face was cold, "Isn't it just the Ten Jue Formation, let's break it with a little effort."

Subduing Dragon Arhat and Subduing Tiger Arhat are very smooth-tempered, but at this moment, an unknown fire can't help but rise in their hearts.

"It's such a big hole, you still want to keep me waiting, the disciples of the Shangqing lineage are all such arrogant people!"

Nezha, Lei Zhenzi looked at this scene with a complicated expression, I'm afraid Master Lu Yue really didn't tell a joke.

When the Ten Absolute Plague Formation came out, the power was so terrifying that it was unimaginable.

At this time, Lu Yue threw it to Nezha, and Lei Zhenzi gave him a look.

Nezha, Lei Zhenzi understood, he didn't stay in the mid-air, but flew towards the gate of the gate below.

Yuding, Taiyi, Jianglong, and Fuhu all saw it, but they didn't care.

There are only two Taiyi Immortals on the left and right, and they can't achieve anything, so don't worry about him.

Looking at Nezha, after Lei Zhenzi left, Lu Yue smiled slightly.

Wenhuang sword, Wenhuang banner, Wenhuang bell, emitting faint plague poisonous gas, gushing in all directions.

After a while, this small world seemed to be dyed yellow.
An inexplicable, faint sense of crisis appeared in everyone's heart.

"No, there is something wrong with this breath, let's get out of here first!"

Yuding let out a soft drink, and led Taiyi, Manjusri, and Puxian to fly in four directions: east, west, south, and north.

"Let's follow." Seeing this, the sixteen arhats quickly followed closely.

For a moment, the air of plague filled the sky, as if there was no one there.

But not long after, Yuding Taiyi and Sixteen Arhats returned to their original path with gloomy faces.

"Fellow daoists, today, I will let you see the power of the Great Array of Protecting Teachings from my lineage of Shangqing, the Great Array of Ten Absolute Plagues!"

Lu Yue looked at the crowd indifferently, and said loudly.

As soon as his voice fell, the innate plague gas spreading around suddenly became countless times stronger.

Echoing each other from all directions, forming an unprecedented plague enchantment.

"Everyone, next, it's our turn."

Qin Wan led the Ten Heavenly Lords, and once again deployed the Ten Absolute Formation.

But this time the Ten Absolute Formation did not fight independently, but various visions of heaven and earth merged together.

Fiery fire, cold ice, divine thunder, poisonous sand, wind roar, falling soul, etc., all merged into the plague barrier.

For a while, the twilight was chaotic and innately clear, and the air kept floating and sinking.

A great crisis rushed to Chan in an instant, and the disciples of the Second Western Religion felt in their hearts.

"The Ten Absolute Formation is already quite powerful, but the power of the Ten Absolute Plague Formation should not be underestimated, so they must be fully motivated."

Yu Ding shouted softly at the crowd, and the sixteen arhats did not refute.

The situation at this time is indeed serious, and it is definitely not the time for the two religions to fight each other.

In the face of these ten extremely plague formations, one must be more careful.

"Plague Qi, move!"

As soon as Lu Yue gave an order, the surrounding pale yellow plague rushed towards the Sixteen Arhats and the four Golden Immortals.

This pestilence is terrible. With the help of the disciples of the Jujiao, Lu Yue took all the most evil and poisonous things from the prehistoric, plus the resentment, evil, evil, and poison in the depths of the blood sea. Cheng, it is highly poisonous between heaven and earth.

Now add the evolved innate fierceness in the Ten Absolute Formation.

Its power has even increased to an indescribable level!
As soon as this poisonous gas came into contact with the Four Great Golden Immortals and the Sixteen Arhats, their complexions changed drastically, and even the indestructible body of Da Luo couldn't resist it.

"What a strong poisonous gas!"

The four golden immortals quickly used their mana to expel the plague gas in their bodies.

If the body of the sixteen arhats is not broken, they can be immune to poisonous gas.

But now, without the vajra body protection, it is necessary to constantly rely on mana to stop the poisonous gas from invading!
Above, there was a sneer on Lu Yue's face, he kept shaking the pestilence banner in his hand, and the pestilent air surged towards the crowd.

His plague gas is not easy to resist, even if it is blocked with magic power for a while.

However, the pestilence will continue to erode into the monk's body through mana and space.

After reaching a certain point, it will explode!

"Nine Heavens Divine Thunder!"

"Nine Heavens Xuanbing!"

"The heart of the earth is on fire!"

"Poisonous red sand!"

"Sunwind outside the sky!"

Just as Lu Yue was displaying his pestilence, Lord Ten Heaven made his move.

Countless natural forces turned into the most violent means of killing at this time, hitting the Sixteen Arhats and the four Golden Immortals!

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The faces of the sixteen arhats turned pale, and they all backed away, their brows were so gloomy that water could almost drip.

Under such a fierce offensive, a touch of despair rose in my heart. Today, my life is over!

Half an hour later, the Arhat riding an elephant and the Arhat sitting on a deer were the first to be unable to hold on, their bodies died and their dao disappeared, and their primordial spirit flew to the list of gods!
An hour later, the Luohan who thought about it, the Arhat who picked his ears, and the cloth bag monk, died and disappeared, and they were on the list of gods.

An hour and a half later, Happy Arhat, Probing Hand Arhat, Long-Browed Arhat, and Watchman Arhat fell, and they were on the list of gods.

Another half an hour later, Tota Arhat, Plantain Arhat, Sitting Arhat, and Pocket Arhat couldn't resist the power of the Ten Absolute Plague Formation one after another, and they were listed on the list of gods.

On the other hand, among the Four Golden Immortals, Daoist Pu Xian couldn't resist the plague.

The Taoist body was broken by the natural power of the Ten Absolute Heaven and Earth, and the primordial spirit was listed on the list of gods.

"Brother Puxian"

Pu Xian cried out in grief, among the Twelve Golden Immortals of Kunlun, Manjusri and Pu Xian had the best friendship.

Seeing that Puxian was listed on the list of gods, the poisonous gas of plague entered his body accidentally, and his face turned pale immediately.

"not good!"

Jade Cauldron has the strongest magic power and the deepest foundation. He quickly grabbed Manjusri's hand and drank a mouthful of superpowers to temporarily dispel the plague gas in Manjusri's body.

So far, Chan, among the disciples of the Second Western Religion, there are only five disciples left: Yuding Daoist, Taiyi Daoist, Manjusri Daoist, Subduing Dragon Arhat, and Subduing Tiger Arhat!

(End of this chapter)

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