Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 188 3 A Study of Bo Yi, who passed down the mountain to have fun

Chapter 188 A Study of Boyi, the Three Religions Passed Down the Mountains for Fun

Soon, subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger arrived at the other side of Mount Sumeru.

There is the headquarters of the Western Sect, where many disciples of the Western Sect practice.

Row upon row of buildings, majestic treasures, majestic and majestic, all shrouded in golden light of Brahma.

People can't help but feel admiration in their hearts.

The duo of Jianglong and Fuhu moved forward all the way, and quickly passed through many barriers, and arrived at the ashram of Western religion, pharmacist, Maitreya, Ksitigarbha, and Dashizhizhi.

At this time, the four of them were all in the Western Hierarch Hall, comprehending the eight hundred sects left by the saint.

Subduing the dragon and crouching the tiger outside the hall, saluted respectfully.

"Subduing Dragon Arhat, Subduing Tiger Arhat, I pay my respects to all senior brothers."

In the hall, the four of them couldn't help but smile when they heard the voices of the two Jianglongs.

"The Eighteen Arhats have been down the mountain for several days. Now that they are back, they are probably here to announce the good news to us."

"The Eighteen Vajra Arhat Formation is extremely powerful, and the golden body is immortal. It will definitely teach the Shangqing lineage a serious lesson, and I don't know how many intercepted disciples will be sent to the list."

"Hmph, the disciples of the Jiejiao are just a group of people with fur and horns and a shallow source of fortune. Being on the list of gods is considered an advantage for them."

Pharmacist, Maitreya, Jizo, Dashizhi looked at each other and smiled knowingly.


There was a creaking sound from the door, and it opened to both sides.

Pharmacist, Maitreya, Dizang, Dashizhi came out from inside.

When he saw that there were only Jianglong and Fuhu, his expression changed slightly, and a bad premonition came to his heart.

"Where are the other Arhats? Why are you the only two returning?"

Jianglong and Fuhu looked at each other, and a strong grief welled up in their hearts, crying.

"Senior brothers, you have to be the master for us. My sixteen junior brothers all fell into the top ten formations of the Shangqing lineage, and only we managed to escape."

"What, the remaining sixteen arhats are all on the list of gods?"

The four pharmacists suddenly widened their eyes, their faces full of disbelief.

"That's right, even one of the Twelve Golden Immortals from Yuqing's lineage has lost one. If it wasn't for the Zhenjiao Yuding real person who made a move at a critical moment, I'm afraid even I wouldn't be able to come back."

Jianglong, Fuhu's suppressed sadness in the bottom of his heart surged up all of a sudden, and told the four of them the whole story.

A quarter of an hour later, the complexions of the four pharmacists had completely turned black like the bottom of a pot.

Horror, strong murderous intent, brewing in my heart!
"Shooting so ruthlessly, my Uncle Shangqing has really taught a group of good apprentices."

"The disciples of the Shangqing lineage have shallow fortunes, and all of them should be killed!"

"Let's go down the mountain together, we must avenge the Sixteen Arhats."

The pharmacist's words completely set the Western Cult disciples on fire.

"Eldest brother is right, let's go down the mountain together, and learn from the brilliant move of the disciple."

"I've been looking forward to a battle with the disciples of the Jiejiao for a long time. I don't know how much my disciples are, even if they claim to be the king of ten thousand immortals."

"Hmph, if a group of wet-born eggs hadn't borrowed the power of the formation, how could they be our opponents?"

Just when everyone was about to go down Mount Sumeru to avenge their revenge.

The boy Bailian stood with his hands behind his back, and flew to the crowd on a cloud of auspicious clouds.

"Brother Bailian."

The six people saluted Bai Lian respectfully.

Although Bai Lian is called the servant boy next to the saint.

But in fact, he is a true supernatural being with unfathomable cultivation, which is only above quasi-sages.

Once under the guidance of Zhunti and Jieyin, he was responsible for instructing the pharmacist and others.

Therefore, Yao Shi and others still have to address Bai Lian as Senior Brother.

The pharmacist thought that Bai Lian was here to prevent them from going down the mountain, so he quickly explained.

"Senior Brother Bailian, it's not that I'm going down the mountain to be robbed, but that the sect has deceived people too much and sent all of my sixteen arhats to the list of gods. If I don't avenge my revenge, who will dare to worship under my Western sect in the future? ?”

Bai Lian shook her head, "I didn't come to stop you."

"That is."

The pharmacist was a little confused.

The Bailian boy smiled, and spread his hands, revealing a golden, round bodhi seed, emitting a faint Brahman light!

"Brother Bailian, this."

The pharmacist looked at the bodhi seed in Boy Bailian's hand, wondering what his intentions were.

Bai Lian's face was a bit serious, "Over the years of the Jiejiao of the Shangqing, Ten Thousand Immortals have come to court, and they are faintly known as the first lineage of the saints, and the background is not unreasonable."

"This Bodhi son was left behind by Uncle Zhunti. It is reserved as a last-hand preparation. When it is a last resort, it can protect you all."

The pharmacist solemnly accepted the bodhi seed and nodded vigorously, "Junior brother understands."

After finishing speaking, the pharmacist and his party quickly descended Mount Sumeru and rushed to Jiepai Pass!
After the group left, Boy Bailian slowly withdrew his gaze, and the aura belonging to the quasi-sage Dzogchen level slowly leaked out.

"I hope that this catastrophe, my Western religion can go further. After the catastrophe of conferring gods, relying on Fenrun's supreme luck, I may be able to step into the sub-sage!"

A rare flame of ambition burned in Bailian boy's eyes!
He Bailian, even if he can't prove the Tao and become a saint, he must become the first rank below the saint!

At the same time, on the shore of the East China Sea, on Jinao Island, is the Jujiao Dojo.

In addition to Liu Er, Nezha, and Lei Zhenzi, Shi Tianjun, and Wen Huang Lu Yue also returned.

Ten Heavenly Lord, Lu Yue's Great Formation of Ten Absolute Plagues, because it was broken by a blow from the Immortal Sword, revealed the innate fierceness in the formation.

But without the innate fierceness, the power of the Ten Absolute Formation was greatly reduced, like a tiger with its teeth pulled out.

There is no longer any threat to Chan, the disciples of the Second Western Religion, so he also came back.

After arriving at Jin'ao Island, after Lu Yue and Shi Tianjun bid farewell to Nezha, Lei Zhenzi and others.

Soon he disappeared without a trace, and continued to go back to his home dojo to retreat, to accumulate that innate fierceness.

Liu Er, Nezha, and Lei Zhenzi flew to the place where Chen Xuanji retreated.

"I'll pay my respects to Master, Master Uncle."

Everyone rang the golden bell outside the cave, and the Taoist voice slowly sounded outside the dojo.

After a while, the dojo opened, and a group of people walked in directly.

In the depths of the cave, above the futon, Chen Xuanji looked at the crowd and said with a light smile.

"What is the power of the Ten Absolute Plague Formation, and how is the battle situation in the lower realm this time?"

Liu Er frowned brightly, and immediately said, "Master, you don't know, as soon as Master Lu Yue set up the Ten Absolute Plague Formation, the world changed drastically, and the plague qi came from all directions, and the Kunlun Golden Immortal was shocked. The eyeballs of Western Arhats are about to fall off."

The six-eared Balabala spoke for a long time before talking from the beginning to the end, and finally said happily.

"In this battle, Pu Xian, one of the golden immortals of Kunlun, fell, and the sixteen arhats of the Western Sect died. I cut off the teaching this time, and won a complete victory."

Chen Xuanji smiled and nodded, "Since we have won a complete victory, what are you guys doing back to Jin'ao Island?"

Only then did Liu Er talk about the leakage of the innate evil spirit in the Ten Absolute Plague Formation.

Chen Xuanji listened, smiled slightly, got up and said, "This time, Chan, the Second Western Sect has been severely damaged, and the descendants of its disciples are probably going to go downhill, and we can't fall behind in cutting off the Sect. Let's go, come with me."

He pulled Liu Er, Nezha, and Lei Zhenzi out of the cave, and came to the square in front of Biyou Palace.

Then, a miniature golden clock appeared in his hand.

Shaking slightly, the sound of Taoism sounded in an instant, spreading in all directions.

After a while, countless streamers of light flew from all directions of Jin'ao Island and landed on the square.

It is the four descendants of the inner sect of the Shangqing lineage, Daoist Duobao, the Virgin of the Golden Spirit, the Virgin of the Guiling, and the Virgin of Wudang. All four of them are Daluo Jinxian who have completed their cultivation!

The four great heirs of the Outer Sect, Zhao Gongming, Yun Xiao, Qiong Xiao, and Bi Xiao also came, also consummating for Da Luo Jinxian!

The black tortoise is also here, and its cultivation has already entered the sub-sage level.
And Jin Ao, who had been staying in the waters of the square and didn't want to move, also came out. Now, Jin Ao has also proved to be a quasi-sage.

Dozens of terrifying auras swept across the entire square.

This is the most powerful combat power that can be displayed in the second generation of Jiejiao.

Looking at the prehistoric world today, it is enough to calm down any force under the saint lineage!

Duobao took the lead and said, "May I ask what is the order of the elder brother to come to me, but there is another change in the battle in the lower realm?"

Zhao Gongming said, "Huh, Chan, the disciples of the Second Western Religion, are they really deceiving me and no one will stop teaching them? Senior brother, please speak. I, Zhao Gongming, will go down to the realm myself, and I will destroy the disciples of the Second Religion!"

Chen Xuanji waved his hand, and slowly told the record below.

When everyone heard that the two golden immortals in Kunlun Mountain were on the list, and the sixteen arhats of the Western Sect died.

Can't help getting excited, grinning and laughing.

"Chanjiao, those people in the west are really useless. With this little strength, how dare you fight against me?"

"Kunlun Golden Immortal has always had his eyes above the top, but now he is also on the list of gods, which is ridiculous!"

Chen Xuanji reprimanded seriously, "Don't underestimate the enemy and explain the teachings. Western religions are all sages, and they still have strength. This time the loss is heavy, and we will definitely do our best. Correspondingly, we must go all out."

Duobao said humanely, "Eldest senior brother, just give orders, we will obey you."

"That's right, big brother, despite what you're told, the bones of our practice on Jin'ao Island are all shattered, and we can't wait to have a big fight right away."

Chen Xuanji scanned the crowd, and finally said, "Just in case, all the quasi-sages should go down the mountain."

There were only three quasi-sages present, Chen Xuanji, Xuan Gui, and Jin Ao.

Duobao nodded, with a strong fighting spirit on his face.

"Okay, since the battle with Guang Chengzi on Kunlun Mountain, it has been a long time since he fought against him. I don't know how his strength has grown after so many thousands of years."

"Come on, let's go down the mountain."

After finishing speaking, the four descendants of the inner sect and the four descendants of the outer sect, under the leadership of Nezha and Lei Zhenzi, went down the mountain in a mighty way.

The entire Shangqing Square instantly became deserted.

Xuan Gui moved his body and said excitedly, "Brother, I also want to go down the mountain."

Chen Xuanji patted Xuan Gui's shell, "Don't worry, sooner or later you will go down the mountain one day."

The disciples of the three religions descended the mountain together, and for a while, the Calamity Energy began to rise again.

Huge prehistoric, sparsely populated.

From the quasi-sage to the great power, down to the little demon who has just refined and transformed his qi, they all huddled in the cave and dared not come out.

Looking up, often hundreds of thousands of miles, not a single monk can be seen in millions of miles.

At this time, at the same time, Xibohou Mansion, the land of Xiqi.

Since Ji Chang led an army of 500 million to leave, Bo Yikao lost the pressure on his head, coupled with the bewitching of the three monsters in Xuanyuan Tomb, he completely let himself go.

All day long for pleasure, even the most important logistical supplies of the army are gradually neglected.

Bo Yikao's behavior in this way naturally gave many corrupt officials left behind in Xiqi a great opportunity.

They stretched out their greedy hands one after another, grabbing a fortune here and then another.

Passed down layer by layer, the food supplied by the army has already unknowingly had a big problem!
But Bo Yikao didn't know anything about it, he was immersed in the gentleness all day long, and he rarely even came out of the bedroom.

At the same time, in Chaoge City, the imperial capital of the great merchants, the latest battle report was delivered.

Kong Xuan, the commander-in-chief of Sanshanguan, successfully put down Beibohou Chonghouhu's rebellion.

In the Longde Hall, Di Xin couldn't help laughing as he watched the report.

"What a Kong Xuan, he really is my Great Merchant God of War."

Fei Zhong and You Hun said from the side, "Your Majesty, Kong Xuan, the commander-in-chief of Sanshan Pass, is a great talent, and now he is the first to quell the Beibohou rebellion. Why don't you call him back and meet Xiqi?"

Kong Xuan was introduced by the national teacher Shen Gongbao, and it is said that he is also a great supernatural power.

Di Xin looked at the battle report on the memorial and nodded slowly.

"Okay, pass the decree and summon Kong Xuan to return to the court song quickly. In addition, the army will not return to the court for the time being, and continue to be stationed in the north to prevent those rebellions from resurging."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Fei Zhong and You Hun nodded quickly.

"By the way, Dongbohou, Nanbohou's rebellion, what happened?"

Di Xin asked again.

Fei Zhong and You Hun said, "Your Majesty, the Taishi and King Wucheng have won consecutive battles, almost approaching the city, and it is only a matter of time before Dongbohou and Nanbohou are put down."

"So good."

Sishuiguan, several streamers of light flew from the sky.

An invisible pressure slowly spread to the pass, making everyone a little breathless

This group of people were none other than Guang Chengzi and the other ten Golden Immortals.

Not long after Guang Chengzi and his party arrived at Sishui Pass, the six Westerners also arrived at Sishui Pass.

In the military tent, Shan said that the two Western religions did not have any conflicts, but they were unusually calm.

The previous few battles have already made the Second Sect understand that the strength of the Shangqing lineage is strong.

If the power of their two sects cannot be contended, if there is any internal strife at this time, then there is no need to seal the gods.

He explained that it is enough for the disciples of the two Western religions to be on the list obediently.

"I teach the ten golden immortals here, all of whom are Da Luo Jinxians. Among them, six Da Luo Jinxians are perfect, three Da Luo Jinxians are late stages, and one Da Luo Jinxians is early stage!"

Guang Chengzi's voice was cold and full of murderous intent!
"On my side of the Western Sect, there are six great Luos who have achieved consummation!"

The pharmacist also looked very solemn.

Guang Chengzi continued, "The Ten Absolute Plague Formation has been destroyed by my Junior Brother Yuding, and the evil energy inside has been vented. Therefore, Shi Tianjun and the Plague God Lu Yue cannot participate in the battle."

"Jiejiao's inner and outer sects combined, there are at most eight Great Luo Jinxians, even if they are stronger, but this time, in terms of numbers, my second teacher still crushes Jiejiao and has the upper hand."

The pharmacist agreed very much, with a murderous look on his brows.

"That's right. Although we have the upper hand in terms of numbers, we still need to be careful. This time, we will strive to send all the true biography of the Shangqing lineage to the list of gods."

The two sides discussed for a long time, and finally decided that three days later, they would lead an army to attack Jiepai Pass again!
On the other side, all the true inheritances of the Shangqing lineage have also reached Jiepai Pass.

The eight Great Principle Golden Immortals are consummated, plus Liu Er, the middle-stage Great Principle Golden Immortal, makes a total of nine Great Principle Golden Immortals.

There are also Nezha and Lei Zhenzi, two Taiyi immortals.

This is a strength that would shock countless forces in the wild!

In the military tent, Daoist Duobao glanced at everyone, and said slowly.

"In terms of numbers, although we can't compare with Chan and the Western sects, our strength is by no means inferior to them."

Duobao's eyes fell on Sanxiao, and his voice softened a bit.

"Junior Sister Sanxiao, how is your cultivation going in the Nine-Twisting Yellow River Formation?"

Yunxiao, the eldest sister of Sanxiao, has the best innate spirit treasure Hunyuan Jindou.

The leader of the Tongtian sect used the Hunyuan Jindou and the subtlety of the Shangqing formation to comprehend a set of nine-curved Yellow River formations for Sanxiao to practice.

(End of this chapter)

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