Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 193 The battle of the inferior saint's luck!

Chapter 193 The battle of the inferior saint's luck!

Just do what you said, and immediately, Guangchengzi took the remaining golden immortals and ran to Kunlun Mountain together.

Pharmacist, Maitreya and others went to Mount Sumeru to ask for reinforcements.

In Lintong Pass, in the military tent, Ji Chang frowned as he flipped through the grain book in his hand.

"How come the food shipped from Xiqi has become less and less recently? If this continues, how can our Dazhou soldiers have enough to eat and how can they win the battle?"

Jiang Ziya waved his lupine fan, "The food and logistics have always been taken care of by the eldest son who stayed in Xiqi. Could it be that there is something wrong with Xiqi?"

Xiqi has an excellent geographical location, with large tracts of fertile plains.

Therefore, the food production ranks first among the four princes and kings. The Xibo princes of all dynasties have never worried about the food problem.

The most important thing is that the land of Xiqi, Liboshui Pass, Jiepai Pass, Chuanyun Pass, Lintong Pass, Tongguan Pass, can reach Chaoge directly.

The road is flat and wide, which is very suitable for transporting food, so Ji Chang dared to lead an army of 500 million to go out at once.

It relies on this unique geographical advantage.

But now, if there is a problem with the food problem.

The 500 million army cannot eat enough to eat, and the army will always be in danger of mutiny!

Ji Chang frowned, took out a pen and paper, wrote a letter, stamped the king's seal, and handed it to Jiang Ziya.

"Send this letter back to Xiqi quickly and hand it over to Boyi Kao, and ask him to make sure that logistics and food issues are in order."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Jiang Ziya took the letter and hurried out of the military tent.
On the Kunlun Mountains, Guangchengzi brought Chijingzi, afraid of leaving his grandson, Taiyi, Yuding, Manjusri, and Cihang six golden immortals, and went straight to the Lantern Dojo.

Ran Deng Dojo, Ran Deng came out in a hurry and looked at everyone in surprise.

"What happened, why are only the seven of you back?"

Immediately, Guang Chengzi told Ran Deng the ins and outs of his descent this time.

After Ran Deng heard this, he opened his mouth wide, his face full of disbelief.

"You mean, Huanglong, Qingxu, and Taoism all fell into the hands of Jiejiao disciples?"

"That's right, the disciples of Jiejiao are really powerful. Moreover, in Tongguan, there is also a quasi-sacred monk from the Feng clan sitting in the town. We are invincible, so we have to ask Teacher Randeng to leave the customs."

"What is the strength of the monks of the Feng clan?"

Ran Deng's face was a bit dignified. The Feng clan is one of the three innate clans. Although they have declined, they are still not easy to mess with.

"That person is extremely powerful, and his cultivation is probably between the late quasi-sage or the great perfection of the quasi-sage."

Ran Deng suddenly fell silent. He has practiced so far, but he is only in the middle stage of quasi-sage.
But soon, he regained his vitality and spoke to everyone.

"Let's go, go and ask your Uncle Antarctic Immortal Weng to go down the mountain to help."

"Master Uncle Antarctic Immortal?"

All the golden fairies showed joy on their faces, the Antarctic fairy, No. 1 under the leader of the sage of teaching, is unfathomable.

If you can invite Uncle Antarctic Immortal Weng down the mountain, there is nothing you can't deal with.

Immediately, Ran Deng, along with Guang Chengzi and other seven golden immortals, rushed to the Antarctic Fairy Dojo!
Antarctic Xianweng Daochang, at the end of Kunlun Mountain, is a quiet and quiet place.

Before Ran Deng and all the golden immortals approached, he felt an extremely strong quasi-sacred way rushing towards his face.

The mighty, endless stretches, the boundless sea, as if facing a vast world!
Not to mention all the golden immortals, it is the burning lamp, in front of this strand of Dao Yun.

They all feel like rootless duckweed, ready to be overturned at any time.

"Fellow Antarctic Daoist, you have become stronger again. The sub-sage's cultivation level may even be the same as the Eastern Emperor Taiyi back then."

Ran Deng secretly sighed in his heart.

Of the three thousand guests in Zixiao Palace in the past, he was the only one who suffered the most.
"Lighting the lamp to see fellow Taoists in Antarctica."

Ran Deng and all the golden immortals paid homage to the Antarctic Immortal Dojo.

In the dojo, the Antarctic fairy stroked his white beard and smiled, "I don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. It seems that my disciples of Chanjiao have encountered some difficulties."

As soon as the Nanji Xianweng had a thought, the door of the dojo opened instantly.

Immediately, a stronger and richer sub-sage Dao Yun rushed towards his face
At the same time, while burning the lamp, a powerful voice sounded in the ears of all the golden fairies, "Come in, everyone."


After lighting the lamp, all the golden immortals responded and stepped into the Antarctic dojo.

The Antarctic Dojo is an infinite small world opened up by the Antarctic Immortal with great mana.

Inside, the air of twilight is ups and downs, and the air of immortality is transpiring, mysterious and profound and unexplorable.

The Antarctic fairy, with white beard and hair, and a white robe, sat quietly on an ordinary futon, looking at everyone with a smile.

"Fellow Daoist Burning Lamp, what problem did you encounter?"

Ran Deng smiled bitterly, and carefully told the experience of Guang Chengzi and others to Nanji Xianweng, and then said.

"In recent years, they have stopped teaching ten thousand immortals to come to court, gathered the luck of the prehistoric, and plundered the resources of the prehistoric. The disciples are very powerful. According to the analysis, the power of the two Western religions is already difficult to compete. Next, I want to invite fellow Taoists from Antarctica to help I'm waiting for a helping hand!"

In Ran Deng's heart, with the cultivation base of Antarctic fairy Weng Yasheng, it is enough to overthrow everything.

Nanji Xianweng nodded with a smile, and slowly got up, with a soft but firm voice.

"Before the teacher closed the dojo, he said that Fengming Xiqi, the destiny belongs to Zhou, and the teacher is going against the sky this time, even if I don't want to make a move, I have to."

"Brother Ran Deng, let's go."

A happy expression appeared on Ran Deng's face, "Okay."

After finishing speaking, a group of golden immortals carried lamps, and the Antarctic immortal descended to Kunlun Mountain.

The quasi-sage great monk went down the mountain and was robbed, which seemed to have aroused the wrath of the sky!
For a moment, the cataclysm was overwhelming, tumbling, oppressing the sun and the moon, and the whole prehistoric region became foggy.

Everyone seemed to have a big rock in their hearts, and they could hardly breathe.

In the endless sea of ​​blood, Styx slowly opened his eyes, his gaze was infinitely deep, and he slowly turned to the first pass in the world, the land of Tongguan, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Chan, the second religion in the West is really shameless and thick-skinned, even the ancestors can't stand it."

"But it's just right this time, let me see how far the Chief Interceptor has come!"

Patriarch Styx lived for hundreds of millions of years, experienced the catastrophe of fierce beasts, the catastrophe of dragons and Hans, the struggle between Taoism and demons, the catastrophe of dragons and Hans, and his wisdom is like a monster. He has never seen such a big scene.

Now, the gods are granted by the heavenly court, and the three religions are fighting, whose disciples are on the list in name, and each has his destiny, all by chance, and it is stipulated that the quasi-sage will not be robbed!

But once the real fire is fired, who cares about whether the quasi-sage will enter or not!
Styx boldly guessed that at the end of the battle, several saints might intervene!
Wanshou Mountain, Wuzhuang Temple, Zhen Yuanzi also felt a little uneasy.

After hesitating for a long time, he got up, wrote a letter and sent it to Jin'ao Island.

No matter what, the chief interceptor saved his younger brother Hongyun, and if he was sent, he would have to participate in the robbery even if he wanted to!

On Shouyang Mountain, in the Palace of Eight Scenery, Lao Tzu Taiqing is surrounded by immortal energy, which is extremely mysterious.

Not far away, there are already many more names on the golden list of gods.

"Lingbao, Huanglong, Qingxu, Daoxing, Subduing the Dragon, Subduing the Tiger, Sitting on a Deer, Riding an Elephant"

They are all elucidating teachings, elite disciples of Western teachings and two teachings.

Xuandu served Taiqing beside him, and he couldn't help sighing as he looked at the list of gods circulating around him.

"Master, the last time the Zixiao Palace discussed conferring gods, if all the three religions selected some ordinary disciples to be on the list, and there were enough 360 five righteous gods, there would be no war between the three religions. This level."

Obviously, Xuandu couldn't understand the behavior of the three religions.

"It's still too shallow in your eyes. Do you really think that the battle of the three religions is for the five righteous gods of 360?"

"Dare to ask Master, what is that for?"

Xuandu respectfully asked for advice.

"What they are fighting for is the luck of this vast expanse!"

Taiqing was amazed!

"The three religions are all sages orthodoxy, and they dominate the prehistoric and myriad spirits. How strong is their luck? Why do they have to fight like this?"

"We use the grand purple qi to prove the way, and we have a great entanglement with this prehistoric luck. If the luck is strong, the Taoism will be strong!"

"Jujiao has been gaining momentum over the past few years. Ten Thousand Immortals have come to court, and they have faintly acquired the style of the number one sect in the prehistoric world. Naturally, they have touched the interests of the other two sects, hindered the prosperity of the second sect, and robbed the luck of the second sect. , this is the real reason for the Great Tribulation of Conferred Gods!"

"Even if there is no list of gods, even if Haotian Da Tianzun is in power, there is no need to be a god, this time the war between the three religions will break out sooner or later."

Xuandu nodded slowly, and continued to ask, "Then dare to ask Master, the aura of calamity is getting stronger and stronger, I will teach you how to do it?"

"It's enough to stay in Shouyang Mountain safely. The current momentum of the war between the three religions is far from reaching its peak."

Xuandu's pupils shrank, and he guessed in disbelief.

"What does Master mean, when the time comes, the saint uncle will also be robbed?"

Taiqing shook his head slightly, "The heavenly secrets must not be leaked, you don't have to worry about these things, just stay in Shouyang Mountain and practice for a good life."

"Yes, Master."

Xuandu slowly retreated to the side of the list of gods, and began to practice!
At the same time, on Mount Sumeru, Pharmacist and others also saw Boy Bailian!
After some pleading, he successfully invited Bailian boy to come out of the mountain.

The Bailian Boy, slightly inferior to the Antarctic Immortal, is a quasi-sage with great perfection!
Jinao Island, not far from Taoyuan, Chen Xuanji couldn't help smiling as he held the letter from Wanshou Mountain, Wuzhuang Temple, and Zhen Yuanzi.

Zhen Yuanzi, although in the eyes of countless powerful people in Honghuang, is relatively withdrawn, but he is a fellow Taoist who can associate with each other with confidence.

It's just that his current teaching strength is not weak at all, and the Western Second Teaching does not need any assistance at all.

Chen Xuanji let out a foul breath, took out a jade talisman, and brushed it a few times.

With a burst of mana, the jade talisman disappeared and flew towards the Longevity Mountain!

As soon as the jade talisman was carved, there was a cry of begging to see him outside the cave.

"Disciple Liu Er, please see the teacher."

Chen Xuanji didn't answer, and walked out of the cave, and saw Liu Er standing respectfully outside the cave.

Liu Er was very excited when he saw Master, "Teacher, have you left the customs?"

Chen Xuanji glanced at Liu Er lightly, seeing that he was completely fine, and then said, "How is the war between the Three Religions going? Tongguan has Kong Xuan in command, so there shouldn't be any problems."

Chen Xuanji thought he knew a lot about the interpretation of teachings and Western teachings.

Strictly speaking, the strength of the Second Teaching is just like that.

Chen Xuanji thought that if he cut off the teaching, he would be one against two, and he would not be at a disadvantage.

Liu Er hurriedly waved his hands, "The battle in the lower realm is going well. Chan, the Second Western Religion is retreating steadily. I am afraid that they will go up the mountain to ask quasi-sage monks to come down, so I come to Jin'ao Island to ask for some reinforcements."

"The quasi-saint monk is going down the mountain?"

Chen Xuanji smiled, "As the descendant of a sage, I can't afford it so much, since that's the case, then let's fight them fairly and justly!"

"Master, what shall we do?"

There was a flash of fire in Liu's ears and eyes, and he took a blow from Guang Chengzi's Heaven-shaking Seal, and he took a deep breath in his heart.

One day, sooner or later, he will rely on his own strength to defeat that Guangchengzi!

"Come with me."

Chen Xuanji took out a few jade slips at random, and rushed to the square in front of Biyou Palace with Liu Er.

After a while, Xuangui arrived first, playing with a miniature jasper turtle shell in his hand.

After arriving, Xuangui smiled and said, "What's your order, Senior Brother?"

"I asked you to come here this time, it is a lesson learned, a disciple of the Second Western Religion."

"There was a fight?"

Xuan Gui was immediately happy, after staying in Jin'ao Island for so many years, he was already bored.

The muscles and bones are almost rusted, it's wonderful to be able to fight!
Xuangui has already become a quasi-sage Dzogchen monk, and coupled with the defensive power of the turtle shell, there are few opponents in the prehistoric world.

After a while, Jin Ao also came with a huge tortoise shell on his back.

Jin Ao has broken through the shackles of Daluo Jinxian, and he is also strong in the mid-stage of Proving Dao Qunsheng!

Chen Xuanji smiled and said, "Let's go down the mountain together, and I'll let you all see how thick your skin can grow as a disciple of a sage."

"it is good."

Chen Xuan led Xuan Gui and Jin Ao down the mountain slowly, rushing towards Tongguan without haste!
The ancestral land of the human race, Yujing Mountain, in front of the human race temple.

The Suiren clan, Youchao clan, Ziyi clan and other human sages, powerful, stared at the golden dragon of human luck hovering above the temple with gloomy faces.

"Old Ancestor, Chan, the Second Western Religion wants to erode the luck of our race, it's abominable, let me go out of the mountain, and teach them a lesson."

The Xuanyuan family is unified, has the strongest fighting spirit, and has a hot temper. At this moment, he finally couldn't help but stand up.

The great perfect aura of the quasi-sage slowly bloomed on him, oppressing all directions.

The second of the Five Emperors, Zhuanxu, and Emperor Yu also stood up, their faces full of unwillingness!
"Nowadays there are many strong people in our race, so why not be afraid, the second religion in the West, old ancestors, let us take action together."

You Chao clan and Ziyi clan were also a little ready to move, and they all set their sights on Suiren clan.

Suirenshi slowly took out a scroll of golden decree from his bosom, and said slowly but firmly.

"The holy master has a decree. This time, explain, cut off, and the war between the three religions in the West, the human race must not intervene!"

All the sages looked at the golden scroll in Suirenshi's hand, and couldn't help but fell silent.

A holy master has great kindness to the human race. Without a holy master, no human race would be where they are today.

Since the Saint Master has ordered so, it must be no harm to the human race.
In the middle of Lintong Pass, several streamers of light flew over, it was the Antarctic fairy, lighting the lamp, and Guang Chengzi brought the digital golden fairy!

After they landed in the city, not long after, Boy Bailian arrived with the pharmacist and others.

In the military tent, the military of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Chan, and the Western Immortals gathered together for half a day to discuss.

The final decision is to fight in front of Tongguan three days later!
Three days passed in the blink of an eye. On this day, under the leadership of Ji Fa, Dazhou's 400 million troops marched slowly towards Tongguan.

Beside Ji Fa, the Anji Immortal, Daoist Ran Deng, Bailian Boy, Guang Chengzi, Pharmacist and other immortals were waiting in line.

There is not much relaxation in the eyes, but full of dignity!

Continuously fighting fiercely with the Jiejiao immortals, they also know the background of the Jiejiao!

This big battle is a decisive battle, but it is also a bitter battle, and it must not be taken lightly.

The No. 100 pass in the world, Tongguan, Wu Chengwang Huang Feihu, Taishi Wen Zhong, each led an army of [-] million.

Jiang Huanchu and E Chongyu have been pacified by the Dashang army.

Coupled with the 100 million army led by Kong Xuan, there are a total of 300 million elite merchants in the entire Tongguan. This is a force enough to sweep the entire human race!

(End of this chapter)

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