Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 197 Understand the way of sub-sage, the prestige of innate treasure

Chapter 197 Understand the way of sub-sage, the prestige of innate treasure

This scene was watched by hundreds of millions of creatures in the prehistoric world, and the world was in an uproar!

"How...how is it possible that Kong Xuan was able to block Master's Three Jewels Ruyi?"

"Master, how powerful is the Three Jewels of Master's Jade Ruyi, that he failed to suppress Kong Xuan?"

"How is it possible, that fellow Kong Xuan is no more than the quasi-sage Dzogchen, how can he resist the power of the Three Jewels Jade Ruyi Jiaya!"

Even in the eyes of the disciples of Chanjiao, there was a hint of disbelief.

The gap between Zhunsheng Dzogchen and Yasheng is not as big as the gap between Daluo Jinxian and Zhunsheng.

But for the idle Yasheng, it is not a big problem to fight one against two or one against three.

In other words, Kong Xuan's combat power at this time is already comparable to the best among the sub-sages.

Not far away, Xuangui looked at this scene and sighed in his heart.

"Green out of blue is worse than blue, such a Kong Xuan, who has such terrifying fighting power is not as good as the old turtle."

"Be stubborn, court death!"

The black-clothed Yuanshi was furious, and all the magic power of the sub-sage poured into the Sanbaoyu Ruyi, colliding with the five-color sky!

The sky and the earth boomed, as if the world was being destroyed. These sounds were not the sound of the void breaking, but the sound of space collapsing, annihilated and smashed.

On the surface, it looks like only a small part, but the actually collapsed and shattered space is as vast as a small world!
"Crack, click!"

In front of Kong Xuan, the five-color sky curtain flowed, and several cracks appeared unexpectedly.

The next moment, the five-color sky curtain finally couldn't resist this power and shattered.

Kong Xuan's body was blown away for thousands of miles, and he lost all breath.

All of a sudden, the prehistoric world trembled, with countless great powers, and all the monks sighed.

"Kong Xuan, this son, has outstanding talent. If he can prove the sub-sage, he may be able to fight against the holy corpse who holds the treasure, but now."

"It's a pity that the proud son of the Feng clan has fallen like this!"

"It's not necessarily true. The Phoenix family has many treasures. Maybe there are heaven and earth gods who can save their lives. It's just that this body is completely useless."

"It's okay if you can save your life. The saint's evil corpse, plus the top-grade innate spirit treasure, hit it with all your strength. How can a quasi-sage resist it?"

Obviously, countless great powers in Honghuang thought that Kong Xuan was defeated.

Even if he doesn't fall, but his cultivation base is abolished, it is a certainty.

In the lower realm, Tongguan, Chen Xuanji locked onto the battlefield with great mana, and the Great Primordial Spirit watched his every move.

Kong Xuan, the proud son of heaven, would never be so vulnerable.

In the endless sea of ​​blood, even Patriarch Styx became nervous.

"With the quasi-sage's great perfection against the saint's evil corpse, it won't really fall, right?"

Wanshou Mountain, Zhen Yuanzi stared at Jiuchongyun intently, and said with some uncertainty.

"Kong Xuan, can be called the No. [-] pride of the three clans after the Dragon and Han catastrophe, shouldn't he be defeated so easily?"

At this time, even the old and experienced Zhen Yuanzi hesitated.

Saint Evil Corpse is really too strong, so strong that even Zhen Yuanzi has no confidence.

At the moment when the voice of the prehistoric creature fell, above the Jiuchongyun, the void was suddenly torn apart.

With a flash of five-color brilliance, Kong Xuan's figure appeared in front of everyone.

His aura was chaotic, his lips were frighteningly pale, but his eyes were even sharper, with a terrifying fighting spirit, he turned into two long dragons, roaring to the world!

Even the aura on his body is slowly changing, the five-color brilliance is flowing, with a more powerful aura than before.

At this moment, thousands of creatures in the prehistoric world were once again shocked!
"How is it possible that this Kong Xuan is not a quasi-sage Dzogchen, but a sub-sage?"

"Using the great perfection of the quasi-sage to resist the evil corpse of the saint, such a record is really terrifying!"

"With such a talent, if it is placed before the Daoist Zixiao Palace preaches, I am afraid that even the holy one will be able to fight for it."

They opened their mouths wide and their voices were extremely dry. This kind of record has almost exceeded their imagination.

Endless Sea of ​​Blood, Longevity Mountain, Patriarch Minghe, and Zhen Yuanzi all heaved a sigh of relief, and their nervous mood gradually relaxed.

This Kong Xuan really has some real skills, but then
In Jiuchongtian, on the battlefield, Kong Xuan first took out a phoenix blood ganoderma, broke off a large piece from the top and swallowed it.

Although his breath was still disordered and weak, his face had recovered a trace of blood.

He was obviously in a good mood. He bowed his hands to Yuanshi in black and said with a smile, "Today, thank you saint for helping me."

That's right, in the battle with Yuanshi's evil corpse, he was confronted with the prestige of Sanbaoyu Ruyi, which greatly forced his potential.

Now that Kong Xuan has understood the way of sub-sage, within a hundred years, he will be able to prove the way of sub-sage!
Yuanshi in black cast a cold glance at Kong Xuan.

"Why, you think you can compete with me if you understand the sub-sage way, you are just dreaming!"

Yuanshi's voice fell, and Sanbaoyu Ruyi came up, and the infinite divine light continued to recover.

It's fine if you don't make a move, but once you make a move, it's another terrifying move.

Kong Xuan shook his head lightly, "No, my goal has been achieved in today's battle, and the next battle will be handed over to others."

The Yuanshi Evil Corpse was stunned for a moment, then reacted in an instant, and said expressionlessly, "Are you talking about the chief of the Shangqing?"

As soon as Yuan Shi's voice fell, a crisp, warm, but unusually clear and loud voice sounded from the Nine Heavens, "Uncle Yuan Shi, long time no see."

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice.

Not far away, a figure in white was slowly pacing towards him, with handsome features and a warm face.

A faint fairy light shrouded the whole body, and an invisible aura swept across the entire Nine Heavens in an instant.

With Kong Xuanzhunsheng's great vision, he couldn't see the depth of his strength at all!
"This guy is stronger than before!"

In Kong Xuan's eyes, a sense of fighting for the front rose involuntarily.

Chen Xuanji came to the field, nodded to Kong Xuan, popped out a golden pill, and landed in Kong Xuan's hand, "Next, leave it to me."

Kong Xuan nodded uncompromisingly, and stepped aside.

Then swallowed the golden elixir, transported mana, and began to recover.

It has to be said that Sanbao Yuruyi is quite powerful.

Kong Xuan estimated that it would be difficult to recover from his injury in one to two hundred years.

The black-clothed Yuanshi ignored Kong Xuan, but stared at Chen Xuanji, and sneered, "You came so timely, it seems that you have already been waiting in Tongguan."

Chen Xuanji shook his head, and a look of solemnity flashed across his face, "In this catastrophe, I will teach one against two, and the master has retreated in Biyou Palace again, and I don't care about foreign affairs. You always have to be more careful with your juniors and juniors.”


Yuan Shi snorted heavily, "My six golden immortals from Kunlun were all sent to the list by your disciples. Don't you plan to explain this to me?"

"In the Zixiao Palace, the gods were discussed, and the three religions jointly discussed the list of gods. In the end, it was decided that all the disciples of the three religions would be robbed. Whose disciples will be on the list, each has his own fate, and it all depends on luck. What is Master Yuanshi going to ask for?"

"Do you want me to explain to Guang Chengzi that they sneaked into my Tongguan and attacked my three-generation disciples, causing serious injuries to my disciples?"

"Do you want me to tell Guang Chengzi and the others to go up the mountain and ask the quasi-sage monks to come down to stir up the catastrophe?"

"Do you want me to say that Guang Chengzi, Pharmacist and others participated in the catastrophe only after they brought the life-saving magic weapon bestowed by the sage?"

Chen Xuanji's words were sharp, and even countless creatures in the prehistoric world sighed inwardly after hearing this.

"Hearing this way, I can explain that the Second Western Religion is indeed deceiving people too much."

"Yeah, they still engage in sneak attacks. Where is Wu De?"

"Tsk tsk, even if Chan, the Western Second Sect played like this, but even a single disciple of the Western Second Sect was not on the list. On the contrary, Chan, the Western Second Sect was passed down, and a large number of them were on the list. Obvious."

Some people also said in a strange way, "Jiejiao disciples are strong, but they can't stop Chan, the sages of the second western religion have thrown the table."

But as soon as this person finished speaking, his mouth was immediately covered by the fellow Taoist next to him, "Shh, shut up, is this okay to say?"

On Jiuchongyun, Rao Yuanshi in black, couldn't think of anything to refute Chen Xuanji for a while.

It's just that the murderous intent on his body became stronger and stronger, just as Yuan Shi was about to make a move.

Not far away, there were two golden Brahma light, sweeping the world!

"Brother Yuanshi, I'm late."

Zhunti, each of them wears Taoist robes, with bursts of Brahma light all over his body, purifying the world and all things, and getting rid of all demons and ghosts.

The light shrouded the nine heavens and ten places, making people's hearts uncontrollably quiet and peaceful.

When Yuanshi came to Tongguan, he notified Zhunti by the way and received him.

Zhunti, when the receptionist got the news, he didn't want to make a move.

But when I think about it, the two Western religions are originally a cooperative relationship.

Now that the matter has come to this point, he explained that a large number of disciples of the Second Western Religion have entered the list, if the Western Second Sect remains on the sidelines, the conferment of the gods, he explained, the Second Western Religion may really be doomed.

Following Zhunti and leading the west, the power of the two sub-sages once again swept across the prehistoric nine heavens!
"Hiss, the two saints from the West have also made a move, and the situation is getting more and more complicated."

"The two saints in the west have always been thick-skinned. This time, the three of them won't beat up the junior together, right?"

Someone said cautiously, but before the voice fell, his elder brother punched him hard on the head.

"What nonsense are you talking about? You can also evaluate the behavior of a saint?"

"It hurts. Brother, I dare not say it."

On the Jiuchongyun, Xuan Gui, Kong Xuan and the others' expressions became completely heavy.

The evil corpse of Yuanshi alone is already too much to deal with, and now there are two sub-sages, this will be a disaster!
Instead, Chen Xuanji calmed down, turned around and looked at Zhunti, greeted him, and smiled slightly, "Meet Zhunti, welcome the two uncles."

"I don't know why the two uncles came here?"

Zhunti, Jieyin was about to answer, but was stopped by Yuanshi, "Young man is eloquent, don't talk nonsense with him, we will take action, first suppress him and then talk."

Yuan Shi also saw that Chen Xuanji's aura was not simple, so he directly planned to cooperate with him, to receive the power of attraction, and jointly suppress it.

"Sanbao Yuruyi, kill!"

Yuan Shi was the first to sacrifice the three treasures, Yu Ruyi, to kill Chen Xuanji!

"Nephew, offended."

Zhunti let out a soft drink, and sacrificed the best innate spiritual treasure, six pure bamboos.

With a blank expression on his face, Jieyin raised the Qinglian Baose flag, one of the innate five-party flags.

The three sub-sages, together with the three top-grade innate spirit treasures, erupted with unprecedented power at this moment, striking Chen Xuanji all at once. For a moment, the space distorted, and a terrifying aura rushed over.

"not good!!"

Xuangui's face suddenly changed drastically, he didn't expect the three saints to be so unreasonable, and they urged Lingbao together to deal with the junior together!

At this time, even Xuangui didn't dare to make a move.

Although the Xuanshui turtle shell is strong, it also has a limit. If the three sub-sages and the three top-grade innate spirit treasures dare to block it, the Xuanshui turtle shell will be fine.

He himself will also be directly shocked to death by the huge counter-shock force.

As for Kong Xuan, let alone, he was seriously injured, and if he tried again, he would definitely die!
Endless Blood Sea, Longevity Mountain, Styx River, and Zhen Yuanzi's mood became tense in an instant.

The three sub-sages, the three top-grade innate spirit treasures, even if they do it in person, it would be a dead end.

In the Netherworld, Ping Xin seemed to have a feeling in his heart, with a slight worry on his face
The prehistoric peoples caused an uproar even more.

The three sub-sages, the three top-grade innate spirit treasures, under the joint efforts of the saints, who can stop them?

Above the Nine Layers Space, Antarctic Immortal, Ran Deng, Bai Lian, Xuan Gui, Kong Xuan, Duo Bao, Guang Cheng Zi, Pharmacist and others have already withdrawn countless miles away.

In the middle of the battlefield, Chen Xuanji's aura was no longer restrained, but slowly released!
The innate treasure, the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler, unconsciously appeared in his hand.

Looking at the three precious jades, the six pure bamboos, the green lotus color flag, and Chen Xuanji's face, the fighting spirit burst out!

During the Battle of Guanjiangkou that year, he fought against the evil corpse of Yuanshi.

Now he comprehends the five great laws, and proves the consummation of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal. In terms of realm, he is comparable to the primordial sub-sage, but in terms of strength, he is even stronger than the sub-sage.

Today, with the Hunyuan Golden Immortal cultivation base, he will fight against the three holy corpses, let Hongmeng measure the sky, and show the power that truly belongs to the innate treasure!
The mana of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, together with the power of the five great laws, slowly poured into the primordial ruler.

For a moment, the Hongmeng Measuring Sky Ruler seemed to have revived, and Dao patterns lingered on the thick black ruler.

In just an instant, it stretched ten thousand feet, and the immortal light of destruction burst out from above, destroying the sky and the earth.

This is the strongest blow of the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler, and it is also Chen Xuanji's all-out effort!

"Innate treasure!!"

Yuanshi, Zhunti, led the three of them to stare at the immortal light of destruction coming from above the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler.

His complexion changed slightly, and the mana injected into the Lingbao increased a bit!
The next moment, the four treasures collided and touched together!
Three jewels, jade ruyi, six pure bamboos, and a green lotus-colored flag carrying supreme divine power, smashed onto the ruler of Hongmeng.

Similarly, the divine light of destruction above the primordial measure of the sky also fell completely, completely covering the three magic weapons.

At this moment, the world freezes, the void freezes, and the whole world seems to be frozen.

It seems to be a breath, and it seems to be 1 years.

The roar produced by the collision of the four supreme treasures exploded in this piece of heaven and earth.


In an instant, the space collapsed and turned into ashes, the calamity was tumbling, and the world was in turmoil.

With the battle between the two sides as the center point, the places with a radius of millions of miles up, down, left, and right were turned into powder and annihilated into dust in an instant.

The entire prehistoric land was filled with muffled noises. Ordinary people just felt the ground shaking, as if there was an earthquake, and they had no positive understanding of the power.

But for the monks, down to the immortals and gods, up to Daluo, the quasi-sages, at this moment, they only feel the hairs on their bodies standing on end, and the heavenly spirit is icy cold.

A breath of death came rushing from the sky and the ground!

This is because the two sides intentionally controlled the power and did not spread this power to the lower realm. Otherwise, with just one blow, half of the prehistoric world would suffer, and hundreds of millions of living beings would die under this blow.

(End of this chapter)

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