Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 208 Flood Dragon's Luck Falls to Xiqi's Total Defeat

Chapter 208 Flood Dragon's Luck Falls to Xiqi's Total Defeat
Chen Xuanji smiled slightly, glanced at the Beihai battlefield, and said.

"After your fall, the true spirit is immortal. How does it feel to practice in the North Sea?"

Bai Jian shook his head and sighed, "Sage Master, the aura here is mixed, the speed is slow, and I don't have a magic method. So far, I have only reached the perfect cultivation level of the Earth Immortal, and I am still far away from the Celestial Immortal."

"Follow me back to Dashang. You have fought for the human race for many years, and now your chance has come. Follow me back to Dashang."

"After the construction of the Conferred God Platform and the completion of the task, I promise you can be ranked in the immortal class, and will no longer suffer from the desolation of the North Sea."

The Heavenly Court confers the gods on the list of gods, which seems to have many disadvantages and is restricted.

But in fact, this is for those Da Luoxians who have almost transcended, and even quasi-sages.

For monks like Earth Immortal, Heavenly Immortal, and Xuanxian, they are still very attractive.

It is equivalent to the establishment of a foreign world. If you enter the heaven, you will have a huge backstage.

The most important thing is that Bai Jian was a human monk who died in battle during the Xuanyuan Clan's period. He did not die in the Great Tribulation of Conferring Gods, so his soul was not contaminated with the aura of calamity.

After joining the Heavenly Court and entrusting the gods, the cultivation base can still grow uninterrupted.

Moreover, with the help of the heavenly court's supreme luck, the growth rate will only become faster and faster, and there is also the practice of the heavenly court's magical method.

For Bai Jian, it was more than ten or a hundred times better than continuing to practice in Beihai.

When Bai Jian heard this, he was extremely excited, and his body trembled slightly.

"Master Sheng Shengshi, is what you said true?"

"Of course it's true, can it still lie to you?"

Bo Jian bowed his head, "Bai Jian is willing, and ask the Holy Master for guidance."

Chen Xuanji smiled slightly, "Don't be in a hurry to give me advice. You are now in the state of a soul body, and your body doesn't exist. I'd better reshape your Tao body first."

Bai Jian's mission is to build the Conferred God Platform. If there is no real body, only the soul body, it is really inconvenient.

Chen Xuanji is now the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, and his Taoism is so deep that it cannot be expressed in words.

As soon as he thought about it, the primordial world, metal, wood, water, fire, earth, and the elements of the endless world continued to gather and disperse.

Soon, it condensed into a colorful Taoist body in the middle of heaven and earth.

Gathering the power of the five elements of the prehistoric world, it can be called an innate five-element spirit body.

Six ears, Nezha, Lei Zhenzi felt the surging power contained in the five-color Taoist body, and couldn't help sighing, "What a powerful physique."

The innate five-element spirit body is already considered a kind of innate body, so naturally it should not be underestimated.

"Let's try the new innate body first."

Chen Xuanji pointed to the five-color Taoist body in mid-air.


Bai Jian's soul body flew out from the Bailing Banner, and flew straight into the innate five-element spirit body.

"Whoa, whoa!"

As soon as Bai Jian entered, he felt a huge amount of spiritual energy from the Five Elements blowing towards his face.

And it is the most pure innate aura that has been refined.

For a moment, it seemed that some kind of shackles had been broken.

The aura of Bai Jian's body is rising steadily, the earth immortal is complete, the early stage of the heavenly immortal, and the middle stage of the heavenly immortal.

In the late stage of the Celestial Immortal, soon, it will soar to the perfection of the Celestial Immortal!
But not one ten thousandth of the massive energy contained in this innate five-element body has been used up yet.

In other words, before Bai Jian Jinxian, there was no need to worry about the amount of aura.

Bai Jian looked around a few times, his eyes suddenly turned red, and he bowed deeply to Chen Xuanji.

"Bai Jian, thank you Saint Master for your great kindness."

"You don't need to be too polite, it's just a matter of raising your hands."

Chen Xuanji shook his head, creating a spirit body in the void, to Hunyuan Daluo, it was just a trivial matter with a flick of a finger.

If you want, Da Luo, you can create quasi-sage-level spiritual bodies, but Bai Jian can't bear it.

"It's a matter here, follow me back to Dashang."

"Yes, Master."

Bai Jian nodded, and immediately Chen Xuanji took Bai Jian all the way back to Dashang.

After returning to Dashang, Di Xin personally met Bai Jian and asked him to build the Conferred God Platform on Qishan Mountain.

After Bai Jian received the blueprint of the Conferred God Platform, he immediately found a large number of skilled craftsmen, rushed to Qishan, and began to build the Conferred God Platform.

In the Longde Hall, Di Xin got up and asked with a smile, "My lord, how is the battle ahead?"

"Five million elite, iron cavalry, swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger, Xiqi, can't achieve anything."

Chen Xuanji shook his head lightly.

Shen Gongbao also smiled mysteriously, "With the many weapons I have developed, plus an elite army of 500 million, how can Xiqi get it right?"

At this time, Tongguan, the battle line.

Wen Zhong and Huang Feihu divided their troops into two groups, and Wen Zhong led the army to attack Lintong Pass head-on.

Huang Feihu led a team of elite troops to Sishui Pass in the starry night, completely cutting off Xiqi's supply route.

Just like Wen Zhong, prepare to attack Xiqi's millions of troops from both sides!
On the other side, Wen Zhong led the army and took out many secret weapons developed by Shen Gongbao.

God Slayer Crossbow!
Red Cannon!

Then began to attack the city. In two days, the Dashang army killed [-] enemies, and Lintong Pass was breached.

Ji Chang and Ji Fa hastily fled to Chuanyun Pass!
Three days later, Lintong Pass was breached again, and Ji Chang and Ji Fa fled to Jiepai Pass in embarrassment!
At this time, there was not much food left in the army. In the barracks, there were wailing and complaints, a lot of shouting and cursing, and there was a faint tendency to mutiny.

In the military tent, Ji Fa looked haggard, uneasy, and said worriedly.

"Father, there is no food in our army. If this continues, the army may mutiny, and the consequences will be disastrous."

Ji Chang's hair, which was originally thick and jet-black, has grown a lot of gray. It is obvious that he has been physically and mentally exhausted these days.

He raised his fingertips, then slowly lowered them, his eyes gradually became sharper.

"Order the soldiers to slaughter a batch of war horses, have a full meal first, and after returning to Xiqi, recover their vitality, and then settle accounts with the big merchants."

"Yes, Father."

Ji Fa hurried down and ordered his men to kill the horses.

Although war horse meat is rough, it is still meat. After cooking, it tastes much better than military rations.

In Jiepai Pass, the army was full of food and drink, so Ji Chang formally ordered the army to retreat.

Go through Sishui Pass and return to Xiqi to recuperate and plan to fight again in the future!

The army of Xiqi also wanted to go home a long time ago, and he was very excited.

Immediately, millions of troops marched towards the Sishui Pass.

Halfway through the journey, suddenly, a soldier came to report.

"Report to Your Majesty, Sishui Pass, Sishui Pass."

Ji Chang shouted, "What's wrong with Sishuiguan, tell me quickly."

"My Majesty, I will send someone to investigate. The Sishui Pass has been taken by Wu Cheng Wang Huang Feihu, and our army guarding the city of Xiqi has been wiped out."

Ji Chang was unsteady. Today, he paid too much attention to the frontline battle, and was unexpectedly attacked by a big businessman from the rear!

Ji Chang's face turned livid, "It's unreasonable, Wu Cheng Wang Huang Feihu is looking for death!"

"Keep going, I don't believe it, millions of troops can't break a Sishui pass!"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Under Ji Chang's order, the army of millions arrived at Sishui Pass very quickly.

Under the Sishui Pass, Ji Chang, dressed in the emperor's robe, looked down at Huang Feihu and shouted loudly.

"Huang Feihu, now that the Sishui Pass is under, there are millions of my great Zhou elite, if you surrender now, there is still a way to survive, otherwise, under the might of the heavens, the millions of troops will kill you in an instant! "

On the head of Sishuiguan City, Huang Feihu was taken aback for a moment, then laughed out loud, "Ji Chang, are you out of your mind?"

"Xiqi is already in danger now. Millions of troops have run out of food and grass supplies. What will they eat and drink?"

"Wu Sishui Pass is like a fortified wall. It is a big joke for me to surrender now."

After Huang Feihu finished speaking, he waved his hand, and thousands of cannons in red appeared on the top of Sishuiguan City.

Then, Sishui closed the door with a creaking sound, and slowly separated to both sides.

Thousands of God-slaying crossbows were slowly pushed out of the city by the elite merchants.

The metallic luster of the crossbow gave off an extremely dangerous aura!

On the top of the wall, Huang Feihu's expression suddenly became fierce, and he shouted.

"Now the city gate of Wushuiguan is wide open, Ji Chang, you can attack anyway, let's see who is stronger."

The sound was like a roaring tiger and a dragon chant, so loud that the trembling void was constantly trembling.

When Sishui was closed, Ji Chang looked at the red-clothed cannon and God-killing crossbow with an even uglier face than eating a poop.

Ji Fa stepped forward, "Father, what should we do now?"

"What else can I do? For the present plan, I can only try to attack."

Immediately, Ji Chang ordered the army to attack the city!
On the top of the city, Huang Feihu saw this, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, he raised his hand, his face was sharp, "Fire!"

"Boom, boom, boom!"

There was a thunder on the ground, and thousands of red cannons were ignited.

A bomb the size of a basketball was violently fired from the barrel, filled with black powder.

After falling into Xiqi's army, within a short time, there was a violent explosion!

"Boom, boom, boom!"

All of a sudden, people were turned on their backs, corpses were scattered all over the field, and an unknown number of soldiers were blown to pieces.

The strong wind blew, and the entire Sishuiguan was filled with a thick bloody atmosphere.

On the top of the wall, Huang Feihu immediately raised his other hand, "Fire the arrow!"

"Xuuuuuuuuuuu!" At the gate of the city, thousands of god-slaying crossbows shot out countless god-slaying crossbow arrows at once.

The god-slaying crossbow arrows, carrying the force of wind and thunder, pierced through the bodies of Xiqi soldiers and horses like strings of candied haws, stringing them together and nailing them to the ground.

All of a sudden, Xiqi's army was only capable of parrying, and had no power to fight back, and they died in pieces.

In the center of the formation, Ji Fa's expression changed drastically, "Father, this Dashang weapon is too powerful to resist, what should we do now?"

In the first round of Dashang's attack alone, Xiqi soldiers killed and injured at least 10,000+ people, and they were really defeated.

Ji Chang's eyes were scarlet, and he shouted loudly, "Retreat, the army retreats!"

Under Ji Chang's order, the army of millions quickly retreated towards Jiepai Pass.

The boundary sign was closed, and Wen Zhongyao looked at Xiqi's panic-stricken troops from a distance, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"If it wasn't for Yuan Futong's rebellion in Beihai, I really wouldn't be able to escape. A guy like Ji Chang might not even be able to invade Sishui Pass."

Wen Zhong said, "Put our cannons and crossbow arrows on as well, and teach the Xiqi army a good lesson."

"Yes, Grand Master!"

Immediately, on the head of the gate, there were red cannons, god-slaying crossbows, etc., all available.

Not long after, tens of thousands of horses were galloping, and Ji Chang led the army, just arrived at Jiepai Pass.

Wen Zhong waved his hand and ordered people to launch a general attack!

All of a sudden, the sound of artillery fire, shouts, and crossbow arrows swept across the wilderness!
"Boom, boom, boom!!!"

Successive explosions swept across the sky, and Xiqi's army was blown up again!
Ji Fa's face changed drastically, "Father, it's not good, Jiepai Pass has been occupied by Wen Zhong's army!"

Looking at Wen Zhong on the top of the wall, Ji Chang was so angry that he spat out another mouthful of old blood, and his whole body became weak instantly.

He looked at the Sishui Pass in the back, then at the Jiepai Pass in front, and said in a weak voice, "Let's set up camp here for now."


Although Ji Fa was very anxious at this time, he had no choice but to order the camp to be set up!
The boundary sign was closed, and Wen Zhong was immediately happy when he saw it.

If the Xiqi army desperately counterattacks at this time, there may still be a glimmer of life.

But choosing to set up camp at this time without supplies is tantamount to suicidal.

Wen Zhong, Huang Feihu planned to use a "trapped" tactic to trap Xiqi's army to death.

Sishuijie, the central area of ​​Jiepai Pass, Xiqi's millions of troops camped.

At this time, they marched overnight and fought two fierce battles. The army was already exhausted.

After setting up camp, except for the necessary guards.

After a while, the soldiers in the tent breathed like thunder and fell into a dream.

On the second day, when all the soldiers got up, they felt hungry and thirsty, and they couldn't help making noise again.

Ji Fa had no choice but to slaughter another batch of war horses.

The horse meat was mixed with mountain spring water, and the army was finally settled.

The next day, the army broke out again, and Ji Fa slaughtered the horses as usual.

After three days in a row, the thousands of horses remaining in the army were slaughtered.

Xiqi's army, from top to bottom, completely ran out of food.

There was an ominous atmosphere in the entire army.

At this point, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Xiqi's situation is over.

If he persisted in the end, I am afraid that the result would only be a corpse on the battlefield.

Two days later, Jiepai was in the middle of the pass, and Wen Zhong reckoned that the time was almost up.

So he sent his cronies, with a team of people and a large amount of gold, to persuade him to surrender.

After all, it was an army of millions, so it would be a pity if they were killed in vain like this.

Besides, in the interior of the big merchants, the warehouses are full, and there is enough food and clothing, which is not short of food.

It is the kingly way to let millions of troops serve the big businessmen and shine.

The envoy sent someone to approach the army, and then shouted loudly, "Your Majesty is merciful, you and the rest of the rebellion were all bewitched by the Ji family father and son. If you find your way back at this time and surrender, the top 100 people will be rewarded with a hundred taels. The land is [-] mu, and he is given the qualification to live in Chaoge Imperial City."

"The remaining people will still be given the right to use the land, and they can reclaim the land around the imperial city by themselves."

The messenger's voice, accompanied by gusts of wind, blew far, far away.

After a while, there was commotion in the Xiqi army, "I'm so hungry, I can't even hold the hungry weapons."

"Brother, that's one hundred gold, it's worth our military salary for 30 years, go and try it?"

"We are rebels, punishing the crimes of the nine clans, do you really think you will give so much money?"

"If you don't want to go, brother, then I will go."

Soon, the first person in the Xiqi army surrendered!

With the first, there will be the second, and there will be countless!
All of a sudden, everyone in the Xiqi Army dropped their weapons, and a huge crowd of people came.

Seeing the complete turmoil of Xiqi's army, above Ji Chang's head, the fate of Jiaolong disappeared inch by inch.

After a while, it returned to normal human size.

The soldiers around looked at Ji Chang and Ji Fa, their eyes sparkled, as if they were looking at rare treasures.

Surrender alone cost one hundred gold, this is the leader of the bandits, King Zhou, and how much should the second son of King Zhou be worth?
Immediately, everyone found thick hemp ropes, tied Ji Chang and Ji Fa to Wuhuada, and prepared to send them to Grand Master Wen Zhong.

(End of this chapter)

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