Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 210 Jiang Ziya confers the gods and the saints are shocked!

Chapter 210 Jiang Ziya confers the gods and the saints are shocked!

The five sages come and go, and no one is willing to take a step back.

What the onlookers saw was awe-inspiring, excited and eye-opening.

A majestic sage of heaven, a supreme existence standing at the pinnacle of the world, would have such a bickering scene.

The crowd fought for a long time, but there was still no result.

Taiqing, Nuwa looked at each other, sighed, and was about to speak.

However, Chen Xuanji said beforehand, "Stop arguing, everyone, this time conferring gods is of great importance, why don't we all choose a compromise together?"

Yuanshi, Zhunti, heard the introduction, and suddenly felt a little moved.

It's really not a big deal to continue arguing like this, so he nodded immediately, "What can you do, let's talk about it for the time being."

"It is Bai Jian who is in charge of building the God Conferring Altar. How about letting Bai Jian choose the person responsible for conferring the gods?"

Upon hearing this, Yuan Shi frowned and refused.

"Bai Jian came here to build the Conferred God Platform under the imperial decree of your human race, so he will definitely be partial to the sect. It's too unfair."

Zhunti turned his eyes and felt that it was inappropriate, so he couldn't help agreeing.

"Fellow Daoist Yuan Shi is right. Bai Jian is a member of your human race, and he will definitely favor your human race. I do not agree with this matter."

Chen Xuanji pretended to be helpless and sighed, "Since this is the case, what other methods do you think there are?"

Tong Tianjiao said, "You can't do this, and you can't do that. Why don't you let Senior Brother Taiqing use the God Whip to choose from the list of gods?"

Yuanshi, Zhunti, heard the introduction, and his eyes suddenly brightened.

The list of gods and the whip of the gods are all among the best innate spiritual treasures!
The most important thing is that most of the people on the Conferred God List are his disciples from Western teachings. As for the disciples from the Jujiao, there are very few people on the list, just three or two big cats and small cats.

Therefore, this Fengshen Bang will instinctively get close to his disciples of Yuqing's lineage.

In this way, it would be better to select candidates by the list of gods and the whip of the gods.

Immediately, Yuanshi, Zhunti and Jieyin nodded their heads.

"Okay, as you said, the candidates will be selected by the list of gods and the whip of the gods. No matter which disciple you choose, you must not go back on your word."

Master Tongtian, Chen Xuanji naturally had no doubts, and immediately, the Five Sages looked at Taiqing.

"Senior Brother Taiqing, please also take out the list of gods, beat the whip, and choose the person who is responsible for conferring the gods."

Seeing that all the sages agreed, Taiqing naturally had no opinion.

Immediately with a thought, the golden God Conferring List and the wooden whip-shaped God Whip flew out together.

Then it landed in front of Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao.

From the two great treasures, a radiant brilliance emanated, enveloping the two of them.

Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao were calm and composed, without the slightest bit of nervousness.

Anyway, they are all disciples of Jiejiao, no matter who is chosen, the content of the conferment of the gods will not change this time.

As time passed, the golden light on Jiang Ziya's body became more intense.

Conferred on the list of gods, whipped the magic whip around Jiang Ziya, spinning around.

On the contrary, the light on Shen Gongbao's body became increasingly dimmer.

Apparently, Jiang Ziya was chosen to be the god of the God Whip.

Yuanshi, Zhunti, with a look of joy on his receiving face, looked at Master Tongtian and Chen Xuanji, and said with a smile.

"The person who presides over the conferring of the gods this time is selected from the list of conferring gods with the whip of the gods. Can you be convinced?"

"Since it's on the list of gods, the ones who were chosen by the god whip to confer the gods on their own initiative, we naturally don't have any objections."

Master Tongtian, Chen Xuanji couldn't hold back his laughter, but he still pretended to be calm on the surface.

But in the eyes of Yuan Shi and the others, this appearance was an overly angry and forced appearance.

Yuanshi cleared his throat, and said seriously, "Since the person who has been appointed to confer the gods has been selected, let's start conferring the gods."

This time, although most of the people on the list are his disciples, there are also Western disciples.

But among the clergy in the heavenly court, there are also many high-level gods.

Such as the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor of the Six Royals, the Zhongtian Ziwei Emperor, the Gochen Shanggong Emperor, etc., these positions are even top-level gods.

Although it is not as noble as Haotian's status, in fact it is not much worse.

If he can occupy all of them, he can still take advantage of the teachings.

Shen Gongbao looked at Jiang Ziya, smiled slightly, and his voice was light and calm, making people feel like a spring breeze, "Then this time, it will all depend on Junior Brother Ziya."

Jiang Ziya also responded with a smile on his face, "Brother Gongbao, don't worry, Ziya will definitely be a god."

Then, under the guidance of Bai Jian, Jiang Ziya slowly walked onto the stage of conferring gods with his left hand holding the list of gods and the right hand holding a whip.
The expression was solemn and solemn. At this moment, the eyes of all the gods and gods seemed to be focused on Jiang Ziya who was on the Fengshentai.

Yuanshi, Zhunti, who caught the hearts of the three of them, couldn't help but raise them slightly!

It is very important to enshrine the gods. It is explained that whether the second Western religion can recover a blood depends on this conferment of the gods.

The three of them glanced at Master Tongtian and Chen Xuanji vaguely.

Seeing that the two of them still looked calm and calm, I couldn't help feeling slightly puzzled.

These two people are really calm, do they really not care about the matter of conferring gods at all?

At the same time, Haotian and Yaochi also felt a little shaken in their hearts!
This conferment of the gods involves a lot of things, and there are many gods conferred.

Among them, there are many great emperors such as the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor and the Zhongtian Ziwei Arctic Emperor, so Haotian still cares about them very much.

An Emperor Qinghua of the Eastern Pole, he didn't think about how to strengthen the strength of the Heavenly Court, he only thought about how to deal with the Yaozu all day long.

If there are more people like Qinghua Emperor Dongji, how will the Heavenly Court develop and grow?
As for Taiqing and Nuwa, their breaths are calm!

Strictly speaking, this conferment of gods has nothing to do with them, they are just spectators.
On the stage of conferring gods, Jiang Ziya slowly stood aside the whip, holding the list of conferring gods with both hands, and slowly stretched it out.

For a moment, thousands of golden lights burst out from the list of gods, sweeping across the nine heavens and ten places, everywhere!
Jiang Ziya spoke slowly, his voice was solemn, like rolling thunder, spreading throughout the Three Realms.

"My Jiang Ziya, under the order of Hongjun Taoist ancestor, complies with the ten thousand laws of heaven and earth, and now in front of the altar of conferring gods on Mount Qi, confers on the gods."

"During the great catastrophe of conferring gods, those with deep blessings will become the way of immortals and gods, those who are slightly inferior will enter the human world, and those who are the next will enter the reincarnation of reincarnation. god!""

As Jiang Ziya's voice fell, a milky white power of heaven suddenly descended from above the heaven, covering the entire Fengshentai!
This is the power of the way of heaven in the prehistoric world, and the appearance of the power of the way of heaven means that the conferment of the gods this time is in line with the general trend of the way of heaven.

Once it starts, no one can stop it.

Yuanshi, Zhunti, looked at the faint power of heaven permeating Jiang Ziya's body, and for some reason, he felt a little uncomfortable.

The three of them looked at each other, their eyes were firm, and they instantly wiped out all the bad things in their hearts!

Jiang Ziya is a disciple of Yuqing's lineage, so no matter what, he can rest assured that he can become a god this time.

On the Conferred God Stage, Jiang Ziya said in a loud voice, "Great Shang Taishi, who fought against Xiqi, made great contributions in the Conferred God Calamity, and made great contributions to his hard work. He was conferred the title of Nine Heavens Yingyuan Leisheng Puhua Tianzun, controlled the Ministry of Thunder, and the headquarters is the god. Xiaoyuqing Mansion has three provinces and nine divisions!"

"Bigan, the prime minister of the great merchant, has made great contributions to the prosperity of the great merchant with his extensive knowledge of the past and the present. Today, Bigan is appointed as the star king of Wenqu in the heavenly court, in charge of the literary spirit of the three realms, and worshiped by those who study in the three realms!"

"Wucheng King Huang Feihu made great contributions in the battle against Xiqi. He was appointed as the head of the five sacred gods, Dongyue Taishan Rensheng Great Emperor, and he is in charge of the five mountains and rivers!"

"Han Rong, the guard of Sishui Gate, is ordered to be the emperor of Huashan, the western mountain of May God!"

"Huang Gun, the gatekeeper of the sealed boundary card, is the Emperor Zhaosheng of Mount Heng of the Five Sacred Mountains!"

"I designate Zhang Guifang, the guard of Qinglong Pass, as Xuansheng Great Emperor of Anshan, the northern mountain of the Five Sacred Gods!"

"Emperor Deng Jiugong, the commander-in-chief of the Sanshan Pass, is the emperor of Mount Song, one of the righteous gods of the Five Sacred Mountains!"

"Li Jing, the commander-in-chief of Chentangguan, was granted the title of Tota Li Tianwang!"


After a while, after Jiang Ziya granted the conferment of the Dashang monks, whispers and discussions arose near the Conferred God Stage.

"Nine Heavens Responding to Yuan Thunder and Universalizing Heavenly Venerable, Wenqu Xingjun, and Wuyue Zhengshen. These are all high-level gods!"

"Da Shang is the winning side, so it's not too much to confer some high-level gods, right?"

"Don't forget that Jiang Ziya is a cultivator. When the time comes, how should he be a monk in the Xiqi camp?"

Not far away, on the holy throne, Yuanshi, Zhunti, and Jieyin couldn't help frowning slowly!

"Obviously, I have told Ziya before, try to bestow some low-level gods on the big merchants, but now, why is it the other way around?"

Zhunti, Jieyin also had doubts in his heart, there are only so many high-level gods.

If all of them are occupied by big merchants, what should he do in the West and explain the second religion?
Immediately, Sansheng couldn't help throwing a look at Jiang Ziya.

On the Conferred God Stage, Jiang Ziya's eyes were flat, and he was dressed in a snow-white Taoist robe, calmly, and continued to speak loudly.

"Friar Dashang has been conferred, and monk Xiqi will be conferred next."

Jiang Ziya continued to speak loudly, "Bo Yi Kao is granted the honor of being the funeral star king of the heavenly star king!"

"I ordered Jifa to be the star king of the heavenly court star king."

"I ordered Nangong Shi to be the gatekeeper of the Nantian Gate of the Heavenly Court, the Zuo Tianbing of the left and right heavenly soldiers!"

After conferring monks of Xiqi one after another, waves have already set off outside the entire Conferred God Stage!
Without him, compared with Da Shang, the title of Xiqi God conferred is completely different.

One underground, one heaven, almost incomparable.

Taiqing, Nuwa's expression couldn't help changing when she saw Jiang Ziya's apotheosis.

Looking at Master Tongtian, could it be that Senior Brother Tongtian really has other backhands?
At this time, Zhunti finally couldn't sit still, and secretly transmitted a voice to Yuanshi.

"Brother Yuanshi, what's the matter with Ziya, why did you confer all those high-ranking gods to Da Shang?"

At this moment, Yuan Shi was at a loss, but he still pretended to be calm on the surface.

"Wuyue Zhengshen, what kind of high-level gods are Wenquxing, Antarctic Changsheng Emperor, Zhongtian Ziwei Emperor, Gouchen Shanggong Emperor, these are the top gods, they are all reserved for our second religion, don't panic. "

"Is that so?" Zhun Ti heard it, and immediately felt relieved.

The God of the Five Sacred Mountains, although known as the Great Emperor, is just an ordinary high-ranking deity.

The Antarctic Changsheng Emperor, the Zhongtian Ziwei Emperor, and the Gouchen Shanggong Emperor, these are the real emperors.

Just get one, enough to be bigger than the previous sum.

On the Conferred God Stage, Jiang Ziya continued to speak loudly, "The gods of Dashang and Xiqi have all been sealed, and now we are starting to seal the gods of the disciples of Jujiao!"

"The Ten Heavenly Monarchs of Jin'ao Island are imperially granted, and they are the Heavenly Monarchs of the Dharma Protector of the Thunder Division under the command of the Nine Heavens Yingyuan Puhua Tianzun!"

"Emperor Lu Yue of Jin'ao Island, the Great Emperor Wen Huang of the Heavenly Court, to rule over the gods of the Ministry of Plague!"

"I ordered Zhao Gongming, the elder brother of the Jiejiao Outer Sect, to be the True Lord of the Dragon and Tiger Profound Altar, open up the Dragon and Tiger Profound Altar Mansion, and rule over the gods under the Dragon and Tiger Profound Altar!"

"Nezha was appointed as the great god of the Santan Haihui, and his body was sanctified!"

"Designate Lei Zhenzi as the Heavenly King of the Dharma Protector of the Lei Department, and sanctify his body!"

"The Holy Mother of Jinling, the direct descendant of the inner sect of the Jiejiao, is the mother of all stars, Doumu Yuanjun!"

"Yu Hua, a disciple of the three generations of Jujiao, is appointed as the East Dou Xing Lord of the Five Dou Xing Lords!"

"The three generations of disciples who have been granted the title of Jujiao."

There are so many disciples of the Jiejiao, Jiang Ziya spent a lot of effort to seal the disciples of the Jiejiao just now!
The Jiejiao disciples who were robbed this time were not completely sealed, but only part of them were sealed.

Firstly, he was worried that Haotian's mentality would collapse because he was too ruthless to stop teaching and enter the Heavenly Court.

Secondly, Jin'ao Island is the base camp of Jiejiao's disciples after all, and the Jiejiao's luck is also very majestic, enough to support most of the disciples' cultivation, which is no worse than Heavenly Court.

At this time, outside the Conferred God Stage, the atmosphere was already solemn, no one dared to whisper anymore.

Even Styx, Zhen Yuanzi and other veteran quasi-sage Daxiu didn't speak at this time, but there was a playful smile on their faces.

Judging from the current situation, it seems that the second Western religion is about to suffer a big loss again.
Yuanshi, Zhunti, Jieyin had a very ugly expression on his face, "How could this happen!"

It can be seen at a glance that Jiang Ziya consecrated and intercepted all the people, just like the monks of the big merchant family, all of them were conferred high-level gods.

Coupled with the previous edicts, in this way, there are not many high-level gods.

For a while, Yuanshi, Zhunti, and Yingyin were all a little anxious.

There shouldn't be any accidents this time, right?

Not far away, Master Tongtian smiled at the three of them, his smile was unpredictable, it seemed to be mocking, and it seemed to be celebrating.

Immediately, the faces of Yuan Shi and the others turned even darker.

In the Conferred God Stage, Jiang Ziya couldn't control so much. He looked at the Conferred Gods list and continued to speak loudly.

"The disciples of the Intercepting Sect are sealed, next, the disciples of the Western Sect are sealed!"

As soon as he heard that it was time to seal the disciples of the Western religion, Zhun mentioned it, and immediately listened attentively to the introduction.

The time to decide the fate of his Western Cult disciples is finally coming!

In the Conferred God Stage, Jiang Ziya said in a loud voice, "I confer the title of Dragon Subduing Arhat, the broom star king!"

"The arhat who subdued the tiger was granted the title of the City God of the City God Temple!"

"Emperor the Sitting Deer Arhat, the day-wandering god of the day-night wandering god!"

"Emperor the Arhat Riding an Elephant, the God of Day and Night and the God of Night!"

"Emperor the long-browed Arhat, the God of Earth in the Earth Immortal Realm!"

Jiang Ziya said a few words, and soon sealed the Western disciples all over.

It's just that the enshrined gods are all the lower gods among the lower gods, which can be called not popular.

Outside the Conferred God Stage, Zhunti, Jieyin's face was dull, and his eyes were full of disbelief, "This, is this the end of the seal?"

His western disciples, unexpectedly only allocated some low-level god positions?

Zhunti, Jieyin's eyes were full of anger, looking at Yuanshi, his whole body was boiling with coldness, filled with murderous intent!
"Brother Yuanshi, why did Ziya confer such a result? Could it be that you are playing with my Western religion?"

Zhunti, Jieyin is easy to talk and harmless to humans and animals on weekdays, but once it touches the great prosperity of the West and the struggle for orthodoxy, it will definitely become the most terrifying enemy in an instant.

Even Yuan Shi felt a little headache at this moment, and said helplessly.

"I clearly told Ziya before to divide and explain the high-level gods evenly. The two western religions, how could it have become like this?"

Zhunti still didn't believe it, and wanted to continue questioning, but was led away.

Jieyin's eyes were deep, and he spoke slowly and solemnly, "There are too many things wrong with this conferment of the gods. Could it be that this time, we have been fooled by that part of the teacher?"

"Being fooled? Impossible, Jiang Ziya is teaching his disciples, and this is exactly what it is."

Zhunti shook his head immediately, a little in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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