Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 212: Rebelling against the Mysteries and Standing Buddha's Mysterious Sect's Luck

Chapter 212: Rebelling against the Mysteries and Standing Buddha's Mysterious Sect's Luck Passes!
On the other side of the Conferred God Stage, Zhunti and Jieyin looked at each other with firm eyes, and said in unison.

"My, the leader of the Western religion must mention it!"

"My, the leader of the Western religion will guide you!"

"Today, the two of us complied with God's will. Western religion broke away from Taoism and became Mahayana Buddhism. I promise to mention that I am the ancestor of all Buddhas in Mahayana Buddhism. I accept and guide it as Amitabha Buddha in Mahayana Buddhism!"

"Learning from the Way of Heaven, Mahayana Buddhism, stand up!"

As the voices of the two fell, the sound of thunder came from above the Nine Layers of Clouds, resounding through the Three Realms and falling into the ears of countless people.

It seems that the way of heaven is confirming the oath of the two sages of the West, and at the same time responding to the establishment of Mahayana Buddhism!

At the same time, Zhunti, the Taoist robe on Jieyin's body gradually dissipated like spring breeze and snow, and was replaced by Buddhist nine-color cassock!
On the top of the two heads, the black hair was dense, crystal-clear and smooth, falling off layer by layer, and there was not one hair left, and they soon became bald, but this is not over yet.

"Ho, ho!!" On the eastern land, at some point, there was a burst of dragon chant.

For hundreds of millions of years, the luck accumulated by the Taoist sect has become a five-clawed luck golden dragon with millions of meters, roaring between the heaven and the earth.

The huge dragon eyes of the Luck Golden Dragon looked to the west.

Opening his mouth and vomiting, about one-third of the luck was spit out and fell into the western land.

Zhunti, the eight hundred sects cultivated by Jieyin are not authentic Taoism.

Now, if you rebel against Xuanmen and stand Buddha, you are not a person of Taoism, so at this time, the luck of Xuanmen is constantly passing to the west.

But after a while, the luck of the West has soared, and there is a hint of prosperity!
At the same time, as the luck of the Taoist sect continued to pass, Taiqing, Nuwa, Yuanshi, and the four sages of Tongtian felt a little weak!

Zhunti, behind the guide, all the Western disciples, the pharmacist, and Maitreya took the lead, and put their palms together.

"Today we are no longer disciples of Western religions, but disciples of Mahayana Buddhism!"

As the voice fell, bursts of golden Brahma light flickered.

Gradually turning the Taoist robes on everyone into seven-color cassocks, a breath of compassion rushed over.

Taiqing, Nuwa, Tongtian, and Yuanshi four sages were all shocked, with a look of disbelief on their faces!
"Zhunti, Jieyin, what are you doing, you are ruining my Xuanmen luck!"

"Diverting the luck of the Taoist sect, what a crime it is!"

"Zhunti, Jieyin, the teacher just promised Er to wait for the next calamity to be prosperous, and now he rebelled against Xuanli Buddha, how can he be worthy of the teacher's cultivation?"

Zhunti clasped his palms together, smiling, showing compassion.

"Brother Daoists, you are joking. My Buddhist sect has originally cultivated [-] sects. Now that Mahayana Buddhism is established, it is nothing more than returning to the origin. Why do you say betrayal?"

Jieyin was covered with golden light and had a deep breath, "As for Daoist Hongjun, he is a teacher for a day and a teacher for the rest of his life. We also regard Daozu as a teacher."

Yuanshi valued Xuanmen's face the most, and he didn't care about any cooperation at this time, he said coldly.

"You guys rebelled against Xuan and established Buddha, and damaged my luck in Xuanmen, and one day I will taste the bitter fruit."

Zhunti looked at each other and smiled, "Brother Yuan Shi was just joking. My Mahayana Buddhism teaches that the sea of ​​suffering is boundless. If you turn around and put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately, how can you be afraid of suffering?"

Yuan Shi's eyes were cold, and he was about to speak again, but was stopped by Taiqing.

"It's a foregone conclusion to rebel against Xuan and establish Buddha, we don't need to say anything more."

"The conferring of the gods is over, this matter is over, and we won't stay any longer."

After Taiqing finished speaking, he pulled up to Xuandu, bowed his hands to everyone, and left on the green bull.

For a moment, the purple energy surged into the sky, and the scene was extremely spectacular!
Seeing this, Nuwa sighed softly. The six friends of Zixiao Palace in the past have gone farther and farther after all.
She didn't stay any longer, called Xuantian Huofeng, bid farewell to everyone, and flew to Taisutian.

Yuan Shi still snorted coldly, his eyes were icy cold, "Let's go too."

After finishing speaking, he took the Antarctic Immortal, Ran Deng, Guang Chengzi and others to fly to Kunlun Mountain.

"Brothers leave, I won't stay any longer."

Zhunti didn't care about the reception, smiled at everyone, and led the disciples of Mahayana Buddhism back to the West.

All the saints left, and in front of the Conferred God Stage, the crowd of monks who were watching suddenly lost their excitement, and also left one after another.

After a while, only the immortals of Jiejiao, or the monks of the Great Desolation who had been friends with Jiejiao were left.

Zhen Yuanzi sighed, "The sages of the West, who are worthy of perseverance, have great determination to rebel against the mystic and stand up to the Buddha."

Zhen Yuanzi admired Zhun Ti a little bit, and took them over.

If it were someone else, seeing the poverty of the west, they would probably find another way out.

But the second sage of the West is not, the West is poor, let him become rich!

No talent in the West?Then grab it, grab it from the east, south, and north to the west!
If there is no opportunity for great prosperity in the West, then continue to fight for the opportunity for the prosperity of the West!

It is no wonder that such a person with great perseverance and determination can snatch the throne of his brother Hongyun, it is not wronged at all.

Minghe smiled, not paying attention, "So what if you rebel against the Xuan and stand up to the Buddha, as far as the place in the west is where the birds don't shit, no matter how much you manage it, it won't help."

Chen Xuanji smiled slightly, "This time, the Second Saints of the West rebelled against the Xuanli Buddha, but they greatly offended the people of the Xuanmen. It will be difficult for the West to develop in the future."

Everyone smiled and automatically filtered the topic.

In fact, it is the Taoist sages who have the greatest influence on rebelling against the mystic and standing on the Buddha, and it does not have much influence on them.

Styx walked up to Xuangui, patted Xuangui's shoulder, and said with a sigh.

"The Antarctic Immortal Emperor, one of the six emperors, has such a noble status. You old guy, after living a new life, you are getting better and better. I am so envious."

Zhen Yuanzi also nodded again and again, with envy on his face, "The Antarctic Changsheng Emperor has unlimited luck, and coupled with the accumulation of fellow Taoists in previous lives, I am afraid that in time, it is not impossible to prove the Tao."

Xuangui said modestly, "The two fellow Taoists are joking, I have just broken through to the sub-sage, and I am afraid that it is still far away to prove the Tao."

On the Conferred God Stage, Styx and Zhen Yuanzi chatted for a while, then said goodbye to each other and went back to the Netherworld.

Immediately, on the Conferred God Stage, only the disciples of Jiejiao were left.

Chen Xuanji looked at Bai Jian in front of the Conferred God Stage, and said with a smile, "Bai Jian, have you thought about where to go next?"

Bai Jian shook his head, "The way forward is unclear, so please ask Master Shengshi for guidance."

Chen Xuanji pondered for a while, and said, "In the Netherworld, there is still a lack of incense priesthood among the six reincarnations. Would you like to take it?"

"Of course, if you don't want to take on the role, you can stay in Jiejiao to practice."

Bai Jian thought carefully for a while, then nodded slowly, "I am willing to stay in Jiejiao to practice and look forward to the road of cultivation."

"Okay, Gongming, I will leave it to you to arrange the matter of Bai Jian."

Zhao Gongming patted his chest, "They are all our own people, don't worry, big brother."

Then, Chen Xuanji looked at the affectionate Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao, and smiled.

"You guys have offended quite a few people by conferring gods this time."

Jiang Ziya, Shen Gongbao took it for granted, "Teacher's words are absurd. For the sake of my teaching career, what's the point of offending some people? Even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire, we dare to break through."

Chen Xuanji shook his head and smiled, "For the next period of time, don't go out unless necessary, stay on Jin'ao Island and improve your cultivation."

"is teacher."

Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao naturally had no objections.

Although it only took a few years to confer the gods this time, they were indeed a little tired after all the hard work.

Practicing in Jin'ao Island for a period of time can be regarded as a small long vacation for myself.

Now that something has happened, the leader of the Tongtian religion returned to Jinao Island with all the immortals of Jiejiao.

At the same time, in the western land, on Mount Sumeru.

Zhunti, after the lead pharmacist, Maitreya, Dashizhi, and Ksitigarbha settled down, I always feel a little restless.

"Brother, I always feel a little restless, as if something happened."

"Me too."

The reception also has this feeling.

The two looked at each other and pinched their fingers to calculate.

Now the amount of calamity has passed, the calamity has dissipated, and the world is clear.

The two calculated with the sage's supreme magic power, and naturally they came to the final result soon.

And the end result, though dark, points to chaos
"Chaos. What's the matter with chaos?"

Zhunti was a little puzzled.

"Among the chaos. Is there something wrong with our dojo?"

Zhunti frowned, the ashrams of saints are all protected by great mana, surrounded by earth, fire, water and wind, waiting for idle monks.

Not to mention entering, just approaching, I am afraid I will die. What can go wrong in this kind of place?
Jie Yin shook his head, and quickly dispelled the distracting thoughts in his mind, "Don't think too much, just go to Chaos to have a look, and by the way, go to see how the six-winged golden cicada is doing, that six-winged golden cicada is from Daxing in the west. where the cornerstone lies.”

"Yes, brother."

Zhunti, he just did what he said to do. With a single thought, he tore apart the space and disappeared on Mount Sumeru in the blink of an eye.

The two passed through the nine layers of clouds all the way, passed through the barriers of the world, and soon arrived in chaos.

The vast chaos, the twinkling stars, the silence and darkness.

Zhunti, guide and sneak all the way, and soon reach the blissful land!

The two passed through the earth, fire, water and wind, and soon came to the Daleiyin Temple, stepping into the small world.

The two of them sensed the chaotic and beastly aura deliberately left by Chen Xuanji.

He couldn't help frowning, and a gleam of coldness flashed across his eyes, "Someone has been to our dojo."


Zhunti was shocked, full of disbelief.

As soon as he received the thought, the saint's supreme magic power instantly enveloped the entire small world, and his face soon became gloomy.

"All the resources in the dozen or so treasure houses in our west have been stolen!"

"This breath is consistent with the breath of the chaotic beast. It should be a chaotic beast that inadvertently crossed the ground, fire, water and wind and broke into our dojo."

"Then my Buddhist disciple, is there any damage?"

Zhunti's face was full of anxiety, in the blissful state, the Buddhist disciples in Daleiyin Temple are the mainstay of his Buddhism.

In case something happened, there was really no place to cry.

Sweeping away the guiding spirit, seeing that many Buddhist disciples are still practicing, he was immediately relieved.

"Those disciples are fine, only the treasury was looted, leaving nothing behind."

Jieyin's face relaxed a bit, but he was still very painful, "If it's just a loss of some resources, then it's better to say something."

Suddenly, the voices of the two stopped abruptly, as if they had thought of something, they were shocked!

"Not good, our Six-winged Golden Cicada!"

Zhunti, with a thought, immediately flew to Daleiyin Temple, the center of the world.

The two looked at the sleeping six-winged golden cicada on the golden relic, looked at each other, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This six-winged golden cicada is his big treasure in the west.

If it was swallowed by that chaotic beast in three bites, I would really feel distressed to death.

Zhunti looked at the Six-winged Cicada with both eyes, and a flash of worry suddenly flashed.

"Senior brother, the Dao ancestor said that the next calamity will come within tens of thousands of years. Do you think the vicious nature of the six-winged golden cicada will be completely wiped out by then?"

Jie Yin nodded, with a flash of confidence in his brows, "Don't worry, no one can resist the power of my western golden Brahma light. No matter how fierce this six-winged golden cicada is, the fierceness in its body will be wiped out one day. Let my Buddhist sect carry it out."

"That's good." Only then did Zhunti exhale, but soon there was a cold look on his face.

"Where did the chaotic beast come from, to sneak into the small world we created, so bold!"

Zhunti pinched it with his fingertips, and immediately began to calculate. The Supreme Mana followed the ray of cause and effect, and began to trace the source.

But after a while, Zhunti frowned, and the thread of karma broke out of thin air.

Once it is broken, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, and the calculation cannot go on anyway.

Zhunti also knew that the chaos is not like the flood, there are many variables, so he had to accept the supreme mana and said coldly.

"What a thief, if I catch him, he will have his skin cramped, and his soul will be thrown into a place where he will never be restored!"

At the same time, after Yuan Shi returned to Kunlun Mountain with the disciples of Chanjiao, he was quite disheartened.

So he sealed the gate of Yuxu Palace and planned to cultivate quietly for a while.

Outside Yuxu Palace, at the Randen Daoist Temple, there was a coldness in the eyes of the Taoist Randen.

Suddenly, he gritted his teeth and threw out several pieces of jade charms.

The jade talisman was shining with brilliance, and it flew out of the dojo in an instant.

Although this Kunlun Mountain has a strong aura and is the ancestor of all mountains, he really couldn't stay for a moment when he lit the lamp.

Fearing Liusun Daochang, Fearing Liusun looked at the crystal jade talisman in his hand, with bursts of gloomy light shining on his face.

After a while, Fear Liusun crushed the jade talisman in his hand, and flew out of the cave.

In the Cihang dojo, the real person Cihang made the same decision as fearing Liusun, smashed the jade talisman, and flew out of the dojo.

Manjusri Dojo, Manjusri also crushed the jade talisman and flew away from the dojo
Soon, in front of the Lantern Dojo, there were several more figures, not Cihang, Manjusri, who is afraid of leaving grandchildren?

The three of them did not hide their aura, and after looking at each other, they stepped into the Lantern Dojo.

At this time, in the Lantern Dojo, a bodhi seed was slowly suspended in the air, emitting bursts of golden Brahma light.

Isolate the secrets of heaven, disturb yin and yang, and cut off cause and effect.

Whether you are the sub-sage Daxiu, or the sage of heaven, you can't check the truth.

Ran Deng looked at the three of them, and he was slightly relieved, but at the same time felt a little pity.

In fact, after so many years of teaching, he didn't just talk to the three people in front of him.

Real people like Huanglong and Puxian are also willing to join the West.

It's a pity that in the battle of conferring gods, they all fell to the list, and they missed the west
In the cave mansion, Ran Deng said solemnly, "What are you thinking about, betraying the teachings and defecting to the West, right in front of you, this is our chance."

Fearing that Liusun was severely punished for taking the blame for Chi Jingzi when he was in Kunlun Mountains, he felt very resentful.

Coupled with the occasional bewitchment of the golden Brahma light, he has long been loyal to the West, so he spoke immediately at this time.

"I am afraid of leaving my grandson behind, and I would like to follow Teacher Ran Deng at all times."

Cihang and Manjusri were also somewhat disheartened.

Explanation of teaching and practice depends on whether the heel is extraordinary, whether the source of blessing is profound, and whether it is loved by the master.

If you don't account for the three, it will be really difficult to practice.

Cihang, Manjusri was severely injured in the Jiuqu Yellow River formation, his heels were slightly damaged, and his Taoism was slightly reduced, so he couldn't be seen by the teacher.

Therefore, at this time, I was also resentful towards the interpretation of education, coupled with the fact that many senior brothers were listed on the list, they were disheartened, and they were also ready to switch to the West to find another way out.

Cihang and Manjusri nodded, making up their minds, they all clasped their hands together and said, "Teacher Randeng, we would like to go west."

After the two finished speaking, they couldn't help feeling a little worried, "Teacher Ran Deng, if we leave Kunlun Mountain, where will the master be?"

Ran Deng smiled, "The saints in Kunlun Mountain are saints, so there are no saints in the west? You can rest assured."

Afraid to stay, Sun said, "Then when shall we set off?"

Ran Deng categorically said, "There is no time to delay, it is now."

After Ran Deng finished speaking, he left his grandson in fear, Master Cihang and Master Manjusri left the dojo together and rushed to the foot of Kunlun Mountain.

Just when he was about to leave the boundary of Kunlun Mountain, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Teacher Ran Deng, where are you fellow apprentices going?"

The person who spoke was Guang Chengzi. At this time, he was still holding the Fantian Seal on his right hand. The Fantian Seal was stained with blood, and a sinister aura rushed towards his face.

When Ran Deng and his group saw Guang Chengzi, their hearts beat violently.

Especially those who are afraid of leaving their grandsons, Master Cihang and Master Puxian tremble even more, for fear that Guang Chengzi has already discovered their plot.

In the end, he was still burning the lamp, pretending to be astonishing.

"Where did you go to get such a bloody body?"

Guang Chengzi explained, "The prehistoric world has been transformed into the Three Realms, and the congenital aura has been transformed into the acquired aura, so there are many ferocious monsters growing near Kunlun Mountain. I have nothing to do, so I will clean it up."

"So that's the case." Everyone in the burning lamp breathed a sigh of relief.

Guang Chengzi continued, "Teacher Ran Deng took them there."

Ran Deng smiled and said, "Recently they have learned a few spells, and they don't understand the subtleties, so they asked me to explain them to them, because they were worried that they would disturb the saint on Kunlun Mountain, so they prepared to go out."

"I see."

Guang Chengzi cupped his hands slightly to Ran Deng, "Since that's the case, then I won't bother you much."

(End of this chapter)

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