Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 215 Lu Ya's Proof of Dao Chapter Returns to Honghuang!

Chapter 215: Lu Ya's Proof Returns to the Primordial Desolation!

In the sky of Mount Sumeru, Zhunti, after receiving the edict to seal all the Buddhas.

Feeling that the luck of Buddhism is like a rainbow, and it continues to grow, a touch of relief finally appeared on his face.

Rebelling against Xuanli Buddha, it seems that this step is really the right one.

After drawing a clear line with the Taoist luck, there are really many benefits, and you no longer have to be suppressed and restrained by the oriental luck. It can be said that you are at ease.

Taking the western land as the basic disk, develop slowly and step by step, eating away the luck of the other three parties.

With his eight hundred sects in the west, and with his unsurpassed perseverance in Buddhism, why worry about the day of great prosperity?
Soon, Zhunti led all the Buddhas back to Mount Sumeru, and began recruiting disciples wantonly.

Buddhism is just established, although luck has greatly increased, but the foundation is still shallow after all.

It is also necessary to recruit disciples in the western land and spread the wonderful method widely. Only in this way can we stabilize our basic foundation.

Only when the basic market is stable can we talk about the follow-up development of Buddhism.

This time, Buddhism recruited disciples on a large scale, and there was nothing to worry about.

In the great catastrophe of conferring the gods, the saints fought fiercely, and the prehistoric world was shattered, causing the prehistoric aura to degenerate into acquired aura.

Although the west is still barren, the gap between it and the east, south, and north is not as big as it was before the flood was broken.

Therefore, it should be much easier to recruit disciples and pass on the magic of the West.

On this side, the Buddhist sect is in full swing, opening its gates wide, recruiting disciples, and stabilizing its foundation.

On the other side, on the 33rd day, Zhongtian Ziwei, the Arctic Emperor, the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor, and Gouchen Shanggong Emperor, also took their positions and began to perform their duties.

For a time, there was no wave in the prehistoric, the world was peaceful, and the great prehistoric fell into a long-lost peace.

Time rushes like fine sand flowing from the fingers, and a hundred years pass in the blink of an eye.

In the prehistoric Three Realms, the waves are still calm and calm.

On the contrary, it was the vast chaos, and there was an extra figure around the prehistoric world.

This figure, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, is extremely handsome.

In the pitch-black pupils, there was indescribable tenacity, calmness, and confidence.

He is dressed in the robe of the Golden Crow Emperor, with his hands behind his back, an indescribable aura of the Golden Crow Emperor, mighty and mighty, sweeping through the chaos!
This figure was exactly Lu Ya who had left the prehistoric world and headed for chaos.

When Lu Ya came to the chaos, he didn't just practice blindly on the sun star, but practiced everywhere, narrowly dying.

He kept in mind the words of the military adviser Bai Ze, and he would not return to the prehistoric world if he did not prove the Dao Hunyuan for a day.

Not long ago, Lu Ya finally comprehended [-]% of the Law of the Great Sun, and proved the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and only then did he have the idea of ​​returning to the prehistoric.

He wants to recast the foundation left by his father and uncle, so that the name of the demon clan's Heavenly Court will once again resound throughout the prehistoric world.

"Now that I have proved the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and my body has merged into the long river of chaos, time and space, I am comparable to a sage in the prehistoric heaven. It is time to go back to the prehistoric, but before returning to the prehistoric, I have to take the treasure of my demon clan, the demon flag, to get it." return."

Before Lu Ya left Honghuang, he went to Taisutian and Wa Palace, and handed over the Zhao Yao Banner to Nuwa for safekeeping.

Now that he has returned from proving the Dao, naturally he doesn't need to bother Nuwa anymore.

"Chaos Clock, come out!"

With a thought in Lu Ya's mind, a big golden bell slowly appeared in his palm.

It was the Chaos Clock, the innate treasure that accompanied the Eastern Emperor Taiyi back then.

In the Lich decisive battle back then, the Chaos Clock fell into the Chaos Dimension and disappeared, not even the Six Sages could find it.

After Lu Ya proved the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, he deduced it with his own blood essence and supreme magic power.

Finally calculated the location of the Chaos Clock, and then obtained.

At this time, above the Chaos Clock, infinite light erupted, blessed Lu Ya's body, tore apart the Chaos Space in an instant, and flew towards Tai Sutian.

Tai Sutian, Xuantian Huofeng Jinning dozed off while guarding the door.

"Sage Nuwa is here, why are you still dozing off here? Are you not afraid of being punished by the saint?"

"The empress is here?" Jin Ning was startled by the sudden voice, and immediately opened his eyes.

Looking in all directions, but finding nothing, where is the shadow of Nuwa saint?

Just when Jin Ning thought he heard it wrong, suddenly the void in front of him began to twist continuously.

An unusually scorching, disdainful aura slowly emerged.

Lu Ya slowly stepped through the space, appeared in front of Jin Ning, and smiled at Jin Ning.

"Fellow Daoist Jin Ning, I am Lu Ya, and I am here to pay homage to Saint Nuwa, please report."

Jin Ning was taken aback, and looked at Lu Ya, as if trying to understand something.

"Lu Ya, were you playing tricks on me just now?"

Lu Ya waved his hand, his expression relaxed, "Long time no see, just kidding, how can it be called a joke?"

Jin Ning snorted softly, but soon his expression changed, he stared at Lu Ya, and said in shock.

"You have proved the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal!"

As a saint's mount, Jin Ning was naturally very sensitive to the saint's aura, and he could tell that there was something wrong with Lu Ya's aura at a glance.

Lu Ya smiled slightly, "Just noticed?"

Jin Ning covered the small mouth of the cherry, the shock in his eyes did not diminish in the slightest.

"That's Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, an existence of the same level as the Heavenly Dao Saint, you actually did it!"

Lu Ya nodded slightly, "I will tell you about Hunyuan when I have a chance in the future. I have important things to do when I return to Honghuang this time. Take me to see Saint Nuwa first."


Jin Ning's face was still a little dull, and after several reminders from Lu Ya, he finally came to his senses, and led Lu Ya into Taisutian.

Taisutian has beautiful mountains and rivers, a vast territory, thousands of miles of fertile plains, and leisurely white clouds.

There are also countless rare and exotic beasts galloping on the earth, full of vitality everywhere.

Occasionally there is a breeze, which only makes people feel refreshed.

Looking at this long-lost scene, Lu Ya also heaved a sigh of relief and sighed.

"The taste of the prehistoric, I, Luya, is finally back!"

The moment Lu Ya entered Tai Sutian, in Wa Palace, Nu Wa looked startled, and immediately opened her eyes, looking outside Wa Palace.

After seeing Lu Ya's figure, Nu Wa's face was even more surprised.

"Lu Ya, with this aura, he actually proved the Hunyuan Daluo!"

As a sage of the Dao of Heaven, Nuwa naturally knows the difficulty of proving the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, which is infinitely more difficult than that of a sage of the Dao of Heaven.

Jin Ning brought Lu Ya to Wa Palace and said to Lu Ya.

"I'll go ahead and report to the empress, please wait a moment."

"Okay." Lu Ya naturally had no objection. After Jin Ning entered the Wa Palace, he came out not long after, and said to Lu Ya, "Your Majesty, please come in."

Lu Ya thanked Jin Ning and walked straight into Wa Palace.

In Wa Palace, the innate spiritual energy is thick, and the sage's Taoism is spreading.

Pieces of auspicious clouds, purple air curling up, a piece of mysterious power, slowly falling.

Nuwa has already stood up, wearing a long white dress, with holy light shining all over her body.

The skin is like a jade carving, with a frown and a smile, it is beautiful and beautiful.

"Lu Ya met Empress Nuwa."

Lu Ya smiled slightly, and cupped his hands at Nuwa.

Nu Wa looked at Lu Ya for a long time and sighed.

"As expected of you, the son of the demon emperor Jun, who actually proclaimed the Tao of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. I underestimated you back then."

Back then, when Lu Ya left Honghuang, went to Chaos, handed over the demon banner to Nuwa, and was about to pursue the Great Dao of Hunyuan.

Nuwa persuaded Lu Ya to continue to practice in the wilderness, slowly recover the vitality of the monster clan, and slowly figure it out.

It's just that Lu Ya didn't obey, but plunged into the chaos.

Unexpectedly, Lu Ya really succeeded, proving the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

That is Hunyuan Daluo, who is integrated into the chaotic time and space, although his personality is consistent with that of the prehistoric and heavenly saints.

But from the source level, it is better than the saint of heaven.

Lu Ya waved his hand, and said modestly, "I'm lucky, I encountered some opportunities, so I just proved the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo."

"Fellow Daoist is humble."

Nuwa also smiled, thinking that Lu Ya was speaking modestly.

Throughout the ages, those who can prove the Hunyuan Daluo must have great perseverance, great determination, and great fortune.

It is a big joke to want to prove Da Luo just by relying on some luck blessings.

"I don't know how many years have passed since I left Honghuang. Dare I ask my mother, has anything happened to Honghuang in these years? How is the development of my monster clan?"

Lu Ya asked with a smile. When he left, the base camp of the Yaozu had already moved to the bitter cold place in the north.

The north is bitterly cold and the environment is harsh. It is not much better than the west, and it will not attract too much attention.

In addition, there are five demon saints sitting in the demon clan, so the development should be pretty good.

Hearing Lu Ya mention the Yaozu, Nuwa's eyes slowly became serious.

"Although the monster race has been developing in Beiju Luzhou these years, it has been suppressed by Emperor Qinghua of Dongji, and its territory has shrunk again and again. The situation is not very good."

"Emperor Qinghua of the Eastern Pole? Is it the Eastern Prince again?"

Lu Ya's brows and eyes turned cold instantly, and a murderous intent came out of his body!

This Eastern Prince was very arrogant. He was beheaded by his uncle because of the establishment of the Immortal Court in Zifu Continent.

Later, by a lucky chance, he was revived by the Taoist ancestor, and he was granted the title of one of the six emperors, Qinghua Emperor of Dongji.

If you don't hold back your edge, you dare to provoke his monster clan. Do you really think that there is really no one in his monster clan?

Just hearing this, doubts suddenly arose in Lu Ya's heart.

"Dare to ask my lady, what is Beiju Luzhou? My monster clan, has it changed positions again?"

Nuwa shook her head and gave a wry smile, "Beiju Luzhou is the land of the wild and the north."

"Back then, all the saints signed the list of gods in the Zixiao Palace, which opened the catastrophe of the gods. Intercepting and explaining, the three religions in the West competed for the front, and finally the three religions and five saints took action, finally smashing the prehistoric world, making the great prehistoric world, one point For three, Netherworld, Earth Immortal Realm, Human World, and Beiju Luzhou is one of the four major continents of Earth Immortal Realm."

"After the catastrophe of conferring the gods, the Western sect rebelled against Xuan and established Buddha, shared the luck of Taoism, and established itself as a Buddhist sect. It even led the three golden immortals with the deputy leader of Chanjiao to rebel against Chanjiao and joined Buddhism."

"The three religions signed the list of gods, and the five sages came out together, smashing the prehistoric rebellion and standing Buddha"

There was shock in Lu Ya's eyes. He didn't expect such drastic changes in Honghuang in a short period of time.

After the shock, Lu Ya fixed his eyes and quickly grasped the center of gravity.

"Your Majesty said just now that the Three Religions are competing for the front, and the Five Saints are fighting each other. You can intercept and elucidate the teachings. The sum of the Western teachings is no more than Yuanshi, Tongtian, Zhunti, and leading the Four Saints. Where is the Fifth Saint? Is it the Taiqing Saint?" also participated?"


Nuwa continued to shake her head and sighed, "The chief of the Jiejiao is full of talents, and he also proved the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian during the Great Tribulation of Conferred Gods, so there is a Great War of the Five Saints."


"Has the chief of the Jiejiao also proclaimed the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian?"

At this moment, Lu Ya could no longer calm down.

He was defeated by Chen Xuanji in the Battle of Kunlun Mountain back then, and he has always regarded it as a shame in his heart.

Therefore, I have been practicing hard all the time, thinking about surpassing it.

Not long ago, Lu Ya proved the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo, and the chaos was detached. He thought that nothing could disturb his Dao heart anymore.

But at this time, it was heard that the Chief Interceptor would testify to Da Luo before him.

Lu Ya's Dao Heart, which had been turbulent for thousands of years, unexpectedly fluctuated again at this moment.

Seeing Lu Ya's dazed look, Nu Wa automatically skipped the topic and asked instead.

"What's your plan when you go back to Honghuang this time?"

Lu Ya settled down, expelled all the thoughts in his heart, and said very firmly


"The Lich War, my father, uncle, and nine elder brothers all fell. I am the last bloodline of the Demon Emperor. When I return this time, I will recast the glory of the Demon Race!"

"So first come to the Wa Palace to meet the empress, and take back the banner of my demon clan's summoning demon by the way."

Nuwa nodded slightly, "I understand that you want to restore the Yaozu's heart, but the prehistoric situation is not the same as before, and the Heavenly Court is no longer what it was when Haotian first ascended the throne. There is still a long way to go to revive the Yaozu. "

Lu Ya nodded, "Of course I understand, but it is my mission to revive the Yaozu and recast the glory of the Yaozu. No matter how difficult it is, I must complete it."

Seeing this, Nuwa didn't stop trying to persuade her, and a white light flashed in front of her as soon as she thought about it.

When the white light dissipated, a streamer hung out, the light was divided into five colors, and thousands of auspicious reflections were reflected.

The flag pole is like a large beam in that palace, and the flag face is fluttering. The sky above it is misty, and it seems to be surrounded by black and white air.

On the surface of the flag, there are even pale golden runes flickering and shaking back and forth, and a strong coercion rushes towards the face.

This is the banner for recruiting demons. With this treasure, you can command the demons of the three realms. It is the supreme treasure of the demon clan.

Lu Ya waved his hand, and Hunyuan mana poured into the demon-calling banner.

The demon banner immediately began to shake, kept approaching Lu Ya, and kept rubbing against Lu Ya, the kindness was beyond words.

After getting the demon banner, Lu Ya bid farewell to Nu Wa, left Tai Sutian, and rushed straight to Honghuang.

Lu Ya concealed his breath, quietly passed through the world barrier between the Three Realms and Chaos, and stepped into the prehistoric.

Immediately, there was a strong acquired aura rushing towards his face.

Lu Ya frowned and shook his head slowly, "The battle between the Five Saints really had a huge impact on the prehistoric world. The original innate aura has degenerated into acquired aura."

Lu Ya is no longer the Little Ten Golden Crow who lived under the command of his father and uncle.

It is today's Hunyuan Daluo, who naturally knows the impact of aura degradation on monks of all races.

"The current base camp of the monster clan is in Beiju Luzhou!"

With a thought, Lu Ya instantly locked on Beiju Luzhou.

Then raised his hand slightly, a real fire of the sun appeared on his fingertips instantly, burning the void in an understatement.

Lu Ya raised his foot and stepped in, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Beiju Luzhou, the base camp of the demon clan, Bai Ze, Fei Lian, Ji Meng, Ying Zhao, and Shang Yang, the five great demon saints gathered together, their faces full of solemnity.

The reason is very simple. Not long ago, Emperor Qinghua of the East Pole, also known as the Duke of the East, came to Beiju Luzhou again to squeeze the monster race.

Dong Wanggong is the Qinghua Emperor of the East Extreme, one of the six imperial princes, and he has great weather luck.

His cultivation base has already reached the perfection of quasi-sage, and he is not far from the sub-sage capital.

Although Bai Ze and the others had a large number of people, they were still unable to compete with Duke Dong in terms of combat power.

He had no choice but to agree, shortening the site and increasing the offerings.

Yingzhao said angrily, "That bastard Dongwang is too bullying, if this continues, will my monster clan still have a place to thrive?"

Fei Lian also echoed, "That's right, if I knew that Duke Dong is so shameless, I should have let His Majesty Dong Huang destroy his true spirit when he was in Zifu Island!"

Ji Meng snorted heavily, "Prince Dong, you are just a bullying waste, if the two demon emperors are still here, how dare you be so arrogant?"

Everyone scolded Duke Dong and vented their anger. Then they felt better and looked at Bai Ze.

"Military division, what should we do next? Are we really going to endure this stench?"

Bai Ze sighed, "What else can I do, the Duke of the East is no longer what he used to be, and his face is really torn, I'm afraid it's not as good as it is now, for the current plan, the only way is to endure, until Prince Luya returns!"

As soon as they heard His Highness the Crown Prince, the eyes of several demon saints lit up, "Military Master, do you have any news from your side? Does His Highness the Crown Prince say when he will return?"

"That's right, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's aptitude is superb, and he has inherited the aptitude of the two Demon Emperors. If we can come back, we will no longer have to fear the Eastern Prince."

Bai Ze sighed, "It's been a long time since I contacted His Highness the Crown Prince, but His Highness the Crown Prince will never give up on my monster clan!"

"The military advisor is right. I am a three-legged Golden Crow with the blood of the Heavenly Emperor. I take it as my duty to restore the glory of the demon clan. How can I give up the demon clan at will?"

At this moment, a resolute voice sounded in midair.

(End of this chapter)

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