Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 225 Yingzheng succeeds to the throne, the strategy of unifying the world

Chapter 225 Yingzheng succeeds to the throne, the strategy of unifying the world

"I'm just feeling bored staying in Yujing Mountain. This time, the lower world is teaching us the Emperor of the Human Race, just to relax."

Xuanyuan smiled, looked at Suirenshi again, and asked, "When shall I leave?"

"The qi in the human world is turbulent, the qi of the emperor is turbulent, and the sages must be aware of the birth of the emperor. We must be especially careful of the two sages of Western Buddhism and the Yuanshi sage of Kunlun Mountain. The sooner we start, the better."

"By the way, this time you go down to earth, remember to bring the most precious Kongtong Seal of our race, and the Kongtong Seal for body protection, so we can rest assured."

Suirenshi glanced at the west with a solemn expression.

The second sage of the West is notoriously thick-faced and dark-hearted.

What if he is greedy for the luck of other people's race, and then plays some tricks and hurts the little emperor?
But with Kongtong seal body protection, it is quite different, even if the sage makes a move, it can't hurt the little emperor.

Xuanyuan nodded, and said solemnly, "Don't worry, Patriarch, I will take care of my human emperor."

After finishing speaking, Xuanyuan flew to the human temple and fetched the Kongtong seal.

With a flash of his body, he rushed towards one of the three realms, the Nether Realm.

In order to prevent the monks from the immortal world, the monks from the nether world recklessly entered the human world and caused turmoil.

The Taoist ancestor gave repeated orders back then. When all monks under the saints enter the human world, they must report to Empress Pingxin through the nether world before they can enter.

As for the sages of the Dao of Heaven, they cannot enter the human world no matter what. This is also the protection policy of the Taoist ancestors for the human world.

In the Netherworld, in the Senluo Hall, Xuanyuan clasped his hands to Taoist Mosquito and Empress Pingxin.

"The Xuanyuan clan of the human race has met Empress Pingxin and Emperor Fengdu."

"Daoist friend is polite."

Taoist Mosquito returned a salute to Xuanyuan, and Ping Xin nodded to Xuanyuan.

Houtu said, "Fellow Taoist Xuanyuan came to my Nether Realm this time, but if there is anything, just say it, if the Nether Realm can help, it will definitely be unavoidable."

"It's not a big deal, it's just that the energy in the human world is fluctuating, and the God of Destiny has come out. This time I descended to the world to assist the Little Emperor, so I have to go to the human world."

In a few words, Xuanyuan explained concisely and peacefully.

"Oh, is the human race going to usher in a great unification again?"

Pingxin was obviously a little surprised, she counted her fingers, and deduced the secret with the power of a true saint.

After a while, there was a result in my heart, and a look of understanding appeared on my face.

"Sure enough, the destiny is in the human race. With such a chance and luck, I don't think it will take long for the human race to give birth to a true saint."

Xuanyuan quickly waved his hands and smiled modestly.

"Your Majesty praised me a lot. The road to revitalize the human race still has a long way to go."

Next, under the leadership of Emperor Fengdu, the Xuanyuan family passed through the six realms of reincarnation, and soon came to the human world.

After coming to the human world, the Xuanyuan family did not go to Qin immediately.

Instead, he traveled around the countries and first looked at the current situation in the human world.

Anyway, the Little Emperor has just been born, and the teacher is not in a hurry for this moment.

During eight years of traveling around various countries, the Xuanyuan family knew about nine out of ten of the current situation in the human world, and they knew it well.

On this day, Xuanyuan's family came to Xianyang, the capital of Qin State, dressed in commoner clothes.

Xianyang City, worthy of being the largest capital of the Qin State, was built in a square shape, with straight and spacious roads interlaced with rice paddies, and it was very clean and tidy.

On both sides of the road, tall and green trees are planted.

The breeze came slowly, and the trees swayed with the wind, exuding a fresh breath.

On both sides of the road, there are also shops open, selling all kinds of goods, snacks, all kinds of things, everything you need
Pedestrians come and go on the street, you say something, I say something, the voices are full of people, it is very lively.

Xuanyuan was holding a lot of snacks, and while eating, he was full of praise.

Drinking too much Xianguo Xianniang, eating some mortal food, does not have a special flavor.

The Xuanyuan family went all the way to the Qin Palace, outside the Qin Palace, several eunuchs were waiting early.

Each of them held a portrait in their hands, and after careful comparison with Xuanyuan's, their expressions suddenly became respectful.

"Sir, please"

The Xuanyuan family nodded in satisfaction, and walked unimpeded all the way, and the eunuch walked to the depths of Qin Palace.

As early as a few days ago, for the convenience of teaching the Little Emperor.

The Xuanyuan family entrusted King Qin Zhuangxiang with a dream, directly revealing his identity.

So entering the palace at this time is as simple as eating and drinking.

The Palace of the King of Qin, the Qilin Hall, was completely silent and empty.

King Zhuangxiang of Qin was carefully reviewing the memorials in baskets on the desk.

Great Qin's current national strength, although already ranked first among the Seven Kingdoms.

But for the various countries, it has not yet had a crushing advantage.

Therefore, it is necessary to continue to endure, gradually grow stronger, and wait for the right opportunity to go east in one fell swoop, pacify the six kingdoms, and unify the world.

After reviewing half a basket of memorials, King Zhuangxiang of Qin finally breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the tea at the side, and took a sip.

"Zheng'er is eight years old now, and I don't know when His Majesty Xuanyuan will come to teach him."

King Zhuangxiang of Qin had two sons, Zhao Zheng and Cheng Yu.

Eight years ago, when Zhao Zheng was born, he was born with a vision, the purple energy came from the east, and he had the appearance of an emperor.

Now that Zhao Zheng is only eight years old, he is extremely intelligent, far beyond ordinary people, and has a firm mind and great perseverance.

I have already read all the books in Qin Palace.

He is deeply loved by King Qin Zhuangxiang, and he has already been designated as his successor.

As for Cheng Yu, he was over six years old, but his aptitude was poor, and he hadn't even read half of the Analects, so he was given up by King Qin Zhuangxiang a long time ago.

With this kind of qualification, even if he forcibly sits on the throne, he is still a fool.

King Qin Zhuangxiang rested for a while, feeling relieved, and continued to review the memorial.

Zheng'er, if he can get the guidance and teaching of His Majesty Gu Xuanyuan, the great Qin Dynasty will emerge from the east and unify the world, and it will be just around the corner.

When King Qin Zhuangxiang was in a turmoil, the eunuch's deep voice sounded outside the door.

"Your Majesty, the gentleman you are looking for has come today and is waiting outside the Qilin Hall. When will Your Majesty receive him?"


On the desk, the brush holder in King Qin Zhuangxiang's hand fell to the ground, and the whole person became excited instantly.

He suppressed the joy in his heart, and said to the eunuch, "Let that gentleman come in alone."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

After a while, Xuanyuan stepped into the Qilin Hall.

King Zhuangxiang of Qin hurriedly got up respectfully, and bowed to the Xuanyuan family, "Qin Yiren, I pay my respects to His Majesty Xuanyuan Renhuang."

Even in the past 100 years, King Zhuangxiang of Qin will never forget the scene when Emperor Xuanyuan fell into his dream and showed him the Great Xia, the peak of the Great Merchants' national power, and the coming of all nations.

The Xuanyuan family helped King Qin Zhuangxiang up, and said with a smile.

"King Qin, you are being polite. You don't need to treat me as His Majesty Xuanyuan Renhuang. This time, I came here purely to teach Zhao Zheng."

"I'm going to order someone to call the kid here."

King Zhuang Xiang hurriedly asked the eunuch who was waiting outside the door to call Zhao Zheng.

After a while, eight-year-old Zhao Zheng pushed open the palace gate and walked in.

Zhao Zhengnian was only eight years old, dressed in brocade and fine clothes, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, he was very handsome.

Especially a pair of eyes, dark and deep, with the demeanor of a mountain collapsed in front of him without changing his face.

"The child has seen the father and king."

Zhao Zheng bowed to King Zhuang Xiang, then looked at Xuanyuan, hesitated, and bowed again, "Zhao Zheng, I have seen this gentleman."

King Zhuang Xiang pointed to the Xuanyuan family, and said earnestly and solemnly, "This gentleman is the teacher my father found for you. Before you reached the crown, this teacher taught and taught you. You must be open-minded and eager to learn, respect The teacher emphasizes the way, and there must be no disobedience."

Zhao Zheng was taken aback for a moment, great doubts arose in his heart, just as he was about to speak.

King Zhuangxiang of Qin bowed his hands to the Xuanyuan family, "Zheng'er, I will leave it to the teacher to teach."

Xuanyuan smiled slightly, "Don't worry, King Qin."

King Zhuangxiang of Qin left the Qilin Hall, and only Zhao Zheng and Xuanyuan were left in the hall.

Zhao Zheng was talented and intelligent, and he read a lot of books when he was only eight years old.

He has dabbled in all the thoughts of various schools of thought, and his knowledge has reached a very high level.

Earlier, King Qin Zhuangxiang had found several teachers for Zhao Zheng, but after a few months of teaching, there was nothing to teach.

After several teachers came down, Zhao Zheng felt a faint sense of pride and complacency in his heart.

He looked at Xuanyuan's, and cupped his hands again, "I don't know what the master can do."

"My ability is not great, but it is more than enough to teach you."

Xuanyuan still had a smile on his face.

When Zhao Zheng heard this, he immediately felt dissatisfied, so he selected a few extremely obscure and remote questions from all the schools of thought, and asked the Xuanyuan family.

Xuanyuan just smiled, and the answers flowed smoothly without any hesitation.

Even from the questions asked by Zhao Zheng, countless other questions can be extended, and then answered as easily as possible.

In less than an hour, Zhao Zheng's expression changed.

Hundreds of schools of thought, the ancient books of the Spring and Autumn Period, come at your fingertips, and form a family of their own. This is a peerless talent.

I don't know how much better than his previous masters.

The arrogance on his face gradually dissipated, he solemnly bowed to Xuanyuan, and replied convincingly, "Disciple Zhao Zheng, I have met the teacher."

"There's no need to be too polite." Xuanyuan smiled and helped him up.

After Zhao Zheng got up, he pondered for a while, and asked, "Teacher, there are seven countries now, and although our country Qin ranks first in strength and foundation among the seven countries, it is impossible to annex the other six countries in one fell swoop. , and ask the teacher for guidance."

As the appointed successor of King Qin Zhuangxiang, Zhao Zheng naturally knew his father's ambitions.

But Qin State's territory is so large, even if it expands production and trains soldiers and horses, there is a limit.

No matter how much potential is squeezed, it is absolutely impossible to confront the six countries at the same time.

Xuanyuan smiled and said, "Do you know what is the essence of the thoughts of Guiguzi, a hundred schools of thought?"

"Of course I know, it's nothing more than the twelve-character mantra of long-distance friendship and short-distance attack, vertical and horizontal maneuvers, and vertical and horizontal alliances."

Zhao Zheng answered subconsciously.

"What you said is very good. These twelve words are the most suitable for the current situation of Qin State."

"Although the six countries combined are far superior to Great Qin, it must be known that the six countries are not monolithic, and Qin can win one by one and fight one by one."

The Xuanyuan family fought against Chiyou in the competition and studied the three volumes of heavenly scriptures handed down by the Nine Heavens Profound Girl of West Kunlun.

Zhao Zhengmao suddenly understood how rich his battlefield experience was with just a few words.

After talking with Zhao Zheng about the current situation of the various countries and their countermeasures.

Xuanyuan's face became serious again, "From now on, come here every night at Haishi, and study with me for an hour, without interruption."

"is teacher."

Zhao Zheng patted his chest and responded loudly.

In the following days, the Xuanyuan family lived in the Palace of King Qin.

King Zhuangxiang of Qin also spent huge sums of money to build a palace for the Xuanyuan family.

Every night from nine o'clock to eleven o'clock, Zhao Zheng came to study.

So spring comes and summer goes, autumn goes and winter hides, and in the blink of an eye, ten years have passed.

For ten years, Xuanyuan used all he had learned in his life to teach Zhao Zheng.

Zhao Zheng is even more talented and intelligent, and he studies hard. He has learned a lot of Xuanyuan's skills in the past ten years.

Yichun Palace, Zhao Zheng's residence, on the desk, Zhao Zheng is dressed in a black black robe, with jade-like skin, and is practicing handwriting seriously.

Ten years have passed, and Zhao Zheng has become more and more heroic. Not long ago, he even took the crown ceremony and officially became an adult.

Taking a closer look, I saw a kingly aura emanating from between Zhao Zheng's brows.

The two eyebrows are thick and black, and a domineering air rushes towards her face.

It's just that although Zhao Zheng is practicing calligraphy at this time, there is an uncontrollable sadness on his face.

King Zhuangxiang of Qin was seriously ill, and he might die soon.

As soon as Zhao Zheng finished practicing a piece of paper, the eunuch's voice came from outside the hall, "Eldest son, it's not good, the king's condition has worsened again, he coughed up blood, the imperial doctor, the imperial doctor said."

Zhao Zheng's face changed suddenly, he pushed open the gate of the palace, and rushed out of the palace.

In the Qilin Hall, in front of the dragon couch, Ying Zheng looked at the dying King Zhuang Xiang, whose life was hanging by a thread.

For a moment, grief came from his heart, and he held King Zhuang Xiang's hand tightly, sobbing, "Father, Zheng'er is here."

When King Zhuangxiang of Qin saw Zhao Zheng, he suddenly sat up as if he had returned to the light.

"Zheng'er, the father is dead, the Great Qin is coming out, and the task of unifying the world will fall on you."

"I, Great Qin, passed through Xiaogong, King Huiwen, King Wu, King Zhaoxiang, and King Xiaowen to the hands of my father. The national power has become stronger from generation to generation. You must promise to the father that the chaos of the Warring States Period will end in your hands. "

"Zheng'er understands."

Zhao Zheng still choked up.

"Go and get the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom."

King Zhuang Xiang's voice was weak, and he raised his finger to point to the eunuch who was waiting beside him.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The eunuch left in a hurry, came in a hurry, and soon took back the jade seal wrapped in golden silk.

King Zhuangxiang of Qin took over the Chuanguo Yuxi with strong strength, and then put it in Zhao Zheng's hands.

"Zheng'er, I will hand over the Imperial Seal to you. From now on, you will be our new king of Great Qin. Remember, you must end the troubled times, realize great unification, and comfort the previous kings of Great Qin."

After King Qin Zhuangxiang's voice fell, his arm suddenly fell limply, and he lost his breath.

In the 15th year of King Zhuangxiang of Qin, King Zhuangxiang passed away, and Zhao Zheng succeeded to the throne as the new King of Qin.

After Yingzheng succeeded to the throne, he respected the Xuanyuan family as the emperor's teacher, and began to work hard to improve the governance of officials.

During this period, in the territory of Daqin, there were countless talents from hundreds of families who were constantly being discovered by Yingzheng.

The strategist is in vain, the way of the soldier is to attack Wushuang!

Wei Liao, a military strategist, is combined and vast, with one system!
Li Si, a legalist, ruled the country according to the law and imposed strict punishments!

Wang Jian, Wang Ben, Meng Tian, ​​Meng Yi.
Even the master swordsmen of the Zongheng family, Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie, were recruited by Ying Zheng.

Serving by Ying Zheng's side, responsible for Ying Zheng's personal security.

Ten years passed in the blink of an eye, and now it has been ten years since Qin Wangzheng.

For ten years, there was no war in Daqin. Yingzheng made great efforts to govern and vigorously developed agriculture. In the territory of Daqin, there were sufficient granaries and complete armaments. The soldiers were eager to fight.

At this time, the six kingdoms of Yan, Zhao, Han, Wei, Qi, and Chu were weakening day by day, and no longer had the dominance of the past.

Qin State already has the strength to unify the world.

Regarding the unification of the world this time, Li Si and Wei Liao proposed two strategies to Ying Zheng.

One is Li Si's "Destroy the princes, become an emperor, and unify the world".

Wei Liao's "don't love property, bribe his powerful ministers, and mess up his plans" disintegrates the enemy country from within.

The second is the vertical and horizontal policy of long-distance and short-term attack. First determine the specific strategic steps of being weak first and then strong, and first close and then far.

Li Si suggested attacking Han and Zhao first, "If Zhao is raised, Han will perish, and if Han perishes, Jing and Wei will not be able to become independent.

If Jingwei cannot be independent, it will destroy Han, Wei, and Jing in one fell swoop, and weaken Qiyan in the east.

This strategic step can be roughly divided into three steps.

That is to first win over Yan Qi with property, stabilize Chu and Wei, eliminate Han and Zhao, and then defeat each of them, thus unifying the world.

In Daqin, Xianyang, and Qilin Palace, Yingzheng is wearing a black imperial robe and a crown.

After ten years of baptism, the whole person has become more mature, the emperor's mind is unfathomable, and the power of the King of Qin has swept across the world.

His Highness Qilin, civil and military officials are divided into two rows.

Civil officials, headed by legalists Li Si and Wei Liao.

Military officers, headed by military strategists Bai Qi and Wang Jian.

Behind the four people, dozens of civil and military officials stood up straight, very energetic.

On the throne, Ying Zheng spoke slowly and asked Li Si.

"Yan, Zhao, Han, Wei, Qi, Chu, how is the situation in the six countries?"

A year ago, Qin sent spies to provoke the relationship between Yan and Zhao.

He also bribed Qi, Wei, and Chu with a lot of money and stood by.

Now the two countries of Yan and Zhao have led their troops and horses and started fighting.

Qi, Wei, and Chu are all big countries, and with Qin's generous bribes, they naturally sit on the sidelines and don't bother to intervene in the struggle between Yan and Zhao.

The goal of Qin's series of actions is South Korea, which is the weakest among the six countries!

Li Si had already made up his mind about the current situation of the six countries, and he came out and answered, "My lord, now Yan and Zhao are fighting endlessly, Qi, Wei and Chu are watching from the sidelines, and there is only one weakest South Korea left, my Great Qin, to unify the world. The time has finally come."

(End of this chapter)

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