Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 236 The Stone Monkey Enters the Water Curtain Cave, the Monkey King!

Chapter 236 The Stone Monkey Enters the Water Curtain Cave, the Monkey King!
In the next few days, the old white monkey did not give up.

He often insinuates on the sidelines, hoping that the stone monkey will try to enter the water curtain and become the monkey king.

Although stone monkeys are raised naturally and don't understand human affairs, how shrewd are they?
After realizing something was wrong, how could he be fooled by that old white monkey?
Every time, I found a reason at random to fool the past.

Although the old white monkey was anxious, there was nothing he could do.

In the blink of an eye, another half a year has passed.

The Great Western Medicine Master Buddha finally couldn't bear it any longer and sent a Buddhist decree to Guanyin.

On this day, the sky was getting dark, and the old white monkey had no choice.

Yuanshen incarnated and returned to the west, in the Great Leiyin Temple.

Daleiyin Temple, Daxiong Palace, golden Brahma lights, bursts of light, flowers falling from the sky, and golden lotus springing from the ground.

Incomparably quiet and peaceful, it seems that as long as the monks stay here, they can forget all their troubles and ascend to the Paradise of Paradise.
At this moment, in the hall, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva frowned, and slowly reported to Da Ri Pharmacist.

"To the Buddha, I have tried to induce him to pass through the water curtain several times and let him become the monkey king of the monkey group, but he has repeatedly evaded him. I think that the stone monkey must have sensed something, so he refuses to be the monkey king."

"My Buddhist method, what can a little broken stone monkey detect?"

On the golden lotus platform, Pharmacist Da Ri shook his head, and then solemnly said to Guanyin.

"The stone monkey should be robbed, and it is certain to win. It must not be changed by personal will. If the stone monkey is really smart, you can use some means. No matter what, Huaguo Mountain Monkey King, this monkey will be determined!"

"Yes, follow my Buddha Tathagata's decree."

Guanyin Bodhisattva nodded, thinking about it.

Buddhism, born in eight hundred sects, what is it best at?
Bewitched too!
That stone monkey, who has not stepped into the immortal way, how can he resist his Buddhist bewitching power?

Time goes back to the moment when Guanyin Bodhisattva left Huaguo Mountain.

In the cave, the stone monkey suddenly opened its eyes, shining brightly!

That's right, just now, the strange, eerie feeling of being spied on mysteriously disappeared.

"The old white monkey repeatedly lured me to pass through the water curtain. Could it be that there is something weird in the water curtain that wants to kill me?"

This idea flashed in the stone monkey's mind and disappeared quickly.

"No, even my pair of golden eyes can't see through this old white monkey. The strength of that old white monkey is definitely above mine."

"Then if the white monkey wants to harm me, why bother to use so much scheming, just shoot it, unless..."

The stone monkey's heart suddenly moved, thinking of the time when he chatted with Marshal Maliu and General Bengba on weekdays.

I accidentally talked about Go, which was all the rage in the mortal world of Aolai Country.

Go, countless chess pieces, are all swinging freely in the hands of the chess player.

All must act according to the thoughts in the heart of the chess player, and there must be no overshoot.


There was a huge roar in the stone monkey's heart.

Isn't my state at this moment like a chess piece that is randomly manipulated in the hands of a chess player?

The stone monkey turned somersaults and got up immediately, a faint golden light glowed in its pitch-black eyes, it was incomparably sober, without any sleepiness.

He looked around and saw no one around.

Like a nimble cheetah, after three times, five times and two times, it disappeared.

A quarter of an hour later, in front of the cliff and mountain stream, the stone monkey looked at the [-]-foot stream of water, and his heart began to beat violently.

"I want to see what is behind this water curtain!"

"My stone monkey, even if I die, I will never be a pawn in someone else's hands!"

The stone monkey made up his mind and jumped into the waterfall.

The imaginary hard rock wall did not appear.

On the contrary, after passing through the water curtain, there is no water and no waves, and there is a clear bridge.

The water under the bridge rushes through the stone orifices, flows out upside down, and closes the bridge gate.

Therefore, in the outside world, no matter how good your eyesight is, you can't see the clues behind the water curtain.

The stone monkey walked across the stone bridge, and it suddenly opened up. There are stone tables, stone chairs, stone beds, stone basins, and stone bowls.

In addition to these, there are one pole or two poles of pruning bamboo, three to five plum blossoms, and a few green pines that often bring rain, which looks like a personal home.

The stone monkey glanced around for a week, and the monkey's behavior broke out. Unable to restrain the excitement in his heart, he clapped his hands and applauded.

"Great good fortune, great good fortune, behind this water curtain, there is such a piece of heaven-made property hidden. If the monkeys know about it, they will no longer have to live in that dark and damp cave."

Although the Water Curtain Cave is behind the Water Curtain Waterfall, above it, there is sunshine in the daytime, so it is dry and warm. It is really the best choice for monkeys to live in.

But soon, the stone monkey's face became vigilant again.

The stone tables, chairs, benches, and bowls are obviously someone who once lived here, so I'd better be careful.

The stone monkey continued to move forward, and soon saw Shijie on both sides.

"Huaguo Mountain Blessed Land, Water Curtain Cave Cave Heaven!"

On the ten big characters, there is a golden brilliance shining, shining brightly.

At the same time, an unprecedented wave of Dao accumulation rushed towards the face, and the shaking stone monkey's mind was buzzing.

At this moment, Fuling, the stone monkey, understood that there was a great opportunity waiting for him in the water curtain cave.

"Delusion-breaking golden eyes!"

The stone monkey snorted softly, concentrating all its strength on the eyes.

The eyes that were originally pitch black with gold turned into pure gold at this moment.

Terrifying golden light burst out, sweeping across the entire Water Curtain Cave.

Delusion-breaking golden eyes, supreme innate supernatural powers.

Looking at the vast wilderness, it is also the top group.

Being able to go up to the sky and down to the nether world, you can see through all the illusions in the world, and you can check the operation of the dust in the sky.

When fighting with others, you can expect the enemy to take the lead.

In addition, it is still an extremely powerful attack method.

Once the golden eyes come out, they can imprison monks who are lower than themselves.

Compared with Sun Wukong's piercing eyes that were discarded in the gossip furnace after he was born.

It's like one is in the sky and the other is on the ground, it's not the same.

This kind of powerful, top-notch supernatural power, the stone monkey knew it from birth, and it was born to be easy to use.

Even if he doesn't have any mana in his body now, when he uses it, it's terrifying!
When sweeping across the center of the Water Curtain Cave, suddenly, a sense of mysterious ripples spread.

Then there was a click, and there was a sense of shattering.

The stone skin in the center of the Water Curtain Cave fell off, revealing the jade slips on the stone platform.

"What the hell is this?"

Puzzled on the stone monkey's face, he walked slowly to the jade slip, just as he was about to take a closer look with his golden eyes.

Suddenly, Yujian seemed to sense the breath of the stone monkey, and began to throb violently.

The next moment, the jade simplified into a jade-white brilliance, rushing into the stone monkey's mind.

For a moment, the stone monkey became sluggish.

In his mind, the jade slips were constantly being melted, and the huge amount of information impacted the stone monkey's sea of ​​consciousness.

At the same time, the nine-turn Xuanyuan Gong, one layer after another, was imprinted in the stone monkey's mind like a rock.

At the same time, on the coast of the East China Sea, a corner of Jinao Island.

The corners of Chen Xuanji's mouth turned up, evoking a funny smile.

"It seems that the little stone monkey has obtained the Nine-Turn Xuanyuan Kungfu. Next, I don't know what the little stone monkey will do."

Huaguo Mountain, Shuilian Cave.

"Nine-turn Xuanyuan Kungfu, one turn and one heaven, if you practice to nine-turn, you can hope for the great way"

After more than half an hour, the stone monkey came to his senses and kept mumbling to himself.

Obviously, the nine-turn Xuanyuan Kungfu gave the stone monkey an unparalleled impact.

After settling his mind, the stone monkey sat on the ground and began to practice according to the first turn of the nine-turn Xuanyuan Gong.

In just one breath, the stone monkey sensed the existence of heaven and earth aura.

The stone monkey tried to absorb the spiritual energy into its body, and the spiritual energy in the entire Water Curtain Cave frantically rushed into the stone monkey's body.

In a short time, the stone monkey has already cultivated to the peak of refinement and transformation!
The aura in the Water Curtain Cave has already been completely sucked away.

The stone monkey practiced for a while, and opened his eyes suddenly.

"That old white monkey is weird and weird. If he knows that I have stepped into the path of cultivation, he will not think of any way to assassinate me."

"No, this body of cultivation must not be kept."

The stone monkey thought for a while, then gritted his teeth, directly abolishing his cultivation of refining and transforming qi.

Then store all the spiritual energy in your body.

The stone monkey is the body of a fairy that has been seldom seen for hundreds of millions of years.

This quality is a rare treasure that can hold aura infinitely.

When the stone monkey was still a fairy egg, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, as well as the sun essence and moonlight, which had been swallowed and breathed out for countless thousands of years, were all stored in its body.

As long as the stone monkey is willing, he can use this thick power in his body in an instant.

Practice to a very high level in a short period of time.

Although it is said that one's cultivation has been abolished, the stone monkey can return to the peak in the shortest time.

The stone monkey settled down and looked at the Shuilian Cave again. After finding nothing unusual, he jumped and jumped out again.

Not long after returning to the cave, the vague sense of strangeness and peeping in the stone monkey's heart reappeared in his heart.

Over the years, the stone monkey had already gotten used to it and didn't pay much attention to it. Instead, it closed its eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

In the following time, the stone monkey took part of the day to inhale the Nine Turns Xuanyuan Kungfu to store spiritual energy in his body.

At night, he slept soundly, and his life was as carefree as usual.

The old white monkey still mentioned the monkey king every now and then.

About another year passed, and the old white monkey became more and more impatient.

The stone monkey finally pushed the boat along with the current, showing an appearance of reluctantly agreeing.

"Grandpa White Monkey, you are right. To be a monkey, you can't be heartless all day long, eating, drinking, and having fun. You must have a brave heart. Other monkeys dare not break through this water curtain. My stone monkey must Go ahead and try."

The stone monkey was gearing up, looking impatient.

Seeing that the stone monkey finally agreed to go through the water curtain, the old white monkey heaved a sigh of relief.

Behind the water curtain is a former man's cave, which has been cleaned up by him long ago.

As long as the stone monkey dares to break through, the Monkey King will never be able to escape.

When the stone monkey becomes the monkey king, it means that he has taken a crucial step towards the prosperity of the West.

Soon, the news that the stone monkey was going to pass through the water curtain spread throughout the monkey group.

Many monkeys rushed over to join in the fun, opposite the water curtain, on the edge of the cliff.

"Little Stone Monkey, you should think about it. It's very dangerous to pass through the water curtain, and it's terrible if you get caught in the current."

Marshal Ma Liu was concerned, although he couldn't understand why the old white monkey kept proposing to be the monkey king in front of the stone monkey, but he still valued the stone monkey very much.

"That's right, little stone monkey, we don't need to be brave, if we can't make it through, we won't get through it."

General Bengba was also very concerned about the little stone monkey.

The stone monkey smiled at the two of them, "Marshal, General, don't worry, I won't make fun of my own life, I want to be the Monkey King."

After the stone monkey finished speaking, he jumped, stretched his strong body, and within a breath, he was submerged in the water curtain.

After a dozen or so breaths, there was another plop sound from the water curtain, and the stone monkey jumped out of the water curtain again.

There was no disturbance in his heart, but he pretended to be very surprised on the surface, laughing heartily and dancing.

"Great fortune, great fortune."

The monkeys hurriedly said, "Stone monkey, is there a big water behind the water curtain?"

The stone monkey smiled and said, "There is no water, no water, but it is a piece of property made by heaven and earth. There are stone bridges, stone tables, stone benches, and stone beds in it. We have everything you need. We live here, and the wind can't blow it." , can’t get drenched in the rain, so you won’t be angry with God.”

When the monkeys heard it, they cheered and jumped for joy.

"Okay, okay, then the stone monkey will take us in to have a look."

Marshal Ma Liu and General Beng Ba also became interested immediately, asking Stone Monkey to take them in to have a look.

The stone monkey shook his head, "The current is too fast, it will be bad if you fall, you have to tie vines on your body, so that you can go in safely."

As soon as the monkeys heard this, they ran away chattering and began to search for vines in the mountains and forests. After a while, they weaved thick ropes.

The stone monkey led the monkeys one by one into the water curtain cave.

In the Water Curtain Cave, all the monkeys saw that it was such a wonderful property, and they all danced and beat each other, cheering and jumping for joy.

The monkeys played for a long time before they stopped. Seeing that the time was almost up, the old white monkey stood up quickly and said.

"Little ones, people are untrustworthy. I don't know what to do. We have agreed a long time ago. Whoever can come in and go out without hurting his body, we will worship him as king. I don't know if it counts or not." ?”

Marshal Ma Liu and General Beng Ba were the first to raise their hands.

"The little stone monkey has great abilities, we agree that the little stone monkey will be the king of our monkey group."

The two generals Ma Liu and Bengba agreed, and it was too late for the other monkeys to object, and they all laughed, "We also agree that the stone monkey should be king."

The stone monkey watched this scene indifferently.

What I expected was really good, the purpose of the old white monkey is to make himself the monkey king.

The stone monkey held his temper and wanted to see what the old white monkey was trying to do to make himself the Monkey King.

The old white monkey laughed again, "From then on, the stone monkey will be the king of our Huaguoshan monkey clan. I don't know what name would be better?"

"Monkey King!"

"Big Monkey King!"

"Stone Monkey King!"

All the monkeys were chattering, one sentence from you, one sentence from me, the faces of the stone monkeys turned black when they heard it.

Monkey King, Big Monkey King, what the hell kind of name is that?
The stone monkey thought for a moment, jumped onto a big bluestone on the edge of the cliff, pinched his waist and said with a smile, "From now on, I will be called the Monkey King!"

"The Monkey King?"

"Sounds good!"

"As expected of our king, the name he gave is a nice one!"

The three words "Beautiful Monkey King" have been unanimously praised by the monkey people.

At the same moment, as the stone monkey came to the throne, the luck of the west in Hezhou, Xiniu, and Mount Sumeru quietly increased a bit.

Although it is nothing to Buddhism as a whole, it is a great thing to be able to improve.

Beside the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, Zhunti said comfortingly, "Senior Brother, have you seen that the luck of our West has improved at the beginning of the Great Tribulation, and when the Calamity is over, we don't know how prosperous our West will be."

When Zhunti spoke, his voice was excited, and even his eyes sparkled.

 A little late, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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