Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 239 The Heavenly Descending Saint 9 Heavens!

Chapter 239: Heaven-reaching Descends to Saint Nine Heavens!
On the other hand, Guanyin Bodhisattva, Ananda, and Kasyapa did not dare to help.

Because Ao Ling at the side was staring at the two of them.

After another half day of fierce fighting, Bai Lian looked even more embarrassed.

He tried his best, but seeing that he was still no match for Zhulong, he had no choice but to take back the guiding treasure building.

Then with a thought, he tore apart the space and fled to the west with Guanyin Bodhisattva and Ananda Kassapa.

Ao Ling was gearing up, but still excitedly said, "Old Ancestor, shall we chase after?"

Zhulong shook his head, "The defeated generals should not be pursued by the poor, but the West lost the son of Yingjie this time, so it must not be easy to let it go, we still have to inform the interceptor first."

"Yes, old man."

Zhulong and Ao Ling soon sank into the East China Sea and began to make preparations in secret.

At this time, in Hezhou, Xiniu, Daleiyin Temple, fairy music is playing together, and Brahma light is bursting.

Numerous golden lotus platforms emit golden light, which makes people feel extremely peaceful and peaceful, as if they have come to the world of bliss.

On the golden lotus platform, Pharmacist Da Ri looked at Bai Lian, Avalokitesvara, Ananda, and Kasyapa, who were in a bit of a panic.

With a shock in my heart, I couldn't help feeling a bad premonition, and said to everyone quickly.

"What happened, tell me in detail quickly."

Guanyin Bodhisattva, Ananda, and Kasyapa looked gloomy and remained silent.

Instead, Bai Lian let out a deep breath of turbid air, and said slowly.

"Reporting to the Buddha, the stone monkey, the son of Yingjie from our Buddhist sect, has mysteriously disappeared in the East China Sea. We searched for a long time and dug three feet into the ground, but we did not find any trace of the monkey."

"What are you talking about, we lost the Kalpa Kalpa of the Daxing of Buddhism?"

Pharmacist Dayi suddenly became short of breath, his eyes filled with disbelief.

This is a lineup of two quasi-sages and two big Luos.

How could it be impossible to guard a stone monkey that has not stepped into the immortal way?

Pharmacist Da Ri wanted to get angry, but he thought of Bai Lian's identity, so he had no choice but to give up, "How did Jiezi get lost, let me tell you the whole story quickly, this matter is of great importance, and I can't be the master, so I have to go to Mount Sumeru to report to the saint The teacher decides."

Bai Lian scratched her head and said solemnly.

"To the Buddha, we have been in the East Sea for a few months. Above the East Sea, the waves are calm, the wind is sunny and peaceful, but today, for some reason, the Dragon Clan set off a huge wave, saying that they are going to conduct some military exercises."

"As soon as I ordered the dragon clan to stop, I found that the son of our Western Yingjie had disappeared."

Da Ri Pharmacist said with a sullen face, "You mean, it was the Dragon Clan who abducted the son of Ying Jie from the West?"

Bai Lian said in a deep voice, "I don't rule out this possibility, but I feel that the Dragon Clan alone would never dare to do anything in the hands of our sons of Yingjie in the West. I suspect that the actions of the Dragon Clan are instigated by Jiejiao behind the scenes. "

Bai Lian expressed the guess in her heart.

"This matter, I know, if it is really the dragon clan, what the Jiejiao did, my Buddhist sect is not a vegetarian, you wait here, I will go to Mount Sumeru."

The loss of Jiezi is of great importance, even the pharmacist can't make the decision.

With a thought, he tore apart the space, left the golden lotus platform in an instant, and rushed to the holy place of Buddhism, Mount Sumeru.

On Mount Sumeru, next to the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, holding a golden lotus with twelve grades of merit in his hands, he is enlightening and practicing.

A series of dense, almost substantive Dao Yun, centered on Jieyin, continues to spread in all directions, exuding infinite mystery.

Suddenly, Jieyin opened his eyes, and for some reason, there was a faint feeling of bad premonition in his heart.

Before Zhun Ti lost his thoughts, the voice of Da Ri Pharmacist came from outside Mount Sumeru.

"Disciple Pharmacist, please see Master."

"come in."

The voice of receiving and guiding fell, and outside Mount Sumeru, that layer of faint golden Brahman light slowly spread to both sides.

Pharmacist walked hurriedly, came to Yingying's side, and bowed deeply.

"The disciple is guilty."

With this sentence uttered, the bad premonition in Jieyin's heart became stronger.

"What happened?"

Dainichi Pharmacist cried, "Teacher, my son who was robbed in the west was lost in the East Sea."

After finishing speaking, the pharmacist quickly told Jieyin what Bai Lian had said before and after. After listening to Jieyin, his face was so gloomy that water could drip down.

"You said, my son of Western Yingjie was lost?"

Zhunti's voice fell, and an incomparably thick saintly coercion fell on the medicine master.

Even the pharmacist is now a quasi-sage Dzogchen monk.

It also feels like there is an extra ancient sacred mountain on my body, and I can't breathe under the pressure.

Jieyin was very angry in his heart, the great prosperity of the West depends on these sons of Yingjie.

Now less than a hundred years since the opening of the calamity measurement, he lost one of the sons of the Western Ying Jie.

If it is spread out, how decent is it? Wouldn't he, Xixi, become a joke of the entire Three Realms?
Jie Yin said with a gloomy face, "According to what you said, the Dragon Clan has absolutely no such guts. Behind the Dragon Clan, Jiejiao must be instigating."

"The disciple also thinks the same way, but the dragon clan has a profound background, and it is already difficult to deal with the candle dragon alone. If we want to deal with Jiejiao, I am afraid that the teacher will need to come forward."

The pharmacist looked terrified, lowered his head and kept pleading guilty.

He is the chief heir of the West, and he knows the temper of his master and uncle best.

Other things that happen on weekdays, probably just laugh it off.

But if it involves the revitalization of the West, it will be dealt with absolutely unprecedentedly severely.

Jieyin thought for a while, and a sharp look flashed across his face.

"If we don't find the son of Response Tribulation, our West will become the laughing stock of the Three Realms."

Turning around, on the nine-color cassock, bursts of Brahma light are dazzling, with infinite power.

"Come on, come with me to the East China Sea for a walk."

The pharmacist got up quickly, "Yes, teacher."

Soon, several figures flew out of Mount Sumeru.

The first person is Jieying, and behind him, five people follow, Dainiya Pharmacist, Bailian Boy, Guanyin Bodhisattva, Ananda, and Kassapa.

The surging and mighty holy power swept across the nine heavens and ten places at this moment, everywhere.

"That's... The West took the saints on tour, so what happened again?"

"Didn't you see the Western Bailian Boy and the Zhulong Patriarch fighting in the Eastern Sea?"

"What is the cause of the war?"

"It seems that boy Bailian lost Xixi Jiezi and took his anger out on the Dragon Clan."

"Hiss, Bailian boy is a sub-sage, he can actually look down on people"

Hong Huang's countless great powers watched this scene with relish.

Although it is very dangerous to activate the calamity measurement, as long as they are not allowed to enter the calamity, and they are not allowed to be contaminated with the aura of calamity, then everything is easy to say.

On the other side, in the corner of the East China Sea, on a hidden bamboo raft.

The stone monkey held on to the oar, feeling extremely peaceful in his heart!

The sense of prying eyes in the dark finally disappeared!

The stone monkey felt his whole body relaxed, his appetite increased, and he could eat twice as much food in one meal.

He kept moving forward along the route recorded in his mind by the Nine Turns Xuanyuan Kung Fu.

Heart faintly excited, the legendary Taixutian is coming soon!
At this time, in Taixu Heaven, Chen Xuanji sensed the direction of the stone monkey, and couldn't help smiling.

Randomly shot out a sage's mana, and blessed it on the stone monkey's bamboo raft, making it a bit faster.

In the East China Sea, in the Dragon Palace, Ao Ling felt uneasy.

"Old Ancestor, the West has lost its son who should be tribulated, and will not let it go. If the Saint of the West comes, what shall we do?"

"Why are you in such a panic?" Zhulong glanced at Ao Ling.

"Anyway, the disappearance of Yingjie's son was not caused by our Dragon Clan. Besides, I have already notified the Tongtian Saint, and the Saint will help our Dragon Clan when the time comes."

And at this time, the endless blue waves of the East China Sea stretch as far as the eye can see.

Receive and guide, and bring five people including Dainichi Pharmacist.

The terrifying holy power surged out of his body wave after wave, suppressing hundreds of millions of living beings in the Eastern Sea.

Dressed in a seven-color cassock and full of Brahma light all over his body, Da Ri Pharmacist shouted towards the East China Sea.

"Zhulong, the saint has come to the East China Sea, why don't you come out to greet him?"

The voice of the great day pharmacist spread throughout the three realms, and fell into the ears of all living beings in the Eastern Sea clearly.

"It's just a fake tiger's prestige."

Zhulong snorted coldly, and together with Ao Ling, they instantly transformed into two million-foot-long five-clawed golden dragons and flew out of the sea.

"Dragon Clan Candle Dragon [Boiling Soul] has seen the receiving saint."

Candle Dragon, Ao Ling stepped on the clouds, manifested his innate Taoist body, cupped his hands at the receiving saint, and then said with a puzzled expression.

"The sage came to our East Sea, but if there is anything, if there is a need, just say it, and our Dragon Clan will try our best to help."

Jie Yin expressionless, said coldly, "Zhulong, don't act, my son of Western Yingjie was abducted by your dragon clan, right now, hand it over now, I will give your dragon clan a chance, if you continue to be obsessed, today , the Dragon Clan should be destroyed!"

In the receiving words, with boundless murderous intentions, the aura of saints around him was faintly turbulent, pressing towards Zhulong.

Other things are easy to talk about, but no one can interfere with his Western Daxing.

How terrifying is the coercion of the saint?
Even Candle Dragon, who had gone through hundreds of battles, felt a great terror in his heart at this moment.

The crisis of falling, turned into a huge shadow, shrouded Zhulong's heart.

A sage, who has gone through thousands of kalpas without grinding, is not stained with cause and effect, is always with the sky, and coexists with the Tao, which is close to the existence of the Tao.

No matter how powerful the sub-sage is, he is vulnerable to a real saint.

Facing Boy Bailian, Zhulong was sure to defeat him.

But facing the reception, Zhulong didn't even have the thought of fighting with him.

As for Ailing the Spirit, he trembled all over under the coercion and coercion of the sage.

Silently pray that the Lord Tongtian will come sooner.

At this time, Zhulong suppressed the fear in his heart and said in a deep voice.

"Receiving the sage, as I said before, the disappearance of the Western Jiezi has nothing to do with our Dragon Clan."

"The sage kept saying that our dragon clan abducted the son of Yingjie from the Buddhist sect, do you have evidence in hand?"


There was a sneer on the receiving face, and he said directly.

"Since your dragon clan has a clear conscience, then you dragon clan, do you dare to let me try to search for souls?"

As soon as Jieyin said these words, Zhulong's face suddenly changed and became completely gloomy.

What is soul searching?

Soul search is a method used by those with high cultivation bases to those with low cultivation bases.

When searching for souls, all the memories and secrets of those with low cultivation bases will be presented to those with high cultivation bases without reservation.

But no one of the prehistoric monks has a secret.

Searching for souls is already a great shame for ordinary monks.

Not to mention the dragon clan who galloped through the world during the Dragon Han catastrophe.

The Dragon Clan would rather die than accept soul searching.

Zhulong gradually cooled down, and his voice was no longer polite.

"If the saint insists on searching for the soul, then my Dragon Clan naturally has nothing to do."

"However, in the past year when the Dragon and Han cataclysms occurred, and the war between the three clans, our dragon clan was contaminated with endless karma, and suppressed the waters of the four seas to repay the karma. Up to now, more than half of it has not been repaid. I don't know how the sage will bear this karma after destroying the dragon clan. force?"


Jieyin's expression changed, and he became angry immediately!

He stretched out his five fingers, and slapped Zhulong from the air.

Immediately, Shengwei was mighty, forming a huge golden palm print in midair.

With the momentum of Mount Tai pressing down on the top, Xiang Zhulong and Ao Ling suppressed it.

Zhulong, Ao Ling was shocked, and was about to sacrifice his own dragon balls to resist.

Suddenly, the huge golden palm print stagnated in the void strangely.

Then, infinite pressure came from all directions.

He actually crushed the golden palm print into fine powder.

Jieyin fixed his eyes, as if sensing some breath, he spoke loudly.

"Fellow Daoist Tongtian, since you're here, just show up."

The sound of receiving and guiding fell, and the void in the clear sky was split into two like fragile paper.

Master Tongtian, dressed in a blue Taoist robe, with a green wine gourd on his waist, stepped forward.

Although the aura on their bodies was restrained, everyone's eyes sank and their hairs stood up slightly.

It seemed that there was an extra sharp sword on the top of his head, which would fall down at any time.

"finally come."

Zhulong, Ao Ling also heaved a sigh of relief, and swallowed the dragon ball back into his stomach.

If Saint Tongtian doesn't come, his Dragon Clan is really in danger.

At this time, countless powerful figures in the Three Realms couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw the Lord Tongtian appear.

"Look, the sage Tongtian has also appeared, and it seems that he wants to protect the dragon clan!"

"Sage Tongtian has also appeared. You say that the son of Yingjie in the West is missing, and is Saint Tongtian planning behind it?"

As soon as these words came out, the people around were startled and lowered their voices.

"You don't want to die, but you dare to talk about the saint behind your back?"

Only then did the man realize that he seemed to have said something wrong, so he quickly shut his mouth.

"Hiss, the receiving and leading saint is unfathomable. The heaven-reaching saint is unparalleled in swordsmanship. I don't know who is stronger and who is weaker."

"Jihad, it's not so good-looking, have you forgotten the consequences of the prehistoric destruction?"

At this time, in Donghai, Master Tongtian looked at Jieyin casually, and said lightly.

"Receive and lead fellow daoists, wantonly attack on the territory of Wu Jiejiao, can you still put Wu Jiejiao in your eyes?"

Jieyin stared at the leader of Tongtian, and said in a deep voice, "Fellow Tongtian, hand over the son of Yingjie, and I will retreat now."

Master Tongtian said with a puzzled look on his face, "I don't know what kind of son should be robbed."

"But if you want to fight, I will accompany you to the end."

As the voice fell, the restrained aura all over Tongtianjiao's body suddenly burst out.

The terrifying magic power of the saint Jiuchongtian has not been retained in the slightest, and it has set off layer after layer of Dao aggregates.

Rolling away in all directions, it spread throughout the Three Realms in an instant.

"Saint Nine Heavens!"

Jieyin's pupils shrank, and a stormy sea arose in his heart.

A saint takes one step at a time, and every time he advances to a higher level, he needs great perseverance. The source of great blessings, the ninth level, is the best of saints.

Even he, with the supply of the entire Western luck, is no more than a saint in the eighth heaven.
With a thought of the Master Tongtian, Qingping Sword appeared in his hand again.

The sharp sword energy carries the supreme prestige, hovers, rises, and shatters the space.

"Would you like to try a fight to pick up fellow Taoist priests? It just so happens that I've been in Biyou Palace for too long, and I'm preparing to move my body."

After pondering for a while, Jieyin said solemnly.

"The disappearance of Jie Zi may have been a mistake on my part in the West. In this matter, I was reckless in the West. Please forgive me, Fellow Daoist Tong Tian."

Tongtian practiced swordsmanship, and his combat power was already strong, but now his cultivation level is even higher than that of the Saint Nine Heavens.

In terms of realm, he is still a line stronger, not to mention the gap in combat power.

If there is a fight, I am afraid that he will be the one who suffers.

After receiving the introduction, he looked at the five pharmacists, "Let's go."

After finishing speaking, with a thought, he tore apart the space and disappeared in place.

Pharmacist, Bai Lian and others didn't dare to stay, they also left one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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