Douluo: The Restart of Huo Yuhao, the Peerless

Chapter 105: The Messenger of Death: Here Comes the Performance? 【3k】

Chapter 105: The Messenger of Death: Here Comes the Performance? 【3k】

Although Lan Susu, Lan Luoluo and Cao Jinxuan have potential, they are not like Huo Yuhao, who can see the future development at a glance.

Whether they can enter the inner courtyard, no matter what, they have to wait until the fifth or sixth grade to find out.

Now they are only in the second grade, where can they tell?

"The core disciples of the outer court present here are almost all second-year students. Could it be that as long as they are 'willing to take this responsibility', they can directly become inner court disciples?"

"Or, this monitoring task can not only be done by inner court disciples, but also by outer court disciples?"

"Or, does Elder Xuan want the disciples from the outer court to perform the tasks of the disciples from the inner court together? Can Elder Xuan guarantee the safety of the disciples from the outer court? After all, they have not even entered the inner court. They may be seriously injured or even killed because of the monitoring mission of the inner courtyard."

"Why do we have to talk about this matter now instead of waiting until the next Soul Master Competition?"

"Old Xuan, I'm very curious about this, can you explain it for me?"

"I..." Xuanzi never thought that Huo Yuhao could ask so many questions from the beginning, and he couldn't think of how to answer Huo Yuhao in normal theory.

Seeing Huo Yuhao's very sincere expression, Xuanzi couldn't say a word.

After all, the monitoring mission he wanted to talk about next was really the mission of Ma Xiaotao's seven people, not the core disciples of the outer courtyard.

"Old Xuan, I don't want to shirk responsibility, but is our surveillance mission really correct?" Jiang Nannan asked suddenly.

"Do you know how I got into Shrek Academy?"

"If soul masters do evil, they must be supervised and restrained, but why, in my hometown, have I never seen a member of the monitoring team?"

"The number of Shrek monitoring teams is small, and it is inevitable that they have not been to some places. Jiang Nannan, if you say that, I will doubt your intentions." Dai Yaoheng said lightly.

"Senior Dai Yueheng, you are the son of the White Tiger Duke of the Star Luo Empire, right?" Wang Donger asked suddenly.

Dai Yueheng was taken aback for a moment, then subconsciously nodded.

"After graduating from Shrek Academy, what are you going to do? Join the army? Take part in a war? If the Star Luo Empire initiates an invasion of other cities, will you refuse?"

"I..." Dai Yaoheng was speechless.

Before the Sun Moon Continent collided with the Douluo Continent, the Star Luo Empire had never fought a "defense battle".

And after the Sun-Moon Continent collided, the three empires also stopped the civil war because of the rich resources of the Sun-Moon Continent and the Sun-Moon Empire that possessed these resources, and turned to attack the Sun-Moon Empire in unison.

The result was naturally clear. With the help of the original Shrek Academy, they finally won and incorporated the territory of the Sun Moon Continent into the Douluo Continent, collectively called the Douluo Continent.

However, due to the powerful strength of the Sun Moon Empire, the Sun Moon Empire has not been completely invaded, and has been stalemate until the current situation of the four kingdoms.

Although they stand together, the small wars between the four countries continue.

When it comes to the Sun Moon Empire, most Douluo Three Kingdoms people discriminate against them.And Douluo Three Kingdoms is also extremely repulsive to the Sun Moon Empire.

After all, the Sun Moon Empire is the native country of the Sun Moon Continent, so it will naturally affect their development of the rich assets of the Sun Moon Continent.

And the Sun Moon Empire has been working hard to regain the name of the Sun Moon Continent.

Dai Yaoheng was born in the White Tiger Duke's mansion, so he was naturally deeply influenced by the White Tiger Duke. It is impossible to say that he does not want to be a character like the White Tiger Duke.

But if you want to be a character like the White Tiger Duke, without war and great strength, how can it be possible?
"That's enough! Shut up." Xuanzi said angrily, "Jiang Nannan, maybe the Shrek Supervisory Team didn't notice what happened in your hometown, but we, the Shrek Supervisory Team, will stick to absolute justice and carry out our own beliefs."

"This time, the surveillance mission happens to be that the enemy is not too powerful, so you all join together with Yueheng and the others. Yaoheng and the others will lead the battle, and all of you will assist."

"Wang Yan, send them the Shrek Overseer's equipment. Dai Yueheng, tell me about the mission."

Wang Yan took out rings from his storage soul guide and handed them to the six members of the reserve team and others.

"This is the ring of the supervisor. Although you have not joined the supervisory group, you still need to use it. Otherwise, it will be difficult to confirm your identity. I will take it back when the supervisory mission is over." Xuanzi said.

Then, Dai Yaoheng began to talk about the mission situation.

The location of this surveillance mission is a mountain range bordering the Star Luo Empire and the Sun Moon Empire, which is rich in mineral resources and is called the Mingdou Mountain Range.

There is a group of bandit gangs called Death Hands that specifically intercept and kill passing merchants between the two countries in this area. The total number of them is less than 300.

The leader of the Death Hand organization is an evil soul master who claims to be the messenger of death.

The Shrek Academy had already notified the Star Luo Empire of this surveillance mission, so the Star Luo Empire army near the Ming Dou Mountain Range would provide some limited help to everyone.

For example, "incomparably detailed" maps and "incomparably accurate" intelligence.

After everything was reported, the team started heading towards the mission location at Xuanzi's request.

Except for a short break in the middle, when everyone had a taste of Huo Yuhao's food, the team was moving forward all the time.

In the end, they came to the first target location, which was a military camp at the junction of the Heavenly Soul Empire and the Star Luo Empire.

Dai Yaoheng had borrowed enough flying soul tools from the military camp of the Star Luo Empire, and he had to use the flying soul tools for the rest of the journey.

In the rush of time, they finally came to the second target location.

The Xingluo Empire Western Group Army camp near the Mingdou Mountains.

However, due to time constraints, everyone was not able to meet with Dai Hao, the head of the legion here, Duke Baihu. After getting the information about the hand of death, they prepared to enter the Mingdou Mountain Range.

Outside the Mingdou Mountain Range, Xuanzi led the team to the foot of a mountain, "Okay, I will take you here, the rest, you need to come by yourself. Zhang Lexuan, come with me."

After Wang Yan led the team into the Mingdou Mountain Range, Zhang Lexuan suddenly said, "Old Xuan, we really don't need..."

Xuanzi smiled and said: "The information is very detailed, and the strongest evil soul master is only at the level of the soul king. Are you still worried that something will happen if Xiaotao and Yao weigh their strength?"

"But, those outer court disciples..."

"Relax, Xiaotao and the others are the main force, and those outer court disciples are just supporting."

Xuanzi wanted to pat Zhang Lexuan on the shoulder to tell him not to worry, but he was in vain.

Zhang Lexuan stepped out and said to Xuanzi: "I will protect those disciples from the outer court. Moreover, Yu Hao also said that maybe the other party will have some strange abilities, so don't take it lightly."

"Go, go!" Xuanzi waved his hand, "What strange abilities can a soul king have? I'll just drink some wine here. After the monitoring mission is over, you can just bring them to me."


Inside the Mingdou Mountain Range.

Knowing Huo Yuhao's mental detection ability, Wang Yan immediately let Huo Yuhao play a role, and determined the whereabouts of the Death Hand organization through mental detection.

Wang Yan said to the crowd in a low voice: "Get ready to carry out the mission, I will command the reserve team. Ma Xiaotao, you will command the battle."

"Okay." Ma Xiaotao agreed, but her figure suddenly froze for a moment, she turned her head to look at Huo Yuhao, and then continued to move forward.

The other six players who were officially selected followed Ma Xiaotao, maintaining their formation.

A few seconds after Ma Xiaotao and the others left, Wang Yan waved his hand and led the reserve team to follow.

Just a while after the reserve team left, Zhang Lexuan appeared here.

Soon, the reserve team arrived at the hillside that Huo Yuhao had discovered earlier.

Ma Xiaotao and the others had disappeared without a trace, but no sound was heard.

Wang Yan made up his mind and said in a low voice, "Beibei, get ready to fight, we will go down too."

Going down from the side of the hillside, you can see the thief's den covered by the vine curtain.

Jiang Nannan couldn't help asking curiously: "It stands to reason that even if the Star Luo Empire wants to consider the Sun Moon Empire's issues, the Star Luo Local Army shouldn't be able to clean up this place, right?"

"I'm not too sure about... military matters, maybe they really can't do it." Wang Yan said awkwardly, "Don't worry about it, this is our task now."

At this moment, a bang sounded inside the cave, and the noisy shouting and strong fluctuations of soul power could be felt even outside the cave.

Wang Yan stopped hesitating, and said in a low voice, "Yuhao, release Spirit Detection, everyone must be careful."

As he spoke, Wang Yan waved his hand and led everyone into the cave.

Although the entrance of the cave was not too big, the inside was extremely wide. Everyone went all the way to the depths of the cave and saw the corpses of the robbers in disorder.

Ma Xiaotao and Ling Luochen were next to each other, and under Ma Xiaotao's all-out attack, there was no one left alive. Every blow of the phoenix flames could directly burn the robbers to ashes.

Compared with Ma Xiaotao and Ling Luochen's battle situation, Dai Yueheng's side was different, there were bandits' severed arms and limbs everywhere.

This was done by Dai Yueheng and Chen Zifeng, who were the most murderous, and Xixi, who was the fastest.

Gongyang Mo and Yao Haoxuan stood at the back of the team, constantly adding support to several people.

"Dai Yaoheng, my mother told you to get rid of those corpses. You didn't hear me, did you?" Ma Xiaotao said while killing the enemy.

And Dai Yaoheng seemed to have not heard it, killing crazily, and Chen Zifeng and Chen Zifeng were like a duo with a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, exuding an incomparably thick bloody smell.

Seeing that there were not many bandits left, only two or three big cats and kittens left, Wang Yan was sure, and waved his hand: "Everyone, don't let them go!"


(End of this chapter)

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