Douluo: The Restart of Huo Yuhao, the Peerless

Chapter 113 The new use of life gold? 【3k】

Chapter 113 The new use of life gold? 【3k】

Huo Yuhao shook his head slightly. He could only do so much with these past memories.

Shrek Academy is destined to be intolerable to him, Huo Yuhao is still unwilling to fight against Beibei and the others, just like he actually has the ability to make Mu En die early and retreat unscathed, but he is still willing to respect Mu En, etc. It dies naturally.

This is the past, the last tenderness that he can leave to Shrek Academy and to himself.

As for Wang Donger's distaste for using soul tools, she had already solved it by herself long ago.

With Ning Tian's small treasury, when they really need to buy something later, they don't need to pull Shrek's tiger skin.

The more favors you owe, the harder it is to repay.

As for the debt owed to Ning Tian... then slowly pay it back in a lifetime.

The atmosphere froze for a moment, and Wang Yan said, "Let's go, let's go in and have a look."

The auction house looks small on the surface, but in fact this part on the ground is just the entrance, and the real part is underground.

When they came to the registration place, Wang Yan had done the formalities in advance. He handed everyone a number plate, and then a girl in a long red dress led them into the depths.

From the entrance to the interior, the entire auction house seemed ordinary, but behind a simple wooden door, this ordinary place suddenly became resplendent and resplendent, even surpassing the Star Emperor Hotel. And nothing less.

This auction house is the largest auction house in Star Luo City, and even the number of bids is cherished. Not only must there be proof of assets, but also an evaluation.

Wang Yan also relied on Dai Yaoheng's help to complete the formalities smoothly.

But what Wang Yan didn't expect was that Ning Tian also had this ability.

The hostess who guided everyone into the auction hall explained to everyone while guiding them: "Welcome to the Starlight Auction."

"This auction is dedicated to soul tools. Only soul tools below level six will be auctioned. According to the classification of our Starlight Auction, it is a level four auction."

There are five levels of auction ratings in the Starlight Auction Hall, with Level [-] being the highest level, and only the main auction hall is eligible for auctions.

Level five is the lowest level.

The fourth-level auction that will be held now is located in Hall No. 12, and there are about 200 people bidding at the same time.

To enter the auction hall, you need to put on a mask to hide your face, and Huo Yuhao used the simulated soul skills to completely cover up the breath of several people.

Everyone found their seats, and soon there was movement in the auction hall.

After an incomparably beautiful female voice, the lights of the entire auction hall began to focus on the auction stage.

A woman who looked about 30 years old walked onto the auction stage from one side, with a smile on her face all the time, the purple dress she was wearing perfectly outlined the curves of her body, and her whole body revealed a mature flavor.

This was almost a special attack for Xu Sanshi, and Xu Sanshi immediately showed the same look he showed in the previous game, which made Jiang Nannan extremely cold.

Among the entire Shrek Academy, only Xu Sanshi would not hide his desires, and he didn't know whether it was a special spirit or a special person.

What Jiang Nannan hates is precisely this point. She not only hates Xu Sanshi, but also hates Xu Sanshi's family.

At this moment, the purple skirt female auctioneer made a move.

With a smile on her face, she bowed towards the audience and said, "Welcome all distinguished guests. I am the purple-level auctioneer of Starlight Auction, Qingya."

"Not much gossip, all distinguished guests must be looking forward to this auction. This auction is dedicated to soul guides, and all the items in the auction are soul guides below level six. They are suitable for soul masters and soul masters with cultivation levels below the soul king and below. Soul engineer."

"Also, at the end of the auction, we still have a mysterious auction item. Although it is not a soul tool, it also has an extremely precious function. All distinguished guests, don't miss it!"

"Please list our first lot below."

As they spoke, two girls in red skirts pushed a small cart covered with a purple cloth to the auction stage. After it stopped, the cloth was lifted immediately.

The first lot was a third-level attack-type soul guide, called the soul guide paralysis ray, which could even affect the soul master of the soul king. Of course, this was also related to the soul master who used it.

This lot was finally taken by Wang Yan, but he hasn't decided who to give it to.

After that, several more soul guides were photographed by Wang Yan. For Wang Yan, with Shrek behind him, he really didn't need to worry too much about financial matters.

The entire auction will continue until the moment when the penultimate lot appears.

This finale item is a fourth-grade baby bottle, which can allow soul masters to absorb the soul power stored in it, thereby restoring their own soul power. After He Caitou's introduction, Wang Yan also understood the function of the baby bottle, so he decisively took the photo .

Wang Yan took so many auctions by himself, which naturally caused a lot of discussion.

But this has nothing to do with elegance.

None of the people who could enter the auction house were of Yi Yu's generation. Since Wang Yan could enter, he must have such financial resources.

Wang Yan bought so many lots at a premium, the more commission she could get.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what follows is the last lot of this auction, tonight."

"Originally, it shouldn't appear here. However, in order to thank all distinguished guests for their continuous support to the Starlight Auction, we have specially added this item with the approval of the Chief Auctioneer of the Starlight Auction."

"Guests, please note that the price of this auction will be very high, but I believe that everyone who really understands it will find it worth the money."

"Next, we will invite our Miss Etiquette to present this large auction to everyone!"

The previous girl in the red dress pushed the cart onto the stage again, but this time, the cover on the cart turned into a red cover that had never appeared before.

In Douluo Continent, there are many things related to color, which are all graded according to the color of the soul ring.

Red is undoubtedly the same color as the 10-year spirit ring, which means that the value of this large-axis auction is absolutely extraordinary.

Qing Ya introduced: "This large auction item is not a soul tool, but it has a very close relationship with a soul tool. Please take a look."

Saying that, Qingya lifted up the red cloth on the cart by herself, revealing a display stand.

The display stand is ordinary, but the lots displayed in it are not ordinary.

The lot itself is small, shaped like a sharp blade, and looks simple and dark as a whole. It seems to have engraved mysterious patterns on it.

What Qingya said is correct, only those who really understand it can know its value.

Because this is a carving knife used by the soul engineer to engrave the core circle of the soul guide, and it is not an ordinary carving knife.

The elegant voice sounded at this moment, "Dear guests, don't be fooled by its ordinary appearance. You should have heard that among the soul engineers, there has been a ranking of carving knives, which has become the ranking of carving knives." List."

"And this carving knife is one of the top [-] carving knives on the list."

When it comes to listing carving knives, people who know the name immediately gasp, contributing to the air purification of Douluo Continent.

He Caitou also sighed slightly, as a professional soul instructor, and his master is an eighth-level soul instructor like Fan Yu, his eyesight is not bad, but it's a pity that Qingya directly brought it up, he wanted to catch the leak The mind is also cut off directly.

However, after the uproar in the audience subsided, Qingya sighed slightly, "Our Starlight Auction has never deliberately not to mention its shortcomings. All distinguished guests should also be able to imagine that if it is a normal listing knife , will definitely not appear here."

"This carving knife ranks 99th on the list, and it's called... Spirit-eating carving knife!"

Hearing this name, the audience fell silent.

The Soul Devouring Knife is called the Cursed Knife because its creator is an evil soul master who has reached the ninth level of soul master cultivation.

"...This carving knife has experienced 37 masters in total, but without exception, all of them died tragically, and even nine of them became evil soul masters..."

After briefly telling the story of the Soul Devouring Knife, Qingya finally said: "If you are a soul master with a light attribute, it may be difficult for you to be turned back by this Soul Devouring Knife. However, because our Starlight Auction I don’t fully understand it either, so all distinguished guests are requested to choose carefully.”

"We can only guarantee that if we don't inject soul power into the Soul Devouring Knife, it will not eat back at its owner. Therefore, this Soul Devouring Knife has a good collection value."

"Okay, distinguished guests, this lot, the Soul Devouring Knife, has a starting price of [-] gold soul coins, and each price increase must not be less than [-] gold soul coins."

Although Qingya still had a smile on her face, she was not happy in her heart.

This murderous knife is so famous that almost no one dares to hold it, even if it is only as a collectible.

Therefore, it has been continuously auctioned from the first-level auction that appeared at the beginning to the current fourth-level auction. Even the starting price and the price increase have been lowered and lowered until the current one hundred thousand gold soul coins.

Wang Yan also wanted to try to grab it, but after listening to Qingya's story and He Caitou's advice, he still gave up the idea of ​​taking the Soul Devouring Knife.

After all, they experienced what happened in the Mingdou Mountain Range not long ago. No matter how good the Soul Devouring Knife is, it is obviously not as important as life.

But at this moment, Huo Yuhao raised the signboard, twisted his voice with the simulated soul skill, and said, "One hundred thousand gold soul coins."

"Yuhao, are you crazy?" Wang Donger hurriedly wanted to push down Huo Yuhao's sign, but Huo Yuhao just patted Wang Donger's little hand, and Wang Donger fell silent.

She knew very well that Huo Yuhao would never gamble with his own life. Coupled with Huo Yuhao's various performances, maybe this Soul Devouring Knife has other uses.

Wang Yan also frowned slightly, and none of the others understood why Huo Yuhao wanted to take down the Soul Devouring Knife.

But there was no way, Qingya had recovered, and immediately shouted loudly: "A distinguished guest bid one hundred thousand gold soul coins, is there any increase?"


(End of this chapter)

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