Douluo: The Restart of Huo Yuhao, the Peerless

Chapter 129 I want to retire! 【4K】

Chapter 129 I want to retire! 【4K】

Although Huo Yuhao won the final spot, he also said that after this competition, he will quit Shrek Academy.

and so……

"Referee, I want to retire."

When Huo Yuhao said these words, even Tiansha Douluo couldn't help feeling a little strange.

You know, he just risked being regarded as a thorn in the side of Shrek Academy and directly defined Huo Yuhao and the others as Huo Yuhao's team.

But Huo Yuhao actually wants to retire now?
"Have you thought it through?" However, Tiansha Douluo did not refuse or agree, but asked Huo Yuhao a question first.

"Senior, I've already thought it through." Huo Yuhao's eyes revealed a firm look, "I know the academy is cheating but I don't do anything, and I'm also not worthy of the competition."

As soon as these words came out, Tiansha Douluo couldn't help being moved.

"Okay, okay, okay, you have this awareness, you are already much stronger than most people." Tiansha Douluo's voice became a little gentler.

Wang Yan, who was in the rest area, was already filled with nameless anger when he heard the second half of Huo Yuhao's words, but the next moment he saw the "innocent" look on Huo Yuhao's face, he couldn't help feeling ashamed inwardly.

Yes, what's wrong with Huo Yuhao?It was because he knew how to repay his kindness that he did not report himself to the competition organizing committee in advance.

In fact, if Xu Sanshi had not taken out the cigar because he had formed a habit, the cheating might not have been discovered, and Huo Yuhao would not have said such a thing.

Everything is my fault!

Wang Yan felt even more regretful.

What a lovely and respectable child Huo Yuhao is!But their Shrek Academy just missed a good prospect.

Uh... I can't say one, but a group, because there are other good seedlings who are going to follow Huo Yuhao.

Thinking of this, Wang Yan felt even more sad.

He Caitou looked at Huo Yuhao and said, "Huo Yuhao, if you choose Mingde Hall..."

The clenched fists showed He Caitou's restless heart.

He hated Xu Tianran's lineage, Mingdetang, and the entire Sun Moon Empire!He wished he could destroy Mingdu, a place that filled him with pain, immediately!
On the stage, after Huo Yuhao stood up, Wang Donger also stood beside Huo Yuhao.

"I'm retiring."

"I'm retiring."


One after another stood up, only Xu Sanshi, uh... still squatting inside the absolute defense soul tool.

As a result, six of the seven people in this match had to withdraw from the competition.

It is conceivable that since they dare to drop out of the competition directly, it means that they also drop out of school!

Tiansha Douluo nodded, "Okay, have the courage!"

Then, Tiansha Douluo looked at Huo Yuhao, "I don't have many friends in my life, but now I see that my little friend has friends. If you are willing, this old man is willing to make friends with you. If you don't want to, you can also come to Xingluo City Look for this old man, within your ability, this old man will definitely help you!"

Huo Yuhao smiled indifferently, "Senior Tian Fiend praised you absurdly. Senior Tian Fiend is willing to make friends with the brat, so how dare the brat refuse to do so?"

"Hahaha! Good! As expected of the person that this old man likes! Little friend, you should have heard the legend of the old man's lone star, aren't you afraid that this old man will overwhelm you?"

"To be honest, I have never believed in fate. Destiny is such a thing, just break it." Huo Yuhao laughed.

"Okay, be angry with the old man!"

Just at this moment, a loud shout came, "Tiansha, you old boy are robbing people while I'm not here!"

Du Bushi blatantly landed on the ground, Jing Hongchen was a little further away.

Xu Jiawei didn't expect that Tiansha would do such a thing, but this is a good thing for the Star Luo Empire, after all, Tiansha Douluo is also one of the country-protecting Douluo of the Star Luo Empire.

Investing in a future twin Ultimate Wuhun Limit Douluo in advance, let alone Xu Jiawei, anyone would be willing to invest in this bet.

But Xu Jiawei felt a headache when he saw Du Bushi and Jing Hongchen.

Fortunately, Huo Yuhao came out to make a rescue at this time.

"Seniors, if you need to talk to me about anything, please come after the ceremony. How about that?"

Du Bushi glanced at Xu Jiawei on the top of the imperial city, and said, "Okay."

Jing Hongchen didn't even look at it, but nodded to Huo Yuhao.

Seeing that the matter had come to an end, Xu Jiawei quickly waved his hand to signal that the competition between the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy and the Di'ao Academy would begin as soon as possible.

Now he doesn't want to hold this soul master competition for a moment anymore, he would have been defeated long ago.

The referee also replaced Tiansha Douluo with another titled Douluo.

Xu Sanshi finally came out of the absolute defense soul tool.

Immediately afterwards, Huo Yuhao, accompanied by Tiansha Douluo, Du Bushi, and Jing Hongchen, headed directly towards the imperial city.

As for Ma Xiaotao and the others, they also followed behind. Only Xu Sanshi returned to the rest area of ​​Shrek Academy.

There are only a few people in twos and threes in such a large rest area of ​​Shrek Academy.

From the top of the imperial city, for a long time, I looked at Huo Yuhao and the others who were following Tiansha Douluo, Du Bushi and Jing Hongchen into the imperial city, feeling a little unwilling.

"Little sister, senior Tiansha has already made a move, what else can you be unwilling to do? Don't you think Tiansha Douluo's judgment is not as good as yours?"

"But...he may only be able to cause me minor injuries." Xu Jiujiu gritted his teeth and said, "I haven't used my strongest soul skills yet."

"No matter what, if you lose, you lose, so don't talk about the cards you haven't used." Xu Jiawei said, "Huo Yuhao is really a young man."

"It's a pity that he is not a real soul emperor, nor does he have a 10-year soul ring." Xu Jiawei sighed slightly, but soon cheered up.

"However, this should be the effect of one of his soul skills. It can be faked, and even Titled Douluo like me can hide it from it. It's not a magical skill."

"The main body martial soul and the ultimate ice are really getting more and more interesting. Fortunately, senior Tiansha and Huo Yuhao have the right temper, so we can win him over in the future."

Hearing what Xu Jiawei said, Xu Jiujiu said worriedly: "But, brother, doesn't Master Mingde also want to win over him?"

A gleam of wisdom flashed in Xu Jiawei's eyes, "Although soul guides have become mainstream, soul masters are the highest existence in this world. No matter whether he is willing to enter Mingde Hall to study, Mingde Hall cannot be like us. Cultivate the most top soul master."

"The twin martial souls, the main body and the ultimate ice, it is impossible to give up if you are not poisoned. It is even possible for him and Jing Hongchen to go to war directly for Huo Yuhao."

"What's more, I think this kid is kind enough to reciprocate, otherwise he wouldn't have chosen to retire until now, which shows that Teacher Wang Yan really treats him better than Shrek Academy."

Listening to Xu Jiawei's long-winded speech, Jiu Jiujiu suddenly felt dizzy, "Stop, stop, bro, I got it."

"Anyway, hey, that's right." Xu Jiawei suddenly changed his subject, "Little sister, you haven't found Mr. Ruyi yet, I think this kid is quite good, with great potential in the future, and he is worthy of our star crown." Pulse, not as good as you..."

"What are you talking about, brother." He stamped his feet angrily and snorted.

"Little sister, I'm not joking." Xu Jiawei glanced around, and immediately everyone, including the queen, moved away from the place where the two were talking.

"Little sister, let me ask you, what do you think is the strength of our Xu family on the mainland?"

Xu Jiujiu replied without thinking: "Of course it is very powerful, and our Star Crown lineage is not born with certain defects like the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile School, and we can still have certain combat effectiveness."

"At the beginning, our Star Crown lineage was able to disintegrate the White Tiger Duke's lineage and become the lord of the empire after saving the empire from crisis, it was because of our own strong strength."

Xu Jiawei nodded, and said: "You are right, but our Star Crown lineage has been passed down until now, and we have always been small in number."

"Shrek Academy is big, the Sun Moon Empire is covetous, the Sky Soul Empire and the Dou Ling Empire are weak, but they are not cheap lamps, as can be seen from this soul master competition. What you said is already in the past It's time."

"Now we need to look forward, we need to replenish fresh blood. Think about it, if there is no Poison Immortal and Jing Hongchen in this competition, what will happen."

Xu Jiawei took a deep breath, "I used to admire Shrek Academy, but now I am the lord of a country. Little sister, Shrek has been in school for too long. In addition to having the strongest power in the mainland, they also have countless legends. In the battle thousands of years ago, ordinary people could only see that Shrek Academy repelled the Sun Moon Empire's offensive. But we are sitting in this position, don't you understand?"

Xu Jiujiu said in a low voice: "Of course I understand...but let me and him..."

Jiu Jiujiu didn't finish his words, because Tiansha Douluo had already led the crowd up from the tower.

"Your Majesty." Tian Fiend Douluo shouted.

"Senior Tiansha." Xu Jiawei greeted Tiansha Douluo, and then looked at the poisonous people.

"Senior Body and Master Mingde can visit our Xingluo City, I am extremely honored!"

"Stop talking nonsense and draw a clear line, what exactly does your Star Luo Empire want to do?" Du Buushi said carelessly.

Xu Jiawei smiled slightly, "Senior Noumenon, why don't you lead Noumenon Sect to be our guest of the Star Luo Empire, how about it? It just so happens that little friend Yuhao is also a member of our Star Luo Empire."

Today's Noumenon Sect has not yet become the guardian sect of the Heavenly Soul Empire, Xu Jiawei's words are not considered to have violated any taboo. [1]
Moreover, Xu Jiawei specifically mentioned that Huo Yuhao was from the Star Luo Empire, just to increase his bargaining chips.

It's not a bargaining chip to grab someone, but a bargaining chip to make friends with the ontology sect.

"Come, let me show you where you and your friends are seated." Xu Jiawei clapped his hands, and the waiters immediately took action.

"Guys, how about watching the competition first? If you have anything to say, it won't be too late after I host the competition." Xu Jiawei suggested.

There was nothing wrong with being poisoned, and Jing Hongchen didn't say a word, looking at Huo Yuhao with a slightly burning gaze.

He wanted to ask Huo Yuhao too many things, but now that he was in the enemy's country, it was not convenient for him to ask, and he had to find a chance to abduct Huo Yuhao back.

When Xu Jiawei brought up the issue of Huo Yuhao's identity, it was natural that he wanted to kick him out together with Du Bushi.

However, Jing Hongchen also sneered in his heart. Xu Jiawei ignored an issue after all. Huo Yuhao was said to be an orphan.

As for orphans, are there still few orphans in the Star Luo Empire?
on the competition table.

With so many people withdrawing from the competition all of a sudden, there is no need to play in the finals. It just depends on which one can win, the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy or the Emperor's Academy, and which academy will be the final champion.

And the very clear.

Ma Rulong, the captain of the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy, who had never appeared before, dominated the audience with only two seven-level soul tools, while the other six were all using the soul guide turret tactics, that is, they used themselves as the base of the turret, and carried out the battle. Caitou used the same tactics as before.

In other words, blanket bombing.

The entire competition stage was devastated by the attack from the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy.

Of course, the Star Luo Empire also took advantage of the situation to extort a loss fee from the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy.

The rest area of ​​the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy.

"Brother, we won't be out of the game, right?" Meng Hongchen asked, "I haven't let him see my fighting demeanor yet."

Xiao Hongchen rolled his eyes at Meng Hongchen, "Although I also want to dress up...well, but what you said, are you only going out for him?"

Meng Hongchen looked at Xiao Hongchen strangely, "Brother, don't think I don't understand your mind, don't you just want to show off in the competition and pretend to be competitive. If you really want to say, then we are not the same."

"Indeed, it's their regret that they didn't let them see the incomparably handsome me." Xiao Hongchen nodded.

Meng Hongchen was startled, "Brother, why didn't I realize you were so narcissistic before."

Immediately afterwards, Meng Hongchen changed the subject, "However, it's a good thing not to appear. At least in the next competition, we will be more confident. But... I really want him to see my graceful fighting style ah……"

After the team battle was over, the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy soon started a personal battle with Di'ao Academy.

Several soul engineers from the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy exerted their strength again, sweeping the Di'ao Academy, and completely won the place in the final.

Of course, speaking now, it would be the champion directly.

After Xu Jiawei made a confession to Du Bushi and the others, he went up to the top of the wall, announced the progress of the competition, and summed up the gains and losses.

Fortunately, these things have already been prepared, just change the wording a little. After the end of the stinky and long Soul Master Competition, Xu Jiawei said again: "The award ceremony is not open to the public. After tomorrow, the champion team and The runner-up team can enter the royal treasury to choose three spirit bones and one spirit bone respectively."

Although in fact only the champion team of the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy will choose rewards, because Xu Jiawei has seen Xuanzi appear in the rest area of ​​Shrek Academy, and left Xingluo University directly with Wang Yan and the rest. square.

Well... there were even two students who didn't follow along.

Xuanzi seemed very angry, but he didn't take action in the Xingluo Square.

After all... There are at least six Titled Douluo here in the imperial city, and one of them is still poisonous...


Note [1]: Noumenon sect became the guardian sect of the Heavenly Soul Empire a few years after the Star Luo Contest and before the Mingdu Contest.

(End of this chapter)

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