Douluo: The Restart of Huo Yuhao, the Peerless

Chapter 160 My heart and my actions are as clear as a mirror, everything I do is for us [3k]

Chapter 160 My heart and my actions are as clear as a mirror, everything I do is for us [3k]

Green light flickered on Huo Yuhao's body, and then spread out to the surroundings with Huo Yuhao as the center.

Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion Torso Bone Soul Skill, Domain Skill, Permanent Frozen Domain!

Within the area around Huo Yuhao, the extreme chill enveloped the entire area.

If it were Huo Yuhao in the past, he wouldn't be able to control domain skills like the Permanent Freeze Realm like this.

But now in the realm of eternal freezing, Huo Yuhao tapped his scorpion tail hook lightly, and the blood stained by the ice crystals of the Silver Moon Wolf King was directly detonated by the ice explosion technique.

The greatest power of the Ice Explosion Technique is the combination of ultimate ice and soul power.

However, there is no combination of soul power and ultimate ice at the moment, and what is detonated is just the small ice crystals formed by blood stains. This is also done intentionally by Huo Yuhao.

Otherwise, the Ice Explosion Technique would not distinguish between friend and foe, and it would not be fun if he himself was blown away.

Amidst the roar of a series of explosions, the upper body of the Silver Moon Wolf King was arched.

The blood and stains flowed out from its eyes. At this moment, it turned into ice crystals and was detonated. A considerable part of it was detonated in its eye sockets. The severe pain made the Silver Moon Wolf King, who was trying to get up just now, almost fainted. passed.

Juzi and the others on the top of the mountain also noticed the movement of the Silver Moon Wolf King.

The only remaining Golden Wolf King who was lucky enough not to be directly killed by Qiu'er howled to the sky, stared at Huo Yuhao and Silver Moon Wolf King with a pair of blood-red eyes, and retreated unwillingly.

And with the departure of the Golden Wolf King and the long howl, the golden wolves began to gradually retreat.

When they came, there were hundreds of them, but now they retreated, but only half of them remained, covering the mountains and plains, almost all of them were the corpses of the golden wolves.

Huo Yuhao took the golden dragon spear handed over by Qiu'er.

This Golden Dragon Spear can only be used by owners of the Golden Dragon Spirit or bloodline. Although Huo Yuhao does not have the Golden Dragon Spirit or the real Golden Dragon bloodline, he has absorbed part of the Golden Dragon King's divine core and exchanged it with Qiu'er. With the power of destiny, you can command the Golden Dragon Spear and use it.


With one shot, the Golden Dragon Spear quickly absorbed the life of the Silver Moon Wolf King and fed it back to Huo Yuhao.

A black soul ring rose from the Silver Moon Wolf King's body. Huo Yuhao handed the Golden Dragon Spear back to Qiu'er and walked towards the top of the mountain with the Silver Moon Wolf King's body.

"Flying soul guide, let's go." Huo Yuhao said.

There was a fierce battle here and we should leave as soon as possible.

If you want to absorb the soul ring safely, you still have to go to the branch.

At this moment, Huo Yuhao suddenly turned around, a light golden light flashing deep in his eyes.

"It really takes no effort at all, Xiao Xiao, a soul beast just right for you has been delivered to your door."

"A soul beast suitable for me?" Xiao Xiao asked in surprise.

"It should have some thin ancient blood, which is also suitable for your Sansheng Soul Suppressing Cauldron."

With that said, Huo Yuhao unfolded his flying soul guide and jumped down from the cliff on the top of the mountain.

And his direction is deeper into the main vein of Jingyang Mountain Range.

Seeing Huo Yuhao's direction, Orange suddenly became anxious.

"That's... you can't go there!"

"Sister Orange, what happened there?" Xiao Xiao asked.

"That place is already deep in the Jingyang Mountains. There are many ten thousand year soul beasts there. If you are not careful, you may be surrounded by ten thousand year soul beasts."

"Sister Juzi, care leads to chaos." Keke said quietly, "When Huo Yuhao beat the Silver Moon Wolf King before, did the Silver Moon Wolf King notice Huo Yuhao's hidden figure? What's more, Huo Yuhao's little daughter My friends are not in a hurry, what are you in a hurry for?"

Tangerine's face was slightly feverish, and his own reaction was indeed a little too big, didn't he just pretend to be self-inflicted.

Although there was no need to fight...

On the other side, Huo Yuhao, who had already flown over with the flying soul guide, started the simulation in mid-air.

The soul beast he felt was shaped like a goat, but its heels and feet were unusual.

Originally, Huo Yuhao thought that he might have to go to the Star Forest to encounter one, but he didn't expect that there was one here.

In the dark, Huo Yuhao felt that there seemed to be some kind of help helping him.

The power of destiny, the power of destiny.

Adhering to the name of fate, what you do is not to accept fate.

The goat-shaped soul beast is called the Silver Horn Sheep. It has thick and dark hair all over its body. Its eyes are bright and energetic. It does not have the two conventional horns, but one on its forehead. Unicorn.

Silver horn sheep have extremely thin blood of Haechi, which is rare to see.

This kind of soul beast with ancient bloodline can basically only be seen in the Star Dou Forest.

The silver-horned sheep Huo Yuhao targeted was only close to 4000 years old.Although he is relatively young, his thin bloodline brings unlimited possibilities.

In the previous life, Xiao Xiao's fourth soul ring was provided by a silver-horned sheep soul beast with Haechi bloodline, which brought Xiao Xiao a very powerful control skill.

Huo Yuhao restrained his breath and slowly approached the silver-horned sheep while using simulation to hide himself.

This soul beast cannot be killed by him, it must be suppressed and brought back.

Huo Yuhao slowly approached, but the silver-horned sheep, which was grazing with its head down, seemed to sense something. The horn on its forehead was slightly emitting silver light, and then ran away without hesitation.

Huo Yuhao took action like lightning and quickly came to the side of the silver-horned sheep. The ice emperor's claws instantly activated and grabbed the single horn of the silver-horned sheep.

Although the silver-horned sheep does not look big, its strength is extraordinary. It was so reckless that it wrestled with Huo Yuhao.

However, no matter how strong the silver-horned sheep is, it cannot compare to Huo Yuhao.

Soul beasts all have their own pride, especially those with the blood of ancient Haizhi like the Silver-horned Sheep. If they can't compete, they can't escape. The Silver-horned Sheep will start to self-destruct immediately, and even if it dies, it will be sacrificed to the humans in front of it. Bring trouble.

Huo Yuhao sneered, "Want to blow yourself up in front of me?"

Green light began to spread from Huo Yuhao's body, and the domain skill, the Domain of Permanent Frozen, was released again!

Layer after layer of ice crystals completely enveloped the silver-horned sheep, and even penetrated deep into the silver-horned sheep's body, preventing it from self-destructing.

Then, Huo Yuhao carried the silver-horned sheep that had completely turned into a lump of ice, unfolded the wing-mounted flying soul guide on its back, and flew straight through the dense forest towards the top of the mountain.

And when he saw the green light emerging from the dense forest, Orange, who had been staring there, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, in her heart, she could no longer describe how she felt.

Thinking back to what Huo Yuhao said in the all-terrain detection soul guide, Orange's heart trembled even more.

The green light swooped towards this side, and as the grass was swaying, Huo Yuhao also successfully landed.

"Xiao Xiao, you should get rid of this soul beast first and absorb its soul ring. Although the age is only close to 4000 years, it has a thin ancient Xiezhi bloodline, which should bring you a very good soul skill."

Xiao Xiao completely trusted Huo Yuhao and didn't suspect him at all. He immediately released the Sansheng Soul-Suppressing Cauldron, and directly crushed the silver-horned sheep completely wrapped in ice crystals to death while Huo Yuhao removed the ice crystals.

A circle of purple soul rings slowly emerged from the silver-horned sheep's body. Xiao Xiao immediately sat cross-legged and used his soul power to pull the purple soul ring.

Huo Yuhao winked at Gu Yuena and motioned for Gu Yuena to help watch Xiao Xiao's absorption to prevent any problems. Then he came to the Silver Moon Wolf King that he had placed here before.

That black soul ring is not as dark as ink like the soul rings of ordinary ten thousand year soul beasts. Instead, it is faintly flashing with colorful light, and you can feel the energy contained in it.

At that moment, Huo Yuhao no longer hesitated and immediately sat cross-legged. The Wuxiang Kung Fu began to circulate in his body. Huo Yuhao's mental power moved slightly and was pulled towards the black soul ring on the Silver Moon Wolf King's body.

The black soul ring was pulled by Huo Yuhao and integrated into Huo Yuhao's body. Immediately afterwards, Huo Yuhao's whole body trembled violently, and a layer of seven-color halo burst out from the inside out. .

But then, Huo Yuhao's back glowed slightly, and a green scorpion appeared slightly, and the colorful halo was suppressed by a green color.

The rich green light almost occupied Huo Yuhao's entire body.

When Huo Yuhao opened his eyes again, the sky was already bright.

The Jingyang Mountains are also covered by clouds and fog, and even the sunlight from the east cannot shine directly.

Huo Yuhao stood up, only to realize that everyone around him had already fallen asleep, and they just accepted the morning dew with him.

Only Gu Yuena stood aside, seeming to be looking into the distance and thinking.

Huo Yuhao cautiously walked out from the crowd, feeling a warm current in his heart.

My heart and my actions are as clear as a clear mirror, and everything I do is for us.

"Na'er, why don't you sleep?" Huo Yuhao walked to Gu Yuena and asked.

"You... who told you to call you that?" Gu Yuena's face was filled with clouds, and she remembered the day when Huo Yuhao absorbed the madness and hatred of the Golden Dragon King.

"Ah, I thought of it, so I called it that. If you don't like it, then I won't call it that." Huo Yuhao said with a bad smile.

", I don't like it, it just feels a bit sudden." Gu Yuena's face was hot.

"Eh - it's not good for Sister Na to drag Yuhao to whisper love words early in the morning." Qiu'er's voice came from behind, causing Gu Yuena's body to freeze slightly.

Except for Qiu'er, everyone else also woke up.

They didn't sleep deeply to begin with, and it was because a battle was too exhausting that they fell into a shallow sleep.

But it's so dangerous here, who dares to really fall asleep completely.

"Senior Orange, do we still need to continue testing the all-terrain detection soul guide?" Huo Yuhao asked Xiang Orange.


(End of this chapter)

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