Douluo: The Restart of Huo Yuhao, the Peerless

Chapter 182 Humanoid Succubus Huo Yuhao [4k]

Chapter 182 Humanoid Succubus Huo Yuhao [4k]

"Hahaha..." Jing Hongchen laughed.

Xuan Ziwen and the other three were the first to wake up, and each of them improved to varying degrees.

Xiao Hongchen was the fourth to wake up. Jing Hongchen checked Xiao Hongchen's body specially. His laughter was precisely because of Xiao Hongchen's improvement.

Whether it is Xiao Hongchen or Meng Hongchen, they are the most talented young people in the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy, including Mingdetang.

Therefore, Jing Hongchen never asked the two of them to take medicine to practice. Everything was practiced according to the highest standards of the soul master route.

Originally, if Xiao Hongchen wanted to break through to Soul Sage, he would either take medicine and practice like Huo Yuhao did in his previous life, or he could practice normally and achieve Soul Sage smoothly.

But now, after the improvement of the fairy grass, Xiao Hongchen has not only improved his martial soul, but also improved his soul power. If it took Xiao Hongchen more than a year or even two years to become a soul saint before, now, he will become a soul saint in the next step. Before the first Soul Master Competition, you will have the opportunity to practice to level [-].

And when the time comes, Xiao Hongchen will be the youngest Soul Saint-level powerhouse in the Sun and Moon Empire.

A 20-year-old soul saint, and he was not born by taking medicine.

Even among Shrek Academy, it is still the one that can come out on top.

Meng Hongchen was already a Soul King when she participated in the Xingluo Competition. At that time, she was only 14 years old, only two years older than Huo Yuhao.

In terms of talent, Xiao Hongchen and Meng Hongchen are really not bad. Not only are they not bad, they are also very powerful.

Now that he has absorbed the Heartbroken Red, even if Meng Hongchen cannot become a Soul Saint before the Soul Master Competition, he must be very close to level seventy.

Jing Hongchen was extremely happy and couldn't help but take another look at Huo Yuhao. The improvement of soul power was only second, the most important thing was their future potential.

Then, Jing Hongchen looked at the ninth-grade purple zhi in his hand and began to absorb it as well.

After breaking through level 94, his research on level nine soul guides will be further advanced, and his voice in the Sun and Moon Empire will also be expanded.

Even if Xu Tianran had a plan, he would not be able to force him onto the ship.


ontology sect.

After leaving the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy, Huo Yuhao and Snow Emperor immediately came to the Noumenon Sect.

Just like in the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy, the Snow Emperor did not directly follow Huo Yuhao into the Noumenon Sect.

However, the Noumenon Sect disciples who had not seen Huo Yuhao for a long time recognized Huo Yuhao immediately.

During the time that Huo Yuhao stayed in the Noumenon Sect, Du Bushui had already taken Huo Yuhao to see all the disciples of the Noumenon Sect.

In other words, everyone who has seen Poison Immortal has met Huo Yuhao, and they all know that although Huo Yuhao is not a disciple of Poison Immortal, or even a member of the Noumenon Sect, his status is at least the same as Long Aotian.

Even if they don't know Huo Yuhao, they will be more polite to Huo Yuhao as long as he releases the aura of his true martial soul.

In the Noumenon Sect, the aura of the Noumenon Martial Spirit is the proof of identity.

The Noumenon Sect is actually very arrogant and domineering externally, but internally they are as close as a family, and their faces change as quickly as turning the pages of a book.

The news that Huo Yuhao came to the Noumenon Sect was quickly spread to the ears of Du Bushit, who was teaching his disciples.

"Yu Hao is here?" Du Buushi said immediately: "Weina, go and bring Yu Hao."

"Yes, teacher." Suddenly hearing Huo Yuhao's name, Wei Na was also in a daze.

After Huo Yuhao left, she also went to Xuanji Mountain to look for Huo Yuhao, but the news she got was that Huo Yuhao had entered the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy to learn soul guidance tools and had not returned yet.

At that time, she saw a bunch of... well, women with unknown identities in the Ming Cult.

After that, she went back and forth between the Tianhun Empire and the Noumenon Sect.

As the princess of the Tianhun Empire, Wei Na naturally has to think about the Tianhun Empire3. She has been working hard to unite the relationship between the Tianhun Empire royal family and the Noumenon Sect, trying to bind the Noumenon Sect to the Tianhun Royal Family.

Once successful, the Sky Soul Empire will immediately have the same influence as Shrek Academy. Whether it is the Dou Ling Empire, the Star Luo Empire or the Sun and Moon Empire, the Sky Soul Empire must be carefully considered.

But when she thought of Huo Yuhao's Ming Cult, Wei Na felt a little worried.

Wei Na, who has awakened her brain martial soul, is more profound than what she thought for a long time.

Regardless of whether it is the three great empires or the Sun and Moon Empire, the foundation of the country is the nobility.

Huo Yuhao's Ming Cult is obviously more inclined to the Sun Moon Empire's attitude towards civilians.

Even more than that.

Wei Na couldn't help but wonder, did Huo Yuhao want to build a new empire based on his own power in this increasingly violent era?
After all, the Xu family, the current royal family of the Star Luo Empire, came from this way, but they only usurped the throne when the Dai family was weak and faced foreign enemies.

There is no prince born in this generation of Tianhun Empire, there is only one princess, Wei Na.

If he was really together with Huo Yuhao, would Huo Yuhao use the same method to replace him as the royal family of the Tianhun Empire?
After all, the child born to Wei Na and Huo Yuhao can still have half the blood of the royal family. This is a different concept than Huo Yuhao himself becoming a "royal family".

Unknowingly, Wei Na had arrived in the living room.

"Oh, what was I thinking just now..." Wei Na slapped her face to get rid of all her thoughts.

As soon as she entered the door, Wei Na saw Huo Yuhao playing with something that looked like a leather armor, but judging from the size, it didn't look like it was prepared for her.

With some doubts, Wei Na said hello to Huo Yuhao.

"Princess Wei Na." After Huo Yuhao responded, he put away the leather armor and stood up.

Seeing Huo Yuhao approaching her step by step with a smile on his face, Wei Na suddenly felt panicked in her heart, as if her brain's martial spirit was gone, and what she focused on was the pleasure of losing her brain.

"Please take me to find Mr. Du." Huo Yuhao said with a smile.

"Okay... okay." Wei Na rubbed her hands, stretched out her hand and pulled Huo Yuhao toward the back mountain where Du BuShai was.

Back Mountain is a place specially used by Du Bu Shai to train his disciples. Wei Na often travels between Noumenon Sect and Tianhun Empire, and she has always received guidance from Du Bu Shai in Back Mountain.

As the most outstanding young man of this generation, Long Aotian has been giving him guidance and even sparring.

When Wei Na and Huo Yuhao first arrived at the back mountain, they saw Du Bu Shou beating Long Aotian.

Seeing Huo Yuhao and Wei Na coming over, Du Bushui immediately stopped his hand and patted Long Aotian. Long Aotian immediately took back his spirit, sat aside and began to adjust his breathing. "Old Du, do you still remember the opportunity I told you about last time?" Huo Yuhao said with a smile.

Hearing what Huo Yuhao said, Du Bushui immediately thought of what Huo Yuhao had said about the opportunity to advance to Ultimate Douluo.

"You mean..." Du Buushi looked at Huo Yuhao, but he could not sense the fluctuations in Huo Yuhao's soul power at all.

Huo Yuhao took out a piece of grass that was as square as a piece of grass.

"This thing is called Diamond Grass. After absorbing its essence, you can gain the power of King Kong. For Brother Aotian, it complements each other very well. Brother Aotian should be close to the soul saint level now. After taking this grass, he should be able to improve by one level. Super soul power, one step closer to becoming a soul saint."

This golden grass is not among the immortals. The one that is more suitable for Long Aotian is actually the Qirong Tongtian Chrysanthemum. However, there is only one Qirong Tongtian Chrysanthemum. Huo Yuhao still has other uses, so he cannot give it to Long Aotian.

However, the age of this diamond grass is also high, and the effect is not too bad. It is only one step away from the Qiantongtianju. Especially since it was given to Long Aotian, who has not much interaction with Huo Yuhao, it is already treating him well.

The reason why Long Aotian was given one was because Long Aotian was the direct disciple of Poison Immortal.

After all, Poisonous Immortality has helped him a lot, and it doesn't matter if he is given an extra herb.

Du Bushu took the diamond grass and immediately awakened Long Aotian, allowing him to absorb the essence of the diamond grass.

Du BuShai had no doubts about Huo Yuhao's words.

He could feel that the power contained in this diamond grass was indeed closely related to Long Aotian's martial spirit. After absorbing this diamond grass, Long Aotian might be able to take a further step forward in his martial spirit.

Then, Huo Yuhao took out another one, "Looking Through the Autumn Water Dew", explained its usage in detail, and handed it to Wei Na.

Although Looking Through Autumn Water Dew is an immortal herb, it cannot increase soul power, but it is very useful for Vina to develop her mental power.

Moreover, Wei Na's second martial soul is the brain. As a main body martial soul with huge potential, only immortal grass like See Through Autumn Water Dew can improve mental attributes.

Wei Na blankly took the message Huo Yuhao gave her, and couldn't help but feel a little guilty about her previous doubts.

It was obvious that he did not have a deep enough relationship with him, but Huo Yuhao still gave him such a fairy grass that could be called a peerless treasure.

Could it be... is this expressing your feelings to yourself?

Wei Na suddenly jumped out of this idea.

Huo Yuhao had no idea that his human-shaped succubus physique was coming into play again. After he handed the See Through Autumn Water Dew to Wei Na, he said to Du Bu Shou with a serious look on his face: "Old Du, you should pay attention next time."

With that said, Huo Yuhao took out the snow-colored swan kiss.

At this time, the snow-colored swan kiss was completely frozen by the ultimate ice.

"With your strength, you should be able to break my ultimate ice. This fairy grass is called Snow Swan Kiss. ​​Although it is not poisonous in itself, it can multiply toxins."

After hearing Huo Yuhao explain the effect of Snow Swan Kiss, Du Bushu immediately knew what effect this fairy grass had on him.

However, Huo Yuhao has not finished speaking yet.

"However, if Mr. Du wants to improve the 'body' of his original martial soul, I have another kind of fairy grass that can be adapted to you..."

Huo Yuhao had said earlier that unless he had a special physique, the average person could only absorb one fairy grass, but a top master like Du Bushu would even seriously waste the effectiveness of the fairy grass.

After all, whether they are those fairy herbs or lesser ones, their most important function is actually to improve physical fitness and potential.

For someone like Du Bushu, who has already reached the peak of his potential and has an extremely strong physique, he can only use a very small part of the effectiveness of the immortal medicinal herbs.

After all, the ability to poison one's body is still based on the poison of one's own destiny. In the end, he still chooses the snow-colored swan kiss.

As the sun rises and the moon sets, as time goes by, Long Aotian, who was the first to absorb the fairy grass, wakes up first.

He did not release his martial spirit at this moment, but the skin on his body was already a light golden color, with a light golden luster slowly flowing around, which was very strange.

Long Aotian strode to Huo Yuhao and bowed deeply to Huo Yuhao, "There is no way to repay the kindness of rebuilding. If there is an errand in the future, Aotian will not hesitate to do so."

Huo Yuhao waved his hand and said: "I have also been taught by Du Lao. Although I have not become a disciple, I have some kindness. Brother Aotian, as the successor of Du Lao, I have the ability to help, so it is not a big deal."

Long Aotian's eyes flickered, "Teacher should be planning for you to be the next leader of the Noumenon Sect..."

At this time, a soft popping sound suddenly came from Weina's body, and the shadow of the brain martial spirit appeared behind her. At the same time, she also opened her eyes, bright and energetic.

As soon as she woke up, Wei Na stood up excitedly.

Although her brain martial arts has not been qualitatively improved, the improvement is not small, especially her mental power has increased a lot.

The most important thing is that she has a vague feeling that if her brain martial soul awakens for the second time, it will be stronger than the ordinary silver level awakening!
The second awakening is divided into four levels: black iron level, bronze level, silver level, and gold level.

Generally, the second awakening of the martial spirit of the main body is based on the degree of importance. The more important the main body is, the easier it is to awaken a high-level second awakening.

A brain martial spirit like Wei Na will have a silver-level second awakening almost immediately upon awakening.

But now in Wei Na's feeling, it is stronger than the silver level awakening.

Could it be a gold level awakening?
But Vina gave up the idea the next moment.

Du Bushui once told her that under normal circumstances, only when the original soul master reaches the level of Nine-ring Titled Douluo, can he try to awaken at the gold level.

However, the greater the power of the second awakening, the greater the overdraft will be on oneself. When you reach the level of gold level awakening, you may even pay the price of your life force. Even if you are poisonous, you will rarely activate the golden awakening in your life. .

The silver level awakening is basically the peak of the second awakening of the body soul master. Even if there are so many body soul masters in the body sect, there are very few who can activate the silver level awakening.

Looking at it now, her feeling should be stronger than the average silver-level awakening, but it does not exceed the level of gold-level awakening.

It may even reduce the degree of overdraft on the body caused by the second awakening.The overall increase itself is longer.

In her excitement, Wei Na almost ran over, hugged Huo Yuhao, and stamped her with a sudden stamp.

"Thank you, Yuhao." Wei Na whispered.

Almost at the same time, Du Buushi let out a long roar, which almost penetrated the mountain forest and spread throughout the entire Noumenon Sect. There was an extremely powerful aura slowly swaying from his body.

At this time, Wei Na also realized her impulsive move. She got off Huo Yuhao with a red face and stood aside.


(End of this chapter)

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