Chapter 196 Shameless Gu Yuena

A golden soul ring?
Gu Yuena has been sleeping all year round, and her brain is probably confused by sleep, otherwise she wouldn't be a love brain. She doesn't know whether she understands the soul master, but she definitely doesn't know as much as Di Tian.

In Di Tian's impression, this situation almost never happened to soul masters.

In other words, it has appeared before, but it is completely different from Huo Yuhao.

Huo Yuhao's current state looked more like he had permanently changed into a soul ring.

Moreover, twelve soul rings merged into one.

What is this strange change?

Huo Yuhao obviously couldn't answer Di Tian's doubts now. In fact, he was at a critical moment now.

His realm is still at the soul emperor level, and he does have twelve soul skills, but he only has one soul ring left.

After a long time, Huo Yuhao opened his eyes.

The moment Huo Yuhao opened his eyes, both the shadow of the Eternal Eye and the shadow of the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion disappeared, while Huo Yuhao's eyes revealed a divine light, and his golden soul ring shone brightly.

At the same time, Huo Yuhao's body also released a layer of golden light, and the three soul bones were activated in unison.

Contains the Ice Emperor's torso bone with the soul bone scorpion tail attached, and the Snow Emperor's skull.

At this moment, they actually seemed a little illusory, and even Huo Yuhao's body seemed to have become illusory.

Neither Ditian nor Gu Yuenaju could tell what kind of changes Huo Yuhao had experienced at this time. In their perception, Huo Yuhao seemed to be not in this world, but also in this world, which was very strange.

But the problem is that from beginning to end, Huo Yuhao’s realm aura is just that of the Soul Emperor!

This state did not last long, and soon Huo Yuhao returned to his original state, including the golden soul ring, which all disappeared. Huo Yuhao's entire soul power fluctuations also began to disappear, as if he was a man without soul power. Like ordinary people.

"Successful?" Gu Yuena's beautiful eyes flashed slightly and she asked Huo Yuhao.

Huo Yuhao nodded, "Successful, we can let Sister Xiaotao and others come in to receive the spirit transfer ceremony."

"it is good."

Since Huo Yuhao succeeded, for Ma Xiaotao and others, they just need to expose everything to Huo Yuhao with all their heart.

You must completely and completely trust Huo Yuhao before you can complete the spirit transfer ceremony.

After bringing Ma Xiaotao, Xiao Xiao, and Wu Feng in, Ma Xiaotao was the first to perform the spirit transfer ceremony, and the one who concluded the soul contract with her was the Fierce Sun Bird.

Huo Yuhao asked Ma Xiaotao and the Fierce Sun Bird to come to the center of the spirit-transferring array, and recited the incantation again. Countless golden runes wrapped the Fierce Sun Bird and turned it into a red pill, which blended into the center of Ma Xiaotao's eyebrows. middle.

At the same time, Huo Yuhao also used his spiritual power to penetrate into Ma Xiaotao's sea of ​​spiritual consciousness and help Ma Xiaotao obtain soul power.

Finally, under Huo Yuhao's careful operation, the Sun Bird was transformed into an undead spirit by Huo Yuhao, and was separated from Ma Xiaotao's sea of ​​spiritual consciousness.

And Ma Xiaotao has officially become a Soul Saint with the ultimate fire.

With her strength, even if she is just a level 71 soul saint, she can at least defeat the eight-ring Soul Douluo.

Even dealing with some titled Douluo who have just entered the title level is not impossible.

After Ma Xiaotao, there was Wu Feng, who absorbed the soul of the red dragon bear. The fifth soul skill he obtained was somewhat similar to Huo Yuhao's fourth soul skill. It was a defensive skill.

Then there was Xiao Xiao who absorbed the soul of the rock spirit lion.The Red Dragon Bear and the Rock Spirit Lion were also transformed into undead souls by Huo Yuhao, and were separated from the respective spiritual consciousness seas of Wu Feng and Xiao Xiao.

The three of them all successfully absorbed it, leaving only Ling Luochen who needed an ice attribute soul beast as his soul.

The Far North was Huo Yuhao's home field, so there was no need for Di Tian to follow him. Huo Yuhao took Ling Luochen directly to the Far North.

He will also directly convey the spirit to Ling Luochen there.

The environment in the far north may be more beneficial to Ling Luochen, who already possesses the ultimate ice.


far north.

"Sister Xiaotao, you also have the seventh soul ring. Although you can go deep into this far north, you are the ultimate fire after all, so you will still be affected. Why do you have to follow me?"

Huo Yuhao said helplessly.

"Isn't Gu Yuena here too? Why don't you ask her?" Ma Xiaotao snorted.

"He and I have a special contract." Gu Yuena said calmly.

"I'm still his first person." Ma Xiaotao curled her lips disdainfully.

"You're not pretending anymore, are you?" Ling Luochen looked at Ma Xiaotao, "Dong'er told me that when we were at Shrek Academy, you took Huo Yuhao away all night long. It seems that you gave him to him as early as that time. Eat it dry and wipe it clean."

Huo Yuhao was a little helpless, Gu Yuena was okay, but Ma Xiaotao and Ling Luochen were simply born to be difficult to deal with. Even the martial spirits were ice and fire, especially after absorbing the immortal products, they also had the ultimate attributes. One is fire and the other is ice, even more difficult to deal with.

How could he not know the reason why Ma Xiaotao insisted on following her out this time? One was because she couldn't deal with Ling Luochen, so she had to come out and have a few words with her. The other was because she was afraid that Ling Luochen would take advantage of this opportunity to steal something secretly. .

There was no Shura farm around him, but there were several slaughterhouses, all waiting to slaughter his elite soldiers.

If it weren't for the Golden Dragon King's divine core and the ice and fire body refining to make the inner and outer adamantine, it really wouldn't be able to withstand such high-intensity oppression.

The one Huo Yuhao chose for Ling Luochen was an ice jade scorpion whose life span was about to expire. It was currently carrying them to the Snow Emperor's territory.

For Ling Luochen, who has the left arm bone of the Ice Jade Scorpion and the ultimate ice martial soul, the Ice Jade Scorpion is undoubtedly the most suitable soul beast.

However, in order to avoid being disturbed, it is still necessary to go to the Ice God Palace to carve the spirit transfer circle again.

Soon, the Snow Emperor's vast territory and the tall Ice God Palace appeared in front of everyone, and the Ice God Lake, which never freezes, was also calm.

After skillfully shaping the magic circle and transmitting the spirit to Ling Luochen, and then transforming the ice jade scorpion that had turned into a soul into an undead spirit, Ling Luochen also successfully promoted to become the Soul Emperor.

But compared with Huo Yuhao, Ling Luochen's joy could not help but dissipate most of it.

After all, Huo Yuhao is too perverted.

In the last Soul Master Competition in Star Luo City, Shrek Academy’s two soul emperors, Ma Xiaotao and Dai Yueheng, led several soul kings to participate. If it hadn’t been for what happened in the Mingdou Mountains, there would have been almost no champions in the Soul Master Competition. There is no possibility that the flower will fall to someone else.

Gu Yuena didn't know if she was being thick-skinned. After Huo Yuhao completed the entire soul-transferring ceremony, she gently came to Huo Yuhao's side, exhaled like blue, and said in a charming voice: "Yuhao, replenish the soul~"


(End of this chapter)

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