Douluo: The Restart of Huo Yuhao, the Peerless

Chapter 267 1 Million Gold Soul Coins and the Dragon Girl

Chapter 267 One Hundred Million Gold Soul Coins and the Dragon Girl

Of course, in order to appease the other two underground forces, after the Xishui Alliance completely controls the smuggling of rare metals, it will also allocate some of the underground territory it controls to the other two underground forces.

Not only all the competing soul masters, but also Huang Zheng, the more stable disciple of the third elder, did not understand these secret games.

The host had no idea that he had caused a fatal disaster. With a smile on his face, he led the heads of the three major forces to the center of the competition stage and said to everyone: "Now let us invite the three presidents to serve as the leaders of this session. Contest speech.”

Although Nangong Wan has sentenced the host to death in his heart, he will not show it on the surface.

Immediately following the host's words, Nangong Wan said a few words before taking a step back and giving up his position to the other two.

The president of the Aodu Chamber of Commerce glanced at Nangong Wan and said with a smile: "The leader of Nangong seems to be very confident, but I also have absolute confidence in the contestants representing our Aodu Chamber of Commerce. "

"Here, I would like to express my position to everyone. On behalf of the Aodu Chamber of Commerce, I will bet [-] million gold soul coins on them. As long as one of them can win this game, then the [-] million gold soul coins will bring All the proceeds will belong to him.”

After a pause, the president of the Aodu Chamber of Commerce said solemnly: "After the game is over, I will cash it in immediately."

As soon as these words came out, almost all the audience gasped. This is [-] million gold soul coins!
The Aodu Chamber of Commerce has spent a lot of money this time. Even for the Aodu Chamber of Commerce, [-] million gold soul coins is not a small amount, because this is directly used funds.

After the president of the Aodu Chamber of Commerce finished speaking, he took a step back just like Nangong Wan, ignoring Nangong Wan's somewhat ugly expression.

The leader of the Ordinary Alliance, Shangguan Weier, also chuckled lightly at this time and stepped forward.

"It seems that both of you are full of confidence. Naturally, the little girl can't lag behind others." Shangguan Weier said with a smile, "Our Ordinary League is not as wealthy as the Aodu Chamber of Commerce, but our Ordinary League The alliance is full of beauties."

"Of course, these beauties are of no use to our girls. But aren't beauties also a resource?"

Having said this, Shangguan Weier, the leader of the Ordinary Alliance, did not feel anything at all about his words. Instead, she started to giggle, showing off her charm.

Nana, who was standing next to Huo Yuhao, couldn't help frowning, and she also had some grudges against the entire Ordinary League and the three female soul mentors who represented the Ordinary League in the competition.

Just like Meng Hongchen felt that Zhu Lu was Dai Huabin's soulless tool and vassal, Nana also felt that Shangguan Weier who said such words really had no humanity at all.

But think about it, the Ordinary League already controls most of the underground porn industry. It may indeed be a common thing for them to regard their bodies as resources, or to be regarded as a resource by others.

If Dai Mubai, the God of War, Ma Hongjun, the Phoenix God, and Oscar, the God of Cookery, in the God Realm were still "childish at heart" at this moment, they would definitely regard Shangguan Weier as their confidants and talk to each other.

This view coincides with theirs.

As early as 1 years ago when they were still in Shrek Academy, the three of them reached a common understanding of this. Even after Zhu Zhuqing and others came later, they still did not change.

It's just that they will never remember the female student of Canghui College who was insulted by them in the Star Forest ten thousand years ago, and the classmates who helped her stand up.

On the round competition stage, Shangguan Weier seemed to be a little tired from standing. She swayed slightly and then said: "We from the Ordinary League will take out three dragon girl slaves with ancient blood as bets. , if any of our soul masters wins the final championship, the equivalent value of these three dragon girls will be given to the winner." "They all still have virgin Yuan Yin!"

Whether it is the [-] million gold soul coins of the Aodu Chamber of Commerce or the three dragon girls of the Ordinary League, they are all betting on the position of champion.

In other words, no matter who wins the championship, as long as he places a heavy bet, he will receive an additional [-] million gold soul coins and rare metals from the Aodu Chamber of Commerce in addition to the ninth-level soul guide and rare metals as the championship reward. The three dragon girls who took the Ordinary Alliance as bets.

However, the Xishui League's nine-level custom-installed soul-guided cannonballs are only bets on the three contestants of the Xishui League. If none of the three contestants can win the championship, these nine-level custom-installed soul-guided cannonballs will naturally be lost. That’s what no one can get.

But Nangong Wan couldn't help but explain the reward right now, and he couldn't help but feel secretly resentful in his heart.

In this case, it was as if the Xishui League was afraid of the Aodu Chamber of Commerce and the Ordinary League!

But fortunately, both An Litong and Shangguan Weier are betting their money on the championship. As long as they, the Xishui Alliance, also place heavy bets, they can get a share of the pie.

Moreover, Nangong Wan had already had the foresight to show Huo Yuhao and Huang Zheng the level nine custom-made soul-guided artillery shells in advance.

Just when Shangguan Wei'er proposed to use three dragon girls as a bet, there was a lot of discussion among the audience.

Some people obviously know what the Dragon Girl is, while others are a little confused, but the host Lu Qi, who is from the Ordinary League, has already explained the role of the Dragon Girl.

The so-called dragon girl is actually a special creature that is half human and half beast, just like the wolf thieves that occasionally wreak havoc in the Star Luo Empire.

But unlike the wolf bandits, the dragon girls are all in the form of extremely beautiful women, but their bodies are covered with scales, with the exception of their faces.

When the dragon girl enters the estrus period, the scales on her body will disappear. At this time, the dragon girl will not only fully display her stunning beauty, but also become a very unique cauldron.

If a human has deep emotional communication with her at this time, she can absorb the essence of dragon blood in the dragon girl's body, completely change her physique, and let her blood have a trace of dragon blood.

If you are very lucky, you can also promote your martial soul to directly produce a benign evolution on the original basis, but the degree of evolution varies from person to person.

With such a magical effect, the number of dragon girls is naturally extremely rare and very difficult to catch.

And if you want to capture the Dragon Girl, you have to pay a price. The first person to capture the Dragon Girl will be infected by the curse of bad luck that the Dragon Girl possesses, and will definitely die.

The Ordinary Alliance was able to find three dragon girls, but their value was no less than the "gold content" of the [-] million gold soul coins from the Aodu Chamber of Commerce.


(End of this chapter)

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