I Am Gwen's Spider-Man Mentor.

Chapter 27 Stark's Return of the King

Chapter 27 Stark's Return of the King

In the vast Gobi desert of Afghanistan, a lonely figure is struggling forward.

Tony Stark threw down another piece of shoulder armor with difficulty, and the heat wave in the desert seemed to materialize in front of his eyes, making the world he saw a bit ghostly like a double image.Heat rose from the soles of his feet and climbed to the tip of his hair. He only felt that every part of his body was burning hot, as if he had been thrown into a boiler to burn.

"Damn it..." Tony's body wobbled, and he snapped off another piece of shoulder armor and threw it under his feet.Now he began to regret why he didn't bring some water out of the cave, "When I go back, I must drink some Coke!"

"No, eat some cheeseburgers first!" Tony hammered his left chest, trying to wake himself up again, his throat was dry and sore as if it had been branded with a branding iron.He actually felt pain in the back of his head, maybe it was the effect of being busy and sleepless for many days, he only felt that his heart was about to hit the glowing thing in his chest and jump out.

Thinking of this, Tony Stark glanced down at the Ark's arc shock reactor in his chest, coughed hard a few times, and rubbed his dry throat—he couldn't die yet, he couldn't die here, he couldn't die Waste the fate entrusted to him by Dr. Ethan, and he can no longer live like in the past.

The feasting lights, the woman's body, the resplendent golden cave, the concerned eyes of the tall blond assistant, Jarvis's concerned voice with a mechanical taste, Obadiah's beard, that morning, the morning when his parents left him... Tony Stark's life began to rewind before his eyes like a revolving lantern.

At this moment when life and death are intertwined, he should focus on survival, but his thoughts have drifted to a distant place—he began to think about the value of life and his own value, and he began to think of the blueprints he had drawn, his own Polished mechanical parts, staying up all night in the laboratory... He has had a fanatical love for machinery since he was a child, and he seems to be able to feel the warmth that man could not give him between those cold metal parts.

That man...damn it!Tony's head started hurting again, he was always trying to get away from himself, it seemed that no matter how good he was doing, he couldn't please him.But Mommy... Mommy died, so am I going to see Mommy now?
Tony Stark's thoughts were already messed up, and he thought of that dark cave again, when he naively asked Ethan to "act according to the plan", in fact, he knew in his heart that at that time, one person needed to make a sacrifice , he just didn't want to face the possibility.

Tony Stark is a child spoiled by everyone, a real zero-responsibility class, he is too naive to face the truth of the world, people think he is the CEO of Stark Industries is a prodigal son, But only he himself knew that it was completely arranged by Obadiah.

Obadiah... Stark Industries... why did the weapons they made themselves appear in the hands of those bastards.Tony Stark wanted to spit out a mouthful of phlegm, but found that he couldn't even squeeze out a mouthful of saliva. He blankly "hoo hoo" for a long time, but finally found that the flesh on his dry throat was vibrating That's all.

"It's still not right, you should drink Coke first!" In a daze, Tony fell to the ground, but he also made a decision-no one can stop him from going back to the United States, going to heaven, or even going to hell. Drink a bottle of coke.

In a trance, it seemed as if heaven had come, and the quadrotor helicopter came down from the sky, as if the rotor was not moving, but the helicopter was moving, and then three... or five James Rhodes ran towards him at the same time, he The camouflage uniforms he was wearing were ugly and tasteless.And that Kevlar helmet, which makes his head look really big, and the windshield is like the compound eyes of a fly.

Tony tried to get up, and then he fell in a circle.His body fell on the soft and hot sand, and he actually felt comfortable—as if all parts of his body had lost the ability to sense temperature, and now he just wanted to lie down, lie down...

"Hey!" Colonel Rhodes slapped his face, "Tony, wake up, don't fall asleep!"

"Hey, Rhodes, am I in heaven?" Tony smiled silly, like a creature called a silly roe deer.

"Don't sit on the Humvee next time, sit on the boring Humvee, okay?" Colonel Rhodes teased Stark while touching Stark's forehead and checking his injuries.

"I'll never ride a Humvee again!" was Tony Stark's last thought before his consciousness fell into darkness.

----split line----

On the white composite wooden tabletop, golden hairs gathered together in twos and threes, presenting another tragic topic about mathematics.

"Friends will betray you, life will deceive you, but math will not, and if you can't do math, you won't."

When Gwen Stacy bit her pen and buried her head in a daze at a formula at her workstation, she suddenly caught a somewhat unusual sentence in the far corner of the laboratory - in the past, this laboratory only had various crackling keyboard sounds, or various It was the voice of technicians and associate professors discussing complex technical issues, but Gwen heard a small exclamation today.

Just as Gwen, who was immersed in mathematics and was about to tear off all his golden hair, realized what the exclamation might represent, the small exclamation turned into a volcanic eruption in a short time.Those science and engineering nerds suddenly jumped up and cheered, and their clothes and books were thrown almost to the ceiling.

Unlike Raymond Xu, Gwen Stacy hasn't seen this group of engineering geeks go crazy about what or who is going crazy - after the laboratory has a beautiful lady, even the most dissolute technical nerd I have restrained a lot, and I can still spray perfume every day before coming to work.

But Gwen only felt that the smell of cologne made him sick—these nerds were desperate when they were lazy, and they were really epic when they were pretentious.

The girl pulled the golden hair on her head again, and was about to stand up and ask what happened, when she saw the closed office door on her right suddenly opened, and Raymond came out from inside, with a solemn expression on his face. look at her.

Almost as soon as she saw the face, Gwen understood what Raymond meant.The girl lowered her head slightly and looked up at the professor with some inquiries and prayers: "I guess, your boss is back?"

"Yes." Raymond nodded emphatically, "It's safe to say, he's back."

"What are you going to do?" Gwen put the pen on the table, stood up, and frowned at Raymond.

Seeing the serious look of the girl, Raymond's brows relaxed.He chuckled a few times, with an indescribable taste in his eyes, and then he said with confidence: "Since Nathan has sent what I want, the next step is of course to meet him. The Air Force C-17 will be here soon, Gwen, do you want to take a break today?"

"I don't want to see Stark, the war madman." Gwen curled her lips to express her disdain. Although Raymond reminded her many times that Tony Stark might become a pacifist, but thinking of those Gwen felt even more angry about the person who had paid the price of his life irresponsibly.

"No, it's just a vacation. You can go shopping in New York. I'm going to California."

----split line----

Tony Stark stood up with the help of Colonel James Lord, his right arm was in a plaster cast, and he walked with a limp.

Raymond looked at Pepper Potts standing in front of him on the right. Even from the side and rear perspective, through the flying hair, he could still see the red corners of the woman's eyes and the trembling hands .He shrugged, and it really was the true love heroine who turned Tony Stark's prodigal son back. With this companionship and sincerity, it was not comparable to other "garbage" brought home by Tony.

In the roar of the F110 and F117 engines at the military airport, Raymond heard Tony and Pepper share the joy of survival after the catastrophe. Pepper used "I hate looking for a job" as an excuse to cover up his worries clumsily— —Tony is obviously happy to see his assistant too, but he obviously has other things to do now.

"The vacation is over and we have work to do," Raymond heard his boss say.

"Tony, you should listen to Raymond's opinion. Stark Industries was in a mess when you were away." Pepper breathed in to stop her crying, and pointed to Ray who was standing behind her. Mond: "Mr. Obadiah's brutal reorganization has caused confusion within Stark Industries. If it weren't for Raymond, I don't know what to do."

"Raymond?" Tony was surprised, he looked at this young genius with limited intersection: "What happened to the company?"

Raymond intentionally made his face look serious and his voice low. He took two steps forward and replied, "Boss, everyone is waiting for you to come back. Let's get in the car and talk."

Very few people can get in Tony Stark's car, not even a close friend like Colonel James Lord.But today, Tony looked at Raymond's solemn eyes, and nodded vigorously: "Someone should tell me what happened inside Stark Industries."

When several people sat in the car together, Raymond took out the documents in his briefcase and handed them to Stark.

Tony looked at the document handed over by Raymond, with the logo of the Office of the Director of Intelligence painted on it, and after opening it, he discovered that it was Stark Industries' weapons delivery records and transaction documents.These things have been recorded by the intelligence department for a long time - Stephanie handed these records to Nathan, and then asked Nathan to leak them to Xu, so naturally she had her intentions.

"Xu—" Tony's voice was unprecedentedly dignified, "Who is selling our weapons to those thugs?"

 I was shocked to hear that Gwen Spider, the original form of massacre next door, deleted the book. If it is because plagiarism cannot be resolved, I can only say... (omit swear words).

  After all, Gwen in that book was actually pretty good.

  The other is to try to attract some readers who have no books to read~ Everyone can recommend~
  Group number 635112825

(End of this chapter)

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