I Am Gwen's Spider-Man Mentor.

Chapter 50 Gwen's Worries (1)

Chapter 50 Gwen's Worries (1)
Finally it was the turn of Raymond Xu's class again. Gwen walked through the teaching building worryingly, but did not find that Felicia Hardy behind her had followed.

"Hey!" Felicia tapped Gwen's right shoulder, and then appeared on the left of the blonde girl, "Gwen, what are you doing?"

Ignoring Catwoman's teasing, Spider-Woman glanced to her left side expressionlessly: "Miss Hardy, what do you want?"

"Don't be like this, my Miss Gwen." Felicia slipped to Gwen's right again quietly like a cat.The silver-haired woman's voice was charming and soft, which was in stark contrast to Gwen's blunt question: "Are you going to Professor Xu's class?"

Gwen replaced her own answer with silence.

As if unaware of Gwen's indifference, Felicia smiled and narrowed her eyes to convey her guess to Gwen: "That's great, I think Professor Xu pays attention to you~"

Gwen's complexion became even colder. A girl who was in the midst of a pregnancy turmoil would not listen to such provocations—of course, if it was any strange man, she would retort, but precisely because it was Raymond Xu , she could only keep silent.

"You have to know how many people almost kneel outside his office to beg him now." Felicia and Gwen spoke in a frivolous tone, which made Gwen even more impatient.

Just as the blond girl was about to refute and leave, Felicia shrugged again and gave her a somewhat startling rumor: "Do you know how many people envy you for being able to enter Professor Xu's laboratory? They can't get it." This opportunity, it seems... you treat Professor Xu very differently~"

"Nonsense!" Gwen finally couldn't help but stop, turned to Felicia who was facing her, and emphasized, "There is no such thing!"

"Really?" Felicia turned to Gwen like a weak and boneless cat, "Do you really think that his attention to you is not excessive, it is normal, and it is completely the teacher's love for the students? "

The blond girl's calm complexion was already turbulent, but she still remained indifferent and silent, responding to Felicia Hardy's teasing and unreasonable speculation with an attitude of refusal.

As the bell rang for class, the girl entered the classroom with mixed feelings.

----split line----

"As I said, the common working line is the key data for the operation of the gas turbine. Based on the common working line and the constant speed line, we can determine the specific working parameters of the gas turbine under different working conditions. In addition, the common working line can also help us determine surge area so that anti-surge measures are properly implemented in the compressor. That concludes my presentation, thank you all."

Gwen Stacy closed her PPT, the girl took a step back, looked around the room, and there was no sound.She just habitually stood in a cross-step shape, standing on the podium like a ballet dancer, with an elegant and flawless demeanor.

Frankly speaking, although Gwen's upper body development is not as prominent as the lower body, but sometimes this also adds a bit of pleasing to the eyes of girls who are used to showing people with dance and gymnastic postures-such as the present.

"Pa-pa-pa--" The professor sitting in the front row applauded, he stood up, turned to the students in the back row, his eyes were full of encouragement--

Seeing Raymond Xu's eyes, the students applauded one after another.In an instant, applause resounded throughout the audience, encircling the slim girl standing on the stage.Gwen took a deep breath. Logically speaking, it should be a great honor to be praised in public by her teacher, but there was no trace of joy on her face.

The girl's face was stiff, and she couldn't even see a trace of emotion.

"For this presentation and defense, the results of Gwen Stacy are the best." Raymond Xu raised his voice and commented on his students, "Only she has considered the calculation of thermal parameters under variable working conditions." , and calculated the temperature and pressure of the nozzle section correctly, others..."

The professor's eyes turned into falcon-like eyes in an instant, looking around the audience sharply.Immediately afterwards, he issued a death sentence: "All wrong!"

The students all bowed their heads. In fact, Raymond Xu had instructed his teaching assistant to send an e-mail to every student in this class, reminding them of the mistakes in the homework. The students, the proud sons of heaven, feel ashamed.

"But I'm going to give you a chance to correct your mistakes." — After all, the old man is not a devil!Raymond smiled and looked around the audience, "There is no need to show the defense, just send the calculation homework to my mailbox, and the handwritten classmates will scan it."

Gwen stood on the podium without looking sideways, and occasionally looked at the back of her mentor's vigorous head.She was almost ashamed and wanted to lower her head, but the girl's emotions were smoldering with anger - he had instructed her in advance for this homework!
In other words, when Gwen Stacy participated in this presentation defense, she and others were no longer on the same starting line, and there was no fair competition between them—the reprimands received by all the students sitting in the audience, Their anxieties and worries about failing the exam should be shared with them.

But now standing on the podium, I was set up as a typical praise, and everyone regarded myself as a model of a good student.

Gwen Stacy is not used to lying, let alone playing a role that does not belong to her through lying and cheating. Raymond's spare no effort to praise can only make the blonde girl standing proudly on the podium at this moment Feel guilty and flustered.

The bell for the end of get out of class finally rang, and Raymond still said "end of get out of class" in the same rhythm as the first class he saw him.Gwen watched all the students disperse in a rush, but took a breath, maintained her posture, and continued to stand behind the desk, waiting for the classroom to be vacated.

Students rushing to class quickly emptied the classroom.Raymond looked back, he knew that Gwen hadn't left, and he could guess that Gwen had something to say to himself.

"Professor Lei... Xu." When the words came to her lips, Gwen finally changed her address, hoping to make her attitude more businesslike: "Although my calculations are indeed fine, but... if it wasn't for your reminder , I don’t think I’m right either.”

"Do you mean that you think it's unfair to other students?" Raymond asked directly after pondering for a while.

The girl nodded with relief: "I don't want to get more attention from you than others in class, after all, I'm just your student, and you're just my tutor, the class should be a place where teachers pay equal attention to all students. "

Gwen bit "just" into an accent, as if it was a deliberate reminder.

"As your mentor, I have to extend my hand to give you a hand when you are on the verge of failing the exam." Raymond responded to Gwen's question without changing his expression, "An unwritten article The Science paper may allow you to explain your lateness and early departure, but if you don’t have enough credits, even I can’t let you graduate. You don’t want to be dismissed by the school, Miss Stacy.”

Gwen pursed her lips and lowered her head slightly. Although the girl was aware of her hidden chatterbox attributes, chatterbox and sharp-tongued teeth were two different things after all—Gwen Stacy, who was inexperienced and inexperienced, had never Fished well under Raymond Xu.

But Felicia Hardy's questioning still made Gwen Stacy feel angry and worried. If she didn't clarify the question clearly, Gwen didn't intend to just let Professor Xu go.The girl's brows were about to knit together, she lowered her voice and asked the professor: "Then you treat me like this only because we are..."

Gwen bit her lip, and said the following words: "Is my friend... care and care?"

Ben looked helplessly at Professor Xu, who had a tangled and awkward face on the blond girl's face, and was a little flustered for a while—but the professor controlled his expression well, and he turned around to tidy himself up and put him on the desk The teaching aids and books on the table answered Gwen: "Yes, in addition to the teacher's love for the students, there is also the care among friends."

Gwen took a step forward, as if it was Raymond's admission that made her feel reasonable, or it might be that the worst situation has been avoided at the moment, the girl raised her volume slightly: "In class, I'm just your student , you are just my teacher, there is nothing else, so don't give me more..."

Speaking of this, Gwen was surprised that her tone was a bit blunt, so she carefully controlled her end sound, and her voice became softer: "Are you okay?"

As if the pause button was pressed on the video, Raymond paused for a few seconds while packing up the teaching aids, but then the professor turned his back to her and replied, "Okay, it's just the teacher and the students."

The two packed up their teaching aids and books and walked out of the classroom side by side. This class was the last class on Friday afternoon. Many students who had no class had already gone out to enjoy their weekend. A few "book kings" also occupied the dormitory or the library early. Good location.The school was rarely empty.

Beside Gwen, Raymond Xu no longer chatted and laughed with the girl, the professor just had a serious expression, and resumed his proper demeanor of a tenured professor.This made Gwen feel depressed. After a while, the girl's cold voice came: "Also, Raymond..."

About to call out the word "Raymond", Gwen remembered what she said just now, so she changed her address: "Mr. Tutor, about what I asked you before..."

"What's the matter?" Raymond's tone of response seemed a little blunt, perhaps because the young professor also realized that he shouldn't get too close to a student. In short, Gwen couldn't hear the slightest emotion from it.

"About my scandal...that matter." Gwen lowered her head, biting her lips and hesitating, but thinking of her question, the girl became tough again: "Have you already thought about how to deal with it?"

(End of this chapter)

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