I Am Gwen's Spider-Man Mentor.

Chapter 82 Jin Bing's Sarcasm

Chapter 82 Jin Bing's Sarcasm

"Ahaha, hehe." Jin Bin looked at Gwen, who was on alert, and laughed, "Of course I won't do anything to him."

"Why did you save me?" The girl didn't relax her guard.

"Saving you will make the CEO of Stark Industries owe me a favor that I have to pay back." Jin Bin took a puff of his cigar and answered Gwen in a clouded voice.

Gwen lowered her head, the girl knew that she had caused trouble for Raymond, she gritted her teeth: "What do you want? I won't turn a blind eye to your crime just because you saved me."

"Then just come and hit me." Jin didn't look at Gwen, he just waved at the girl as if he didn't care: "Anyway, you are insignificant, a spider like you, my servant will kill him every day Double digits."

Gwen fell silent, she didn't quite understand what Jin Bin meant, is Spider Woman...not worth mentioning to Jin Bin?

"I'm just doing business for the major shareholders who control this country." Kingpin shrugged and decided to explain his words more clearly: "Your 'vigilante behavior' is actually very useful to me. Because I can get more resources from those shareholders to use against you."

When it comes to "on you," King pointed at Gwen in a fighting pose with a cigar, as if Spider-Woman was just a ridiculous buffoon in his eyes.

"Aren't you afraid..." Gwen wanted to hand over the Kingpin to the New York Police Department or the District Attorney, but then she thought of the Kingpin's cooperation with the NYPD and even the FBI. When the words came to her lips, the girl decided to change them to be more intimidating. Li Xie: "Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

"Kill me?" Jin Bin seemed to have heard the funniest joke, "Kill the biggest philanthropist in New York, and then be wanted by the entire NYPD, and be dragged into the water with your baby mentor?"

Gwen Stacy, who usually has sharp teeth, was actually speechless by Kingpin at this time - the obese man pinched her soft spot named Raymond Xu, and moved upwards Kick hard.

"However—" Seemingly determined to carry out the psychological blow to Gwen to the end, Jin made up for it again: "Even if you try harder, it will be meaningless to me and the entire underground empire in New York."

Jin Bing's voice fell, and Gwen's figure shook for a while—the girl suddenly thought of her "interviewers". Most of the people who could come to interview Spiderwoman volunteers did not want to help Others don't even care what Spider-Woman did... What about most ordinary people in New York City?
"Whether it makes sense or not is up to you!" After a while, Gwen was still unconvinced.

"Gwen Stacy." Jin emphasized the girl's name again, "Your value is nothing more than a political transaction."

“You yourself—” Kingpin repeated, “are worthless!”

"All of your self-righteousness and so-called crime-fighting is nothing in the eyes of me, New York City, Congress and Wall Street."

"We even want to thank you. With you, more idiots are willing to be harvested by us, because they think they can expect a Spider-Woman to uphold justice—haha!"

Jin Bin laughed heartily, and snapped his fingers incidentally: "By the way, this is why, saving you is more valuable to me than killing you."

After the man finished speaking, he turned around and left without looking back.And the construction team he brought seemed to ignore the existence of the spider girl, shuttling back and forth in the already messy large construction site, collecting the broken bricks and tiles together, and trying to make it a planned directional blasting. look.

Gwen looked at the direction Kingpin left, and the breath that had been held in her chest was finally exhaled with a long breath. She even felt a little turbid in her lungs.

The blonde girl's brows were frowned sadly, her shoulders that were always standing proudly collapsed, her arms were drooping, and her whole body became listless.

For a spider girl who is full of justice, what could be more ironic than being rescued by her enemy?

It was your enemy who told you that he saved you because he had other agendas, that it meant nothing to him whether you lived or died, and that what you did meant nothing to him.

He is like a parent dealing with a bear child, finally showing the fangs of adult society to the bear child, a sophomore girl, Gwen Stacy.

"Even if you try harder, it's meaningless to me and the entire underground empire in New York."

The blond girl's brain was buzzing as if being hit by Hong Zhong Dalu. Gwen, who had just escaped from life and death, felt weak all over at this moment——she stumbled back a few steps, and then was hit by a lump Out of the stone tripping.

When the girl's body fell, she felt that the whole world was spinning. To herself in a trance, the whole world seemed to have lost its meaning. Spider Woman and everything that Spider Woman represented became illusory.

Richard Brown, the ordinary man he had tried to save, became Kimbin's executioner; I even personally rescued myself, saying that he was just a favor to sell to Raymond Xu...

"My God——" the fallen girl looked up at the sky wearily and lamented——I can't even tell what is right and what is wrong, what is an enemy, and what is a friend!
Her eyelids gradually became heavy, and fatigue climbed from the girl's limbs to her brain.Gwen finally spread her arms and fell asleep deeply in the ruins.

The surrounding workers completely ignored the presence of the ghost spider, and they completed the work assigned by Kingpin expressionlessly.The wind swept away the last ray of summer heat in New York, and brought the first ray of autumn—a fallen leaf whirled over the heads of lying girls and busy workers.

Until the leaf was blown to pieces by another airflow—the airflow from the propeller of a remote-controlled helicopter modified from an electric toy, with a small camera hanging on it.

Looking at the girl in the black and white battle suit who was rescued from the ruins by Jin Bing and lying down after talking with Jin Bing, the Punisher's brow became more serious:
"Sure enough."

The man lowered his voice and said dullly.

----split line----

In the lake of saliva and bodily fluids reflecting the afterglow of the setting sun and the dim light of the street lamps, faces emerged from under the surface of the lake.Gwen Stacy, who was wearing a spider suit, was stuck in the middle by a big net, and the girl's hands and feet were tied up, watching helplessly as she got closer and closer to the rising lake.


Gwen Stacy opened her eyes suddenly, the girl's breathing rhythm was rapid and chaotic, her forehead was covered with sweat, and two or three strands of golden bangs were wetly glued to her head.

Gwen tried to adjust her breathing to regain her vision—then the girl saw the white ceiling of the hospital.Maybe it was the scars caused by the battle, maybe it was superimposed on the many days of hard work for the Spider Woman Forum, Gwen is now quite overworked.

But thinking of what happened before she passed out, the blond girl's body twisted uncomfortably. She was worried that more people would know her identity as a ghost spider, so she tried to stand up again and leave, try to resist and escape—— Then the girl's hand touched a furry head.

Gwen was horrified and quickly looked to the side, only to see a familiar figure - Raymond lying asleep next to her bed.

Somehow, seeing Raymond, the girl no longer worried that her identity would be exposed, she felt relieved, and leaned against the pillow behind her - at this time Gwen no longer thought about her own affairs, but just wanted to let Raymond gets more sleep.

But the blond girl's swaying movements still woke up the black-haired man who was lying on his stomach in a light sleep on the bed—Raymond woke up leisurely, saw Gwen writhing in front of him, and chuckled: "Do you feel How about it?"

Gwen wanted to answer "Not bad", but when she spoke, she remembered what Jin Dui said to herself - "You are just a favor I want to give him." Somehow, thinking of this sentence, the girl was a little dumbfounded. I froze.

Just after waking up from a coma, Gwen couldn't tell whether the building, the explosion, the escape, Jin He saved herself and what Jin He said was a crazy dream or not—but Raymond spoke immediately:

"The people from Jinbin called me, and I asked them to send you to the designated hospital of Stark Industries. You don't have to worry about the news leaking out." Raymond poured a glass of water for Gwen, and handed it to the girl .

The girl glanced at Raymond secretly, then turned away awkwardly, and instead of answering Raymond's question, she asked instead, "When did you come back?"

"It's almost over in South Korea. When I heard that something happened to you, I flew back immediately and came directly to the hospital after getting off the plane." Raymond replied patiently.

The girl's heart felt a little warm, she could see that Raymond was still full of travel and dust—he hadn't slept for about ten hours, and he didn't notice that the dark circles under his eyes were so heavy that they almost looked like a panda.Raymond's hair was also disheveled, and the stubble on his face and chin had also grown, making his complexion a bit blue, and the suit that was always soft and close-fitting on weekdays became wrinkled.

Seeing this, Gwen felt a little distressed, and wanted to put her hand on his hand—but after moving her hand, the girl withdrew her hand awkwardly, turned her face away, and said nothing.

Raymond's hand gently held the girl's slender forearm. Gwen only felt that his skin was so cold and his hand was so warm.Then he said, "Can you tell me what happened?"

Gwen wanted to move her wrist to pull her hand out, but found that she couldn't move her wrist—she didn't know whether it was because she didn't want to move or her body was too weak, but in the end, the girl didn't do anything, and she didn't answer anything.

"Did Kingpin do anything to you? Did he attack you?" Raymond asked next - there was fatigue in his voice, but more urgent with concern.

"You said -" Gwen looked out the window, not looking back at Raymond beside the bed: "Does what I do make sense?"

(End of this chapter)

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